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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. Odayla icons with foci and matrices (Pitt Rivers) Multimissile command (animal), and a sureshot & Draw (beast) matrix .
  2. Apple House spirit (Pitt Rivers) These are made by the children of Apple Lane from an apple from the Apple tree wyter that stands outside the Thane's house. One is decorated with 12 raisins given to a children who attended the grape harvest in Clearwine, by the Earth priestess. On the first day after Sacred time they are paraded around the hamlet to represent the return of the Sun and they are then returned to their homes to sit by the fire.
  3. Odayla hunter's Bear Skull fetish (Pitt Rivers) Made from their first bear kill from their initiation. Decorated with the story of their initiation bear hunt, you can see the hunter with his shadowcat, along with the many trials they had to find and catch a bear (called the Bear Dance).
  4. Lightning Boy (Pitt Rivers) Here is a ritual representation of Lightning Boy (or Hosar as he's known amongst the Praxians). It's about 2m long. Contrast it with Orlanth's Thunderbolt.
  5. I was at the Pitt Rivers museum in Oxford yesterday to see the new Evenki exhibition (sadly the dates were wrong on the website! GRRRR), but did of course see lots of other cool stuff: Shaman maps, this one is likely a coastal culture. You can see the fish and deer spirit vortices, perhaps a Fronelan hunter shaman. https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/7955-im-still-confused-about-spirit-travel/#comment-114510 https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/7955-im-still-confused-about-spirit-travel/#comment-114771 https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/15421-animist-heroquesting/#comment-242318
  6. oops. It's not like there's any of images of that. In my defence it's all seems like goddess on bat stuff around then.
  7. Given that the Praxians were effectively Orlanthi up until the start of the second age, the link is not surprising. Waha is a storm god and Orlanth is his uncle. He killed a six-legged Anxank. Then made peace with between the Arinstoli Sable People and the Bison tribe. He did this by calling up their common spirit, who was called the White Bull. Argrath used his great tracking skills and captured the White Bull, It certainly isn't secret. The whole Cradle adventure happened! And he already rabidly hated the Empire. His hatred of chaos is as an Orlanth initiate, I don't think it has anything to do with Storm Bull. His one of his best mates is Orgwaha, a Storm Bull Khan who did not initially did not believe the Lunars were Chaotic but later grew to hate them with a passion (see https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/notable-people-of-the-high-llama-tribe/) Argrath's call to adventure started when the Lunars killed his parents. See https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/catalogue/websites/pos/prince-of-sartar/chapter-1-initiation/006-argrath-the-man/ https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/catalogue/websites/pos/prince-of-sartar/chapter-1-initiation/007-argrath-faces-the-lunars/ https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/catalogue/websites/pos/prince-of-sartar/chapter-1-initiation/008-the-wrath-of-argrath/
  8. When the Moon rose, it occupied the middle air where Orlanth is. I'm sure that's where the trouble started, however it it wasn't until Castle Blue nearly 400 years ago that the Red Goddess appeared on a giant chaos bat. It was a long time ago, but since then the story of the giant bat would surely have spread. In living memory it's landed on Boldhome, Runegate and Whitewall. The Red Moon in the sky, is just there, far away, but this bat thing has been here and now. Wind Lords have a chaotic hate list are: broo; scorpion men; ogres; Chaos things like gorp, dragonsnails, and bullsitch; and people loyal to the Lunar Empire. I'd not under estimate the cult, while they be modelled on a biker gang there are about 12 Storm Bull initiates per clan, giving 1900-odd initiates in Sartar (157 clans). If they hang around in comfortable groups of 25-30 there are 70ish biker gangs in Sartar. And I think it's x10 for Prax and the Wastes.
  9. Not as impressive as you you think, my alter ego @Scotty just opened the Indesign file and looked at the fonts...
  10. Vinga = Orlanth Adventurous = Wind Lord. Orlanth Thunderous = Storm Voice. Vingans could in theory become Rune Lord-Priests as long as they meet both requirements, per page 281. I suspect it's a lot of effort to be both. Women can be Storm Voices, but are not Vingans. They get the special Rune spell as Vinga is an associate cult of Thunderous. Or they could join Adventurous as a subcult, then join Vinga... The only example we have of a female Orlanth Thunderous member is the God-talker Kareena, in the RQ Screen Pack Adventure book. (God-talkers have the same requirements as Storm Voices)
  11. Charcuterie Block 23pt Cronos Pro Bold 17pt Cronos Pro 9pt Adobe Garamond Pro 10pt No idea.
  12. If I need to modify any type of character sheet, I usually use a simple PDF reader that allows annotation. You can type directly onto the sheet. Make shapes to cover unwanted text, and cut and paste what you like. For example here's my sorcery drop in I made to replace the Rune magic section on a normal character sheet. I copy and pasted the section of the sheet I wanted to cover. Opened it in my PDF editor (in my case either Preview or PDF Expert) matched the style, covered it with a white rectangle (to hide to text) and then type in the new stuff, then screen shot the result. Then I drop it in to the original PDF. I never bother with fillable sheets, as you can type directly onto the sheet.
  13. I've just passed that point and Kallyr has been burnt, however he key for me is when does Argrath appear in Sartar and then when does Leika know about him. I'm unsure of his timeline. Clearly the key moment is in 1627 where Argrath visits Queen Leika and is accepted into the Colymar tribe (KoS, Jalk's Book and History of Dragon Pass in the Glorantha sourcebook) then in 1627, he becomes Prince of Sartar. But the year before that? Do the Colymar participate in retaking Alda Chur?
  14. For those without Facebook: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/the-taxonomy-of-animals/
  15. Depending on your outlook on mythology. I'd say from Heortling Mythology, that it's pretty clear she becomes a horse. A goddess that takes on the nature of a horse and becomes the horse goddess is the horse goddess. I'm pretty sure she would have given gave birth to horses too, the finest in Elmal's herd. Are you saying that Goose Girl isn't a goose? Uralda led the cows, Nevala the ewes, Entra the sows, and Isbarn the Goose Girl the poultry. Next you'll be saying Uralda isn't a cow or the swan maidens aren't swans. Shapeshifting goddesses is not an uncommon theme.
  16. Very much so, he was eaten at the Dragonrise...
  17. Redaldla is the goddess of horses in the Orlanthi pantheon, a role she took on. See Heortling Mythology, page 158. Her husband is either: Hyalor Horsebreaker (Orlanthi God of Horsemen) or his son Beren the Rider. (If this isn't clear, the upcoming prosopaedia will clarify)
  18. Hippoi is the title of the horse goddess, so the title of Arandayla, Gamara, or Redaylda. So Hippoi has no real cult, but is an associate god of Ernalda giving Speak with Horses. Assuming you mean Redaylda in her role of Horse goddess, not as the goddess of Saird. She's worshiped through her husband, either Hyalor Horsebreaker or his son, Beren the Rider. In Peloria and amongst the Grazelanders, Hyalor is an associate of Ernalda and gives Command Horse. If you want to read about Redaylda in Saird, see here, and Hyalor here. So you can assume that those two associate cults are in most places where horses are used in some form and together give Speak with Horses and Command Horse. Most of this is covered in the upcoming Cults of Glorantha. King Griffin is the father of Hippoi and grandfather of horses and hippogriffs (see https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/the-taxonomy-of-animals/). Given that he is the brother of Vrimak, and Vrimak gives Speak with Birds as an associate of Yelm, it wouldn't be unreasonable to give King Griffin speak with horses, and/or Hippogriffs. As for cult, likely none.
  19. The Quickstart was released at Gen Con. It's already available. You can get the PDF here: https://www.chaosium.com/pendragon-quick-start/ The Starter set is about to go to the printer.
  20. My players had no sense of loyalty to Kallyr at all. At the Battle of Queens, they were far more interested in rallying the Malani after Amalda died. Rushing down into the vanguard, and delivering a stirring speech and blowing the rallying horn. When the Kheldon started to rout after Kally's death, the comment was "Well she wasn't very good was she". This was good time to mention to those who's parents who had been present at Starbrow's Rebellion, to check what had happened to them. The Thane of Apple Lane (who's father was killed in battle) said "at least I don't have to kill her myself to avenge my father". Later the players who were heading to Boldhome with Leika, played the "do we really have to go" card and failed.
  21. FYI, it's in Drastic Prax.
  22. I'm no lawyer, but it seems clear to me. 0. Legal Information You may incorporate the rules as they appear in BRPSRD1.0, wholly or in part, into a derivative work, through the use of the BRPOpen Game License, Version 1.0. 1. Definitions: (b) “Derivative Material” means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment, or other forms in which an existing work may be recast, transformed, or adapted; 3. ... You must affix a complete copy of this License to any BRP Open Game Content that You Use and include the Copyright Notice detailed in Section 7 in all appropriate locations. So yes (as long as you follow the license It's saying you can, the X means yes @MOB should be able to help.
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