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The 3 assassins during Argrath's entrance to Boldhome?


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My players will be among the column accompanying Argrath as he enters Boldhome to light the Flame of Sartar. According to the legends, there were 3 unsuccessful assassination attempts, one of those was someone jumping from a nearby building, and one assassin was killed by Argrath himself. Are there other sources that provide more information on these events?

Right now, I'm thinking:

1) A poisoned arrow from behind that one of his companions blocks (giving my healer an opportunity to cure the poison).

2) A spiritual/magical attack of some sort that my players can participate in stopping. I'm thinking about an onslaught of Lunes and Salamanders, but am VERY open to other ideas!

3) The jumper is a krarsht assassin killed by Argrath.

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Why pay out good silver when Summon Enemy exists?

It must suck to be a assassin with a clever long term plan, and get hit by a sudden irresistible urge to attack your enemy _right now_. It's daylight, he is in the open, protected by guards, and you have just a dagger.

Good luck.


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How about a child in the crowd. Argrath lashes out, drawing gasps from the crowed - until Argrath holds up the poison pin which was in the child's hand. The child of course is not what they appear to be.

Edited by EricW
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How about a Thanatari that Argrath or a PC kills with a Lightning Bolt? I mean, if it's good enough for Halgrim Ironbreaker...

As for the setup of the attempts... Argrath wasn't supposed to get as far as Boldhome. The most likely scenario is that he was supposed to get killed in Prax, but those attempts failed. The three attacks in Boldhome were the last alternatives in a series of set piece traps that were either avoided or foiled. I don't think I'm going out on any kind of limb when I say that during his entry into Boldhome, Argrath is protected and bolstered by a host of anti-Lunar magicians... likely ranging from the expected White Bull shamans and Orlanthi, to Ernaldans, Issaries, and possibly even Yelmalions and more obscure cultists from further afield. Anybody with an axe to grind against the Scarlet Harlot would be happy to contribute to the defense of their chosen champion.

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If you really wanted some fun, set up the PCs to be highly motivated to kill Argrath. Perhaps because he has been convinced he has been replaced by a lunar spy or some other issue. Or maybe they have been personally impacted by Argrath policies or actions, and they or their clan needs revenge.

Perhaps it turns out they are correct, the Argrath everyone sees is indeed an imposter, someone setup to be assassinated. For Argrath to then step forward as a survivor, but then the PCs have evidence it was a show after all, leading to Argrath needing to find a way to be lenient, so their evidence does not expose him as a someone seeking to dupe all the populace? Maybe Argrath agreed to this, but was unaware one of his other advisors had taken it too far, and deliberately setting up the PCs as assassins, something he feels contrite about and seeks to address somehow, without exposing how he was duped by one of his advisors who he put too much trust in?

The end result could be one of powerfully allying the PCs with Argrath as trusted companions, willing to go as far as killing him if he oversteps the bounds of good ruler ship.

Complex to do all this, but lots of fun and many ways things could go wrong or even more right. Major plot twists abound here.

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Thanks for these. I'm using the text from GtG (v.2,p.736) which had him coming in at night in such a way as to invite attacks with confidence. In my game, he is doing it with only 24 companions/guards (including the 6 PCs) under a full moon. From my notes:

While there are some short-lived hurrahs and boos, the general reaction is a mixture of awe and fear. Instead of leading an army fit to take the city, Argrath is leading a company. Instead of coming in in broad daylight, he enters not only by night but under the symbol of his greatest enemy. Instead of an array of tribal kings, high priests, wealthy merchants, and fawning nobles, he leads what appear to be veteran adventurers whose allegiance is both hard-won and always considered suspect. Instead of leading the people in cheers, he and his entourage ride in silently. It is Argrath’s first visit to Boldhome, but everything about the entrance is meant to project that he already owns the place.

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13 hours ago, Rodney Dangerduck said:

Personally, I think that Argrath hired them, indirectly via one of his proxies of course, to make him look good.

Significant among the apocrypha is the bard's lay, "Argrath Wags the Dog".


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