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BRP Rome!


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Beats me.

I haven't looked at a copy of MRQ, and would literally give/sell/throw it away unread if it were given to me as a gift.

You must have psychic powers. I own a copy, read it, and would do the same.

Chaos stalks my world, but she's a big girl and can take of herself.

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Beats me.

I haven't looked at a copy of MRQ, and would literally give/sell/throw it away unread if it were given to me as a gift.

Come on, it's not as bad as it seems.

You cannot play the game using the rules as written and there are lots of confusing examples, and they haven't put much thought into making something consistent, but I'm sure there is something there... I think I liked the stuff about having items of different qualities and the rules for that and... I think that was it.

Second Age Glorantha is a cool setting as well, but I'll wait until BRP comes out to play there.

In any case it is bad manners to do that to a gift. :rolleyes:


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That just plain sucks, Jason…no way a round it; that sucks large and stinks to high heaven :-T I’m not surprised however, considering the dubious quality of their products, those guys obviously play it fast and loose over there. Their bottom line is truly much more important to them than their reputation, integrity or customer service. I rarely post on forums, preferring to lurk and read, but your experience has seriously pissed me off. :mad:

I’m a Conan fan from way back, read my first Conan story in ’69 when I was eight years old and have loved the Cimmerian ever since. It already rubs me the wrong way that they’ve got the rights to the Hyborian Age, but add to that what they’ve done with “RuinedQuest” and now your story and I tell you a body just about can’t contain himself and has to do something!>:->

My sympathies, man. I know it’s totally tweaking the sentiment of the concept and the philosophy that fostered it, but I can’t help but look forward to the day when all the shitty karma they’ve been spreading comes home on ‘em and they face their own painful reality realizing that they’re only reaping what they have sown.



P.S. These are for you bro!

Present home-port: home-brew BRP/OQ SRD variant; past ports-of-call: SB '81, RQIII '84, BGB '08, RQIV(Mythras) '12,  MW '15, and OQ '17

BGB BRP: 0 edition: 20/420; .pdf edition: 06/11/08; 1st edition: 06/13/08

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My apologies for making a joke about what you do with mongoose's products. I obviously had no idea about anything that had happened and the way they had behaved with you.

Considering that, I think it is very polite that you didn't say that you would shove the book up the ass of anyone who gave one to you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

New member here - Hello people.

I've been moaning about how all the roman rpg's availible out there are in the "dull" period, during the empire. Not the fun parts, i.e. republic (or even byzantine). Of course, the "dull empire" seems to be everyone elses cup of tea, so perhaps it's really fun? I just prefer plotting politicos plundering provinces... and not just because it's fun to say out loud.

And then I notice this, a roman republic rpg using my favorite set of rules? Now what are the odds of that? I will gladly cheer the writer on in his efforts!

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And then I notice this, a roman republic rpg using my favorite set of rules? Now what are the odds of that? I will gladly cheer the writer on in his efforts!

Please cheer away!

I've just finished the Religions chapter and am now moving onto the daunting task of squeezing 700 years of history into a dozen pages... without leaving out all the fun stuff! :ohwell:

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I've just finished the Religions chapter and am now moving onto the daunting task of squeezing 700 years of history into a dozen pages... without leaving out all the fun stuff! :ohwell:

That gives you... 58 years per page on the average? I don't envy you, that's for sure.

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I always thought the Macabbean period of Jewish history would make an interesting RPG. You've got the epic struggle against the Selucid Greeks, 200 years of nasty political intrigue and infighting, and the territory hungry Romans waiting in the wings to take over.

I applaud your efforts. I learned more world history gathering RPG campaign background material than I did in four semesters of college humanities. Look forward to the finished product.

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  • 1 month later...

Thread necromancy? Anyway, I was wondering after looking up some roman offfices on wikipedia and in dictionaries - Does this BRP Rome describe the offices held by the senators? I.e; do you spell out what the heck a quaestor, aedile and a praetor does? Not that I'm planning a political campaign and loathe to make a reference document for the players at all, no sir! Well okay, that's exactly it.

It's always a bother when a player gets the military and people's tribunes mixed up.

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If not there is a great glossery in the back of any of Colleen McCullough First Man in Rome books. She also adds a bunch of other terms that are great for roleplaying including really nasty Latin insults for characters to sling around at each other. >:->

You can probably find one of these books cheap at used bookstore.


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Thread necromancy? Anyway, I was wondering after looking up some roman offfices on wikipedia and in dictionaries - Does this BRP Rome describe the offices held by the senators? I.e; do you spell out what the heck a quaestor, aedile and a praetor does? Not that I'm planning a political campaign and loathe to make a reference document for the players at all, no sir! Well okay, that's exactly it.

Yes, their responsibilities are explicitly explained.

It's always a bother when a player gets the military and people's tribunes mixed up.

That's been covered too! :)

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If not there is a great glossery in the back of any of Colleen McCullough First Man in Rome books. She also adds a bunch of other terms that are great for roleplaying including really nasty Latin insults for characters to sling around at each other. >:->

I already have a page dedicated to Latin insults... although we'll have to see what survives. Some censoring might be required! ;)

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Cool! How is the project going? Started playtesting? Any idea about the ETA? :P

Project status. Well, I am currently finishing off the Creatures section and having fun making my own versions of some Roman monsters. A very kind gentleman who is professor of Classics, is now going through the chapters written so far, correcting all the Latin words I've included. Last but not least, a good friend of mine is generating a map of Late Republican Rome, from a collection of other map fragments I've gathered over the last couple of years - sadly there seems to be no good detailed maps of the city at that time available (at least on the net).

My current deadline is to be finished by the end of April - towards which I am currently flogging myself. All the tough chapters are now finished. Its just the fun ones left to go... :)

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About 90% of the manuscript has been Latin proofed by the very dedicated Classicist who volunteered his priceless services, and those chapters are now in the hands of a good friend for pre-submission editing. Also the first of the city maps has been finished and looks wonderful.

I'm still aiming for my submission deadline at the end of April, after which its in the hands of Chaosium.

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