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Mythic Iceland 2nd Edition is progressing!


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23 hours ago, MatteoN said:

Hi all!

Any chance of a version of Mark Galeotti's outstanding HeroQuest-based Mythic Russia for the RuneQuest Fantasy Earth line?



As much as I would love to see it, I'd be highly surprised if Mark would take the time out of his busy schedule to work on such a project, and it could not be a simple conversion.  

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17 hours ago, g33k said:

Okay, now we're talking!!!  A peek into the pipeline (noting for all the fanboiz&grrlz that some of these are preliminary/speculative & may fail-to-launch for reasons outside Chaosium control) ...

  • Iceland Companion... I recall hearing mention before, but had forgotten; good to have the reminder!
  • Collected-adventure book (for Iceland, from context?)
  • Suggestion of a separate "Skraeling" book (any chance of this leading to an entire "Mythic Americas" setting (vs. a Norse-centric "skraeling" POV)?
  • something Rus "iirc"
  • "a much-later era book contents TBR" (a year-ish ago, Chaosium was hinting at a "Noir Detective" (non-Mythos) book... this it?)
  • Wish-listing:  Medieval Germany; Constantinople; Penaissance Prague; Japan...

Thanks for this; it's everything I could have wished you to tell us, and more than I expected!

In answer to your questions... 

Skraeling/Wine-land book - when reviewing Pedro's Mythic Iceland manuscript, it was apparent that the material about skraelings and Slab-land, Forest-land, and Wine-land was greatly removed from the core game experience of being heroes in mythic Iceland. Additionally, it really calls for more, such as a campaign about survival, settlement-building, and exploration, which is also outside the core game experience of being heroes in mythic Iceland. So we'd like to give it room to breathe, as a campaign sourcebook of its own. 

Much-later era book - no, this isn't the noir book. After going back and forth over the tone and "soul" of that book, we and the author decided it wasn't the right project. He pitched us another sourcebook he's passionate about, and this is it. 

Thanks for your interest! 

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17 hours ago, Joerg said:

Medieval Germany - which period? Karolingian Germany/France would be a good companion for early Viking time, Ottonic Germany has its charms, the rise and fall of the Hanseatic League would be my favourite (also because you get to travel to other fun places when not being mired in German affairs).

I guess there ought to be some know-how among German players of RQ or other BRP systems.

Jeff already researched 30-year-War Germany for the Westfalian Peace freeform, so one could build onto that material.

As mentioned on the submission guidelines, the Ottonic period specifically. 

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6 hours ago, Jason Durall said:

As much as I would love to see it, I'd be highly surprised if Mark would take the time out of his busy schedule to work on such a project, and it could not be a simple conversion.  

The last time it was mentioned, Mark had little interest in a conversion of Mythic Russia, unfortunately.

Some things would be easy to convert, other things a lot harder.

Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


Jonstown Compendium author. Find my contributions here

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11 hours ago, Jason Durall said:

As much as I would love to see it, I'd be highly surprised if Mark would take the time out of his busy schedule to work on such a project, and it could not be a simple conversion.  

Also:  the fun & joy & passion are in the creative parts.  Conversions are essentially grinding mechanical exercises.  And we should all face the reality that most RPG authors aren't primarily in it for the money... the fun & joy & passion are their primary motivators.

If we (Chaosium, that is) could connect with someone who was expert both in HQ & RQ mechanics and was an anal-retentive nit-picker sort who took joy in getting innumerable details right & would do the "heavy lifting"... why, THEN there might be hope for a conversion.


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1 hour ago, g33k said:

If we (Chaosium, that is) could connect with someone who was expert both in HQ & RQ mechanics and was an anal-retentive nit-picker sort who took joy in getting innumerable details right & would do the "heavy lifting"... why, THEN there might be hope for a conversion.

Unfortunately, I am busy with other things ...

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Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


Jonstown Compendium author. Find my contributions here

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  • 9 months later...
On 8/16/2016 at 6:10 PM, PZiviani said:

The Mythic Iceland 2nd ed. manuscript has indeed been handed over to Chaosium and it’s now going through editing and art direction....

Just (re) noticed this thread, its age, and the date above.  Might an update be coming soon ... ?

Obviously, Chaosium has had its hands & tentacles full with all sorts of other content -- and I admit that RQ & Glorantha are my own top priorities there, so no complaints from me on that priority!

Still ...


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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 years later...
23 hours ago, Orlanthatemyhamster said:

I'm thinking about buying a paper copy of this, but I've heard about people getting a pre Gen-Con proof edition with references missing etc. Is there a way to tell the difference before I buy, please anyone? 

2e is coming, but we're not sure how soon.

Currently, only the original 1st-edition of this is available for sale.  If any GenCon early-release / proof copies (of either edition) are floating around... <shrug> don't know about those.  If you buy from Chaosium's webstore, you will get the final/finished version of 1e (I don't know which (if any) Chaosium warehouse(s) actually HAVE paper copies of this older title).  I presume any FLGS will likewise only stock final, bought-from-Chaosium-or-Distributor copies.

(When 2e comes out, there MAY be a "tribal edit" cycle where the PDF is available, and Chaosium solicits corrections, before "final" draft is sent to the printers.)

Do you know @Rick Meints if there was any such "proof edition" of Mythic Iceland offered?  Was that 1e or 2e or both?  And is Chaosium [ certain-to-do / likely-to-do / considering / unlikely-to-do / absolutely-against ] a "tribal edit" cycle when Mythic Iceland hits the PDF webstore?

Edited by g33k

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At Gen Con 2011 you could buy a preview edition of Mythic Iceland, which was for the 1e version of the book.

They sold out quickly and it was not reprinted. The 1e regular version of the book is also out of print.


Edited by Rick Meints

Hope that Helps,
Rick Meints - Chaosium, Inc.

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