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This private forum is for Cult of Chaos Keepers who are running A Time For Harvest - the Organised Play campaign.

Here's where you can share ideas, ponder questions, and generally support one another in realising the campaign on the tabletop (or computer screen).

Share best practice, cool things that happened in your game, and so on.

With this being a private area, you can divulge campaign secrets without any players sneaking a peak.


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22 hours ago, Cthulhus_Voicemail said:

I'll be running in Rochester, NY - and I've never felt this organized before running a campaign before!



It appears that your links are broken.  Are you running it at Just Games Rochester in Penfield?  (Obviously from Rochester, NY also.)

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Yep, tonight is the night for my attempt at running this at my FLGS. 
I have read the material over and over, and made up all sorts of things to try and help me get through this, but at this point I feel like my brain is saturated, and now it's time to just sit back and let the chips fall where they may... and to have fun! My overall goal tonight is to have my players leave, having so many thoughts whirling around and not trusting anyone (including other players). I'll post a recap as soon as I can when things are done. ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I'm also running Episode 1 via Google Hangouts in a few weeks.  We had our a 'Character Creation' Session yesterday - so I've got about 7 MU freshmen all set up for disaster >:) Only 2 have played COC before - and only 2 others have played any RPG before. So it should be interesting.  We're going to run about 2 sessions a month (I'm guessing Ep 1 & 2 will take about 2 sessions a piece) - so I should hopefully end in line with the roll out dates.

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  • 1 month later...

I finally have my hands on a physical copy of the 7th Edition keepers guide and Investigators handbook, as well as a PDF copy of the Keeper's screen. 

So now I am just waiting on my players to organise themselves. 

I think after the 15th I will start pushing to begin. 


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  • 2 weeks later...
3 hours ago, Moes1980 said:

Hello everyone! I am new here and excited to be running games at my local store. I am on the fence regarding if I should start with Harvest or Horror on the Orient Express. Any recommendations?

I'd suggest Harvest first - Orient Express is massive. 

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On 9/6/2016 at 7:54 AM, Mike M said:

I'd suggest Harvest first - Orient Express is massive. 

Now I read that! ;)

Coming back to the long neglected Cult welcome email and hoping to run it for a different group. My Orient Express campaign is reaching Venice after nearly a year (very difficult group to schedule with and we rarely play more than once a month).

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