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Everything posted by Kloster

  1. Except that p248 only speaks of the offensive use, in order to 'overcome a Countermagic or Shield spell, or other magical defenses'. This is why I proposed to change the ruling p 248 to 'This is typically done to overcome a Countermagic or Shield spell, or other magical defenses. The boosting MP count both to pierce magical protection and to resist dispel/dismiss'. This would avoid any ambiguity like the one we are discussing now (again), but would not avoid having people houseruling it, if only to avoid the bookkeeping.
  2. I have not said 'someone that frees you in exchange of POW' but 'thanking somebody for purchasing you with the sole goal to free you'. The guy buys you, then frees you without asking anything in exchange (One of my character already did it in an old RQ3 campaign). Then, you thank him by giving POW to an enchant he is just performing.
  3. like 'thanking somebody for purchasing you with the sole goal to free you'?
  4. Kloster


    Thanks Nick. This is the perfect answer to the question I have asked. I hear your warning (not related to this case because I have clearly explained I just want to recreate my old character with the new rules, not play it). I have already done it and I had much fun.
  5. Kloster


    Thanks David. But I don't have anything from HW/HQ era, except for 'Deluxe Herowars'. This is why we reverted to 'River of Craddles' and 'Genertela'. Thanks Jeff. I conclude from what you and Nick are saying that a Carmanian sorceror would have to be built on Malkioni rules more than on Lunar sorcery rules.
  6. Sure. This is why I said it has to be the last prep of an ambush, or more properly the first attack. After somebody receives an unwanted spell, the whole party knows an attack is in progress. Same reason for me. You have in addition to remember by how much points each spell has been boosted. In addition, shamans and some sorcerors become impossible to attack magically because their spells are impossible to dispel.
  7. Your memory is good. Yes, pure conjecture. I was looking for something as a base price, and is the only source I found. I don't think so, because you need to pay the enchanter for his work and you need to pay for the object. If you don't, a horse bone with protection 4 would cost the same as an iron sword with silver and gold ornaments enchanted with bladesharp 4. I agree with you, the enchanter's work is underpaid.
  8. Yes, as you say, remarkably short. But you can learn spells outside your cult, though not at creation time.
  9. This ruling in 'Well of Daliath' is horribly written: To the question about boosting a spell to making it harder do dispel, the answer is that 'it is always possible to boost a spell' referring to p248. But nowhere p248 can you find anything about boosting to defend, only to pierce magical defense. Follows an example, and a reference to p278, which has nothing concerning the subject. I think, if this is the wanted ruling, to have clearly written in the rules that you can always boost a spell, and that the boosting MP count both to pierce magical protection AND to resist dispel/dismiss.
  10. Not quite. It would block your own disruption, and it is quite rare heal is only 1 point when you need it during the combat. If the fight is over, you only have to wait for 2 mn.
  11. I haven't noticed this Well of Daliath ruling, and I find the wording unclear, but you are right. We really need an errata that clarify much things. And when I GM, I don't think I will allow it either.
  12. Why? Of course! If PC can do it, NPC will also do it to them. We already had quite a few threads on this subject, and I seem to remember you can only boost offensively, not defensively.
  13. We had the same rule, but nobody had such an idea, even if we had quite good munchkins. Of course I do, and I agree with you, mechanically, both I quite close. But I perceive conceptually giving POW more as giving a part of your soul.
  14. Kloster


    I've already read it (when I played my Carmanian). Great work.
  15. No, a Spirit Screen 4 does not take down anything, at least as we play it. Either no incompatible spell is in place and it takes effect, or an incompatible spell is in place, whether 1 or 1 gazillion point, and it automatically fails.
  16. As we play it, if a spell is in place and an incompatible spell is cast on the same character, it fails automatically. This is the source of the trick: If you cast spirit screen on an opponent before he has time to cast his protection spell, he first has to dispel the spirit screen before being able to protect himself. He thus loose at least 1 extra MP and 1 round. Not bad for a 1MP investment.
  17. Kloster


    That's what I thought. Thanks.
  18. Kloster


    I (in fact my player, that wants to play a Lunar in Prax) am not interested for the time being in playing an orthodox Heartland Lunar or Carmanian. What he wants is having a story for playing a lunar in Prax post Dragonrise, and remembered those settlers. The character would thus have been raised in Prax (for the personal history), but I don't think the Praxian cultural packages are OK. This is why I proposed using the Lunar Tarsh one, with slight modifications. For the sorcery question, this is (currently) less important, as it is only sheer curiosity on how I would create my old character with RQG ruleset, but is not a request of my player for his character.
  19. I think the only difference between Tulas and Forts would be the presence of a guard at a gate, but the rules would essentially be the same. Inns being Inns, hospitality would of course be granted ... at a price. For cities, depends on the chief. For the codes and laws, I defer to people more knowledgeable than myself. For the Lunar period / Liberated Sartar dichotomy, I think lunars would accept travelers with 'good reasons' like merchants, farmers or herders headed to a nearby market, ... but would be very annoyed by armed and armored guys not escorting a valuable cargo. They would in my opinion at least request said travelers to go unarmed in town. I feel Sartarite rulers would be more permissive toward Orlanthi people.
  20. I am, but you are the one that proposed 'Jaws' inspired scenarios. And hunting the elasmosaurus is more on-theme than the people sunbathing on the beach, even if I could easily imagine people surfing while other are listening a bard singing Surfin' Esrolia.
  21. Yes, good idea. But who would hunt an aquatic lizard of more that 2 tons and 10 meters long with bronze age weapons, even enhanced with magic?
  22. A player of my old group remembered that part of the lunar settlers in Zola Fel valley were Carmanians (River of Craddles p26), and wants his new character to be of this stock. As we currently have no infos about creating Carmanian (or other Lunar origin) characters, I proposed to use the Tarsh Lunar tables, replacing Tarshite language by Carmanian language. For personal history, Prax homeland will of course be used in that case. Do you have other ideas on what can (or should) be done? Another question: While remembering my old character (a Carmanian officer whose family ended on the loosing side of a dart war and had been 'promoted' to a commanding post in Corflu as a result), I wondered what sorcery tradition would be to be used: Lunar (because being part of the empire) or Malkioni (because of the cultural heritage of the Carmanians), or a mix of both. What are your ideas on that?
  23. That can be in a matrix, brought in by the enchanter, just in case the POW giver does not know it!
  24. As for all not voluntarily accepted spells.
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