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Everything posted by Dredj

  1. There is Rise of the Dead Zombie Convention Round Chaosium Inc. How good is that product?
  2. If you know how to work with Photoshop, I would go with Flying Mice, LLC's way of doing art for a rpg, which I believe is just photos of people layered on a background and the Smudge tool is used. Personally, I really, really like their art. And I think it would be a great way to generate very good art cheap (of course you would have to pay $600+ for Adobe Photoshop if your planning to use it to make money with it). Take a look around their site and click on the game images to see what I'm talking about: Flying Mice LLC RPG Page Chine Games Aquavita RPG Page But, again, if Chaosium is footing the bill, hopefully they can get a really good artist.
  3. Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow Guess I'll have to write that one up if ever I ever have the time. I would really like to play in that world. But my version would be a little darker and not so "gee whiz". Sorry for the non-help:lol:
  4. I agree. I think of a barbarian as a hillbilly with brains and skills--and probably not too much inbreeding:lol:
  5. That sounds like an a very viable gaming supplement. I like the idea of being able to play something like Scooby Doo. Plus, there seems to be enough material to play much more darker and sinister style games. Maybe even splatterpunk>:-> I like it. It would definitely be something that I would want to play.:thumb: The more I look at your write up of the game, it seems that you could play any type of horror/suspense/thriller/conspiracy setting with this. Maybe you should have something in there about playing X-Files type games.
  6. I never cared for character advantages or disadvantages--assuming they were merely personality flaws--either. And to my knowledge, neither did anyone I played with. Everybody I played with managed to give their characters persistent personality flaws as a matter of course. And it was simply a matter of paying particular and persistent attention to how someone played their character. However, flaws and advantages that were physical, or beyond, were always interesting.
  7. The name itself says it all in the way of pomposity.:eek: http://www.geekinthecity.com/games/the_top5_most_p.php
  8. Gundam colonies: Mobile Suit Gundam: High Frontier Space Colonisation Space Colonisation The one I like the most: Space Settlement Space Settlement
  9. I was wondering how Shock: Social Science Fiction is working for world-building, as I know a few people on this forum bought it based on my recommendation?
  10. Here's something about wind turbines WattHead: Flying Wind Turbines - Magenn Power's Air Rotation System
  11. Or buy it cheap, here: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_/104-0057215-6974359?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Vagabond+Voyaging%3A+The+Story+of+Freighter+Travel&x=13&y=23
  12. I keep running into that info. every once in awhile. But I can't think of any sources to go to right now. The theory is, since there is supposedly a massive black hole in the center of every galaxy, then stars must be whipping around it at nearly the speed of light. So, anyway, it's probably wrong.
  13. Clover (creature - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) I found a few other wikis, some time ago. But this manga seems to be supported by the creators of the Cloverfield monster. I will look for more wikis as time permits. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_characters_in_the_Cloverfield_universe
  14. I finally watched Cloverfield. I also read up some more on the monster. It seems the creators want everyone to believe it's a sea creature. Outside of the fact that it moves like a toad when a toad's not jumping, there's nothing to suggest that Clover comes from an aquatic environment. Clover looks like a chihuahua gene-spliced with some kind of insect(s). I really don't know how it would move with any kind of efficiency or speed underwater--unless it's so heavy it just crabs along the bottom of the ocean. Which would explain why it was never detected. Personally, I think it's a mythos whom someone summoned and got more than they bargained for. Clover doesn't like being summoned to alien worlds:mad:
  15. Sounds like the typical elementary school talent contest:lol:
  16. I'm planning on using BRP with Mythic Role Playing in order to help write a movie script or novel.Word Mill Games Since none of my friends are particularly interested in pen and paper rpgs, I'm going to have to go it alone. So I'm planning on playing a lot of one shots based on survival horror games, and any other computer and video games I like. I was contemplating a zombie apocalypse game taking place sometime in the swashbuckling era of the 17th and 18th centuries. I imagine my characters would need heavy-duty rapiers that can penetrate a skull, though. And maybe zombies that are intelligent enough to shy away from attacks when they realize it's their vulnerable part the protagonists are going after in order to ensure greater pc survivability. I will have to think about that one a little more.
  17. I found the authors site where he describes them. Those are some scary aliens!!
  18. Got any links describing the Vang? I'm looking on the web, but can't find and good descriptions. I've never read any of Christopher Rowley's stuff.
  19. You can convert FUDGE style. Look at the right of the screen for the free download of FUDGE. FUDGE uses adjectives to describe skill and attribute ranges. Grey Ghost Press, Inc. - FUDGE
  20. I wouldn't know. But here's more info on it: Who Goes There? - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia And there's probably no more terrifying monster than The Thing.
  21. And while I'm at it, here's another link I found very interesting: Serena Dawn Spaceport
  22. Here's someone's interpretation of The Thing in game terms: Outpost #31 - Fan Games
  23. I was looking up a fave cartoon from my childhood and thought I'd post the Wikipedia page for it. It got sued out of existence due to the robots bearing too much similarity to the GoBots. Maybe it will give someone an idea for creating a morphing robot game as well as some campy space opera. Mighty Orbots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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