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Everything posted by PhilHibbs

  1. It's not perfect but the general feel of how the numbers translate into action might help.
  2. Yeah I feel your pain. There aren't very many good worked examples. Try this:
  3. I would say yes, but I'm quite loose with spell casting and would allow multiple disruptions. Also it might matter if you are "engaged" or not. Yes: RQG p.195: So if you are not engaged, then you are not as limited. If you explicitly can throw a Disrupt, then be engaged in melee, and then hit, all in one round, then you can throw two Disrupts unengaged. If you are engaged, then you simply have less time to think about things other than being killed. And even if you are engaged, I'd allow a non-offensive spell in addition to whatever other actions as long as the SRs fit (which is usually quite tight unless you are fast and have a good reach, i.e. low DEX and SIZ SR).
  4. The RuneQuest core rules PDF does this: The Red Book of Magic does this: Note the red and blue edging on the left and right of the first image, this is lighting up the individual R,G,B columns so as to give a smoother appearance on an LCD screen effectively trebling the horizontal resolution. How come one PDF does it, and the other does not? Right now I am preferring it not doing it as I am screen-capturing the spell description and printing cards and the red and blue tint is unnecessary (although to be honest I'm not noticing it in practice). Ooh, I just found it can be turned off in Acrobat Reader! Still... curious as to why one PDF was doing it when the other is not.
  5. PhilHibbs

    Rune Lords

    Where is this rule now? Is it still a thing? Is it coming back in the new cults book?
  6. Absolutely. Petty point-scoring is what munchkins do and you know how much I hate munchkins.
  7. You're right, I'm wrong. Not sure where I am remembering that difference from, possibly a previous edition.
  8. PhilHibbs

    Rune Lords

    Remember it takes a permanent Rune Point each time. Still a pretty good deal, but "many stats to 21" is possibly over stating it. Vasana's DEX starts at 11, that's 10 points of POW to get it to 21.
  9. Sort of - you still have to declare the parry, otherwise they are hitting you at 50% skill. Narratively, you "aren't even trying" though which may be what you meant.
  10. Yes, but the occupation skill changes are switched on the Rules tab, and you can do that without changing language. Two different things.
  11. Indeed, that's part of it. With the standard -20% stacking debuff, at 200% skill you can already eliminate the threat of the first three non-heroic attacks (-60% versus a 100% parry is fairly safe) just through this mechanic. Only after six parries do they start rolling at their normal chance. With a -10% stacking debuff this literally gets turned up to eleven.
  12. Shields are harder to break than swords. Parrying with a sword is a quick way to not have a usable sword any more. Unless you're parrying a natural attack, in which case it's a quick way to cut an attacking limb off.
  13. PhilHibbs

    Rune Lords

    Issaries and Argan Argar do, they are both very much going out there into the world and interacting with dangerous strangers. That's what it maybe should be in my mind, sedentary cults (household, farming, community oriented) don't need Rune Lords but cults whose core purpose involves going away from the safety of a temple do.
  14. PhilHibbs

    Rune Lords

    I don't get why only "combat" cults give 1D10 Divine Intervention to their elite followers.
  15. I think the problem with any solution is how it scales at high skill. Giving a bonus that is meaningful at "starting" skill levels (50-100%) but not utterly nuts at high skill levels (and lets be honest, 200% is not even that ridiculous at starting level with Sword Trance) is super hard. So lets say I have sword skill at 200%, due to Sword Trance or other combined bonuses. With a -10% stacking debuff that means I can parry ten times before my chance starts to actually be affected meaningfully. Maybe that's okay. 200% is huge, if it's game breaking then it's the "fault" of Sword Trance and not the parry mechanics.
  16. That's a bit of text from an old edition or older iteration of the RQ4 rules that got included in error. As Bill said, there's no allowance for that kind of tactic in the rules-as-written. I think it would be quite reasonable to at the minimum allow one extra full chance parry (i.e. delay the beginning of the -20 stacking debuff by one) if the adventurer does not attack. It's rather a small benefit though, and only helps people facing multiple incoming attacks.
  17. Zog from Betelgeuse is back, and has the best sponsor.
  18. Why? We know from RQ3 GoG it provides Shattering, which is a super-disrupt. And the spell is in RBOM so I'd assume it's still a Black Fang spell. It's had a buff as well as it is no longer blocked by armour, and 4D3 is more reliable than 2D6.
  19. Does anyone bother tracking where each point of CHA came from, such as items, missions, etc.? We've already lost track of it in my group.
  20. I'm sure that when HeroForge introduces duck heads and feet, someone will spot it and let us know.
  21. I think they would be physical arms made of bone and muscle, capable of sensation including pain and shock. They aren't glowing phantom arms made of sunlight. It's "Sprout Arms", not "Phantom Arms".
  22. You must be thinking of Varakos maybe? He's the Humakti. Or Mago the Fierce?
  23. Orientation is probably the big contentious issue among Glorathan cartographers. And probably more so for the invader than the defender. Place names and direction signs were removed all down the East coast of England so that German spies and/or invaders would not know how to get around and would have to ask. So any up to date quality maps of Sartar are going to be made by Lunars and viewed with suspicion by Sartarites.
  24. Same HP calculation, but you would need a new hit location chart. If you feel that as the hit point mass is now distributed over a larger area and should be slightly lower, then you probably would also need to increase the SIZ slightly to account for the increased body mass of extra arms and the two should exactly balance out. I don't see why a person who sprouts extra arms has to become heavier. Keep it simple. Unless they go for a dozen extra arms maybe.
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