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Lloyd Dupont

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Everything posted by Lloyd Dupont

  1. D&D is becoming cool again! Not that I am a fan of D&D much.. but it's progress!
  2. This thread has been hijacked by Big Rye! This is a disgrace! 😮
  3. I have no idea! (And no idea about 7th sea either) But look: https://www.amazon.com/7th-Heroes-Villains-John-Wick/dp/1987916611 7th sea seems to be inspired by medieval Europe! Google for medieval European names if you really look for authenticity and consistency. I am sure there are many resources!
  4. I am a programmer by day.... And sometimes also by night too! 😮 I have an ongoing map creating application home project going on (which looks quite cute so far btw).. But I have been stuck for 2 years on a nasty maths problem.. (trying to do a vector graphic eraser and merge so you can draw nice vector graphics cave just by shaking your mouse...) At any rate.. being stuck on a dry spell.. when I just got hit by a new idea today! I am going to make (a quick and dirty to begin with) NPC/Character/Monster sheet generator... might make it a desktop app, and an Android app... (and perhaps a web app too, but here I plan to use some new tech so might be a bit slow)... At any rate you are welcome to come with must have ideas if you are interested to use such a thing for your self!
  5. Those were the days! I got the French version at the time!
  6. Is that a love letter to your goddess?! The goddess of capitalism and class exploitation! 😮
  7. Revolution D100 does just that guys, check it out! Not quite a tree as the game designer is wary of tree.. but it has base general skill value and lots of specialisation / stunts... When I saw that (and the toughness attribute) I knew I had to give it a go! 😅 Free official SRD that way:
  8. Nice will get a scifi settings! Scifi need more RPG love nowadays!
  9. Nazi on the moon? or in the hollow earth?! 😮
  10. Star Trek 2d20 might be closer to the mark for you. It boils skills down to only 6 disciplines, which makes it much easier to create a star fleet officer who is good at almost everything, but at the expense of making hard for a character not to be good at something.. Mmm... what am I looking for exactly? I quite like Revolution D100 so far! But I am curious to see if I could find another levelless classless skill based system which is cool!
  11. If this kind of things bother you, and some related topic did bother me, have a look at Revolution D100 (Download the SRD for free) Also, this weekend, friend lend me a copy of Conan 2D20. Dunno if it's any better in this regard. But it's another leveless classless skill based system that is not from the D100 family, so I am curious to see how it feels...
  12. It's just, depending on how close to you there are.. they might think, "I wanted an horror tentacle thing, but I got something else, damn" 😮 But, at any rate, twits and surprises are usually good!
  13. As a GM this your story! But try not to disappoint players expectation!
  14. But... but.. but... mm.. how does that relate to RD100? I was not playing RPG 40 years ago, I didn't even know about them! 😮 But that beg the question... Will Justice triumph? Is it... a super hero RPG? Sounds like it could be...
  15. Well, those changes are not just contrived, they make me a happier GM! On a tangent topic, and one that *might* explain my (biggest?) difference of opinion with many other players of the various D100 system. I really dislike a common trope in movies and books of the few and rare powerful Wizards. I always wonder, where are all the mediocre Wizards that explain the society that produce those few elite Wizards? So in my fantasy Worlds I wants lots of those forgotten average Wizard. (and also I want starting wizard to be rather "average", not because of spell rarity but because of magic difficulty / cost) (in fact, I want to reproduce the D&D feeling about magic) In a more personal extreme, I am even tempted to give magic to animal, instead of coming up with more creative monster, like Beholder, how about a fire breathing Deer hey? But I am not quite sure yet, after all rifle firing Jabbers in Borderlands 3 do seems a little odd to me.. like the aforementioned deer might be ... (I already dropped a magic wielding spider queen, that was fun! )
  16. Seconding armour. Armour makes a tremendous difference.. And also enhance damage and protection spell will another huge difference Also,... doesn't BRP ignore armour on critical? (there are so many rule variation, I am using Revolution D100, lost track ^^) that really contribute to mob remaining dangerous... On a tangent topic, I just wanted to add vaguely related comment about the spells "Fire", "Blast", "Lightning". The cost is tricky... 3MP per D6 seems excessive compare to there spell effect. It's because BRP has too many option and it's badly worded here. Should be 3MP per D6 if you use hit location, or 1MP per D6 if you don't.
  17. If 1 EP gives you 1 hour of duration, and spell cost EP to cast and 5 minute rest gives you D6 EP back. You can recast your spells every hour without any trouble... So I thought, why bother use more than 1EP? But arguably this could be an issue at night, come to think of it... And also (arguably again), since I (significantly) increased spell casting cost (unless you are an arch wizard), spell caster might have spend half an hour every hour to rest to renew spell, which might clearly be a bother worth mentioning... Mmmm... Maybe this rule can go indeed. But, at least, I explained to you where it came from!
  18. Other ideas I might start testing soon: I think I might try this cost (above, channelling cost + 9 - concentration / 10) but simply apply it to the Exertion Point, it's quite high Magic Point won't do... Maybe use another number instead of 9... Also minimum is 1 EP. For SR I would use EP Cost + 4 Ideas I am already using: Duration and maintenance I kind of rework spell duration and maintenance to be more deterministic.... (and also less confusing) spell, by default are either instant or last like 2 minute (fudge value), to be maintain one need to allocate channelling point 1 channelling point will maintain personal spell (either on self r on item always WIL meter or less away from caster) as long as wanted For spell on others more channelling points should be allocated for the whole duration in advance. The whole duration should be chosen at cast time. Option *can* be given to the target to release the spell before (to recover the channelling points) otherwise the caster should be able to cast the spell again at the target to cancel it before the end Duration on others - 1 point: 1 hour - 2 points: 1 day - 3 points: 1 week Magic item cost Might do just like the rule, but the rules are confusing. It's conflict to build. The opposing difficulty is either 50% with blueprint or 80% without. The conflict pool is channelling cost x3 for 1 use, or channelling cost x4 for permanent. I am thinking 1 week round for magic building conflict round. But one use items can be made in batch of.. some number.. mmm.. TBD...
  19. I don't... 😮 But sounds entertaining! ^^
  20. Continuing on my chronic rule tweaking tendency... I am contemplating introducing the magic point system of other BRP/D100 system into Revolution D100 as follows: - Might and Range are no longer needed stunt but automatic ability to every caster - Spell MP cost would be 9 - character's channelling + spell channelling cost - Might make SR cost depend on MP cost and change save somehow.. since it's way more costly might use just 1 differential roll or something... though I like the current conflict rules.. mm... What is my goal here? Reduce magic spamming, and giving easier access to magic to random NPC Now I might give it a try, but I am curious to know if any one got any particular opinion on that topic?
  21. Nailed it! Good point too... In my remote campaign idea though there will be little choice... But it might be fun to introduce some encounter before that.. you just motivated me to do just that! In fact one important upcoming NPC is just that.. But the plan is already to negotiate! ^^ they are looking for precious magic stone at the moment.. Next they will try to visit the "king of the dark forest" (the magic stone will be a gift to .. it?) they don't quite know what it is, the dark forest is full of undead though.. and they have a clue the "king" could help them go back home.... Ok, waiting!
  22. I got some vague plan (2 campaign down the line) to eventually make an ascendancy / immortality campaign... In which they will meet many such beings... Not always in good term! anyway probably got one year to think it about! ^^
  23. In the very long term of this campaign, player might meet super supernatural beings. Like greater angels or demons. I wonder how do they flesh out in RD100? Looking for suggestion! The only idea I came up with so far, they might have many area attacks which damage everyone in an area... (how would that work with a sword though?) Obviously single target damage could be higher and multi target damage could be in the reasonable range of mortal normal attacks... And I might reintroduce HP, increase toughness a bit and HP a lot and add HP regeneration to the mix.... Also, of course, death is just a mere inconvenience until the time they regrow a new body...
  24. Speaking of super strength and other amazing super powers! Behold! I give you, the... Amazing Man Spider! 😮
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