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Everything posted by tooley1chris

  1. I'm with Atgxtg. Whenever a player is required to make a roll, as a chronicler I always ask for their skill rating before and can figure it out in my head before the bones hit the table. It's a dangerous game so having multiple success possibilities doesn't bother me in the least. And the players surre get big smiles from even special successes. Smiles =fun.
  2. *sigh* Looks like my laptops power supply has shot craps. (As evident from melted cord, sparks, and no charge) Ordered a new one that should be here in a day or two but it means putting off release of Artifice and Alchemy another day or so...
  3. This is another neat idea and I'll consider it, but I really don't want the mentalists involved in the campaign directly right now. I was toying with the idea that the "leader" had become insane due to all the work that was wasted, or influence from the demon, ect... and he'd be a "boss fight" near the end but I'm not sure...
  4. My original idea was that the original human tribes that helped with the construction eventually left the area and were scattered over the southern reaches so rumors would be a couple generations old. Not relying heavily on this. The "Ark" was sealed up in preparation for the foretold apocalypse and for the most part remains so. However I've come up with a couple of hooks that have allowed outside influences to breach the Ark. The characters will explore these hooks and find a way inside from one or more of these. This will be a campaign, not just an adventure, so there will be multiple ways in and out found eventually. As far as keeping players interest, I've incorporated a major demon into the mix who has taken an interest in the Ark via a necromancer who has found the tomb of the ark builders. This demon will be helping the necromancer raise an army of skeletons to wreak havoc on nearby towns. There will be several different story lines revolving around the mountain. But honestly my players love a good dungeon crawl and won't need too much incentive beyond fortune and glory. It's going to take quite a while to develop all the areas, leaving me a good deal of time to come up with other ideas and change my mind about some things a dozen times or so. LOL. That and ideas generated in this thread if you folks take an interest. Thanks for your input, previous and future!
  5. My Alchemy and Artifice book should (hopefully ) be ready to post in a day or two. In the mean time I've been working on my Mega-Dungeon. I'm going with RPtools Maptools for the mapping and will make it ready to use with that Virtual Table Top including NPC /Critter Tokens with MW stats attached to each token. If any of you are looking for a VTT, I can't recommend Maptools more highly. What a powerful tool! I've generated a (hopefully ) unique background for why the "dungeon " exists and I Hope you good people will tell me what you think and/or ideas you may have to make it even better. The story is this: hundreds of years ago a convocation of Mentalists built a monastery atop one of the mountain ranges of the southern Copper Mountains, east of Carmenel Pass. They were nearly deified by a tribe of primitive humans living at the base of the mountains. One of these mentalists, a powerful Clairvoyant, had a premonition of a great calamity to take place. An extinction level event to happen within the next two generations. So strong is the vision that his brethren agree to a mighty task. They enlist the humans living below to carve great chambers into the mountain. The mentalists devise a power that causes creatures to enter a suspended animation of sorts. Turning them to living statues, locked in unmoving unaware stasis. Creatures from all over what is now the Southern Reaches are brought in mated pairs, sometimes several pairs, and placed within the carved halls and natural caverns of their mountain. Here they wwould remain in stasis until the apocalyptic event passes and then be re-released to repopulate the World. A Noah's Arc, if you will. The mentalists are a majority of Balance in Allegiance so, in order to maintain neutrality, they pick every type of creature that can reproduce. Humanoids and monster. Wildlife and magical beasts. Refusing to rule on what species lives and which do not, they pick indiscriminately. For nearly two hundred years the mountain is hollowed of rock and filled with the living statues of hundreds of different species. Then, when the foreseen time of troubles arrives, they seal up their ark, confident they will usher in the new world. Like many doomsday prophesies the sun sets and rises on a new day. Then weeks. Months. A year passes and the world ending event never occurs. Fighting breaks out among the brotherhood. Some becoming anxious to leave the false safety of the arc while others call for more and more patients. A disease starts to spread through the arc. Many die, causing civil strife. First harsh words, then fighting, then murders take place among them. The disease decimates the mentalists, turning their stone halls of hope into their tomb. Now a couple hundred years later, the powerful enchantments that held the creatures of the Ark in stasis is waning. Hundreds of creatures are waking up in the dark tunnels... and they're hungry.
  6. This sounds like a fun project! My Alchemy and Artifice book will be getting finished up and posted in a day or so. I'm holding off for my illustrator to give me one more pic...Which has been good because every time I re-read it I find something I want to change so... Anyway, a fantasy post apocalyptic setting sounds like just what the doctor ordered! I'd love to be involved if you'll have me. Been itching to give Deep Magic a try, but perhaps I'll try an Alchemist if you find my material meets your standards/expectations.
  7. There's some great videos on how to bind a hardback book on YouTube. Been thinking about doing it myself. Doesn't look too difficult. I May do my manual of monsters books.
  8. Dang it, Clapham! Yet another tome I'll need to look into... Not sure why I didn't think of ley lines or places of power before. That's a great addition for the Artifice supplement I'm working on. Just when I get it almost done, Clapham adds a chapter for me. LOL! Guess I asked for it. I haven't said it for a few hours so I'll reiterate: I love the good folk of these forums. Always knowledgeable and helpful. Thanks for all the great advice!
  9. Also check the fantasy downloads section. There's lots of user created material that May help your campaign. These forums are a think-tank of knowledgeable and friendly people. Don't be shy asking questions!
  10. Magic World is pretty much a self contained and complete system with only a few little things that assume you have other materials. So Yes. You should be fine. Welcome aboard!
  11. This would be very nice...unfortunately all the money seems aimed at Piazzo for almost all rpg software available from most companies.
  12. This is how I play it as well. It counts as the characters parry for the round. Good for guarding the spellcaster.
  13. Not official Canon but: It's a coming . It's a coming.
  14. A critical hit would represent finding a Sweet spot with the dagger. A space between plate armor joints, sneaking in below the helm, or even slicing a strap on the breastplate causing it to fall loose. Plate armor was invented and utilized for avoiding small piercing attacks like arrows and daggers. It was made to be an upgrade from chainmail that arrows could penetrate more easily. If you take this protection away you are robbing the character of the benefit. Likewise, if you don't use fatigue, figuring in encumbrance for heavy armor, you are robbing the nimble dagger wielders of a tactical advantage of wearing the tank out. Full plate is valuable and expensive for a reason. But if you don't allow it's benefits....why would anyone bother with that bulky mess? I'd recommend AT LEAST changing from static armor values to the roll, if this isn't sufficient.
  15. Still waiting on someone to offer me a job doing this. LOL. Think I've talked myself into the Mega-Dungeon project. I've started working out the origin of the place, the depths, different entrances/exits, and what lies within. I can't just draw a massive map and toss critters inside. My dungeon has to have a reason. An explanation why so many baddies are in it. The ecology. The food chain. It's daunting... Think I'm leaning to the fact that it may be several separate areas connected accidentally, by chance and by sprawling cave systems. Also might have picked a location. The Carmenel Pass near the Copper Mountains, in northern part of the Southern Reaches . Thoughts?
  16. The Mega Dungeon....I've actually been contemplating this one for some time. The idea is to give players in my campaign a large plot of unruled land where they can explore a rich dungeon, bring those riches to the surface, perhaps hire hirelings to set up camp around an entrance, where they can drop the loot, resupply, and rest. Eventually these hirelings begin constructing shops, more permanent residences, ect... The PCs bring in more help and by spreading the wealth eventually a small town forms around them. Word spreads and others flock to the town. Maybe the PCs have to hire troops to protect their interests. Soon house Drum or Beleghir get wind of their success and Maybe send emissaries. Depending on how things go, perhaps they send troops to take over the operation. Try to take it from the PCs. If the Players are clever perhaps they become minor lords. Build a castle to fortify their holdings... Perhaps they are diplomatic and buy themselves enough time to watch a full city spring up around them. Or maybe sell their portion to one of the lords of the Southern Reaches. Obviously it could be a life Long campaign for the characters, talking them from whelp to possibly overlord. (COMPLETED)
  17. Almost done with my Alchemy /Artifice book and was thinking about what I might do next... CHECK☆ I've 3 ideas floating around: 1. A combat tracker exclusive to MW (Anyone have this already?) (Ravens working on this!) 2. A full fledged city in Southern Reaches, complete with maps of city, districts, and individual shop, taverns, Inns, residences, and probably hundreds of NPCs. (This would be a huge project) (in progress!) 3. Realistic Mega Dungeon somewhere in the Southern Reaches (and I mean MEGA) CHECK☆
  18. ** YOU'LL NOTICE SOME OF MY WORKS AREN'T AVAILABLE HERE ANYMORE. THIS IS BECAUSE SOME OF THE ART WORK I CHOSE TO USE IS PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT THAT I DO NOT OWN OR HAVE PERMISSION TO USE. MAINLY MY MONSTER MANUALS ** Noticed I've been sucking up space on the MW forums for each of my individual little projects and thought a single thread to list stuff/ideas/current projects/ect... might clear up the clutter. Gonna post everything here from now on. Manual of Monsters I:(Recommend my Big Damn Book of Monsters over this!) Manual Of Monsters II :(Recommend my Big Damn Book of Monsters over this!) Magic World Character Generator: NEW IMPROVED VERSION 2.O! Magic World NPC Generator People of the Southern Reaches, A Book of NPCs : The Mentalist: Old school psionics for MW: SideTrek -A Goblins Pride: SideTrek - A Fool and His Gold: SideTrek - Malfiacs Marvelous Marvels: Feats and Aretes for MW: Fantasy Treasure Generator for MW: Alchemy & Artifice: Domicile to Domain: Ark of the Apocalypse (Mega Dungeon) Folio of Fiends: (Recommend my Big Damn Book of Monsters over this!) https://basicroleplaying.org/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=2857 CNOWWMW (Complete Netbook of Witches and Warlocks MW edition ) Big Damn Book of Monsters (Highly recommend this over my other monster books) Religion in MW The Town of Tindale The Tin Mines of Tindale The Druid Occupation
  19. Been a Long haul but I'm almost done with the Alchemy/Artifice supplement. Waiting on 2 more pictures from my illustrator and bang! I did decide to include Enchantment and Artifice as well. Hope it is useful to ya'all. Will post here when I upload the file. Hopefully just a couple days.
  20. A large sweep attack, the way I run it, is dodgeable but can only be Parried by a shield. And even then, the shield takes damage and a STR: STR resistance from attacker causes knockback. If the weapon is larger than the area (ie a dragons tail) I make it an easy attack, otherwise it's a normal attack against all opponents in range. Saurons Massive Mace(from cinema) causes normal attack roll to any within 10 '. Smaugs tail sweep...toast.
  21. OK. Since I'm working on an alchemy supplement along side my Enchanting supplement I've included a few items that can ONLY be produced if Master Alchemists and Enchanters work together. I made a new item (brought to you via inspiration from Bard Games Compleat Spellcaster) called a "Soul Stone" What this does is as follows: Any being with a soul can have it trapped in the item (an expensive process) When a caster attunes to the stone he/she can "borrow" MPs from the soul trapped inside or if that soul is a extraplanar being (demon) use the trapped souls POW as sacrifice for permanent POW expenditures. When the soul reaches 0 POW The stone shatters. Thoughts?
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