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What Renaissance products would you like to see ?


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Hi all. Just wondering what you would like to see appear for Renaissance ?

Any specific time period ? More of what's out such as sequels to Wolves of the Coast or Dark Streets Terror of the Toad series ? Source material for Clockwork & Cthulhu such as Kingsport and Innsmouth or maybe a High setting for Renaissance ? Possibly a Renaissance version of Airship Pirates or Clockwork Mecha ?

Not saying it will get done but say what you want... :)

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I would love to see more of the F&IW scenarios! (Winter and spring have been covered, so now let's see summer and autumn)

I know there's a New York in the mid/late 19th century extension in the works for Dark Streets, but something earlier colonial American in those lines would be great!  D.B. Jackson's "Thieftaker" novels set I'm Boston in the lead up to the revolution as a great concept.. or one could go earlier to the mid to late 17th century when along with the 13 colonies, there was New Amsterdam and New Sweden colonies to add more diversity to the cultures to draw from.

On the whole, more scenarios/adventures in general, because I'm old and too lazy to write my own. :)

Edited by michaelsbagley
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5 minutes ago, Mysterioso said:

I'd truly like to hear more about this.  Gaslight NY would be great.

There was an announcement made by Mystical Throne Entertainment on June 2015 about their "Five Points" setting guide. I haven't heard anything about it in a while, but looking at their August "Throne Report" (newsletter) shows that layout is finished and they're waiting on cover art and 2 pieces of interior art.

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1 hour ago, K Peterson said:

There was an announcement made by Mystical Throne Entertainment on June 2015 about their "Five Points" setting guide. I haven't heard anything about it in a while, but looking at their August "Throne Report" (newsletter) shows that layout is finished and they're waiting on cover art and 2 pieces of interior art.

It's very, very close to release and looks good. 

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1 hour ago, K Peterson said:

There was an announcement made by Mystical Throne Entertainment on June 2015 about their "Five Points" setting guide. I haven't heard anything about it in a while, but looking at their August "Throne Report" (newsletter) shows that layout is finished and they're waiting on cover art and 2 pieces of interior art.

It's very, very close to release and looks good. 


1 hour ago, K Peterson said:

Alright then. Do we need to twist @doomedpc's arm or otherwise convince them to let you get to work. :D

To be honest Pete and Ken have been great with me regarding projects. They have a DS adventure from me in their possession awaiting release, possibly as part of a large Adventure book (The Case of the Lost Pirate if I remember correctly) plus I have 4 DS things as Works in progress including Toad ep.2 and a Kingsport, Mass. book circa 1750. Also the next issue of Rolling Thunder has a Renaissance article running to 25+ pages regarding using Ancient Rome and a DS article regarding Wade Jermyn from a HPL tale ;) I've probably said too much already... Lol

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2 hours ago, Ade said:

It's very, very close to release and looks good. 


To be honest Pete and Ken have been great with me regarding projects. They have a DS adventure from me in their possession awaiting release, possibly as part of a large Adventure book (The Case of the Lost Pirate if I remember correctly) plus I have 4 DS things as Works in progress including Toad ep.2 and a Kingsport, Mass. book circa 1750. Also the next issue of Rolling Thunder has a Renaissance article running to 25+ pages regarding using Ancient Rome and a DS article regarding Wade Jermyn from a HPL tale ;) I've probably said too much already... Lol

Please post here when each of these becomes available.

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2 hours ago, Ade said:

It's very, very close to release and looks good. 


To be honest Pete and Ken have been great with me regarding projects. They have a DS adventure from me in their possession awaiting release, possibly as part of a large Adventure book (The Case of the Lost Pirate if I remember correctly) plus I have 4 DS things as Works in progress including Toad ep.2 and a Kingsport, Mass. book circa 1750. Also the next issue of Rolling Thunder has a Renaissance article running to 25+ pages regarding using Ancient Rome and a DS article regarding Wade Jermyn from a HPL tale ;) I've probably said too much already... Lol

Please post here when each of these becomes available.

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2 hours ago, Ade said:

It's very, very close to release and looks good. 


To be honest Pete and Ken have been great with me regarding projects. They have a DS adventure from me in their possession awaiting release, possibly as part of a large Adventure book (The Case of the Lost Pirate if I remember correctly) plus I have 4 DS things as Works in progress including Toad ep.2 and a Kingsport, Mass. book circa 1750. Also the next issue of Rolling Thunder has a Renaissance article running to 25+ pages regarding using Ancient Rome and a DS article regarding Wade Jermyn from a HPL tale ;) I've probably said too much already... Lol

Please post here when each of these becomes available.

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2 hours ago, Ade said:

It's very, very close to release and looks good. 


To be honest Pete and Ken have been great with me regarding projects. They have a DS adventure from me in their possession awaiting release, possibly as part of a large Adventure book (The Case of the Lost Pirate if I remember correctly) plus I have 4 DS things as Works in progress including Toad ep.2 and a Kingsport, Mass. book circa 1750. Also the next issue of Rolling Thunder has a Renaissance article running to 25+ pages regarding using Ancient Rome and a DS article regarding Wade Jermyn from a HPL tale ;) I've probably said too much already... Lol

Please post here when each of these becomes available.

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2 hours ago, Ade said:

It's very, very close to release and looks good. 


To be honest Pete and Ken have been great with me regarding projects. They have a DS adventure from me in their possession awaiting release, possibly as part of a large Adventure book (The Case of the Lost Pirate if I remember correctly) plus I have 4 DS things as Works in progress including Toad ep.2 and a Kingsport, Mass. book circa 1750. Also the next issue of Rolling Thunder has a Renaissance article running to 25+ pages regarding using Ancient Rome and a DS article regarding Wade Jermyn from a HPL tale ;) I've probably said too much already... Lol

Please post here when each of these becomes available.

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