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Pouch of Silver at 13

Erol of Backford

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3 minutes ago, Erol of Backford said:

Pouch of Silver at 13 or a +3 Lingering Benefit to their existing Wealth. If a hero cements the ability with a Hero Point, it becomes a regular and permanent breakout ability of their Wealth).

How many Lunars is a Pouch of Silver at 13?

This is not really the place to ask mechanical rules questions. I am going to move this to the Questworld thread.

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8 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

How many Lunars is a Pouch of Silver at 13?

In HQG/QW, it does not make sense to worry about how many Lunars are in it.  It has a particular rating (i.e. 13) and you'll use that in situations where you are trying to overcome the resistance of some target.  E.g. you want to bribe the guard to get through the gate into Karse after dark.  Perhaps they are suspicious (and it is after dark), so resistance is 17 (hard, but not exceptional).  If you're victorious, great - the pouch of silver was sufficient (and you still have it).  If you're defeated, they take your pouch and don't let you in (remove it from your sheet).  If it's a marginal victory/defeat, you get past, BUT the value goes down by some amount.  

And that's really all you need to worry about.  (If you're playing RQ though, then it's a different story.)

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20 minutes ago, Erol of Backford said:

We are playing RQ3 that's why it was asked... thanks!

Ok, so you're trying to translate.  A 13 rating is enough to be on your sheet, but nothing exceptional.  I'd say that it would not pay your annual needs, but still has value.  Maybe make it 60% of your annual income?  (I don't recall what RQ3 provides for income.  In RQG terms, typical income is ~60L annually, so maybe 35-40L.)

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If someone wanted to cement "Pouch of Silver" as an ability, then that means that hero always seems to carry some silver on their person and can probably find some in there if its needed. The rating gives some idea as to how much they usually have, but it's not really a definite amount.

I disagree with @jajagappa that it can be removed from your sheet on a simple defeat - a defeat just means the hero didn't have enough to fully meet their needs, they still keep the ability. If it was only a marginal defeat, or if the Narrator needs to keep things moving, the hero might get past the guards but also take a temporary penalty to "Pouch of Silver", representing that the bribe significantly impacted their wallet, but they can get it back up to normal in time.

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7 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

We are playing RQ3 that's why it was asked... thanks!

I'd suggest looking at how this is handled in Call of Cthulhu's using the Credit Rating skill. 


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22 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

Pouch of Silver at 13 or a +3 Lingering Benefit to their existing Wealth. If a hero cements the ability with a Hero Point, it becomes a regular and permanent breakout ability of their Wealth).

How many Lunars is a Pouch of Silver at 13?

It represents that you have money to wave around. So in terms of a game where you count every Lunar, it's an income, not a solid cash value, and it's an income that guarantees you have disposable cash. I'd say, depending on the general economy and cash-availability of your game, 1-2x the character in question's annual living costs, atop other income they have. Enough that they always have money in their pouch, but not enough for them to casually make major purchases. 

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If the character is just temporarily flush, I'd go with a lingering benefit or plot augment. If the player cements the benefit as a new ability, they're now someone who almost always has some coin on hand. You could keep track of the amount if you wanted to, and then have the benefit end when it's used up, or just hand-wave/abstract the specific amounts. That's a playstyle/taste driven choice. Either way, the general magnitude of the in-fiction amount can also inform credibility assessment while framing contests. "A handful," "dozens," "hundreds," and "thousands" of coins imply very different fictional possabilities, and can also guide when a temporary award gets used up. 

The rating however doesn't necessarily reflect how much money they have. The rating is more about how affective that wealth is in overcoming appropriate challenges. A high rating means that the character is more likely to overcome fictionally appropriate obstacles with that money, while a low one means you're more likely to hit a wall or encounter complications in leveraging your wealth to solve a problem - the official you hoped to bribe is honest, someone else is trying to corner the market on the commodity you need, a Yelmalion demands gold Wheels as payment rather than silver Lunars, etc. 

Edited by JonL
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10 hours ago, Richard S. said:

I disagree with @jajagappa that it can be removed from your sheet on a simple defeat - a defeat just means the hero didn't have enough to fully meet their needs, they still keep the ability. If it was only a marginal defeat, or if the Narrator needs to keep things moving, the hero might get past the guards but also take a temporary penalty to "Pouch of Silver", representing that the bribe significantly impacted their wallet, but they can get it back up to normal in time.

I think you've got the better interpretation, particularly for a cemented benefit.  If it was not cemented/lingering, then a defeat should wipe it out.  But once cemented, then they've got some method available to keep it replenished even after a defeat.  

1 hour ago, Eff said:

So in terms of a game where you count every Lunar, it's an income, not a solid cash value, and it's an income that guarantees you have disposable cash.

This seems the right way to interpret for RQ.

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