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Everything posted by Kloster

  1. It now seems you can. Too bad for Son Goku and his Truefist and Fist Trance.
  2. I play that you can sacrifice only your own MP, not stored ones.
  3. Or if the players are requesting something for the next Holy Day. This is how I play (and GM) them.
  4. The problem with using spells is that they use MP, which are also your Hit Points (so to speak) in Spirit Combat. Characters may have crystals or MP matrix, but spirit can not, so, for them, casting spells can be very dangerous.
  5. I have already asked, and Scotty's answer was yes.
  6. But you can bring fists enhanced by a Boon of Kargan Tor that someone cast on you. Of course, only Son Goku has Fist Trance (TM), but still.
  7. Horned Man surely can dispel said Truesword and Sword Trance almost at will. But is is still worth to try. Why not? His role is to test the would be shaman, but I also expect him to have a bag of tricks of his own.
  8. In both RQ3 (Magic book p57) and RQG (p250), a bound creature can not regain Hit Points, but nothing is said about MP, So, for me, the normal rule (i.e. 1/24th of total MP per hour) should apply.
  9. One more question: If you are attacked by a spirit and you choose to use a fight with a (magically enhanced) weapon, does the character weapon skill vs spirit sspirit combat skill roll replace the normal spirit combat vs spirit combat roll, or is it in addition (at a normal SR for this attack)?
  10. In RQ3, you were creating specific enchants (Fire elemental, frex). I have not checked, but I presumed this has not been changed.
  11. Frankly, I always maximize the worship rolls with max MPs. But I don't think things becomes too easy: - The gods need the MP. - If you spend too much MP, this is spot on time for the GM to launch something. If you are left to 1MP and a band of broo attacks the village, or someone needs an immediate help for healing, you are in deep sh..., not to say that using sword trance with 1 or 2 MP (the ones you have recovered) is a bit futile. - I think you forget the other modifiers the GM may add (weather, omens, whatever he wants), that may force you to use the other options to get a decent (i.e. 95%) roll.
  12. Ouch! But the adventures for finding the Issaries guy and the Humakt guy to provide the spells, plus give them what they require would be interesting. But it is worth it!
  13. Same for me. Ditto. Still agree. Don't be afraid. Please continue. All opinions are good to hear. Yes (although for me it is more RQ than Glorantha).
  14. What about Sorcery or Sorcery enhanced weapons?
  15. You were right spot on BaSIC is Casus Belli HS19 (June 97), and if I don't remember of any specific topic on BRP, there was at least 1 in each for several years about BaSIC. RQ had at least a few dozen scenarios and topics., but mostly before your time. By the way, where were you located in '95-'98?
  16. Yes, I forgot it. That means what Casus Belli (an old french RPG magazine) did with BaSIC: a 48 pages BRP booklet with roughly 25 pages of rules, the rest being an intro to RPG, a minimalist bestiary and a few examples. I used it and it was very good.
  17. Yes, you can eat cows, not Gold Coins (TM).
  18. Published as a generic system, BRP is first ((78), then GURPS ((86), then Hero ((90). But as a standalone game, Champions is the foundation of Hero system in 81, as RQ2 is the basis of BRP. You mean going back to the '78 booklet? Why not. Seems to me a good idea.
  19. Exact. Those same points are mainly those that makes me think RQG is better. I am not. I was just explaining my thinking of the OP post. Please do. Yes, please. So am I. I loved RQ3 sorcery, but on that point, RQG is (for me) far better.
  20. What I understand is that RQ3 sorcery does not match more their Glorantha, but is simply the rules they used during many many years, and they are disappointed that some of the things they were doing are not working anymore.
  21. You don't change the spell, you add points to it, like in RQ3's enchant. Similarly, you could, and still can, add conditions, or transform a bladesharp 2 matrix to a bladesharp 3 by spending 1 POW and casting the enchanting spell.
  22. For me, yes, the rule is the same. RQG p390: "For each point of POW added to the inscription, the base strength, range, or duration of the spell is increased by 1, without requiring any manipulation by the sorcerer." Nothing says that is must be in one shot. In fact, the only difference I have noticed is that by default, the RQ3 sorcery spell matrix could be used by anybody, as the RQG inscribed spell can only be used by it's creator. I was doing it, just because it was the only way to obtain the long duration needed to have all your spells up when you need them. Whatever the case, RQ3 sorcery were longer to cast than other spells just because of the sheer number of MP needed. It is just longer now. Note that it does not bother me, because I was already using my sorcerous characters that way, and when you cast a 1 season duration protection spell, you don't care if casting it takes 4 or 5 rounds. The casting duration is only important for direct, personal attack spells. For those, I use spirit magic spells (in matrixes), a bow and a broadsword, wether RQ3 or RQG.
  23. It had. Magic book p58 (it was not called Inscribing, but part of the spell matrix enchantments, but the rules and effects are essentially the same).
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