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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. For those interested in further detail, there was a 1960 publication by Georg and Vera Leisner of Hugo Obermaier's original excavation. It shows the site in it's pre-flood state (in German, pics after text). https://issuu.com/bibliotecavirtualextremena/docs/dolmendeguadalperal1 Also, a digital conservation paper: https://heritagesciencejournal.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40494-021-00590-5 and a good overview from Ancient Origins https://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/dolmen-de-guadalperal-0012487 Ancient origins is an excellent resource for Glorantha (a RSS feed must)
  2. There's not a Quivin tribe. Boldhome is surrounded by (going clockwise) Cinsina, Culbrea, Kheldon, Sambari, Balmyr, Colymar, Malani. See the post 4. The Tribes of Sartar, 1625-1626 for a great map
  3. Kallyr wasn't popular amongst some quarters, there's still the memories of her failed rebellion just over 10 years ago. There's her also her inconclusive (failed) lightbringers quest she did a season or so before her death. Then at the Battle of Queens, only the Cinsina (under Queen Ivartha) Colymar (under Queen Leika), Culbrea (under King Ranulf), Kheldon (under Prince Kallyr), and the Malani (under Queen Amalda) take part. Ivartha, Ranulf, Kallyr and Amalda die! Only Leika survives and wins the day. (See: https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/10383-another-question-for-the-sages/#comment-154100) She does the right thing and takes the body back to Boldhome. The most powerful Boldhome tribes are the Kheldon, Culbrea, Colymar and Cinsina (I'm sure you can see a pattern now). The Malani were at the battle as they border the site of Old Top, and what does a tribe who's tribal patron is Humakt love to do... Most of the members of those tribes return to bury their dead King or Queens, those that remain and the other tribes present, likely thought - I'm glad I wasn't part of that cluster fuck. (See Tribes at Boldhome: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/tribal-members-living-outside-tribal-lands/) The Chalana Arroy cult would dispute this. They were on hand and they couldn't resurrect Kallyr (see RQG, Vasana's Saga, 1626, Early Fire Season, Battle of the Queens, page 137 & Boldhome on page 140). After they had buried their own dead, I suspect the new tribal leaders returned to Boldhome. They discover that mobs have prevented the pyre being lit. We also don't know who of Kallyr's household survive, given the sacred time quest and Battle of the queens, likely few. Then the power vacuum starts its inevitable work: When another week passed, blows were exchanged at the King’s Square. The tribal leaders could not agree on a successor to Kallyr, for she was widely said to be the last of the royal house and was without heir. I think that reads that no one could light the eternal flame themselves (no royal blood of Sartar). Look at page 140, it covers the events. It's clear why they light the pyre (manually) and she leaves, just to get it over with. I'm sure no one would want to spend another season in indecision, when there's your own tribe to manage with Earth season and the harvest, on their way.
  4. What's the northern enclosure? Looks abandoned?
  5. Looks very much like it has sprung up as the entrance to Whitewall has moved (alynxes Landing looks flattened) ,The northern area looks like the abandoned lunar encampment.
  6. Here are both maps with the keys: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/1618-1625-whitewall-map-previews/ The 1625 key certainly tells the tail of what is happening now.
  7. My players pretty much did the same. I had Berevenenos's spirit appear at sacred time (it is abstract) in Step 7. Omens for Next Year and give them an Ill-favored omen for the following year. The thane of Apple Lane has lost some popularity amongst his tenants and the other villagers. While they did generally save the day, all of this is a bit abstract for the hamlet, especially when a dead king comes with an Ill-favored omen. The group are now looking at how they can seek forgiveness from the king.
  8. As has already been mentioned, Extension would cover this. The actual spell description does not say that it can't be extended past 5 points. However the Rune points can't be regained until the Extension has expired. Assuming that every step after 5 doubles the duration (per sorcery): 6 2 years 7 4 years 8 8 years 9 16 years 10 32 years That's quite an investment of Rune points that can't be regained the spell expires, so a point of POW makes better sense.
  9. Likewise Gotti maybe a common name, and gold is likely a common merchant moniker as in Goldentongue Gotti. Likewise mix it up with pirate naming conventions: Gold Beard Gotti, or Long Gotti Gold.
  10. We know from Sartar KoH, that the sword Wrath is tied to the tribal regalia and the tribal wyter. Give the nature of the HeroQuest system, you created the wyter as part of the game. I just made the tribal wyter, Wrath once it was returned, otherwise the clan wyters were enough.
  11. There was a Design mechanism livestream at Continuum last weekend, with Loz and co... I didn't go, so can't tell you what was missed, but I believe it was recorded and will go somewhere at some point.
  12. https://www.usgs.gov/centers/chesapeake-bay-activities/science/intersex-fish and many others...
  13. Have a look at Steven Marsh's Heroquest stuff: https://adrr.com/hero/ It's pretty complete, I doubt there's more in the original A&E
  14. It's in the first paragraph of the eponymous adventure.
  15. Depends on your location: The only example of Flamal we have so far in print is the Earth temple at Clearwine (GM Screen Pack Adventure book). The temple has a shrine to Flamal as a husband-protector. Flamal has only two special Rune magics, Bear Fruit and Sprout, so pick one for the shrine.
  16. You still have 5% with a 00% skill. The 00 is about the category bonus.
  17. Delete the line on page 353 (see 3. Shamanic Skills (page 353)). It's a cult skill for Daka Fal, and assistant shaman can learn it for free from their shaman mentor. Otherwise as it's a 00 skill, you will need training or a successful experience increase before you can add your magic modifier to it. Likewise spirit dance. The only people usually with the skill are shaman or assistant shaman or Daka Fal initiates, so an adventurer could receive training. However per page 417, Rare skills, such as Magic skills, are rarely taught to outsiders. Other than getting over the 00 skill bump, it's certainly possible to increase them as part of a storyline or story hook.
  18. While not explicit, I've always assumed it's part of the confrontation stage.
  19. Bow is a cultural weapon for Sartarites, Esrolians, Tarshites, Old Tarshites and half the Praxian tribes in the Core Rules. Charriot Driver, Herder, Hunter, and Light Cavalry are the occupations that receive cultural missile weapon skills. Foundchild and Odayla are the only current cults that teach bow as a cult skill (half price). Orlanth and Storm Bull also have it as one of the five skills to become a Rune Lord, the Rune Lords will be teaching bow to initiates as it's part of the Rune Lord path. It would seem that overall, Orlanth and Storm Bull cults are the most associated with the bow. with the majority being herders and light cavalry.
  20. I should have said everyone has the ability to travel to the spirit world. Whether it's controlled or not is another thing. Only in the sense it has a list of specific rules for ancestor spirits. The description does open with creates a holy sanctuary, which I interpret as the classic shamanic Axis Mundi: the connecting place to the spirit world. While not RAW, it's effectively a shamanic version of sanctify. The Horned Man was the first shaman, he's not a god and has no rune pool. Discorporation comes from the god of the cult. My statement was about the human condition overall, not those who would become shaman. I've taught shamanism in Russia, to some from Siberia who's own shamanic tradition were gone. They had no trouble learning the techniques. My own personal experience of an Altai shaman, was that he was born with ability, but it was not inherited. He was a shaman of the 9th heaven (could not travel beyond the 9th level of the spirit world!). Likewise with Tungus shaman, there seemed no real consensus that it was either hereditary or a random choosing to become a shaman. Overall they are large areas and likely with variations. Overall in Glorantha, there are likely no humans who can't enter the spirit world.
  21. In real world shamanism, there are some important details in travelling to the Spirit World. The first is that anyone can do it and there are many methods of achieving it. Drumming, rattling, singing, and dancing are the most common methods, often used in combination. There are also entheogens. which are normally used in combination with the previous methods. However the problem with entheogens is that they can also be used without regard to their entheogenic properties and throw unprepared users into the spirit world. Which brings me to the next detail. A shaman is someone who can control their entry and exit in and out of the Spirit World. Entheogens have the problem, to the unaware user, that they can only provide an uncontrolled entry and exit (and often no exit). In many traditional cultures, those who cannot control their contact with the spirit world are considered mad, whereas a shaman does control it. So in RQ terms, the shaman's discorporation ability, and any discorporation rune magic provide a controlled entry and exit from the spirit world (needing an hour long ritual to work). Hazia, Black Mushroom Drink and most other plants that can help achieve discorporation, fall into the uncontrolled category. There is also the matter of an Axis Mundi, an important adjunct to travelling to the spirit world - a safe starting point. At large ceremonies, a shaman need only cast Axix Mundi and make sure all the participants are inside its diameter. Everyone inside is effectively in the Spirit World, everyone knows not to move as to do so moves you out of the protective area into the spirit world. So If the shaman want's everyone to travel with him into the spirit world, everyone takes the supplied Entheogen (what ever it is), does the hour ritual, pays 5 magic points, and makes a meditation roll (including ritual preparation bonus). The shaman then casts Axis Mundi and everyone moves off through the now open gateway to the spirit world. I would see this a form of guided meditation, with the shaman (and assistants) directing the group to act in ritual fashion. As long as they act as the shaman, there is little difficulty. This is the kind of activity I would imagine in a worship ceremony at a spirit shrine, where you might go the the vortex where the spirit lives. Some of you may find the 1968 paper, The Sound of Rushing Water by Michael J. Harner a useful read. It has some great Spirit World imagery and descriptions: https://www.ayahuasca-info.com/data/articles/The Sound of Rushing Water.pdf
  22. If you haven't reread the Divine intervention section again, then it's a good starting point along with the examples on 273. It's clearly: A kind GM will let it will happen just before the killing blow. So spend a permanent RP, then make the appropriate roll and hopefully there's huge wind and every one finds themselves on top of an appropriate orlanth hill temple, etc. You can also attempt as may DIs as you like, but it costs a permanent RP each time.
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