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What type of setting will you use BRP for first?


What type of setting will you use BRP for first?  

49 members have voted

  1. 1. What type of setting will you use BRP for first?

    • Fantasy or historical
    • Modern
    • Superhero
    • Science fiction

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Sixties Drive in Movies.

It's a game idea I've been toying with for years, and I think I'm going to finally do. Every bad horror, spy and action flick I've seen over the years on third copy vhs will be turned into a game.

I tried to do it with d20 a while back, not so much. Call of Cthulhu basically did it, but it's nice to have a more modular set to play with. I lost my Runequest books a few years back and never bothered to replace them. BRP's new edition was "right around the corner" there for a couple years. Well, glad I waited. It's a perfect fit for a lot of the ideas I've been playing with.


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Sixties Drive in Movies.

It's a game idea I've been toying with for years, and I think I'm going to finally do. Every bad horror, spy and action flick I've seen over the years on third copy vhs will be turned into a game.

I tried to do it with d20 a while back, not so much. Call of Cthulhu basically did it, but it's nice to have a more modular set to play with. I lost my Runequest books a few years back and never bothered to replace them. BRP's new edition was "right around the corner" there for a couple years. Well, glad I waited. It's a perfect fit for a lot of the ideas I've been playing with.

If so, you might enjoy the Matinee Monsters supplement for GORE and Berlin '61, currently under development by PK Games. ;)

For myself, I'd lean towards a science fantasy or historical type campaign, either something Flash Gordon-ish or an Ivanhoe/Robin Hood scenario.

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If so, you might enjoy the Matinee Monsters supplement for GORE and Berlin '61, currently under development by PK Games. ;)

For myself, I'd lean towards a science fantasy or historical type campaign, either something Flash Gordon-ish or an Ivanhoe/Robin Hood scenario.

I actually downloaded Berlin '61, and have been reading it at work instead of doing my job. So far I've been pretty impressed with it from a production standpoint. It was definitely done on a shoestring, but the lo fi thing works in its favor, the text itself is pretty quality.


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I actually downloaded Berlin '61, and have been reading it at work instead of doing my job. So far I've been pretty impressed with it from a production standpoint. It was definitely done on a shoestring, but the lo fi thing works in its favor, the text itself is pretty quality.

Care to add your opinion in the review section when you have had time to read it thru? :cool:


Ef plest master, this mighty fine grub!
b1.gif 116/420. High Priest.

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Care to add your opinion in the review section when you have had time to read it thru? :cool:


Yeah, but it may take a week or longer to get through it considering how often I have to pull up a work friendly screen and pretend I care. I'll be sure to throw something up there when I'm done, though.


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Lots of nice ideas.

I wanted to do a modern day David Kronenburg scanners type thing.

If you want to do an over the internet game, I'd love to help out or at least play this one. I'm a huge fan of early Cronenberg. I've also been thinking about a giallo themed game with a modded CoC ruleset. (Which ideally would have at least one player in on the joke, as the bad guy, and focus more on roleplay than blowing things up).


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I just read Moorcock's Ice Schooner again yesterday and was inspired by it. I've always wanted to steal the ideas of the ice ships, the frozen world, etc. and build a fantasy campaign out of it. I'm tempted to make it more fantasy with ice demons, magic, etc. (No ice elves, dwarves, etc. though!)

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I just read Moorcock's Ice Schooner again yesterday and was inspired by it. I've always wanted to steal the ideas of the ice ships, the frozen world, etc. and build a fantasy campaign out of it. I'm tempted to make it more fantasy with ice demons, magic, etc. (No ice elves, dwarves, etc. though!)

hehe....Talislanta is the game world for you then. It has a frozen land called the Northern Reaches where there is a blue-skinned race called the Mirin who have ice schooners on frozen Sea of Ice. Their main enemy are the Ice Giants. The Ice Giants are giant humanoid animated ice creatures ruled by a mysterious quasi-deity. It is rumored that the Ice Giant might some form of demon.

Also, Talislanta has none of the standard fantasy races (i.e. elves, dwarves, gnomes, halfling, orcs, etc.). In fact, the advertising slogan for Talislanta when it came out in the late 80's was "No Elves!" The new 5th edition has revised that slogan to "Still no Elves!"

BRP Ze 32/420

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Also, Talislanta has none of the standard fantasy races (i.e. elves, dwarves, gnomes, halfling, orcs, etc.). In fact, the advertising slogan for Talislanta when it came out in the late 80's was "No Elves!" The new 5th edition has revised that slogan to "Still no Elves!"

Probably the biggest load of BS in the RPG hobby is Taslatntia's lack of elves. They got a dozen pointed eared slender races that act like elves. Just they give them a different name. Even the species they used to use with the "no elves" pictures looked like elves.

Chaos stalks my world, but she's a big girl and can take of herself.

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Probably the biggest load of BS in the RPG hobby is Taslatntia's lack of elves. They got a dozen pointed eared slender races that act like elves. Just they give them a different name. Even the species they used to use with the "no elves" pictures looked like elves.

I disagree completely! :)

BRP Ze 32/420

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hehe....Talislanta is the game world for you then. It has a frozen land called the Northern Reaches where there is a blue-skinned race called the Mirin who have ice schooners on frozen Sea of Ice. Their main enemy are the Ice Giants. The Ice Giants are giant humanoid animated ice creatures ruled by a mysterious quasi-deity. It is rumored that the Ice Giant might some form of demon.

I actually have Tal4 and the Northern Reaches, and I like the ideas in general. Ironically, I like the system much more than the world. The world isn't bad, but everything is at such a high level that I might as well use my own. I do the high level things well. What I don't do so well are the details...which I generally just wing. :) Still, it's a nice reminder to dig out that book and look it over again.

I agree. Tal is full of what are essentially elves. It's also full of races that remind me of the "humans with funny ears [skin, <insert feature>]" that are all over generic fantasy RPGs. Personally, I'd prefer to stay humancentric and deal with societal differences. If I'm going to have other intelligent creatures, I'd prefer them to be completely alien: demons, elementals, etc. Glorantha is my one exception to my humancentric tastes, and it at least makes everything alien to some extent.

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I honestly don't know how to answer this poll, since I'm trying to decide among several possibilities: low-magic "low fantasy" a la Howard and Leiber, "hard science fiction" where interstellar travel still obeys the speed of light, "planetary romance" (after Jason Durall's thread), steampunkish "space opera" inside a Dyson sphere instead of through star systems (so rockets and even zepplins can go between worlds) ... argh. My head a'splode.

A few constant principles are, though, that 1) Magic, if it exists, is mysterious and not an alternate technology, 2) Nonhumans are seriously non-human, 2a) NO ELVES! (of the Tolkien/D&D variety, anyway), 3) 3 * 10^8 m/s isn't only a good idea, it's the law.

Maybe I'm just sick of point-and-chant magic, funny-looking stereotyped humans, and one-city planets.


"Welcome to the hottest and fastest-growing hobby of, er, 1977." -- The Laundry RPG
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Isteampunkish "space opera" inside a Dyson sphere instead of through star systems (so rockets and even zepplins can go between worlds) ... argh.

Now that could be interesting. :thumb:

Chaos stalks my world, but she's a big girl and can take of herself.

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I've been toying with the idea of Hollow Worlds a/o Dyson Spheres for a while. The idea of a steampunkish/low-tech version grew out of a) my disdain for single-city worlds, B) the old Flash Gordon serials with a "rocket" that goes to other worlds, and c) pictures of a steampunk Star Wars with Prussian Stormtroopers and biplane X-wings/TIE fighters.

The basic set-up is that each "world" resides on a disk (dish?) with high walls; each world has its own climate due to cloud cover, albedo, atmosphere, etc. (The dim sun is always overhead, and each disk is always perpendicular to incoming sunlight, so disks generally don't have seasons or even days. Yeah, I'm still working that out.)

Sufficiently advanced natives have discovered rocketry to get them over the walls. (Maybe a thin atmosphere exists above the disks, so lighter-than-air craft with their own oxygen and heat can cross over too.) The most advanced nations have empires ... which leads to abuse of the natives, military conquest, and all that other nastiness. Some are less nasty than others, and perhaps one is worse than the rest ...

You could actually get a number of campaigns out of this:

First Contact: The rockets of the Empire land in your medieval world. What do you do?

Soldiers of the Empire: Your mission is to seek out new worlds and new civilizations ... and exploit them for the good of the Empire.

Clash of Empires: You, a member of the Good Empire, more a Commonwealth really, fight the Evil Empire. You know you're good because you want to enlighten the natives and bring them to Civilization, while the Evil Empire wants to teach the poor natives their heathen ways.

Rebels: Either there's only one Empire or a bunch of equally Empires; you are the brave Resistance, trying to free yourselves and all enslaved peoples. (Naturally, some peoples are more primitive, so you, the Civilized ones, will have to enlighten them and bring them Civilization, but it's all part of your Five Year Plan.)


"Welcome to the hottest and fastest-growing hobby of, er, 1977." -- The Laundry RPG
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Science Fiction. My current setting needs a "translation" from a Cthulhu Ri-

sing / GURPS Space / Traveller - Mix to a "real" system, and I hope BRP will

be the problem's solution.

"Mind like parachute, function only when open."

(Charlie Chan)

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Well I'd like to do a sword and sorcery game set in a pseudo-ancient near east type of world I have had kicking around in my head for years now.

I also have an idea for a street level superhero game set in the Seventies. Lots of kung-fu masters, satanists and pimps and hipster gangsters.

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