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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. The Call Founder spell comes from Nomad Gods: Bison, Sable, High Llama, Morokanth and Sable Founder counters from the game: Clockwise Combat factor, Magic factor, Movement factor, the asterisk mean they can attack magically. We also have excellent art of them (Sable & Bison) by Gene Day: Remember it is a Waha One use Rune spell, castable only by the legitimate khan of the tribe. It only uses the Man Rune, one of Waha's Rune's. It takes a day to prepare, but as a 6 point ritual it takes 6 hours, so a day plus 6 hours. Worship (Waha) or Devotion (Waha) (see the augment rules in RBM), Sable Khans could use their Moon Rune. Remember that any Ritual magic bonus will add to the overall time. Magic points do not increase the casting chance. As this Rune spell has no duration, you can't stack extension with it. Not sure how you reached 480%. With 100% in the Khan's man Rune, the augment max +50%, and 20 years of Ritual preparation it's only 100%, so it's 250%... (after 20 years). Becoming a tribal khan requires: It's an event of great storytelling, with witnesses acknowledging their roles in the candidates deeds of supporting their tribe. No attributes required. Shamans can't be Khans. Waha shamans can't learn Summon Founder. Giant creatures can't really dodge due to their size. This is where the rules for creating human adventurers don't work. Spirit weapons are usually at POWx5%. As they are summoned for emergencies, they will leave after the emergency is resolved. The founder comes with their appropriate weapon - as they are embodied spirits, just give them a Spirit Weapon (RQB 167). I do think it would be cool that if the a local clan has Tada's cudgel, they could use that. Likewise for armour, I don't think any wear armour, but I'd give them the hide of their animal. As they are inherently magical, I'd have only enchanted weapons can injure them. Here's my current Stats table (excluding magic abilities). I figured it from HQG to RQG, to see where founders would sit in the RQ Bestiary. For example most could divert Cwim (a good example of an emergency) or fight a serpent threatening a flash flood. As this is summoning a cult spirit, have your Command Cult Spirit at the ready Your founders may differ...
  2. Any loose Truestone is put back on top of the block by the helpful griffins to keep the weight pining the Devil down. Anyone found chipping truestone from the Block (a great temple Storm Bull temple) would be dealt with appropriately.
  3. No. the White Bull is a praxian spirit that has had previous adherents, they were just not as successful in rallying the tribes together. It could be argued that the historical Jaldon (before he died) was a member of its spirit cult.
  4. I'd add not tamed or defeated by any Praxian deities.
  5. Given that animism defines everything as having a spirit (with shamanism being methods of working with them), everything out there has a spirit. Plant's, animals, rocks, spirit vortices that manifest in the middle worlds, the serpents of the Wastes, evert feature will have a spirit. Use the Guide as a starting point. Remember that the Wastes, especially around the Krjalki Bog were Genert's Garden.
  6. Whereas I see conspicuous consumption as part of improving social status and covered by Becoming a Rune Master, or shaman. I don't think this works like Pendragon, where conspicuous consumption can gain you glory. This is just charisma.
  7. 40 odd years ago in CoP, it was written that Orlanth stole the Sandals of Darkness (Dark walk) from Kyger Litor and it was part of Orlanth Adventurous's magic weapons subcult. 20 years ago it became a whole subcult of the Orlanth Adventurous subcult in addition to the magic weapons subcult. Now we're back to normal times where it's just Orlanth adventurous again and back to just part of Orlanth Adventurous's magic weapons subcult. As Heortling Mythology and Sartar Kingdom of Heroes say, it's one of Orlanth's 49 names, and IMHO we don't need a cult for every name a deity has (especially Loud-Thundering Husband of Ernalda and Tat). You can search for Desemborth here. As for Vinga stealing stuff under the name Desemborth, that's a different name of Orlanth. Vinga is likely called just Vinga if she steals stuff, so a Vinga Adventurous initiate could join the magical weapons subcult. I would expect there to be a thieves guild in Boldhome or Nochet that has Orlanth Adventurous as their patron. One thing I can tell you for sure, Orlanth Adventurous isn't a mask of Lanbril or any other thief god (Greg made that very clear when I asked him).
  8. I've always interpreted: That it's the actual possession of magical objects that gives the point, not the quality or quantity. oooo - they have magic things
  9. https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/?s="Agathe+Pitié+(artist)"+monomyth
  10. While these are great ideas for your game, I've never had this problem. Small minor cults are specialists in what they do, and I would find little use in expanding any cults rune spells. Spell trading is already within Issaries remit and that's enough for me. As for Lhankor Mhy, the player in my game is already overly excited about finding or creating new sorcery spells and learning as many lores as they can! It's not mistrust. Bear in mind that Humakt has no associates for a reason! - He severed his kinship ties. Humakt is friendly to Orlanth & Yinkin, and neutral to every one else except the Seven Mothers who he hates.
  11. Mythic should be no problem. The Ironsworn Oracle needs tweaking: 7 & 8 should just use the Glorantha map you are using - like the starter set Norther Sartar one. 10 add Shaman to 00 13 You could just use these or choose from the Core Rules, likewise 14 &15. You will likely need to skin some of the assets, but I don't think that is really an issue. I've had great fun with Ironsworn Starforged and traveller, I looked at Glorantha, but never got very far as I have a group For those not familiar with Ironsworn, it's free, the the books are worth it too: https://www.ironswornrpg.com This has an interesting idea to to reskin spaceships to cults that I looked at using. (scroll down) https://www.reddit.com/r/Glorantha/comments/lssxav/you_have_to_run_a_glorantha_campaign_youre_not/ This is a passions addin https://www.reddit.com/r/Ironsworn/comments/oeezk3/ironsworn_passions_homebrew/
  12. Given how quick and straight forward character generation is, I'd just use the book and type it straight into the form fillable pdf (https://greathall.chaosium.com/character-sheets/)
  13. It does say: This ability does not extend to the Berserker spell granted by other cults. So yes in my game.
  14. Sounds like you've planned an epic battle, what a great sacrifice, just the way death cults like to go. Don't cast it without support, like Heal body and Heal wound. The Storm Bull's in my game are very aware of the danger of this spell, so others have to be prepared. MGF dictates that there's is always a space at the end of the spell, to allow a final soliloquy before the adventurer lapses into unconsciousness and death. That's when the healing happens. Yes, one of my players took their Storm Bull into a one-on-one with a scorpionman then a Krashtkid. Importantly the skill doubling (85% -> 170%) and Bludgeon 2 (+10%) meant that there was no effectively no defence against the reduction of 80%. With a damage 1D8+2+1D6+2 (Mace with +1D6 db) Both died quickly with the SB receiving only minor injuries. Our Ernaldan was on standby and the others with Heal Wound (the most popular spell in our group).
  15. It's spirit cult that teaches Sky Sight and Farsee.
  16. Yes: It's essential to stop worshippers from dying from broken hearts, or exertion. Once a Uleria priestess reaches 10 Rune points (as Rune Lords), they can DI every season to start increasing their CHA to 21.
  17. Their role is to act on the physical world. Rune priests don't have that role (I realise that its not always as clear as that). Combat is only one categorisation, Looking at the Cults with Rune Lords: Babeester Gor - sacred earth guardians (defence) Foundchild - Hunter Humakt - Warrior Odayla - Hunter Orlanth - Adventurer (has Rune Priests too) Seven Mothers - Warrior (has Rune Priests too) Storm Bull - anti-chaos Warrior Waha - Culture Hero (has Rune Priests too) Yelm - Warrior (has Rune Priests too) Yelmalio - Warrior (has Rune Priests too) Yinkin - Hunter I'd suggest that only the cults that have Rune priests too have the resources to support warriors with Babeester Gor's resources supplied by the Earth cults. Storm Bull and Humakt are specialists in their field's and so that's their primary role.
  18. Black Fang and its Rune spells are in the Core Rules page 379. (Ignore the numbers on the common spells per the Q&A).
  19. My players write it on the free Adventurer Reputation Sheet.
  20. For First contact style game / (HQ2) my character looked like this: Keywords Profession: Space pilot 7M Stealthy ops +2 Pull those g's +1 Outlook: Hindu 13 Bad philosophical quotes +1 Other: Geography 13 +1 Is that a ... Augments (standalone) Pilot Link 15 Heightened Reflexes 15 Artificial lung/heart 15 Flaws (standalone) Reckless 7M Not bothered Robodog Companion Robodog 20 Articulated 15 Talking 3M Inappropriate timing +1 (Flaw)
  21. Going back to Nomad gods, it was 3 hexes, so 15miles / 24km (not as the crow flies) or centre hex to centre hex 13.3 miles / 21.28 km
  22. The RuneQuest Starter set map is by far the most accurate as it is based on Greg's detailed maps unavailable at the time the Guide was published. It's a village of the Balkoth tribe, and only 18km from Swenstown. The Guide is a view of Glorantha from 30000 feet so there are some minor inaccuracies in the maps as they were based on large scale ones. See Jeff's FB posts: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/eastern-sartar-and-prax/ https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/core-homelands-maps/ or search: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/?s="pimper's+block"
  23. This looks like it's PDF viewer dependent. My main viewer (PDF Expert) doesn't exhibit any of those features. I tested it with searching for the and it moves in sequence left to right column and here's some text selected bottom right to top left: Identical behaviour in the default PDF viewer for a Mac (Preview) and Acrobat Reader I work with this PDF all the time and have not experienced either of the issues you have highlighted. Sometimes there will be issues with tables, but I specifically have a viewer that switches between table and column mode when copy and pasting. Some PDF viewers aren't too smart.
  24. Reading the section again, Orlanth must be the Breather Within, with the sisters usually receiving collateral worship from Orlanth. Except during the occupation in which it was the other way round. I'd imagine them as a couple of wind spirits that constantly dance through the tunnels circulating the air, never meeting so the air always goes the same way. Their statues are just a focus for their worship (I don't think they are air pumps). If they have any magic, it's likely a form of Wind Warp to blow out stale air and smells from the odd corner now and then. As lamps and candles shimmer, a stuffy room or a steamy kitchen is cleared, people say ah, a blessing from a Breather Sister. Those who live and work in the pockets leave flowers and coins on their statues. On Orlanth's High Holy days the sisters can be seen dancing through the corridors, every one who see them hopes they will be touched by them as they pass as it's a good omen for the coming year. Or something like that.
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