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Lloyd Dupont

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Everything posted by Lloyd Dupont

  1. I think there is a problem of expectation... In some other game forum I antagonised many people because I simply had different expectation... Yes there might be a canon story, setting and expectation. But each GM's campaign is his own. And if he feel creative enough to come up with something different, so be it. But it is sometimes difficult for those GM with different point of view to ask advice of other who see things differently.... It's is often pointless and can easily be misinterpreted and get heated for no good reason... Obviously the setting he envisaged is quite different from the mainstream and canon Cthulhu stories. This is a clear premise. So the challenge of the game might also be, in fact will also be, slightly different! 😜
  2. The problem with good and bad, is while it seems relatively clear on the surface, there are many instances where it is, in fact, quite subjective....
  3. Yeah, like Revolution D100 which I started recently... there is lot of free (and legal! 😮 ) PDF available.. but I really wanted the book! PDF is far from ideal in game for me.... Fortunately they have a gorgeous print edition! Bought 5 of them hahah! (for me and players)
  4. Oh yeah.. it obviously depends on settings and expectation.... My expectation is that down the track player will be fight with and against divinities... In fact, seeing how the campaign is going... I though I might do an apotheosis campaign down the track! Which I never done before but would be cool. Already got some plan about the ascension procedure and the enemy they will be fight with and against!
  5. Wow totally OP super hero! 😮 But funny intro! 😮
  6. No I haven't haha!.... There is only 4 pc and npc in the party in an hostile land.. but they are wrecking! but the tide can turn quickly any time.... it's always a challenge to make it scary but not deadly.. They do run away a lot, that is good though! this time I thought to make them stumble on a secret wizard lair... with some creative boosted monster... there might be a beholder, would be cool.. but a bit scared it's gonna be a game wrecker....
  7. How would you model disintegration spell? I am thinking to introduce a Beholder next session, the famous (or infamous) D&D iconic monster!
  8. I got an idea recently, one I am hesitating to use because it is somewhat anathema to D100, is to used variable HP for divinities. It is somewhat in use, since often deity, even of human shape and size, would have outrageous CON and POW and I was thinking to give them something like 10 toughness, 30 life (i.e. 30 damage before lethal wound) What of it? Or would you just advice normal rules but simply outrageous toughness of, say, 20?....
  9. After talking to my player I used this simplified formulas for magic exertion points cost "Spell Power - (Channelling - Spell Power)", or (more simple but same) "2 * Spell Power - Channelling" Which means, the more powerful the spell the more expensive, the more unused channelling to cast (i.e. the more easy) the less costly it is.
  10. Common, the question was pretty clear, I believe, how sturdy are typical dark elves indoor magical construction during the great slaving period of 2500AC! But I would also consider the enlighten era typical construction info!
  11. The season started with a bang! 😮 https://www.theonion.com/42-million-dead-in-bloodiest-black-friday-weekend-on-re-1819574242?fbclid=IwAR3880MIGhOu-om-dhw8NHpixPxG52nEErRxqCqVgc3KJHCnViFgAPGUbxo
  12. I always wonder how come sniper attack against government leaders are not more successful... I am sure there are many attempts... At any rate I like your idea of being always vigilant at the cost of sanity. I am not big on sanity rules... But this one suggestion makes a lot of sense regarding sanity! 😮 However I am not sure how could one individual spot a waiting sniper in a neighbouring skyscrapper... I will definitely had some small precognition powers to "dodge" barely just in time....
  13. Ideally I am looking for source code, so I can look at data structure for inspiration. But hey, Paolo shared an Excel spreadsheet that also gave me some idea about the kind of data I want in my documents!
  14. Hey thanks, it's nice! Not entirely usable with RD100 since their monster stat are crunched to the 3D6 range! 😮 but I think I might aim for both BRP and RD100...
  15. Lots of the rule in RD100 are left open to GM interpretation... Although, even when one like the letter of the law, it is sometimes hard to follow... For example, on the "character improvement sections" it says: "Learning a new Trait costs one Improvement Point and uses up one of the available Slots for that Skill; if no Slot is available, the player must first improve the Skill to open up a new Slot. Background or Environment Traits can be neither researched nor taught. Only living for a long time in the related area can allow a character to gain these Traits" now what is a background trait? from the example environment or profession one could believe close combat trait are either any close combat weapon trait is either environmental or professional. Yet surely it can also be taught... Can anyone shed any light on that please? As a side note.. What if I want to create special order (probably martial order, but all bets are off!) that have some arcane spell.. but without going through arcane knowledge.. how would one model that?
  16. I am building my own RD100 tool right now.. But I am agonising is this the right data structure for the data? And I thought, hey, there might be other tool I could check for ideas! Any link to share about RD100 tools?
  17. I am building my own RD100 tool right now (one of the D100 system).. But I am agonising is this the right data structure for the data? And I thought, hey, there might be other tool I could check for ideas! Any link to share about BRP/RD100 tools?
  18. Wow guys, I had to google Pellucidar and Orlando Furioso. Both look awesome! 😮 But I think the Zombie Space Ducks might be the answer we were looking for! 😮 That remind me... I really want a trip to the moon for my players.. mm.. not sure where I could insert it.....
  19. I edited for clarification. I don't care much about attack on wary player. They have armour, they will have shield, it's no biggy... Comparison with modern equivalent is moot, it's imaginary scifi weapon vs imaginary scifi shield and armor that could be both "balanced" however I like...
  20. As explained, I am mostly worried because shield are definitely NOT always on, and a good sneak attack should, of course, come at the worst possible moment! As a side note, irrelevant to my real question, but relevant to your comment, I don't plan on using those kind of shield. For no particular reason other than they don't inspire me much!
  21. Thanks for this interesting discussion guys! In my upcoming scifi settings energy shield will be winning the race.. However.. Energy Shield will be like BRP suggest, i.e. temporary... hence can't be always on, except with the use of big machinery... Hence, if players are wary, I could probably ambush them "safely" but if they are not wary, like a good sneak attack should be, then it's gonna be a disaster...
  22. I am using Revolution D100 as you know! But.. I kind of dropped the ball on Fate point and such (not so necessary at the moment , they have good armor, and toughness..).... Might have to use them back (bible in the pocket! 😮 ) Also your stealth conflict gave me an idea.. I am going to have psy power.... And while I hate divination in general... I could use a 1 round precognition that save people from surprise ambushes! ^^ Bad aim storm troopers... mmmm.. I can see the rational for it now ! 😮
  23. I am thinking to run a scifi campaign next. In a scifi campaign one might want to use sniper rifles. Now I am wondering, since the D100 family has people being (rightfully) quite frail compare to the destructive power of modern weapon... How would one handle ambush? I mean I feel like I cant ambush players or they are just going to die. Not sure how to handle that... Any tips? I am starting to introduce more NPC for the sole purpose of having some canon fodder... 😕 Or maybe that's the way to do it? CLARIFICATION typical sneak attack will get you at your worst, when you are unsuspecting with no armor and shield, maybe even sleeping. That's what I worry about. Not at so much when the players are armoured and wary....
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