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Everything posted by Atgxtg

  1. And a large friend can be a large shield.
  2. But would you rather die for it? The typical hit in RQG is going to be around 8 points, so a 2 point shield, by itself doesn't do much for you. Now the good thing is that most cultures that used hide shields seemed to have used big hide shields, and a 4 point shield plus some armor and/or protection is more useful. Well, at the risk of going into the "wrong" edition, I think the solution is in RQ3. They had a rule in the GMs book where an item's price was multiplied by 2.5 each time you transported it away from it's place or manufacture to another type of market (urban, rural, wilds). Now if you multiples the prices by 2.5 or 6.25 for the transported goods, you might get prices more in line with what your thinking. That would work out to 63L or 155L for a large wicker shield, does either of those two prices sound about right to you? They might have a similar rule in the RQG GM's book, but it's not out yet.
  3. Thanks. I didn't write the original article just tried to translate it into RQ2/RQG. If I were doing it from scratch I probably would bump the absorption ratings up a bit to make them more useful, especially for RQG where the average human has a +1d4 db. Why parry with a 2 point shield if you got a decent weapon?
  4. Nah, they are Hobbits in duck suits. They just have to dress up to avoid any legal entanglements with the Tolkien estate. If you look closely, you can spot the eyes and zipper.
  5. To keep it simple? Probably Strombringer, since it's already set up for it, and you don't have to change anything. Other than that, probably go with whatever D100 game you prefer and port over Strombringer's Sorcery rules (or Sorcery from BRP's BGB), and setting specific coins, gear and weapons. The setting, outside of magic, is over 99% compatible with pretty much every D100 RPG out there.
  6. AH, so they should probably up her STR enough so she can use it or something.
  7. Ouch. That's harsh. Does Yanioth know Strength Spirit Magic? It used to be the best way around stat minimums.
  8. It was a "thing" historically. They used to have several of them on display at Higgen's Armory. But you're right. they were mostly 1H swords with a longer grip, maybe with a little more blade-basically whatever the wielder could get away with 1 handed.. More a case of adapting the weapons to what knights were doing with their 1H swords to try and bash through better armor. Pendragon and even D&D 3 probably have it about right with the extra damage in a 2H grip, although it's was probably as much about balance and control as about damage. One of the tricks to a good bastard sword is to increase the length but not the weight. Like with a fuller-and shift the "sweet spot" (intended point on contact) of the blade forward a bit to take advantage of the longer lever.
  9. To cast on the tribe's warriors. Given enough prep time and extension it could make quite a difference during a battle or war.
  10. At one time that used to mean a just a reduction in skill. How does RQG handle that?
  11. I'll take your word on it. Never been in a position with aTroll where I could find out for myself. My relationships will Trolls have most been the parry and dodge kind.
  12. The Trolls seemed to have lost some, too. I can't wait to see the HeroQuest where the Ducks lifted and separated them from the Trolls. 😉
  13. I'm working on something where what is rolled on the tens die is that damage, if the roll is successful. So if you roll a 56 you do 5 points (possibly to location 6). What I did for STR/SIZ and weapons is to treat them as a partial multiplier. For instance if instead of a +1, I double damage if the damage tens die is a 1, but not if it's higher. That way I don't wind up having large adds that prevent minor hits. Someone who has 10 points of damage adds would simply do double damage and so on.
  14. Yeah, it's from the Quickstart (Page 16, Spot Rules): Two Weapon Use: Should a character wish to wield a weapon in each hand, they can be used for two attacks, two parries, or one attack and one parry. Unless trained specifically, use of the weapon in the “off” hand is at 1/2 the normal skill rating. The second attack is made at a strike rank equal to the strike rank of the first attack added to the usual strike rank for the second weapon. If both strike ranks add up to more than 12, then both cannot attack in one round.
  15. No it doesn't, you can use half you skill in the primary hand (Quickstart p. 16 Two Weapon Use), but you'd certainly want to train up the separate combat skill. But from a purely game mechanics/tactical standpoint, I think soltakss has got the inside track for success. Imagine being 100% with 1H Sword, grabbing an off-hand blade and starting at 50% Oh, and another drawback to 2H weapons is that you need two hands to wield them, and you're in big trouble if either arm gets disabled. With a 1H weapon, you only only need one hand, and can even wield itin the off-hand at half skill.
  16. Yes, a mount. You can't used 2H weapons while mounted. Oh, and almost any many HP as shields means a little more damage getting past your parries. A point or two here and there can add up.
  17. Me too, but my eyes aren't what they used to be. I sometimes find very stylistic fonts to be difficult to read. I'ts one of the things that I like about Chasoium. Most of their books were laid out in a format that made the text easy to read. But like I said, my eyes aren't what they used to be. A decade ago I was printing up 1/4 size character sheets to keep my characters in a dayplanner. Not anymore. Maybe when all us RPGs are retired they will start to print Large Text editions?
  18. Okay, I dug out the article(Heroes Magazine Vol 2 Num 2). Anybody who doesn't trust my numbers or just wants to see the article for themselves can let me know and I'll see if I can scan the table for RQ3 or just type it out. It's small, but its's RQ3 so the STR, ENC and Price are different from RQ2 . But here is a RQ2 adaption (hopefully it is RQG compatible). Small Hide Shield: STR 3+, Absorbs 2, Price 5, ENC 0 (0.25 or 0.5) Medium Hide Shield; STR 7+, Absorbs 3, Price 10, ENC 1 (0.5) Large Hide Shield: STR 10+, Absorbs 4, Price 17, ENC 1 (0.75) Small Wood Shield: STR 5+, Absorbs 4, Price 10, ENC 1 Medium Wood Shield; STR 9+, Absorbs 6, Price 20, ENC 2 (1.5) Large Wood Shield: STR 12+, Absorbs 8, Price 35, ENC 3 (2.5) Small Wicker Shield: STR 4+, Absorbs 3, Price 8 , ENC 1 (0.5) Medium Wicker Shield; STR 8+, Absorbs 4, Price 15, ENC 1 Large Wicker Shield: STR 11+, Absorbs 5, Price 25, ENC 2 (1.5) Here is the method I used based on the RQ3 Shield article. Hide Shields: STR: 2 points less Absorption: 1/4 (small 2 points, medium 3 points, large shield 4 points) Price: 1/3 ENC: 1/4 (this doesn't port over well to RQ2. small ENC values, unless you want to use half or quarter ENC points, so I rounded off and put fractional values in parentheses) Wood Shields: STR: Normal Absorption: 1/2 (small 4 points, medium 6 points, large shield 8 points) Price: 2/3 ENC: 3/4 (this works out to the same unless you want to use half points of ENC, which I did in parentheses). Wicker shields were not covered in the article, but I extrapolated what I consider to be a reasonable approximation by averaging the stats for hide and wood shields: Wicker Shields: STR: 1 point less Absorption: 1/3 (small 3 points, medium 4 points, large shield 5 points) Price: 1/2 ENC: 1/2( again that doesn't port over well to RQ2 without using half points of ENC, so I did both in the table).
  19. You mean a one knight stand?
  20. If it helps, there was an article for RQ3 that gave different stats for hide, wood and wicker shields. I can dig it out if people are interested.
  21. Ah, thanks. It's been a loooong time since I had to know RQ2 stuff.
  22. Maybe if Moorcock actually played RPGs, he might have gamed with them. But, AFAIK he never has played RPGs.
  23. Yeah, but if you're not using some sort of map or other way to note the relative positions? Actually I think, at least according to RQ2, that someone is considered engaged automatically as soon as he is attacked, because you can't make a melee attack and not be engaged. If you attack Phil then you and Phil are engaged (congrats, don't tell the wife).
  24. Ah, but what people are saying, and this is one of the differences between RQ2/RQG and RQ3, is that movement happens before you go into Combat Strike Ranks, so if two or more characters are moving, they would have to work out who was engaged to whom before the wedding, I mean combat , takes place. So both Phil and you would move before you even got into SR 1. So I'm wonder if, you both started unengaged, if you could cut off Phil before he got to Tom.
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