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Everything posted by g33k

  1. Every table (well, every table I've played at) comes up with HR's. Your table is free to do so, too; including turning down those "player agency" dials from the default CoC7 settings. But the default has to be set somewhere. I'm OK with where it IS set, I think... RQ is my BRP of choice, and I'm pondering whether to bring any of these CoC7 rules over to RQG.
  2. I think shaman's relationship with POW is particular, and there IS a "good reason" why other stats aren't so easily improved. YGMV, of course.
  3. Your friend Robin has a better DEX SR. The system doesn't give DEX bonus (or penalty, as may be) to every step of the process. Yes, maximum realism would call for a DEX advantage to reach for the arrow, another DEX advantage to draw it from the quiver, another DEX advantage to knock it to the bow, another DEX advantage to draw and aim... But we just include "DEX SR" as one modifier, at one place in the process. One popular House Rule that I often see people institute, is the idea of trading skill for speed -- such as taking a penalty of -25% (or something -- it's a House Rule, it varies!) to your skill-roll to go 1 SR earlier. Someone who is very skilled, though not generally quick, can often do things even faster than someone who is natively quick, but less skilled with the task at hand.
  4. Traveller (LBB 1980) had a "Law Level" (or somesuch) as part of the UPP. There was some general fluffy discussion of autocratic-vs-democratic, but is was obviously too simplistic to REALLY describe governance; everyone I knew just treated it as "how armed in public can you be, vs how ardently the gov't would look for illicit arms & armor." On some planets, ANY weapon (even non-lethal tangler/stunner types) would get you a Law-Enforcement action as if an active terrorist or mass-murderer was on the loose... and they'd be using invasive scans to find any hidden or inobvious weapons or armor, so ... Other planets... anything LESS than obvious full combat-kit was an invitation to be killed or kidnapped ... Or a challenging claim that you were SO badass you could take the others down, kit&all, WITHOUT your own kit.
  5. Very true! They might get nick'ed by physical traits -- Black Vargast v. White Vargast, if one has very-dark hair, one has very-pale. Or "Lesser" and "Greater" for a really major SIZ difference. Etc... Also by deeds, attitudes; Broo-Killer, or Vengeful. But (in the way of continuing the "confusion for players/PCs" idea) they will most likely NOT introduce themselves that way -- I am Black Vargast, or I am Vargast the Lesser, etc.
  6. Your stats are off, though. I wouldn't expect this sort of name-duplication in EVERY clan of 500ish, but it isn't unreasonable to think that it happens in 1 (up to a few) clan(s); particularly since "popular names" tend to go in waves...
  7. SIZ is a number. It has a singular dimension. But it's trying to describe several different things... Mass, Extent (greatest linear dimension), Reach (e.g. can a melee weapon hit anything other than the closest hit-locations, can the up-SIZ creature hit earlier in SR, or even from outside the melee range of normal PCs; and of course "wieldiness" of an object!). It is impossible for the single scalar to cover all these uses.
  8. "Frying" is a specific cooking method, which is not pressure-cooking. "Broasting" (deep-fry inside a pressure-cooker) still seems to rely upon the effects of gravity: in zero G, the steam boiling off the cooking food doesn't rise. That continuous circulation of heated oil onto the food is what makes deep-frying (and broasting) work the way they do. AFAIK, nobody with hardcore cooking skills has ever been given a zero G kitchen& tasked with creating new methods and/or adapting old ones. A missed opportunity, IMHO! 🙂 Acceleration does not lend itself to ever reaching the speed of light. FWIW: After 2 years subjective (about 3.5-4 years to an observer at home) you are at 0.97c... But mere "acceleration" (in any amount) will never get to 1.0c
  9. Showing him as unchanging -- even as others change -- would still (in fact, MORE) underscore his inhumanity: <scene: CmG -5months> Geralt does something <cutscene: CmG -75years> Geralt does something else, looking identical ... <WTF 75 years and he looks the same??!?> As it stands, it is IMHO an overly-confusing signal -- he looks the same, reinforcing the "it's all roughly happening at the same time" perspective, rather than the inhumanity. I suspect he's also signalling that "unchanging inhumanity" with the more flat affect and 2-dimensional characterization: Geralt really IS that flat, as a person... almost like he wasn't even human! 😁 (at least in most of Season 1) I mean... I like it well enough that I plan to keep watching! I am just... less than thrilled with their "narrative decision" to (from my POV) sabotage the narrative impact. But there are several people that I know for whom this makes it a "do not recommend" -- they either would not follow the timechanges well, or they'd dislike it more than I do, sufficient to dislike the whole series. YourGeraltMayVary
  10. Also, I think @Jason Durall should get an @Summoning ...
  11. Cthulhu has, for whatever reason, become something of a pop-culture meme & trope. I blame Chaosium for this, in large part... 😉 Chaosium has the original CoC game. That means they have the game that people pursuing "Cthulhu" games will first encounter as a RPG, much the way people directly pursuing "RPG's" generally first encounter D&D, and people pursuing "Vampire" games will first encounter some iteration of the World/Chronicles of Dimness.
  12. That just adds to the immediacy with which you experience the unspeakable other-ness that is Dread Cthulhu: You take the Increased Damage directly as extra SAN loss.
  13. @Bill the barbarian -- I hear your pain. I feel your pain. That said... there's a non-trivial amount of RQ material available. Admittedly, it isn't as easy to find as CoC material is. Sort of a (bronze) needle in a haystack of eldritch distraction ... But, yeah. Stuff's missing that was long promised. An "organized Play" program akin to ATtH, with sequential adventures or a "campaign" &c &c &c ... Flyers/adverts we could hang at FLGS's and Con's ... quick "feedback" questionnaires we could collect & use to improve our event-GM'ing, and Chaosium could use to improve their event-materials, &c &c &c ... (n.b.: Trif ain't yer bitch, here; that was a mis-summoning (bad Barbarian). Trif is a god among men, it's true, and no doubt he COULD solve the problem if it was his job to do so. But he kindly permits lesser men to prove their worthiness. Instead, I'd add @Todd@Chaosium to the summons. He's behind (at least) one of the good Cult resources, and in a much better position than Trif to know what's what within Chaosium).
  14. I also don't mind that they do it; think it can even be a Good Thing! I just think they did it the wrong way: unmarked, unannounced. It really breaks me out of immersion in the narrative, when I need to step back and intellectually analyze (anthro/historian style) that oh, this happened... uh... about a generation ago, I guess? And that happened... uh... longer ago... not sure how much longer... huh... and t'other odd scenes, 2-3 episodes ago, did those oddities... hrm... yes, probably... and which time(s) were they??? You know how I think they could -- should! -- fix it? Go back in and add a fade-in to the start of every time-differential, marked as "12 years before Cirilla meets Geralt" or "3 days before Cirilla meets Geralt" or "89 Years before Cirilla meets Geralt" or whatever. Then do the same thing going forward, and continue to follow with "before" or "after" for each scene. It'd make a nice frame to show that this destined meeting is a critical one. Or pick another moment... Ciri's birth; the fall of Cintra; the battle at Sodden
  15. btw -- to respond to the title of the thread: Cthulhu wins. He doesn't take ANY damage, no even if you hit him with the hardcover copy of BRP !!!
  16. Basically, the "free attack" is based on the idea of a trained fighter who sees (and reflexively takes) that "free shot" at an unguarded foe. GIven the way the RAW, if treated programatically, yields unrealistic results on the 3rd & 4th &c such "free shots," there is an obvious way to integrate it back into the RAW... Treat it like one use of a Parry, subject to the cumulative -20% with other Parries. Because what's a Parry? It's a trained fighter seeing (and reflexively blocking) an incoming shot from a foe. Possible additional "simulative" step (adds complication, but... some people seem to like that?) -- after each "reflexive action" (a Parry or "free shot" at a disengaging enemy) add +1 to the SR of all actions that occur later in the round (including losing your stated action, if it gets pushed off to SR13 or later -- you just got too busy!). YGWV
  17. I wasn't confused... But likely only because I was warned by this thread! The issue is real. It moves the series from a "strong recommend" to a "recommended, but with caveats" from me.
  18. We do want to see the content! We really, REALLY do! But... what are the odds of a separate "Esrolia" book in addition to the Nochet book ... at least, what are the odds "anytime soon" ? The Nochet book is all too likely to BE our "Esrolia" book; at least until/unless we get a "Holy Country" book. Over in >this thread< we see 3 categories of "upcoming" for RQG: Upcoming releases in expected order (i.e. the next few books) Other upcoming RQ releases (i.e. expected to be the next ones following the "#1" books above) Other RQ releases coming later on (i.e. expected after both #1 & #2, though admittedly RL might strike to change the ordering) Nochet is in that 3rd category; Rick has said certainly not for at least a year, into 2021... without precluding that it might push off even later. 2022? 2023? A (hypothetical) Esrolia book isn't even on that radar! (I do see a "ruleset TBD" category, with a "Casino Town / Holy Country" book, which seems... like it's not actually "a book," just an idea that's been mooted, or two ideas; and as Psullie noted, a "Seapolis Pak") A "Homeland" write-up might be relevant for "Rural Esrolia" (or at least some advice on tuning a Rural-vs-City PC), each of the other five Sixths of Holy Country (maybe just a note for "how Heortland differs from Sartar), the islands/coast to the west (maybe with a note on Mourne Sea vs. Poison Shore), Maniria, Wenelia. That's about as much "Homeland" material as is in the Core rulebook, which ... honestly, seems appropriate! That much content isn't actually much of a barrier to publication, unless @Jeff (or other folk @Chaosium) know some stuff (that's a technical game-design term) that might make it challenging to write up those Homelands.
  19. Clearly, "someone" needs to be consulting the current RQG rules a lot more often, instead of relying on decades of knowledge about prior editions! <raises hand> I know that I certainly do!!! Crosschecking the RQG vs RQClassic books to remind myself of the differences has not only helped me overcome some blind spots (I'm sure there are more!) but also reminded me -- when I couldn't find the rules at all! -- that there were quite a few HR's we used; were weren't as close to RAW-RQ2 as I had recalled us being!
  20. Yes, but I'm not asking for tons of detail. About as much as one of the "homelands" backgrounds, such as Esrolia itself gets in the core rulebook.
  21. I'd be strongly against anything gender'ed. I cannot tell you how much I hate the idea of "not as skilled, because she's a girl." Base the differences on the cultural roles, profession, and the Cults. People following "peaceful" professions & Cults (Barntar, Ernalda, etc) get many more "peaceful" skills, regardless of gender. People following "adventurer" Cults get combat-related and other "adventuring" skills, regardless of gender.
  22. TYVM jaja!!! I'll argue strongly that the Nochet book should cover all Esrolian backgrounds (and consider cross-cultural issues at least as well as the Core books cover Sartar & Dragon Pass backgrounds... the places(***) that would be having regular intercourse (not that kind... well, that kind too, I guess) with Nochet & Esrolia). *** Mirrosea Bay & the Rightarm's; God Forgot. A bit about Shadow Plateau (specifically, Axehall (and enough info for people traveling there & back)). Maniria, Wenelia, Poison Shore, Mourne Sea(sp?), and major sea-powers that visit frequently and/or might reasonably be a PC's background in Nochet. None of this in excruciating detail, but enough that the borders of Esrolia (a major port!) don't just read "Here There Be Dragons," and PC's from those places are supported as well as Esrolians are in the core rulebook.
  23. I think the idea is, you get involved with your community, your clan. "Full time adventurer" isn't what the rules are aimed at; your "day job" isn't an optional choice you make. You're expected to be a responsible & engaged member of the clan, the community (more or less non-optionally). And your god generally cares about this stuff. Don't expect rune-magic & rune-points if you're behaving selfishly; your god wants their whole community to thrive! The world doesn't just go on by itself -- if YOU, personally, aren't helping it get along, YOU can expect personal repercussions. The "landed aristocracy" isn't the same thing (in Sartar); it isn't a leisure class, and it isn't "landed." You hold land, and work it, on behalf of the clan ... but it's still Clan land, not YOUR land. If you delegate the duty to a lieutenant so you can go adventuring, you can expect the Clan may soon decide you were right, and reassign the land formally to your (former) lieutenant, who has demonstrated ability and dedication (unlike some slacker who calls themselves an "adventurer"). We had an early HR in our RQ2 games: you could only take one "training" check in any given skill, then you needed some real-world experience before you could get another training-check. I haven't decided whether to carry that forward to RQG. Something worth considering is the idea of skill-thresholds. 50%, 75%, 90% ... We already have one threshold, at 100% -- the 100%ers can suddenly split their attacks. 99%'ers can only dream of it! So you might say... for "Ride(Horse)" that somewhere around 30%, you won't fall off (unless somebody knocks you off, or the horse tries to buck, or similar). Below that, and you may just be inexperienced enough to fail a "ride in a straight line on easy ground" roll, just from the horse changing gait unexpectedly, or something like! 😆 Just a thought FWIW.
  24. TYVM, Rick! This sort of info can be invaluable to those of us launching new campaigns! BTW... <points diffidently upthread> . . . Is it specifically "Nochet," or is it going to be the definitive new source on Esrolia-in-general? TYVM again!
  25. How much of it will cover Esrolia outside of Nochet, does anyone know? Or has this info been decided yet?
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