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About soltakss

  • Birthday 01/11/1964


  • RQ Fogey


  • RPG Biography
    Started playing RuneQuest in 1982.
    Articles in Tales of the Reaching Moon, Tradetalk and The Birchbark Chronicles fanzines.
    Merrie England:Age of Eleanor for MRQ1
    Merrie England: Age of Chivalry for BRP
    Merrie England: Robyn Hode for Renaissance
    Land of Ice and Stone for Legend
  • Current games
    RQ in Third Age Pavis and Prax http://rqpavis.soltakss.com
  • Location
    Birmingham, UK
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    Computer Programmer

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  1. They rule bits of the Lunar Empire. Not necessarily, it might depend on how powerful your totem animal is. Yanafal Tarnils is depicted as having ram horns, so maybe his worshippers can become Ram Broos.
  2. In Earth lands, the Queen could also be the High Priestess of Earth Cults, in the same way that the King in Orlanthi areas is High Priest of Orlanth Rex.
  3. I assumed that he ate meat because Aldryami didn't. However, he might have HeroQuested against the Aldryami and gained the ability to eat meat. Alternatively, he might be connected with meat-eating plants and could naturally eat meat. It is a place where Aldryami, Trolls and Tusk Riders live, so is naturally dangerous to Aldryami. Having another anti-Aldryami bandit doesn't make a big difference, although he would know Aldryami ways. The Dragonkill was in 1120, so this was during the Inhuman Occupation, where the Elder Races reigned supreme. The Glorantha Sourcebook p10 says that most of the Aldryami were in the Stinking Forest, so that is probably where he wanted to raid.
  4. The Sun came up, and the world was reborn. But, apart from that things carried on as before. The Grey Age was one of waiting. After I Fought We Won there wasn't a lot of mythical stuff, that was building up to the Dawn.
  5. I liked the idea of it until I played Stormbringer and Hawkmoon, then I didn't like it at all. It is far too swingy for my tastes.
  6. That isn't in BRP, so you might need to do something yourself. RuneQuest2, which is similar to BRP, had Treasure Factors TFs), which some people liked and some people hated. Basically, you worked out the TF of each combatant, based on skills, armour, hit points, spells and so on. Then you totalled the TFs to get a TF for the group. You could do the same for the party and see how they matched up. RuneQuest3 had Monster Classes, which simply gave a rating to a monster and allowed you to compare them. I didn't like this particularly. Here is my experience. A well-organised group of PCs can take out a disorganised group of better NPCs. So, any way of working out balance needs to take this into account. A well-organised group of PCs can take out a big boss monster, regardless of how superior it is. Anyone can get a lucky blow. If you use Hit Locations, as all right-minded people should, then a critical hit to a vital hit location can kill an enemy, or PC, really quickly. It is very difficult to take this into account when designing encounters. Sometimes, unbalanced encounters are good, as they give rise to stories that the gaming group tell for years afterwards. Apologies if those are cringey answers. My recommendation would be to use, or adapt, Treasure Factors. You could get a base factor for the PCs and then work out how any encounters score, thus seeing if it would be balanced. My other recommendation would be to not worry about balancing encounters, as it is far more fun that way.
  7. soltakss


    This site tends to be kind.
  8. You probably need to take the Tribes into account as well. You could work out the relative populations of each Tribe and City, as you have done for Cities, and allocate them a proportion of income based on population. You might need to work out how much is gained through tolls on the roads, maybe put that as a set figure.
  9. I have played enough games of Dragon Pass to know that Harrek can definitely be beaten. It is difficult and requires lots of Hero-Level forces, but he can be beaten. If you play a mixture of Dragon Pass and Nomad Gods, then it is easier, as many of the Nomad Gods pieces are almost equivalent to Harrek in combat terms. Whether Adventurers can reach those power levels is entirely up to your style as a GM and the way your games work. I have run through the Hero Wars in two separate Campaigns, in the first the Adventurers killed Argrath, because one of the Adventurers saw him as a rival, and killed Harrek because he was Argrath's friend, then killed him again and bound him into a Lunar Hell. In the second Campaign, the Adventurers completely sidelined Argrath, doing all the things he was meant to do, then allied Harrek and made him Duke of the Upland Marsh. I have played enough games of Dragon Pass to know that Harrek does not always come back. Also, see the above comment of binding him into a Lunar Hell. Killing him and devouring his soul, for example using the Crimson Bat, might be possible. That depends on the GM and the game style of the Campaign. That's about the same as "Going into Dorastor? Roll up a new character". Funny but not at all fun. Presumably the idea is that this happens after a lot of HeroQuesting. In the first Hero Wars Campaign, we gave each Adventurer a piece on the board and used Dragon Pass rules for mass combat. They weren't powerful but obtained powerful allies. That could do it.
  10. Nothing is needed for Glorantha to function. That's right. The end of the Third Age could have been the end of magic, as we know it, in Glorantha. You are spot on. Embrace it!
  11. Not if the human doesn't have a language that the spirit speaks. Some spirits retain their old language skills, some just use Spiritspeech.
  12. Trollkin certainly breed true - They give birth to Trollkin. Mistress race Trolls also breed true, so, in theory, they could breed with a Trollkin and, perhaps, produce a Dark Troll but I know of no Mistress Race Trolls who would deign to do such a thing.
  13. Thanks for the kind words. I don't limit them in my Glorantha but other GMs might want to. I'd just say to spend a couple of hours concentrating on them and, perhaps, making a Meditation or similar roll. There is no POW vs POW roll in the same way as attuning Powered Crystals, though. Sure, they aren't designed for just Shamans. Anyone can use them. Some powers won't make sense for non-Shamans, those are best used by Shamans. Yes, a non-Shaman could use this and it would give them the equivalent of Second Sight 1. You don't need a Fetch to use a Medicine Bundle, one of the reasons why they are useful.
  14. Yelmalio has been fixed, several times. He is Yelm's Son, the God of the Winter Sun, or the Light reflected off the Sky Dome. What is there to fix? However, this could well derail this thread so could be a separate thread.
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