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Everything posted by Dredj

  1. Space hazards: Category:Space hazards - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The hazards of space travel Space Radiation Hazards and the ... - Google Book Search The Natural Space Radiation Hazard
  2. That alone pretty much sells me on it:thumb:
  3. have you ever played the Thief computer games? The setting sounds a lot like the setting in those games. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thief_(series)
  4. Merry Christmas, everyone:thumb:
  5. That's why I only play with Mythic GM Emulator
  6. Here's some retro stuff: Forgotten Futures - Role playing material
  7. I also strongly recommend Future Armada spaceship maps if you don't have them already. RPGNow.com - Ki Ryn Studios - The leading source for indie RPGs http://ki-ryn.com/
  8. After looking at the links above some more, I'm not sure there's that much there for a setting. However, if you're interested in the Dune series, here's a site that's converting it into some generic rpg system: http://hobsonschoice.myby.co.uk/dune/index.htm Here's something from the site's download section: http://hobsonschoice.myby.co.uk/dune/Dune%20Atlas.pdf
  9. Hey Rust, here's some more links to a game setting, in reply to a thread I made in the FUDGE rpg forum. It's some kind "hardish" sci-fi setting that seems to have developed on the net. I've barely read any of them, as I just heard of them, so the quality of some of them might be lacking. But, here's the post that was made on the FUDGE Forum http://www.fudgeforum.com/forum/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=423 with the links: PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 7:36 am Post subject: Re: Newbie bearing Hard SF treats Reply with quote Nice links! One of my favorite places to visit is the old E-Space (or Macrospace) setting developed out of an idea from the Lexicon game (link to wikipedia?) It was a hard-ish SF setting that proposed a way of FTL travel that was plausable. Earth builds an empire, aliens not encountered at the time it was written. Said technology then turns out to "dirty-up" hyperspace and shuts off all FTL travel. Some worlds die, some thrive. Many hundreds of years later travel opens up again. So you can play in a empire-days, an exploration days, an apocalypse days, a survial days, and then a re-discovery days. Somewhere on those sites is a guide to levels of soft to hard SF and what those labels might mean. E-Space Society : E-space The Phoenyx - Forum Through the Wayback Machine: E-Space « Site » Sitemap browse The original Lexicon rules: The 20' By 20' Room: Lexicon: an RPG Links: Lexicon games - Ghyll
  10. It means that if a real person who's too neurotic shows up to a gaming session, they probably won't be invited back for the next session:D
  11. I believe you're taking about the game Timlords. That was the mostly overly complex rpg I've ever played.
  12. While this is getting away from BRP, I was wondering how Bloodsucker: the Angst would go with Houses of the Blooded? I'm wondering if that would make for the ultimate WoD spoof? Houses of the Blooded - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Houses of the Blooded (Only $5 USD for the pdf) http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/product.php?productid=16617&cat=0&page=1
  13. While you mentioned that you don't want to buy another game, here's a humorous goth rpg and supplement: RPGNow.com - Postmortem Studios - Bloodsucker: The Angst RPGNow.com - Postmortem Studios - Bloodsucker: The Juice
  14. As far as the zombie stuff I linked to above, activate an account and then turn on the adult filter so that you can view more of their stuff. Some of the things the company sells is considered too hardcore for the general public. But it's perfect for any kind of post apocalyptic setting--zombies or not! If you decide you want to play monsters, check out this game: Stellar Games Nightlife It is ridiculous how much White Wolf stole from this game. And the funny thing is: there's no angst to this rpg. White Wolf literally stole all good stuff they have from this rpg...and yet they overlooked a lot of good stuff from this rpg! It's a percentile-based game, and with some (considerable) reworking could be adapted to BRP.
  15. What kind of horror are you wanting to run? Will it be more gothic in tone, or will it be splatterpunk? If you're going more for splatterpunk, I strongly suggest buying the Blood! rpg. It has critical hit charts and stats for stuff you might not think of using as weapons (toilet seats and socks filled with billiard balls) and everything you need to run that kind of horror game. And it can easily be tweaked using BRP rules (the two systems are very similar, despite initial appearances). Oh yeah, it has SAN rules. But you can always swap them out with BRPs--or vice versa. Besides, I have an intuition that what you're really looking for is covered in the Blood! rpg. However, if you're running something that more resembles campfire stories or Blair Witch ("folkloric horror"), I would recommend taking ideas from this game: RPGNow.com - Clint Krause - Don't Walk in Winter Wood mostly for its unique way of having the players narrate what the characters are doing. I haven't looked at that game for quite some time, but it seemed like it had some very interesting ideas. Basically, we need to have a good idea of what kind of subgenre(s) of horror your planning to play before we can give you very good ideas. And, since you're doing modern horror (which is mostly splatterpunk and which Blood! covers perfectly), all you need is for the PCs to be a bunch of teenagers out to have a good time but getting caught in something very deadly. And you can create a campaign from that--assuming the PCs are 'responsible' and want to stop the evil for good. Not only is that the set up of many horror movies, but it's perfectly plausible in the real world for getting the PCs together to fight off a bad situation.
  16. Oh yeah, get Mythic GM Emulator with Mythic Variations: Mythic Game Master Emulator Mythic Variations
  17. Here's some things that might help: RPGNow.com - UKG Publishing - Splatterpunk/Zombies! - The leading source for indie RPGs The next 3 items I plan on buying soon: RPGNow.com - The leading source for indie RPGs While this is a full-blown rpg, it's percentile-based and can be used with many rules found in BRP. And it's totally about playing modern spatterpunk horror: RPGNow.com - Postmortem Studios - Blood! Here's the rules conversion for the above game to RuneQuest: RPGNow.com - Postmortem Studios - BloodQuest Adventure seeds: RPGNow.com - Big Finger Games - BFG Bloody Hooks [bUNDLE] RPGNow.com - Postmortem Studios - 100 Horror Adventure Seeds RPGNow.com - Postmortem Studios - 100 Dark Places RPGNow.com - Tabletop Adventures, LLC - Halls of Horror I think that should be good for a start :thumb:
  18. All this talk of modernity is funny considering the fact that much of the time I visit RPGNOW.COM there's a "new" game that's trying to be just like the original D&D or AD&D, using a system that's similar but more "streamlined". Why not advertise BRP as THE system to stand the test of time. It's SO perfect that the system, itself, never needed to be completely overhauled--like certain other big name ones that are trying to pass themselves off as being "modernized".
  19. That was just one of the reasons I don't like them. Honestly, my first thought whenever I see a game system that has them is "how can I work the system so I don't have to deal with them?" I agree they work for some systems, like PDQ. But, for the most part, I find them to be a hassle. And I disagree with the people who think that BRP should have them to be "modern".
  20. Check out this site: Serena Dawn Spaceport You might be able to get some good vehicles from it.
  21. I was just looking at the review for the Battlestar Galactica game on rpg.net RPGnet : Review of Battlestar Galactica RPG . It turns out someone else doesn't like ad/disad rules, either; and covered the main reason I personally don't like them: "Too often in ad/disad systems, you can get away with taking something like "mildly unpleasant body odor" and get the advantage "expert sniper" in exchange. That always seems a tad… unbalanced… to me, like a min-maxer's heyday."
  22. There was a thread awhile back that was about advantages/disadvantages for BRP. I personally don't see the draw to them. In fact, one of the big things that drew me to BRP was that it doesn't have them! As far as I'm concerned, it's just another way to pidgeonhole a player character. And I've never seen anyone play a character that was so perfect (regardless of the character's stats) that disadvantages would have to be set in stone. In fact, the more perfect the character's stats were, the more of an A-hole the character was played (but that could just be the groups I played in. They work for some games (some games make them a necessary component), but BRP isn't one of them. Nor do I see them in any way as a hallmark of modernity. As far as I'm concerned, it all could just be a role-playing fad. (Maybe "fad" is a little too strong, as some of the systems that have ad/disad will stand the test of time, but anyone reading will probably get my point).
  23. Sorry to hear that. I wish you the best.
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