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Posted (edited)

That's beautiful! But what a stair! No country for old men!! Is there also a gate at the far end, connecting to the plateau? Otherwise, poor horses!!

EDIT: Ah, ok, I checked the map, there is another gate, on the left, hidden behind the High Lama nomad.

Edited by Minlister
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19 hours ago, Jeff said:

The Vingkotlings were a tribe founded by the demigod son of Orlanth some 5000 years ago. Most Orlanthi trace their descent to them, at least mythologically.

As an aside, here's a technique I use to understand the distance Glorantha's history - I position myself at the time of Alexander the Greek and look backwards.
Present year 1627
10 years ago - Lunar Empire invades Hendrikiland
25 years ago - Boldhome falls to the Lunar Empire
50 years ago - Battle of Grizzly Peak
100 years ago - Apotheosis of Sartar
300 years ago - Belintar unites Holy Country
500 years ago - the Dragonkill War (1120)
1000 years ago- the Kingdom of Dragon Pass. After this came the EWF.
1500 years ago - the Second Council. The Theyalans dominate Genertela and war with the Pelorian horse people.
2000 years ago - I Fought, We Won, and the Unity Battle. After this, came the Heortling kingdom, which lasted about 800 years (until Gbaji destroyed it).
2500 years ago - The Chaos Age, which lasted until the Unity Battle.
3000 years ago - the Ice Age
5000 years ago - the Vingkotlings
10,000 years ago - Orlanth kills Yelm

Compare this to a Greek at the time of Alexander (330 BC)
10 years ago - Philip founds Philippopolis
25 years ago - the Sacred War
50 years ago - Battle of Leuctra (371 BC)
100 years ago - start of the Peloponnesian War
300 years ago - fall of the Neo-Assyrian Empire
500 years ago - the neo-Assyrian Empire
1000 years ago - the Trojan War
1500 years ago - height of old Babylon
2000 years ago - Sargon and the Akkadian Empire
2500 years ago - Gilgamesh is king of Uruk
3000 years ago - Menes units Egypt (first dynasty)
5000 years ago - Neolithic cities like Catal Huyuk and Jericho
10,000 years ago - beginning of Neolithic age

So looking at this, it makes about as much sense for "modern" Sartarites to use First Age Heortling terminology as it would for Alexander to describe Anatolia based on Hittite/Mycenaen terminology (remember, the Iliad was composed many centuries later, and the scholars I know do not think the Ship List corresponds to Mycenaean political centers, but rather reflects the centres of Homer's own time).

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2 hours ago, 7Tigers said:

Dundealos tribe, destroyed in 1618, will indeed be restored in 1626. A 96 page book about it is being written for french RQG version, by the end of this year. Most likely translated in english sometime in the future.

One of the illustrations shared by Studio Deadcrows, by Bernard Bittler:


Nom d'un p'tit bonhomme!

Good stuff. Is the book supposed to be a scenario book, a setting book ot even better, a bit of both?

Also, awaiting the French version of RQG to be available so I can get m y hands on it...



43 minutes ago, DreadDomain said:

Good stuff. Is the book supposed to be a scenario book, a setting book ot even better, a bit of both?

Both, as far as we know. From crowfunding page:


Descriptif pour le supplément "Enfants de la Flamme" :


Dans tout Sartar, la faillite a un nom : Dundealos.

Cette tribu paie le prix fort de la rébellion manquée de Kallyr Front-étoilé. Tribu dissoute, terres confisquées par l'envahisseur lunar et offertes à des traitres, esclavage, sévices.

Les membres de la tribu qui refusent de se soumettre trouvent refuge dans des communautés alliées, ou embrassent une vie d'errance et de guérilla.

En attendant des jours meilleurs...


Sur les anciennes terres des Dundealos, le nouveau temple lunar est englouti par l'éveil d'un vrai dragon. Kallyr Front-étoilé devient reine de Sartar. Le temps est venu pour les anciens membres de la tribu maudite d'emprunter le chemin de la reconquête.

Participez grâce à ce supplément de création française à la renaissance de la tribu maudite des Dundealos !

Une route semée d'embuches attend les héros, qui devront déployer un large éventail de capacités diplomatiques, magiques et martiales pour refonder la tribu dissoute et l'aider à retrouver sa place parmi les grandes tribus de la Passe du Dragon.

Ce supplément sera utilisable avec des héros existants ou pourra être joué avec des personnages directement issus des anciens Dundealos.

Auteurs : Philippe Auribeau et Pierre Coppet


1 hour ago, 7Tigers said:


Both, as far as we know. From crowfunding page:


Looks very good. Unfortunately I have missed the crowdfunding and you cannot really pledge late so I am out of luck...

5 hours ago, 7Tigers said:

Dundealos tribe, destroyed in 1618, will indeed be restored in 1626. A 96 page book about it is being written for french RQG version, by the end of this year. Most likely translated in english sometime in the future.

One of the illustrations shared by Studio Deadcrows, by Bernard Bittler:


Umm, where is this place?

14 hours ago, 7Tigers said:

Dundealos tribe, destroyed in 1618, will indeed be restored in 1626. A 96 page book about it is being written for french RQG version, by the end of this year. Most likely translated in english sometime in the future.

One of the illustrations shared by Studio Deadcrows, by Bernard Bittler:


That tribe seems to be very beloved by gloranthaphile writers, some months ago there was released the Valley of plenty campaign which is also centered on the Dundealos. 

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2 hours ago, Jape_Vicho said:

That tribe seems to be very beloved by gloranthaphile writers, some months ago there was released the Valley of plenty campaign which is also centered on the Dundealos.

I mean, they were a tribe that was shattered, their people forced to flee, their lands given over to foreigners, but then managed to take it all back and recreate themselves. That's all great stuff to build a campaign out of.

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