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Everything posted by g33k

  1. I don't recall a time when Thed wasn't the "Mother of the Broos." Doylistically, I think Thed gets her goat associations from that: Broo are Goat-ish beastfolk, and Thed is their mother... QED.
  2. Or maybe he links himself with whatever animal is locally derided? The whole "Broo" thing seems very much of a piece with this.
  3. This seems OK to me: the person on the attack is the one "trying to make things happen." If the active/attacking party was more on-parity with the defender, the whiff-factor would ramp up, and I think combats would tend to drag. OTOH, I'm a geek... but not not a Pendragon geek (only played a few times); so I may not understand the combat dynamics as well as I think I do.
  4. ??? But Orlanth is the "I can do anything better than you" god, and has a Trickster aspect. Covering up with a wig is 100% in Orlanth's wheelhouse!
  5. Here is good, I think: lots of GMs like&use maps. VTT folk use all the threads, but non-VTT players wouldn't necessarily think to look in the VTT threads for their non-VTT needs.
  6. The "Zebra Tribe" has been a Praxian "minor Tribe" (along with ostrich, bolo-lizard, unicorn, rhino, etc) since at least the RQ2 / Cults of Prax days. I think they're pretty tightly-linked to the Pavis Royal Guard &c... that patronage may be part of what keeps them going (royal treasury buying them better arms & armor, extra food stuff & fodder in lean times, etc).
  7. There's the new Rivers of London, which uses a pretty finely-tuned BRP to fit that setting. But then, that's not a "generic fantasy" setting, but a specific literary world with an existing body of lore. Still, the production-values are there, and the "tuning" work has gone into it ... and it's not RQ! It looks likely that Lords of the Middle Sea will have very high standards & production-values, too. There is a big hump to get across, to produce an entire new RPG game-world, and then a "tuned" version of BRP (though I'd argue the "generic fantasy" premise shouldn't need much "tuning"). Chaosium's plate is 100% full (arguably over-full) with existing product-lines, I doubt they can undertake such a project at the moment! I think it's a shame that "Magic World" didn't get a 100%-effort push from Chaosium back in the 20'tweens (OTOH, I don't think Chaosium (at the time) was capable of doing the top-tier work they had done in their early days, or are doing today). I'd love for Chaosium to declare all of the "Magic World" setting/fluff material to be ORC-licensed Open Content, such that one could use BRP:UGE (also ORC-licensed) to publish freely in that setting.
  8. g33k

    Otters ...

    The followup Q (for me) would be: Does any version of RQ have stats? Offhand, I'd probably stat them very much like Newtlings, I think ...
  9. <NIT> Gateway Bestiary was a 1980 book, published by Chaosium, for the RQII rules. AH's RQ3 came a few years later. </PICK>
  10. So you're drawing inspiration from the old Greco-Roman myths (examples would be centaurs, fauns, harpies, mermaids, minotaurs, etc)? Maybe also Cernunnos from Celtic belief, or Ganesha from Hindu (though they are gods, so...); and in general the "half-form" lycanthrope trope? Or are you thinking more of "anthro's" & "furries" -- anthropomorphic "Aesop" style animals, such as in Usagi Yojimbo, Wanderhome, etc? One issue you'll need to clarify, I think, is how faithful to the animals they are? As wolves prey on deer, do wolf-people prey on deer-people? Can a mouse-person do anything physically-meaningful on a bear-person scale? I do agree with @Joerg above, who's pointing to various Bestiaries that already exist for BRP-engine games (but also to setting/design issues); and @Atgxtg's points about design, playtest, etc.
  11. I think the system is robust enough to allow any levels you'd like. RQ2 leaned into the "zero to hero" trope, and starting PC's apex skills were typically well below 50%; RQG has the same basic chassis at the table, but char-gen produces much more experienced starting characters routinely have apex skills of 85% and over. I wouldn't bother with limiting to only +15% on combat skills... someone who grows up in a military family, or a hunting one, IS going to learn a higher level of weapon skills than the general populace... and that's honestly OK. Whatever level you pick: sanity-check your choices by attempting to min-max whatever you select in a few runs of character-creation.
  12. *roff4evah! 👹
  13. Honestly, you seem to be asking folks to do your own game-development for you. As to which book(s): I expect the core BRP book -- either BGB or UGE editions (UGE only if you're looking to publish) -- would have all (or at least most) of what you need. Try there, flesh out the majority of your talents, and look to other books when/if you find yourself unable to fill out your last few. Also -- fwiw -- the every-other-line format seems hard to read. I'd collect the ages, and indent the sub-points:
  14. g33k

    Kitori Warbands

    Hmm. Can you lay out a few rough outlines for us?
  15. g33k

    Kitori Warbands

    Not even all Orlanthi have leadership confined to the "Rex" cult. Sometimes an Ernalda priestess, or someone Solar, or even a Goldentongue, will become leader. And the Kitori aren't entirely an "Orlanthi" culture.
  16. Back onto the Furthest book: does it have any other artworks (besides maps) going onto (or already on) Redbubble?
  17. One must -- quite Obviously, my friend -- write in an archaic fashion, with Randomly Capitalized letters, such that the Modern Reader is utterly Befuddled, and quite entirely Forgets to Post their so-called Corrections.
  18. Thank you, Jason... this answers exactly the question I was about to pose (and confirms the rhetorical "it's probably a PITA to reconcile..." I was gonna include).
  19. g33k

    Durulz & Death

    So, we know the Durulz are inherently "death-y" and show up with more Humakti than one would expect from your random bunch of Donald & Howard wannabe's. What about some other "Death-y" cults? Lookin atchu, Magasta, with your alongside your ... But also, Urox got that + thang goin' on. And of course, everyone knows the Ducks are only "small" because so much of their mass is stuck in the chip on their shoulder... so the whole vengeance-y aspects of Babeester Gor should appeal to (at least some) Durulz. Now, obviously Humakt "owns" ... in some ways Humake is ... so I see him being the most-apt for the drake schtick. But what of those other gods? Aren't they (at least some of them) also likely to pick up a few more Ducks than one would expect, simply because of the Durulz' runic affinity?
  20. Also: I have long been struck by similarities between the "timeless" eternal Now of Glorantha's "God Time" with (what I understand of) the Australian "Dreamtime."
  21. Given that Runemagic is heroforming your god... and that cattle-raiding is a ubiquitous pastime of most Sartarites... Orlanth is always stealing his own cattle.
  22. I haven't picked up QUASAR yet; it's on my "to-buy" list, but I'm unclear on this point: if you're still basically using BRP core(?), there's AFAIK absolutely no reason you couldn't submit your next(ish) publication to the contest.
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