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FLOTSAM AND JETSAM - Organized Play Campaign 2019

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FLOTSAM AND JETSAM is our new Call of Cthulhu Organized Play campaign, which will be presented as four separate and loosely linked scenarios. These will be released on a monthly basis to the Keepers of the Cult of Chaos, commencing on September 15th 2019.

Each scenario offers one or more sessions of play and is essentially, stand-alone. They do not require the same players to take part, although returning players will, of course, enjoy a deeper level of fun by the fact they are engaging with a wider story.

A set of pre-generated investigators is provided with the first scenario, and these may be reused in the follow-up scenarios; however, there is nothing to stop Keepers creating their own set of investigators.


Flotsam and Jetsam uses the investigator organization called Strange But True! (as detailed in the Investigator Handbook). 

STRANGE BUT TRUE! is a weekly newspaper publishing “true” accounts of the bizarre, the weird, and the frankly unbelievable. Elijah Cleaver, the chief editor and publisher, may have a taste for the outlandish, but he knows that the world is filled with darker secrets than most of his readers could care to imagine. When he can, he uses the resources of his newspaper and its loose network of investigators to uncover the truth and present it to an incredulous readership. Whether or not such investigations result in a publishable story, Cleaver hopes to, at least, make the world a safer place.

The original concept for Flotsam and Jetsam was by Mike Mason and Scott Dorward. The writers involved are Brian Courtemanche, Matthew Dawkins, Anthony Lee-Dudley, Glyn White, and Scott Dorward. Editorial work for the project is by Mike Mason, Lynne Hardy, and Scott Dorward. Other people directly involved in the OP program at Chaosium are Todd Gardiner, Dustin Wright, and Michael ‘MOB’ O’Brien.

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On 9/26/2019 at 10:07 PM, joggiwagga said:

Question - do Chaosium folks want after-game write ups for privately hosted runs?  I've only done them in the past for open sessions at game stores or at conventions.

Yes - that would be great. Perhaps a new thread "Flotsam & Jetsam - Play Experiences" could be a home to all these - helping other Keepers and also being a useful reference for when we look at publishing the campaign in book form later on.


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Ok, two groups organised to start Flotsam and Jetsam and both outlets of our FLGS here in Perth, Western Australia:

South if the River: Good Games Cannington, starting November 7th. This one is already fully booked, overnight!

North of the River: Good Games, Morley, starting November 21st - still has some spots.

If the interest continues to grow, we may run some in the New Year.

Question: assuming enough players are hooked on the game - can I then re-run Time to Harvest?


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