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Everything posted by tooley1chris

  1. Can always start players out with Heroic Hitpoints(CON+SIZ). That's how I started my folks.
  2. And feel free to discuss what home brew goodness worked for you! There's a lot of house rule supplements in the downloads section that might be useful or inspire your own ideas as well! The members here are awesome about sharing stuff!
  3. Me and the good Mr. Monroe had a conversation about this when Deep Magic came out in Advanced Sorcery. Mages rely on INT to gain new glyphs but how do you raise INT? A battle of wits, winning strategy games such as chess. Exercising your PCs brain in a library. Not cannon but logical.
  4. Page 12 Magic World: "Human Intelligence can rise indefinitely."
  5. I believe Advanced Sorcery for MW allows you to pick powers the demon might have, at additional cost. A Liken Person ability would allow your special evening with your demonic partner to be possible.
  6. Attract attention may be an innate natural spell like ability of that lil one!
  7. Stupid software...ugh. Anyway I'm chugging away at Tindale. Have a load of NPCs done, a few more buildings, both 3D rendering and top down maps. Been thinking about a book of magic items to work on as a side project. When I need a break from Tindale. It will be both a random generation of items using charts and dice, and a large list of random pregenerated items that would be more common.
  8. Running a long PbP campaign using Magic World as base rules in a new continent. Also a pen n paper Magic World game in Southern Reaches going on two years. Want to do a BRP Walking Dead thing but no time just yet.
  9. Riposte rocks ! Especially fun for swashbuckling types. Edit: but I only allow on a special success parry or better. Means you got lucky and found a hole in enemies defense
  10. I also allow it as long as they beat the weapons STR/DEX requirements by 4 points or more or using unarmed attacks.
  11. Higher defense skills also comes with higher offense skills. Multiple attacks from higher skill scores, or multiple attackers, can quickly become a defense problem as you split points between multiple parries. I like the drawn out sword play between skilled warriors and think it's pretty realistic. I do, However, also use fatigue rules which also begin to dwindle skills after a time. Make your players enemies fight smart, as they should. Their lives are on the line as well, after all. Have them gang up on individuals. Try to flank when they can. There are a lot of ways to make defense more problematic. If you watch Game of Thrones you'll notice fighters rarely square off for one on one combat. There is strength in numbers. Not honorable, maybe, but the last one standing is what counts in the end.
  12. Temple of Kalar, Lord of Balance Example of maps Probably won't have 3D imaged of each room.
  13. Have money set aside just for this! VIVA MITHRAS
  14. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Creation_Kit Might have to take a peek myself. I haven't looked at it assuming its the same as Fallouts.
  15. I'd really like to learn to use Skyrims editor. Amazing graphics but, like Fallout, its from bethesda so probably the same editor. That things a bear to learn.
  16. Sounds interesting. Something I've been toying with in my campaigns is magic items that actually use the wielders MP to activate the items special ability. A step above X number of uses per day. A step below permanent. But my magic items are more like what you're trying to avoid, I think. More D&Dish to give my old school players something more familiar. I actually made a book for magic world about enchanting items but not sure I'm 100% happy with it, which is why I'm curious. But thats a topic for another thread.
  17. Really looking forward to see how you handled Spirit Magic and Magic Items.
  18. It takes a bit to learn but is much easier than most I've used. Fallouts is crazy IMO. But NWN2 still has a great community of artists pumping out new 3D models and a huge database of previous materials. I also use the toolset for my MW Play by Post games at Unseen Servant. Heres a sample page: http://www.unseenservant.us/forum/viewtopic.php?f=99&t=2179 It's wonderful for visuals and the core program is pretty cheap now.
  19. The Tindale book is looking to become fairly large. With printable full size (8x10) maps of each building, seperate pics of each building from an aerial perspective for visual candy, MANY NPC characteristics and pics, and descriptions of each in a module like format. So I'm wondering what people would prefer. Maps & NPC in the back of the book, old school module style. Or a seperate book for maps & NPCs. Maybe a book for maps and a seperate book for NPCs. Doing these individually would make it easier to find images/maps without flipping/scrolling pages back and forth, and would make for smaller files. But you'd have 2 or three seperate files to download and reference for the campaign. .. Thoughts?
  20. Have to likewise go with Elric! /MW although I could just as eaily use BRP. Just feel that MW has done all the rules hacking for me already. Best pieces of the best systems.
  21. I've spelled out what I think is a fairly decent history for Tindale. Both in the distant past when settlers first dared the Reaches after the Mists faded in the Feys departure, up to more current events. I've mapped the economics using my Domicile to Domain supplement. Describing foods produced, a mine (tin, of course), imports & exports. Just now completed mapping out the different districts of the town proper, surrounding farmlands, and lumber mills near forests. Now working on mapping and populating individual districts and buildings, starting with the Nobles District I've named Wyngate. I'm using the 3D rendering program from Neverwinter Nights 2 so each building will have an image & map and the NPCs will have unique images as well. This is the time consuming part...
  22. These will make excellent additions and add flavor to my list of NPCs. Keep'em coming and thanks!
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