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Charles VA

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Everything posted by Charles VA

  1. I fully understand this and I appreciate your response. I wouldn't look for a "boxed set" of anything anymore unless it's Kellogs'. As an old fan of Chaosium I do appreciate what is happening and the effort that is going into all of this and yes, I would still like to get a copy of said material. This is the other Condition Rune to my hopes. The old magazines, Different Worlds, Wyrm's Footnotes, Tales, Codex, etc.., would be delightful to have again, even as PDFs but the problems there can be rough.I'd still like to make a shout out to the idea. I would definitely be in/on line to collect them.
  2. For some reason, this doesn't completely appeal to me. Even with the map set as a separate entity it seems unwieldy. If that's to be the only way I would have to take it.
  3. I would be happy, at this point, with just a reprint of the Questworld with those wonderful maps. Unfortunately my copy was destroyed long ago in the Chaos Age.
  4. I'm simplistic in my views. I just want my copies. The Chaosium RQ2 has been the favorite game with my groups since 1982, Glorantha or no. This is an extraordinary event in my circles.
  5. Bigger when their weapons are in use.
  6. Charles VA

    Big Rubble

    I love searching the 'Rubble as well but, The rest of the Praxian/Genert Wastes include an immense variety of hot spots to explore/plunder. I would like to see details on these areas with an internally consistent history and description. Don't get me wrong. I ran more than one campaign in the rubble, with the best of them ending with the prophesied "Axe wielding warrior chopping down the pillars of the Lunar temple". One of my players had actually managed to find the fabled Axe and with it's blessing became the first of Pavis' Champions. With several Heroquests and numerous beatings, managed to become Argrath Pavis. Fantastic stuff. BTW: All in Chaosium 2nd ed.
  7. If I see a tooley monniker, I know the product is of exceptional and worthy quality. Disclaimer: I was not compensated in any fashion for the above recommendation. :-)
  8. North West Arkansas with serious longing for better gaming days/territories.
  9. In my time with the BRP family of games, a reunion of this magnitude was essentially a "What If..." sort of Marvel story to be bandied about as we sipped of the fermented grape juice. This is wonderful news for the future of Chaosium and the future of gaming in general. A toast to the "Old Guard".
  10. If regional supplements were done, giving the local perspective of the "right way", along with an Old Testament write-up/monogram it would provide one hell of a great series for gaming in the ancient world. This would be quite a lot of work and would provide many of the problems many of us saw in the early stages of Glorantha. I would love to see it however and if this work is done from the Hebrew perspective, the God of the Bible WOULD be all powerful when working for His own interests and completely silent when the situation is up to Man. It seems to me an Elan system would provide the kind of Godly Miracles spoken of earlier. You petition the Lord with your Divine Allegiance and pay for it with Divine Influence.
  11. I'm an Orlanthi at heart with a fondness for Kargan Tor. Kyger Litor, Zorak Zoran and Dehore deserve honorable mention. ;-) Sorry for the edit, I HAVE to throw in Pavis, campaign requirements preclude leaving him out.
  12. Charles VA


    I'm coming late to this thread, sorry. I would like to ask a question of those who still use Superworld or had used it in the past. What changes did you make to the system (house rules) to make it run for you? I'm curious to see what is out there. The discussion seemed to have centered around what people dislike about the system, not what was done with it. Thanks for all responses.
  13. A character purely for the use of the G.M. I would say he's not playable any more than Galactus or Eternity are playable characters. If it's an academic activity have at a try but if you are looking to create characters with a possible playability, he's not part of it.
  14. Many ventures into the Elder Wilds, Devil's Playground, Copper Sands, Prax, Daggerford, Dragonspear Castle and a hundred different places are fondly remembered from that earlier time Some were successes, others not so much but all were memorable and still much spoken of among the older gamers of my group(s). I'm not sure about the system bias of many gamers I speak to but I will say this, until you have gamed with a strong storyteller, judge not the system or the world but the experience.
  15. I would be curious to see the Mystery Men and the characters from Kickass.
  16. I'm easy to please; To Play: Glorantha Realms Greyhawk Babylon 5 To GM; Realms (which is happening at the moment) Babylon 5 Greyhawk
  17. Maybe I shouldn't say this, considering the nerd rage against it, but I used RQ2 (Chaosium) to introduce, with success, numerous groups of players (new players) to gaming in general. The Chaosium version has served me well with a major campaign being played out every 5 years or so with the current one being stalled only by 1500 miles of distance between group and GM. This includes Gloranthan, Greyhawk, Forgotten Realms and homebrewed worlds. I'm not so sure about the defunct nature of those rules or their codependency on one world being the backdrop. It has been said by one of the best storytellers I ever had the pleasure of gaming with, its all about the GM not the system. The system can help but it is not the main determining factor in anything beyond the flavor. Ok, so how much hate/rage do I get for going against the party line.
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