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Magic World 7E: Anyone, anyone? Bueller?...


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On 3/7/2023 at 8:57 AM, g33k said:

WotC packpedaled hard, though (CC-BY-4.0 hard) and I haven't seen any reaction from Chaosium since that backpedal (afaik, Paizo is still working with Azora Law on the ORC license).

As I understand it Chaosium themselves are strong backers of this effort. Re the ORC license.

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11 hours ago, Thaenor said:

As I understand it Chaosium themselves are strong backers of this effort. Re the ORC license.

They were among the very-first supporters of it, yes.  But that was before the WotC backpedal.

Most of the industry (and fans, and press) mostly seems to have mostly dropped the issue, since WotC released under CreativeCommons.

I don't know whether Chaosium is holding to the same course they set during the "withdrawing the OGL" kerfuffle, or not.

Arguably, "the market" changed when the the news broke at io9, and Chaosium (and others) changed to meet it... but then "the market" changed again when WotC announced for CC-BY-4 (other businesses may well be changing for that market; I haven't seen much unified response).

But that is all speculation on my part!

Until I see a new announcement on the subject from Chaosium, I will presume their most recent statement stands, as summarized here:


Chaosium is part of the Open RPG Creative License initiative aka 'ORC', announced by our friends at Paizo. It is intended that this system-neutral open RPG license can be freely used across the tabletop RPG industry. Chaosium is part of the initial cohort of companies involved, along with Green Ronin, Kobold Press, Legendary Games, and Rogue Genius Games. Since then, many more tabletop RPG companies have signed on to the initiative. 
In all likelihood we will switch our own Open Gaming License model to the ORC in due course. 

(quoted from https://www.chaosium.com/frequently-asked-questions/ )

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20 hours ago, Thaenor said:

To me a prudent approach is to wait and see until the ORC license is released - contributing where they feel necessary along the way. I wish them well however this turns out.

I suspect that is exactly what they are doing (but with a bit more input than just "waiting and seeing" after release).  AIUI, Paizo is 100% funding the lawyer(s) writing the ORC, but I think the original cadre of also-on-board's (among whom are Chaosium, Green Ronin, and others) probably got to make their specific wants & needs known; I suspect these are on the spec's document that the lawyers are drafting from.  The announced purpose is a license NOT specific to the needs of any one company, so getting multiple inputs this way looks to me to be a good strategy.

We already know that Chaosium found WotC's OGL1.0 inadequate (writing their own, instead), so I imagine they anticipate something more to their liking from the ORC... and have good reason to think that way!

But in the end... I figure Chaosium has a better handle on this stuff than we fans do.  I'm interested, but it's not nearly so keen an interest as (for example) some better insight into upcoming titles, specific release-dates, etc.

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6 hours ago, g33k said:

But in the end... I figure Chaosium has a better handle on this stuff than we fans do.  I'm interested, but it's not nearly so keen an interest as (for example) some better insight into upcoming titles, specific release-dates, etc.

So true - heaps of connections within the industry we are not likely to have for sure. Great points. I really hope the ORC license 'works' going forward as an alternative open gaming license anyway. Something that gives the hobby and industry a full certainty. Even if the principle might not be anything more than a 'wish' in terms of the market dynamics.
Quiet fan lives in hope. 🙂

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1 hour ago, Thaenor said:

... Something that gives the hobby and industry a full certainty...

I'm pretty sure the CC-BY licenses give that certainty.  AFAIK, WotC has only released 400 pages (I'm guessing the basic "SRD" material, aka the PHB (more or less)).

There's certainly a *LOT* more to D&D than just that, but then again:  that same amount of SRD was driving the OGL for decades, so...

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3 minutes ago, g33k said:

I'm pretty sure the CC-BY licenses give that certainty.  AFAIK, WotC has only released 400 pages (I'm guessing the basic "SRD" material, aka the PHB (more or less)).

There's certainly a *LOT* more to D&D than just that, but then again:  that same amount of SRD was driving the OGL for decades, so...

They also release a promotional list of tasks for the future that had similar wording to 'previous editions being considered for placing in the CC' - if that means a ruleset like 3.5e and its complete SRD (minus obvious IP details) could go CC that would an epic move too - I'll wait and see.
I just want to extend my understanding and playing past only 'D&D adjacent' stuffs. D100 based games fill that requirement.

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14 hours ago, Thaenor said:

...I just want to extend my understanding and playing past only 'D&D adjacent' stuffs. D100 based games fill that requirement.

It certainly does!

But honestly, you don't even need an "OGL" or similar:  there's already so much available in the D&D+adjacent space, and BRP+adjacent!

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  • 1 month later...

Hi All,

Given the release of the UGE, how possible might it be to create a Magic World 2.0, or similar, with a better layout and art? 

Using the generic UGE, what is lost, bar the setting? Perhaps someone could create an Elric! inspired version that is lean, direct, and geared for fantasy, minus the setting, but with a bestiary.

I’d definitely buy such a system with a more appealing aesthetic. Since many love Elric!’s lean approach, one could do likewise for Magic World. 

Just a thought… 🙂 

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This is an adjacent to this topic as it connects, at least in my mind.

With the UGE out, I won't lie I was disappointed there wasn't a conversion appendix or something for user with CoC 7e.

Does such a thing exist out there in the wider world? A one pages that shows how to convert back and forth?

Might be a great aid for such a project as this.

Peace, love, geek.
Bear the Gen-X GM

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I suppose it depends on what you need conversion for. There are a lot more similarities than differences between UGE and CoC 7e and they mostly don't require a conversion. Some examples:

It's already there in the book
- Percentile characteristics are de facto in BRP with the characteristic rolls (CHARX5) and they are on the character sheets.
- Hard successes are more or less the same thing as asking for a Difficult roll p.113. And asking for an Extreme is like asking for a Special.
- Opposed rolls, ignore the Resistance table and use only opposed rolls as suggested on p.112

Simple addition
- You can add push rolls as is.
- You can add Luck as is (or use Fate Points p.115)

Simple substitution
- You can use Bonus and Penalty dice as is. Every time a modifier of +/-20% or 30% (p.112, 114 and so on) is suggested, add a bonus or a penalty die. If it +/- 50%, add 2 bonus or penalty die.

A bit more involved
- Using CoC7e combat (fighting, dodge, fighting back, maneuvers) can be brought across but quite few things in the BRP Combat chapter will need to be ignored.

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  • 1 month later...

I response to the discussion on random hit locations, I always read it as "here's where the opponent has let slip an opening."

I've also been in fights (real, and on the mats) and I might want to go for a headshot, but if he presents his knee I'll absolutely take it!

Edited by StevenGEmsley
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