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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. Where did you find that? The Goddess Switch was with two Earth Goddesses (GtG 352) and happened in Slontos, causing famine in Esrolia. We don't actually have any more details than that, likely because it all disappeared under the waves.
  2. That was in Codex #3 (1995) Lies With Truth, or more ruminations on the nature of the Sun God and Truth after reading the glorious ReAscent of Yelm, by Martin Crim. It had other names for Yelmalio too, all by the author.
  3. Except of course when he's the sky bear: The Sky Bear has many names. He is identified with Umath, Orlanth, or Odayla by the Orlanthi; called Karborn in Sylila; Arakang by the Pelorians; and is called Rathor by the Rathori Hsunchen. From the upcoming Prosopaedia. Odayla is both the hunter and the hunted.
  4. Just use the model the GM Screen pack adventurers book. The Enhyli clan have a minor temple to Yelmalio (who they call Elmal) in Runegate. Just file off the clan name and location: Minor temple Yelmalio Minor temple Ernalda Shrines Humakt, Seven Mothers, Storm Bull Orlanth Thunderous or Barntar, pick two more.
  5. I use an Allrolledup large RuneQuest messenger bag for my slipcase set and gaming stuff: https://www.allrolledup.co.uk/product/runequest/
  6. Bad as in birthed by Kajabor:
  7. I'd say Yes, but as to where... I can only think of one off the top of my head: I'd have a Chalana Arroy assistant shaman encounter Mallia (as a mask of Bad Man) as their Greater Entity would be Chalana Arroy.
  8. (to echo) Encumbrance is not weight, it's things. There's no change as it's still the same number of things.
  9. It should be noted that they are all just masks of Bad Man. Karjakan = Bad Man. Serdrodosa = Earth Witch - Asrelia. Asrelia is the Goddess of the Deep Earth, I can't see any obvious enemies that would be a mask of Bad Man, so Bad Man will do. Bad Man takes the mask of Gbaji.
  10. This an updated version of some posts I wrote here: https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/4141-prax-and-the-thousand-questions-about-the-place/page/4/#comment-76905 The simple answer is yes, Praxians call her Sun Daughter (as per the Guide). The key society here is the inter-tribal Sky Gazers society. Although they can see the spirits in the night sky, they can only contact those who came down to the Wastes in the Great Darkness and helped. This is where the fun starts - did sky being x come down in the Great Darkness? Well if you manage to contact them - they did. There is some evidence of Yelmalio / Sun Daughter doing this. So there will be some initiates who manage to receive magic from her. As with all minor sky beings, it's normally only a single magic. Beware Drastic Prax is not correct - it's Lightfore/Sun Daughter/Yelmalio and Ourania/Yelorna. One of the themes of the spirit societies of the Praxian tradition is that of splintering. By default spirit societies are controlled by charismatic shaman who can head more than one spirit society. If a shaman contacts a spirit and has a new revelation or is exposed to a new experience like a foreign cult's spirits or gods they can propagate these new revelations through their followers. If these new ways of working continue after the shamans death, a new society can form. Shamanism is a practical set of tools, what they have experienced has to work for others or it's not of any use. This is how many Praxian societies formed. In the case of Yelmalio, the Sky Gazers spirit society already knew about the existence of Sun Daughter. Some initiates were able to spirit magic from Sun Daughter so there was a connection. It's likely that a shaman had already experienced that Sun Daughter had come to the Garden in the Great Darkness (and saw Yamsur's death IIRC). But that was a minor event and not as great as the other star beings' work, but it set the stage for when Yelmalio arrived in the Second Age: and then This an updated version of a post I wrote here: https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/4141-prax-and-the-thousand-questions-about-the-place/page/4/#comment-76946 There are also two important sky based holy spots in the Wastes: Star Crystal Mountain: This place is where Pole Star fought the Chaos gods Tien and Thed. The divine blood spilled here attracts both spirits and Chaos demons. Polestar Mountain: This high peak is the Sky Spot, where Pole Star taught the Stargazers the secrets of the Celestial Realm. The Pentans believe this to be a remnant of the Pillar and that Pole Star is directly above this mountain. These are often identified with other sky gods, and Star Crystal Mountain may have been Yamsur's palace. But you'd need to visit them in person to see who you may meet.
  11. Yinkin receives Speedart from Odayla and Foundchild as associated cults. They can get training from both in both Missile Weapon (at full price). The usual benefit of cult skills is that training is cheaper.
  12. The OP was asking I wasn't begrudging Odalya having more rune spells, just offering a suggestion as to how to easily add more. I'm not sure I understand your reasoning, Orlanth gets Charisma from Eurmal and Restore Health from Chalana Arroy. Odayla does not get Dark Walk from any associate.
  13. Yes, we actually have one example of a spirit cult: Robber.
  14. The easiest way to give a cult new magic is through a local hero cult that gives one rune spell, that may even be unique. So you could have Great Sky Hunter, that caught the Sky Bear and tore a medium air elemental from it, or even pillage names from older publications: Kudran Golden Feather gives Sureshot (single shrine is somewhere in northern Sartar) Mabar the fisher gives Draw Salmon (single shrine is somewhere in Aggar). Draw Salmon (beast) is a one point version of Draw Prey that only works on Salmon. Ranoo Longlegs gives Endurance (single shrine is somewhere in Sylila). Endurance (beast) (1pt stackable) allow the caster to move / jog / run for 6 hours, without tiring as long as they are tracking / chasing prey. Each extra point adds another 6 hours (incompatible with extension). They can learn Silence as an associate of Yinkin: So half price. Yes. Unless your Odaylan has done some HeroQuesting it's unlikely they've stolen anything from Kyger Litor. As an air god, seems natural to me: Odayla, The Sky Bear, Air / Beast. Odayla is the son of Orlanth and the Lady of the Wilds.
  15. They follow the same Yelmalio that all Praxian Animal nomads follow. Just use the Yelmalio cult in the Core Rules. Obviously as they are mounted, don't choose Pike as a cult skill, so they don't learn the combined pike and shield. Everything else works just the same. If you want to be an Ostrich Tribe warrior, you'd choose: Homeland Base Passions (page 27) Choosing Your Elemental Runes (45), I use Earth +10% (Ostrich Mother's mother is the Earth) Homeland Characteristic Modifiers (page 53), just use Impala Riders as they are also pygmies. Homeland Cultural Skill Bonuses (page 60) doesn't include Ostrich riders, but these are the same for all Praxians: Ride (Ostrich) +35% Customs (Ostrich Tribe) (25) Herd +30% Peaceful Cut +15% Spirit Combat +20%, Dagger +05% (as Impala) then it's down to weapons (4 slots): Boomerang +20% (From HQG), Blowpipe +10% (from Khan of Khans), Short sword +10% (seemed a sensible pick like impalas), Small Shield +10% (from the Nomad Gods Counter). Occupation: Light Cavalry (page 73). For Light Cavalry I usually choose Composite Bow, 1H Weapon (pick type) - Pick Long Spear, Small Shield. Note that 1 H Long spear covers Lance too. Cult: Yelmalio (page 308). Cult Skills: Battle, Bow, Celestial Lore, Cult Lore (Yelmalio), Listen, Long Spear, Pike, Scan, Search, Speak (Firespeech), Worship (Yelmalio). There's no problem with becoming a Rune Lord as A candidate must have 90% in Bow or Javelin, Scan, and any Spear skill, plus 90% in two of the following abilities: Battle, Honor, Listen, Move Quietly, or Search. Note that in upcoming Cults of Glorantha, the Cult Starting Skill, Sing +10%, becomes Sing +10% or Ride (horse) +10%. In this case just change to Ride (ostrich) +10%. The only real change from normal Ostrich riders and Yelmalion Ostrich riders, is that they don't usually use boomerangs and blowpipes, which of course make them slightly odd to other Ostrich riders. However I suspect that most would keep them as secondary weapons. In my Prax the Praxians have no Rune Priests, only Rune Lords (Light Khans). There's only about 90 Ostrich Yelmalions and a single Light Khan. As with all Praxian Yemalions, they hold the Sun domes sacred. A long time ago I ran a Yelmalion campaign, made up of Sun Dome Sartar (RQ2 cult write up), Sun County (RQ3 write ups), Ostrich folk Yelmalions (Heroes v2 #01). There are slight differences in the write ups that made for excellent gaming fun.
  16. See https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/7315-scenario-ideas-for-dwarf-knoll/#comment-102295 then the rest further down...
  17. For me this falls into the same category as getting your allied spirit killed or its object broken, you haven't looked after it well enough so it leaves. You gain +1D3 Rep as the Priest / lord who lost their allied spirit.
  18. Okay so here is the rundown of all cults in the Q&A:
  19. As I said I'd just assume that the sorcerous version does that, depending on the ritual. The top of my head. It's very easy to make up sorcery spells in my experience.
  20. Yes. But you would need to look at the context. At the moment in the CR we don't have any shaman-priests that have access to allied spirits (Daka Fal - none, Waha, Khans only). But any shaman, priest or sorcerer could make a familiar - let's call them what they are under RQG - Awakened Beasts (W&E page). I will assume for brevity that there is a sorcerous & spirit based ritual for this too. If we move on to the cults in the Bestiary, it's possible for a shaman-priestess of Kyger Litor to have a fetch and an allied spirit (from the upcoming CoT), allied spirits are put into giant beetles. Then it's entirely possible for a KL shaman-priestess to have an awakened creature, the only caveat I would have is that during the awakening ritual, that the fetch must approve the deal as per Establishing a Spirit Shrine, shaman, page 378. It's got a 90% chance of success, however I feel this is a good barrier in keeping with the shaman and fetch's relationship. Other than Kiger Litor, I haven't looked at any of the other shaman-priest cults. The God Learner's clearly had the ritual sorcery to create their own fetches and allied spirits for experimentation. Graft Fetch and Split Soul likely were likely extended to last years or the sorcerer sacrificed POW to make the ritual permanent. Steal Allied spirit and Create divine animal/object we likely also used and as with the former perished with their inventors.
  21. This is a subsumed into the Sacred Time. A Fisher's income is dependant on their Occupation Income skill Result applied to their Base income. For Hide based incomes like Nobles and Priests, just assume the standard 40L = 1 Hide, and that one fishing hide is abstract. You could apply the Quality of Land table from W&E if you wanted more detail and the details from pond, creek, river, lake, and fish weir.
  22. I've run quite a few different HeroQuest game including HQG. The key for me in using a different setting / adapting the system was basically to just HeroQuest-ise the system. For example, I ran Exalted with HeroQuest and just used most of it as is (can't find any characters, but I've the sheet (attached). Donnie from our Christmas Adventures games (an Ickle Elf) Tex from a sci-fi game Some Dwarfs from my Pacific Rim / Glorantha mashup Tex.pdfRock.pdfDragon Blooded.pdfAqua.pdfDonnie.pdf Some simple run downs Skimming https://arcaneeye.com/class-guides/swashbuckler-5e-guide/ Descriptor: Sneaky Keyword: Swashbucker Rakish Audacity +1 Keyword: High Elf Long Bow +1 Keyword: Simple Magic Cantrip 1 +1 Cantrip 2 +1 Flaw 1: Scared of Water Flaw: Family dependants ---- Descriptor: Scheming Keyword: Fire Mage Fire Elemental +1 Keyword: Human Teacher +1 Keyword: Fire Magic Fire Spell 1 +1 Fire Spell 2 +1 Flaw 1: Enemy of the Windr Flaw: Must eat coal
  23. or just use the Thrown Net skill in the fisher occupation (as opposed to net fighting).
  24. just change it as advised, the occupations are not fixed:
  25. Boat(ing) allows you to manoeuvre your nets, depending on the type of net you use. Swim(ing) allows you to manage nets and traps without a boat. The skill is Net Fighting (W&E 64). Thrown Net is a seperate skill. Just use the appropriate cultural weapon skill (1 H spear), note we now have tridents in W&E, bidents are easily extrapolated. Devise covers fish traps. rod and line fishing or angling is the only one not covered and I'd allow a player to make an appropriate manipulation skill (rod & Line), etc So for a fisher who has ponds, Just tailor the skill list: for Javelin, Self Bow, or Thrown Net (pick one) +20%, substitute Device +20% It wouldn't cause any problems. Overall I'd only make rod & line a new skill, but only if needed. I'd be careful in changing the occupational income skills, perhaps only allowing Devise as a alternative (maintaining and optimising equipment is the most important thing fishers do)
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