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Squaredeal Sten

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Everything posted by Squaredeal Sten

  1. As I imagine it there are even more opportunities for initiates to officiate in subordinate roles, not only at Sacred Time but also on other holy days. My examples include: (1) Helping to perform sacrifices: While the priest presides and calls upon the god and cuts the animal's throat, initiates will lead in the sacrificial animal. Butcher it afterward. Barbecue it and cut portions for the rest of the congregation. All this may be taught or supervised by a subordinate priest or God Talker. In my game the first sign of the Adventurerrs' rise in status was being designated to do the barbecuing, and this was an occasion for a Worship roll. (2) Helping to teach cult lore and to initiate: For example the Six Seasons in Sartar male initiation scene features many members of the community wearing masks, not just the priest. (3) For another example I see an upward bound Ernalda initiate on the assistant priestess track, as working for the temple teaching introductory lore (as in modern RW Sunday school) and Co-teaching birthing classes. Presumably also midwifing. And casting Bless Pregnancy as part of her temple job, not as an individual favor. Naturally the income from doing this last magic, and from the additional Rune points to boost characteristics, supports both the temple and the initiate's standard of living from the temple. (4) at Sacred Time initiates may not only take subordinate roles in the in-world heroquests / passion plays, but will also usher, guard the sacred precinct, prepare by making or repairing scenery, masks, costumes, and props.
  2. Good point about the Uz Kitori. Association with human Ernaldan Kitori could make such desirable Earth magics much more available. That would be a major advantage to Uz from participating in the hybrid tribe. You make my children come out healthy and I love you like a sister, even though you are a wimpy human with no Darksense and a crazy attachment to sunlight.
  3. Not my impression since Bless pushes toward the most desirable result. It could be that the Curse works on Uz regardless of Bless Pregnancy. In which case you just get healthy trollkin if the die roll says you get trollkin.. But mostly, the cult of Kyger Litor is so basic to Uz that they don't abandon KL for Ernalda. After all your family is all most Uz have going for them, and KL is an ancestor cult at its heart.. The spirit of retribution plus cutting yourself off from Uz society is a daunting prospect. So you get BP but no one will mate with you? Not a good deal. It seems to me that Bless Pregnancy will work on Uz, is probably done as a favor to Uz, but since human- Uz relations are fraught it's not often offered. An Argan Argar priest might do well participating in Spell Tradig for Bless Pregnancy. Why preclude such an in game action?
  4. That wasn't my impression, since Sedenya was not a party to the Compromise, having died before it and been assembled after it. When did Sedenya become part of the Compromise?
  5. That only applies to the old gods who are parties to the Great Compromise. If you are Sedenya you evidently get all the benefits without that limitation. It is unclear to me what the Compromise status of other mortals who achieve godhood in Time is. Many, like Pavis with city godhood, seem to conform to that behavior. But is it compulsory? But in game terms: Everyone's goal is implicitly to build a more powerful character. At godhood you have achieved the maximum in that direction. As additional benefits or prizes: * You get relative immortality, relative because if Orlanth can be "killed" so can other gods. But at least there is no expiration date stamped on your mortal package. *And you get worshipped too, which is very appealing and flattering. You have WON. This is not to deny French Desperate Windchild's hypothesis that the gods in the Godtime / Gods World feel no limitation.
  6. In my non canonical opinion, the example of the RW bronze age, and even earlier ages, shows that Yes there is non religious, non royal art and decoration. A lot of it has not survived, not being stone, but we know that people will dress to impress and that means patterned cloth, embroidery, decoration with quills etc. A good weaver will be well known and will do prized work. There is beaded jewelry and beaded clothes. Most people cannot afford carved stone but metal and bone tools will often be decorated. They carved/ scrimshawed bone a long time before the bronze age. Art is a human thing to do. Pottery will be decorated. A lot of household art will be pottery. Literature will be mostly oral, and people will memorize poetry. Unlike today. This was an admired personal accomplishment. On the other hand many people will only have two or three sets of clothes. Basically a set to wear. A set to wash, and a best set for big occasions. And the poor will have much less decoration and leisure than the rich. That is a human constant, and got worse with the transition from hunter-gatheter to agriculture. Dancing, singing....more people making music than today when people just put on a recording. That is a recent change. Beyond that. Your Glorantha can be as artistic as you imagine and tell it.
  7. I think that the point is "shaman" has nothing to do with the English word "man", so its plural is not "men" and there are no sha-women, just female shamans.
  8. Ending up prone will put the target in a position to be trampled. Are you sure you want to force that? If the large creature does a knock backi in SR12 the target has a good chance to end up prone anyway.
  9. As I perceive it this thread has accepted an unstated assumption that all clans will seek to deny wergild unless they are at a military disadvantage. But I disagree with that assumption. It seems more likely that most clans value good relations with most of their neighbors. They intermarry with neighbors. Fighting them will involve kinstrife. And even a "war clan* won't last long if they are at feud with all their neighbors: Those neighbors are not stupid, and will combine against them.
  10. Seems to me that Chaos is homogenization rather than differentiation or division. All the old creation myths that start with chaos indicate that. So I favor "not". Collapsing the Rune categories is going back to homogenization, an essentially chaotic act.
  11. Oh, the players in my campaign via Zoom started doing that very early. But most of them are more experienced in RQ than I am.
  12. My own answers are definitely not authoritative, that's why I started the thread. But 01 - Yes, no penalties or bonuses. So if the malign sprit is particularly POWerful it may whip the whole group. If roughly comparable it is likely to be worn down by attrition. 02 - Yes, though they will need a concentration roll to cast a spell if they are engaged in Spirit Combat. IMHO it is better tactics to spellcast when not engaged. 03- They may see the spirit world as though they had their weapon, but they will actually be doing the same old spirit combat damage that is on the character sheet when they are discorporate.
  13. The priestesshood part was to establish a minimum. It is not a book requirement for Adventurers, but would be a basic expectation for a temple priestess, for reasons I gave. But most of my discussion was directed toward treating the NPCs more like real people, rather than attempting to minimize possession of BP for reasons of efficiency in..,what?
  14. It seems to me that any Ernaldan with ambitions for the priestesshood should get Bless Pregnancy and Bless Crops. They seem so basic to Ernalda and have guaranteed demand. And anyone else who wants them, like that midwife, will expect the priestess to know and teach them. So that establishes a mininum. But I don't think you should use that minimum in upur game if you want it believable or "realistic" . Whatever that means in a fantasy game. Why? Beyond that, consider that a even a stead with a longhouse and extended family should provide for more than one pregnancy a year. This is a society that is 1/3 children! Some years the stead may not have any but other years they may have 2 or 3. Therefore a clan of about 800 with about. 200-220 women if childbearing age will need many more Ernaldans with Bless Pregnancy than just the clan priestesses. 240 children under 16 implies 15 births a year at steady state. More if you have child mortality or are making up for the Great Winter. How much child mortality? An answer to that is necessary if you want a better Bless Pregnancy estimate. Next consider that an Ernaldan with BP may not want to have it perpetually in use and tightly scheduled. That limits her other magic use. Her family has crops and Injuries too. She even sees a husband off to war, too often in the Hero Wars. And it is not smart to have no RP reserve.
  15. My own thoughts, YGMV: Perhaps it's best to start with the basics and also check the Humakt geas list. Humakti honor seems to include demonstrations that you are a formidable individual. To gain: Formal one on one challenges. In general any in- game action in which honorable behavior is chosen despite a penalty or risk. Yes I am begging the question on"honorabke". To lose: Any deception. Ambush. Refusing a challenge.
  16. We have used the combat rules as is. It seems to me to be a little unfair to the players to pop a rule mechanics change / house rule on them during a high stakes heroquest. However during one heroquest (see An Orlanthi Wedding in Jonstown Compendium) I disallowed weapons because the event is mythologically pre Death So the combat was heavy on magic. - The Orlanth character beat the Yelm character with fast action.
  17. I would prepare a simple matrix sheet for the combat: Vertically rider, tucker, rider, tusker etc in pairs. Top horizontal line of column headings is IDs, combat stats (SR, %, damage, best armor) , POW , magic to use early, HP, hits taken, vs. Adventurer ID. That is all you need for quick reference. You look at the rest of individual stats when you need them. X out anyone who dies or runs.
  18. 12:01 AM on July 13th, U.S Central time (Michigan time)? I will set my alarm.
  19. Since Glorantha is flat and has no time zones, instead having a single world wide sunset and sunrise, I would say Wildday is Wildday over the whole world.
  20. However might it be possible to learn blacksmithing as Humakt cult lore even with minimal practical exercise? Start at 5% after the first classes, maybe these consist of: watch a smitthng job done. Pump the bellows? Filing the edge should be similar for bronze and iron. Watch a qualified Smith temper, get the lecture on what color it glows?
  21. In either case it is one character's viewpoint and like the pieces in King of Sartar it need not totally agree with other pieces. Or with other GMs. The quibbling player is quibbling.
  22. Make a distinction between allied spirits and bound spirits: Bound or summoned spirits, including elementals, will have to be controlled if they are to do anything but their natural impulse. So a Spirit if Law should automatically attack a nearby Chaotic being, and a Darkness Elemental should attack someone it is summoned on top of. But if you want the Darkness Elemental to move into the light that would require a control spell, because moving toward light is not natural for them. But allied spirits are conscious collaborators with their person and have a mind link to their person. Sent by the god to assist, they always stay around. So the player should be fully in charge of them. No extra strike ranks for using the mind link. They do not require control spells. If the Adventurer falls unconscious they should continue to fight in the Adventurer's best interest.
  23. Done. But I do find that Facebook's algorithm for what they push to me, does not match what I am really interested in. If I am not posting to a group daily it will drop off to hit-or -miss, and soon not be shown to me. And the less busy groups and pages don't get the exposure the more busy do, even though I may not post in them.. I freely admit that i don't understand their algorithm. and I wonder whether Facebook really does.
  24. I am looking for an artist who would do two to four illustrations for a forthcoming Jonstown Compendium publication for Runequest. It will only be my second, so this won't make anyone rich or famous. Message and I will send you what I'm thinking about. By the way, with all the people working toward JC publication, the forums need a thread for writers and artists familiar with the Runequest background to come together.
  25. There is a timeline, or rather a set of timelines, on Well of Daliath. But it doesn't include every possible king - https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/?s=Timeline and https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-documents/history-of-glorantha/timeline-dragonpass/ As far as your player not wanting an uneventful year in the character's history - remember what is said to be a Chinese curse: "May you live in interesting times.".
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