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Everything posted by g33k

  1. g33k

    Otters ...

    So, there's the Lutrai on the River of Cradles, and IIRC the Wenelian region, in general. And the same "sort" of folks (not necessarily called "Lutrai") I think in various numbers (though never AFAIK a majority) in various (though not AFAIK all) ocean/river/fen places along the southern coast of Genertela, and up some of the rivers feeding into it. Otter is one of the Hsunchen "First Four Companions;" do they name this Otter? Do we have a named Fralar-descent ancestor-Otter? There's an otter chatting with a dockworker in @M Helsdon's wonderful Ships&Shores! Other than that, and occurrences in the Pavis / Big Rubble / River of Cradles books, where else are they found (in canon, or in the JC)? Rather disappointingly, neither "Otter" nor "Lutrai" occurs in the RQG Bestiary. :_( === How do they interact with the Durulz (edit: and the Newtlings!) ? From a human/adventurer POV, they'd seem to fill similar roles (but durulz are largely-herbivorous and otters are obligate carnivore (wild otters LOVE duckling!) while newts (the animals) are carnivorous/insectivorous); all 3 (are there others?) share similar spaces at the water/land interface. Are these species rivals, partners, natural enemies, or...? Any other thoughts?
  2. waitWHAT??!? WOOT! TYVM sir, this is very welcome indeed! Ping @Oldskolgmr @Squaredeal Sten @ThornPlutonius @Joerg
  3. Game shops mostly get their info -- and their inventory -- from distributors, not directly from publishers. I expect the game-store near where @Jeff lives, or the one by @MOB, have some sort of extra info; but generally the thousands of FLGS's around the world do not. I expect the shops with this privileged info treat it as privileged, and do not advertise it widely. At this point in time, I believe Chaosium isn't notifying availability of CoG:Lunars because it hasn't yet cleared local Port Authorities, Customs, & etc in all ports. It's still possible for a Teamsters Strike, or a glitch with Customs, to introduce delays. (n.b. I am not Chaosium. I only report the things I surmise, from what has previously been stated. Sometimes I "surmise" very badly.)
  4. In practical terms, knowing the history (in particular, local events from the time before you were an adult) is IMO/IME an entirely-different thing from being able to navigate, the on-the-ground realities of knowing roads, neighborhoods, directions, etc. My wife & I went through a period where we moved every few years for jobs. I would make a point, in each new area, of spending several hours every week just driving around to get a sense of the place. My "Navigation" skills rocketed upwards, but I never spent any effort digging into old news archives, nor hanging out listening to gossip at the local watering-holes. In my hometown, as a youth, I was an avid cyclist & rode widely. Again, solid Navigation skills. But also, a bit of an introvert, so I wasn't really tied-in to the "local doings" the people might talk about over drinks, at a neighborhood BBQ, etc.
  5. I'm trying to d/l from DTRPG right now. It's being non-cooperative. 😡 Yeah, I expect S&SoSG is my best resource. Already pulled out some art-references to share. My wife's first reaction: "an intelligent otter?!? why didn't you tell me I could play an intelligent otter???" ( so very much looking forward to the print version, when the art gets finished !!! )
  6. Chaosium usually attends GenCon, I think; and often does "PAX" events. They have begun running their own "Chaosium Con" (2022-2023 so far) in Ann Arbor, MI (April). The 2024 con-registration is here: https://www.chaosium.com/blogchaosium-con-2024-registration-is-live-see-you-in-ann-arbor-in-april/ There's several Euro events that get love from Chaosium & fans, across the pond; and one or more Aussie events down under. Chaosium is "often" at other events... but I think it depends heavily each year on specific individuals' schedules. There's enough events -- and few enough Chaosium folk -- that they cannot attend all the con's... not even all the "big" cons! DunDraCon (out in California) is a long-running event drawing 1500+ attendees every Presidents' Day weekend. It was for a long time Chaosium's "home" event. Greg Stafford met Steve Perrin thru activities there, and Steve was on the DDC "Convention Committee" for many years. But now that they've become a world-straddling multinational ("The sun never rises on the Chaosium empire!") they have nobody in the area any longer, and attendance isn't making good financial sense to them. Most years, I find a few grognards wondering "what happened" or muttering about the Good Old Days when Chaosium was Big News (albeit reliable news) at DDC. There was *ONE* game of RQ there this year, and several CoC's. Chaosium maintains an "Organized Play" program... well, semi-organized (they are, after all, the Chaosium, not the Orderium), and regularly pass on Con info to those GM's in their "Cult of Chaos." Tagging @Symphony Entertainment for possible further info she may have for this thread!
  7. Hi, all... Are there any "adventures" written for the Mirrorsea? Not looking for big campaigns (tho I could likely raid one for a small-scale (1-3 session) adventure), this would be "en route". I don't recall any from Chaosium, but the JC catalogue has become so vast, I am certain that there's stuff there I don't know about. At need, I can just toss in a few Wolf Pirates (or other brigand sorts); but it doesn't feel like there's much *story* there, without some substantive work-up. Maybe a "toll" demanded by some ludochi, triolini, etc.
  8. How will we be able to tell when that time has come? How do we know we're getting the new printing? (I understand you have no way to track retail / FLGS inventory; I'm specifically inquiring about Chaosium fulfillment warehouses)
  9. I think "Emprise" doesn't really fit... It's archaic, not modern (let alone futuristic)... and (as your wife suggests) an unfamiliar word to many (I suspect). Maybe "Mission Profile" or "Project Briefing" or "Datafile" or somesuch?
  10. Given that it went RQ1 --> RQ2 --> [everything else] I cannot argue it is at least one of the very oldest (modulo only RQ1). My experience is that it still plays smoothly and elegantly at the table, however (and better than many much-newer RPGs). I think some more-modern RPG ideas might have profitably been included; but the game-design issues are probably deeper than I'm qualified to evaluate.
  11. The RQ2 rules are simpler, with fewer elaborations than RQG. The rulebook is decidedly old-school & suffers a bit organizationally. Here's a quick & IMHO invaluable primer on character-creation (which has some highly-inobvious page-flipping needed): https://2ndage.blogspot.com/2016/07/runequest-classic-edition-char-gen.html
  12. This is a fair point. But something like the DF or RoL novels are an ongoing, evolving target (hence EH producing Paranet Papers (and they arguably should be considering a 4th book at this point))... not specifically a "product line" with new setting-books and new class/race/whatever splatbooks. But ongoing releases of adventures / case-files / etc seem like a reasonable thing to do (and, arguably, might help keep attention/sales up for the core books -- one of the key findings WotC's research found was that those other products didn't so much "earn profit" as themselves, but worked to drive core-book sales). ETA: The DF RPG had tons of attention & excitement, once upon a time... then EH stopped supporting it. The "Official" Paranet forum migrated to a fan-run site, and EH were no longer active. And the forum has just kind of... faded since then; the spoilerific fan-theory page is still somewhat active, tho the regular-posters are fewer; but the general RPG-chat pages are ghostly-silent, where they used to run about as active as the RQ forum on this site.
  13. I like to preserve the "Jump" (vs. making it a "Fly"). Once you "jump" you cannot change direction, which is a downside. But a jump is also faster than flying: that initial impetus has to launch you onto a trajectory that will carry you on a huge arc upwards, and falling back downwards. The magic keeps you safe from the physics of the crushing acceleration of launch, and the otherwise-deadly impact of landing. Typically, this will be many hundreds of MPH/KPH, whereas typical "fly" speeds are usually akin to a runner, horse-rider, etc.
  14. Is this document specifically the first-printing vs. second-printing changes? Or are other changes in the document, that did not make it into the updated printer files? In particular: The term "revised" sounds as though the scope of change may be greater that the "typos & similar minor corrections" sorts of things, that Chaosium has often produced after a "Tribal Edit" round ... ?
  15. I think this makes Foundry a nonstarter for me. I already don't get enough time for my gaming; if I had to code as part of game-prep, I'd get in almost no actual playing!
  16. Could you say a bit more about this? I usually consider "nicer interface" and "easier to use" as essentially the same thing... TYVM!
  17. You are suggesting another pantheon's Battle/War god? Hmm. I think it could make a certain degree of sense & symmetry with Battle/Strength/Storm: if TWO of them are from different pantheons, perhaps all three of them are. I think this is a good line of thought! However, I'm honestly unclear why we'd pick Shargash as "Strength" instead of "Battle" here... we could as easily nominate this other "pantheon that didn't obey the Emperor" as the source of "Strength." Either way, the question remains -- who is this deity? (now with your additional query "and from which Pantheon?") (as a separate query: do we have any other insight or input from other pantheons/mythologies (or just lore, anywhere in the corpus) as to the identity of (other masks of) "God-forgets"? Did he go the way of Splendid Yamsur?)
  18. "At the gamemaster’s discretion, an initiate can gain access to the cult’s special Rune spells in return for exceptional service to the cult, by donating the equivalent of 100 L per point of the spell, or for other reasons that further the cult’s goals and standing." (added bold'ing for emphasis) Given that we already know the POW-sac method (which mentions none of these) and that this section does not mention POW-sac, it looks pretty clear that these are indeed methods for gaining a Rune Spell without the POW-sac or increasing the Rune Pool. Upon re-reading the citation from p.313, I agree that @Jens has taken that 1 sentence out of context; the passage does not support gaining Rune Points without also gaining Rune Spells. However for some minor Cults -- that only have very-short lists of Cult Special spells -- it IS possible to continue POW-sac'ing and raising your Rune Pool, even though you gain access to no new spells (this is on p.314). If a player wanted to do this for larger cults (POW-sac, increase Rune Pool, but not gain an available spell) I would ask "why???" (I smell character-motivation & story hooks!) and would likely allow it. However, it seems clear that the intent & expectation of the RAW is that each point of POW-sac will both increase the Rune Pool and give access to any one Cult Special Rune Spell.
  19. Just upthread, @PhilHibbs quotes pg. 275 & @Jens quotes p. 313 Are you looking for something other than these?
  20. Hmm. Umath & Kargan Tor are from the Theyleyan "Celestial Court" (the primal forces before Orlanth&Co gained ascendance). I thought Shargash was in that newer generation, alike with Orlanth/etc (i.e. I don't think he's part of the old DH "Glorantay"). But I admit I don't have good clarity on the Solar theology from before the Lunar influences. Even so... wouldn't Shargash be another mask of Battle, i.e. the same deity as Kargan Tor? If you ascribe the role of "Strength" to Shargash, who then is "Battle" in this analysis? (accepting here the Gloranthan truth that "all mythologies are true" and the God-Forgotten myth clearly calling Battle & Strength as two different deities)
  21. In this story: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/a-god-forgot-story/ is this snippet: "... among the first of the immortals to be touched by the impurity of Battle and suffer the effects of Strength and Storm. Those three deities ..." OK, so Battle & Strength & Storm are 3 deities. "Storm," I presume, is known in the mainstream lore as "Umath;" and "Battle" would be Kargan Tor. Who is "Strength"?
  22. Thank you; that's good info. Do you know why EH planned (from the outset) to take a successful/popular product-line and automatically sunset it?
  23. Jeff -- I hope you reconsider this. The Earth Queen archetype already suffers a bit from certain stereotypes... it's really easy to see her as the passive on-a-pedestal type to be wooed-and-won as a trophy by the active male. Giving her a more-active role (even in some ways a central role) in ending the Great Winter would go a long ways to counteracting this impression.
  24. My G2G is up on a top shelf, and I've tweaked my shoulder & don't wanna risk worsening it... 😕
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