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So Blumen is slightly detailed in Tradetalk 05 p.23, shown on map on p.29.

Has anyone done anything with this as there are no references in printed material that I am able to find and no online sources. (Likely not canon but YGWV.)

I thought to use something like the Elder Secrets dwarf scenarios but would rather end up with those guys inhabiting the area below Rabbit Hat, it's worked well in the past and been lots of fun... so looking for other ideas for these guys at Blumen.

It notes they only have 1 warrior but I'd rather there be 50-60 dwarves here so they are a bit less dependant on the locals. Knowing its not detailed very well it seems open to develop... again looking for ideas beyond they need items for alchemy which would be a start.

Jaja's "meeting a dwarf" writeup would be of use here as these guys are not so versed with outside communication.

Any ideas appreciated.

image.png.6adeff7694bfd7d1207f599137e29acc.png image.png.9544ce2350f20e605ba1135bd450671b.png

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A very timely question, it also relates to my own campaign planning.

I think it is highly desirable to flesh out that small dwarf colony.  What are they doing?  Do they make anything to trade and if so what?  "Alchemical concoctions" covers a lot, and perhaps other things ad they build their coony.  We know dwarfs build quickly.

One iron dwarf "warrior" could be  formidable.  Heavily armored  with access to gunpowder weapons.  The other dwarfs should be capable of self defense even though that is not their job function.

Let's assume that their colony includes underground tunnels and pulls energy from the volcano.  

I propose that...

1. They have access to native copper plus other minerals from volcanic intrusions.  Caladraland is a source of copper for Esrolia, it's not going to be unique,  but this means they are not poor.  But Googlng gives for other volcanic minerals gives us aluminum. gold, lead, diamonds.  Also non Gloranthan minerals like nickel/.

2. Ian Thompson's volume 2. "The city that time forgot" has a lot of material on dwarfs.  And it is playtested.  We ought to use it.  On Jonstown Compendium.



Edited by Squaredeal Sten
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13 minutes ago, Squaredeal Sten said:

They have access to native copper plus other minerals from volcanic intrusions.  Caladraland is a source of copper for Esrolia, it's not hing to be unique,  but this means they are not poor.  Bot Googlng gives for other volcanic minerals gives us aluminum. gold, lead, diamonds. 

Also given Caladraland there might be underground pools of Earthblood or veins of Firebone, both useful in dwarf smelting and forging operations.

53 minutes ago, Erol of Backford said:

Jaja's "meeting a dwarf" writeup would be of use here as these guys are not so versed with outside communication.

Very easy to transpose my dwarf encounters from Edge of Empire here (I originally ran those dwarf encounters in Dragon Pass settings so they've already moved around!).

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4 hours ago, Squaredeal Sten said:

We know dwarfs build quickly.

I suppose they have some assistance. Gnomes and or Jolanti? Maybe they ask the PC's to fetch some items needed to create their own Jolanti? (Different-Worlds-21 p.30)

Also there is the dwarf section of the Haunted Ruins, p.28 which has some great ideas which would add character to the complex?


The alchemy stuff sounds good and is written into the description (Trade Talk 06 p.08) sulfur hand grenades, HE, flash bang and or stink bombs?

Maybe the single warrior is similar to one of the Iron Warriors? (White Dwarf 098 - Feb. 1988) not your ordinary iron dwarf but enhanced via sorcery. Who knows maybe the PC's are sent to Nochet to dig up some old spells from the archives? Better yet maybe one of the dwarves wishes to do an exchange program with Lhankor Mhy in Nochet and the PC's need to arrange this?

4 hours ago, Squaredeal Sten said:

copper plus other minerals from volcanic intrusions

Maybe they make clocks/watches? (Does Glorantha have them?) These are the "Swiss" dwarves?

 Are some of these guys really good at carving/shaping diorite and as a result numerous temples in the area commission the dwarves to sculpt for them? Are all trinkets sold at the High Temple made by dwarves!? Good Issaries middleman/representative opportunities.


"The city that time forgot" is of course a good source as well. 

White Dwarf 014 p.16 has a semi collapsed dwarven complex which could be used for some ideas as well?

Another idea is similar to the dwarf scenario in Eder Secrets, they need an old abandoned dwarf tunnel system cleansed of squatters? The Lair of the White Wyrm might but something adoptable? (White Dwarf 014 p.16)


5 hours ago, jajagappa said:

underground pools of Earthblood or veins of Firebone

I'll need to look these up...

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As an aside, the thread title got my old German Straßedeutsch going because I found myself asking 'What do flowers ['die Blumen' in German] have to do with anything'? Memory is a very weird thing.

Edited by svensson
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9 hours ago, Squaredeal Sten said:

The other dwarfs should be capable of self defense even though that is not their job function.

I would not exactly support that, as even thinking of defensive measures might be a caste aberration.

That said, I remember the bad SF parody "Ice Pirates" where both attackers and defenders would send hastily repaired droids to battle it out. Dwarfs with nilmergs might do such a thing.

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Telling how it is excessive verbis


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8 hours ago, Joerg said:

the bad SF parody "Ice Pirates"

Whaaat, bad, it was so funny, its up there with "Dark Helmut" and the "Space Winnebago", their hair grew so fast in the time portal or what ever.

I agree on the repairs, and that they need Jolanti.

Disagree on the other dwarves following caste restrictions as they are no longer part of the dwarvish "hive mind". They would have been wishing to follow their own dreams, not what they were trained to do and so would say something like "we all need to work together in order to survive".

I'd say they are all at least minimally proficient with weapons. Maybe use the Griffin Mountain dwarf party but add a high skill warrior to Mr. Veinseeker's entourage? Double or triple the group and then add some specialists as the campaign moves along.

If they are apostate dwarves they aren't required to be what they were... "I want to be a dentist" like Herbie, it just seems to fit here somehow.

They would just have to have a dwarf that loves to sculpt magma/lava, I mean how could they not? Heat resist 10? They would also of course be a Gloranthian geophysicist?

7 hours ago, Nick Brooke said:

Heretical Dwarfs

This is excellent and links directly to Nochet, love it.

If you and Jaja could generate a dialogue between Mr. Gold and Ahnahnkahteht of Notchet along the lines of the "dwarf encounters from Edge of Empire" I'd be laughing so hard my stomach muscles would be aching like they did after sitting in the 2nd row at a B52's concert years ago... Thanks for adding that.

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12 hours ago, svensson said:

I found myself asking ‘What do flowers have to do with anything?’

Me, too, but apostate dwarfs, volcano, brimstone … flowers of sulfur. If they are using it agriculturally (although there are more ‘dwarfy’ uses), there is why they were disfellowshipped. And if they are using it to keep the fungi off their roses, even better.


EDIT: Oh, and if apostates, ‘let a hundred flowers bloom, let a hundred schools of thought contend’ works, too.

Edited by mfbrandi
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On 6/12/2024 at 3:18 PM, Squaredeal Sten said:

What are they doing?  Do they make anything to trade and if so what?  "Alchemical concoctions" covers a lot...

I know there's a tendency to turn the mostali into a portal for anachronous (and often counter-spiritual) technology, but there's a host of chemistry from the last century or more that would seem wondrous to the uninformed observer and make for some great alchemical potions.  Benzene, tetrachloroethene (PCE), PCBs, DDT.  Life-changing stuff, and I don't just mean their carcinogenic effects.


Edited by Ian Absentia

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19 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:
On 6/12/2024 at 6:34 PM, jajagappa said:

underground pools of Earthblood or veins of Firebone

I'll need to look these up...

See Cult of Caladra and Aurelion. Colloquially known to us as Oil/Tar and Coal.

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4 hours ago, EricW said:

Or did they become ensnared by a heresy and were kicked out? 

One wanted to be a dentist! Is there a sorcery spell regrow tooth? And which disease would be tooth decay? I am sure there are dentists and dentures in Glorantha. IIRC there was a set of lost false teeth somewhere in an old scenario...

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2 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

One wanted to be a dentist! Is there a sorcery spell regrow tooth? And which disease would be tooth decay? I am sure there are dentists and dentures in Glorantha. IIRC there was a set of lost false teeth somewhere in an old scenario...

He he - the Storm Bull dentist. “All tooth decay is disease and all disease is chaos, so we’ll knock all the teeth out to be safe!!!”.

Now starting THAT train of thought would be an interesting Eurmal lie 🙂

Edited by EricW
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