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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Not my style really. However, there is a precedent. Some say the Dragonewts engineered the events leading to the Dragonkill in order to get enough people present for the Dragons to participate. So, getting enough people present to act as a huge sacrifice makes some sense.
  2. Here is a quick, and often accurate, trick: Take your skill and divide by ten, knocking off the last digit Double it for a Special Halve it for a Critical It works for most instances, unless you roll within 1 or 2 of the calculated result, but in that case I'd just use the calculation as it is easier. So, in your example of 50% skill, dividing it by ten gives you 5, knocking off the last digit of 0, doubling it gives a Special chance of 10 and halving it gives a Critical chance of 2.5 that rounds to 3. With the Difficult Drive, your skill is 25, so dividing by 10 gives you 2, doubled to 4 and halved to 1. If you want to be more exact, dividing by 10 gives you 2.5, doubled to 5 and halved to 1..25 that becomes 1.
  3. Thed: Revered ancestress, or the cause of all Broo problems
  4. Given that pretty much every Praxian major deity hates chaos passionately, I don't see how their followers can ever justify allying with broos, or scorpionmen, or any chaos creatures. I strongly doubt there are enough illuminated Chieftains to make this even remotely plausible, plus how likely is it that they will be overthrown on the spot, murdered by Stormbulls and then the whole clan goes on an anti-chaos rampage against their new "allie"? I think such Praxian/Chaotic alliances would need to be highly covert at best. It is simple, really. You ally with Broos and send them against your enemies. In the battle many Broos die and many of your enemies die. That is a win-win situation, as broos die and your enemies die.
  5. The players discounted that immediately, as they didn't want to give Genert a Chaos Taint. Yes there was. It was something that the Adventurers justified very quickly, as being for the Greater Good. Whatever works at your gaming table.
  6. The easiest reply is Are cows (or other herd animals) able to be taught to play simple musical interments? 🙂 They can ring bells. They could bang drums and shake things, if trained, I suppose. It probably wouldn't sound great though.
  7. The way I do it is: If you want to buy something that is available at your Wealth Level or below then you can always buy it without a roll. If you want to buy something that is available at your Wealth Level or below then you can buy it if you make a Status roll (You might get a penalty to the roll if the object being bought is way over your Wealth Level). If you want credit, or want to extend credit, then make a Status roll And that's about it, really. Some people try to abuse it by buying lost of things, I'd either allow it or make a Status roll to see if their funds have dried up.
  8. I am not sure about RQ1, but RQ2 definitely had Lay Members in Cults of Prax.
  9. For me, broadly the same rites are used to become Clan Chieftain as Tribal King. Each tribe or clan would have its own version of the crown test, in my opinion. Remember the sorry tale of the contender for Clan Chieftain who had to swim across a river, climb to a cave, wrestle the bear within, climb down and make love to the previous clan chieftain's daughter, after swimming the river and climbing to the cave, he went in and all everyone heard was snarling, growling and the sounds of a great struggle, then he emerged from the cave, climbed down and asked "So where is this woman I need to wrestle?"
  10. I had it in a Short World in the Wastes, in an Oasis that was hidden by a permanent sandstorm.
  11. Is there a source for this? Would like to read up... That was all part of the Arganauts/River Voices/Earth Children Campaign. It's a nice "everyone gets along" scenario but I bet Orlanth Mr. fighting is always an option, doesn't like it and if Genert wants a bit more what happens? We didn't reach that point, as the Adventurers brokered an agreement. Obviously, as Genert flexed his muscles he might have broken that agreement but the campaign stopped before then. Also a source would be nice here. Will check Well and Wiki... so much new material for me. Again, part of my Campaign, but I based the Growing Ground on various mentions here and there. To be disagreeable for discussion, why would she do that, maybe she actually wants to get rid of Orlanth, bored with him, smelly, bad breath, obnoxious, crude and always lecherous whereas Genert is the gentleman, loving, kind, a creator not a destroyer? I bet she'd dump him after centuries of his nonsense? Because she is the Earth Queen and has no desire to be replaced by the Earth King. Don't forget that Genert is only distantly related to Ernalda, a Great Uncle, so she is not invested in him at all, and neither are her worshippers. Don't forget that this was entirely a creation in our campaign. Most of the people were not volunteers, but some of the elderly Oasis Folk did volunteer. The unwilling had no idea what was happening until they were slaughtered and sacrificed. It fitted nicely into the idea of the Dark Earth. Human sacrifice exists in Glorantha, in several cultures. Sure, it could have ramifications, but it was necessary at the time. It is, perhaps, one of the reasons that nobody managed to bring back Genert, if they balked at the idea of sacrificing a thousand people. In the campaign they had to be sentient sacrifices.
  12. A Chalana Arroy cultist would not hurt the wolf, if they followed the cult ideals. Instead they could put themselves in the way of the wolf, to allow the child to escape, or they could make a lot of noise to scare away the wolf, or call for help against the wolf. However, attacking the wolf in physical combat is not the way of the Chalana Arroy cult. Seven Mothers or Xiola Umbar cultists would happily attack the wolf, as they are different types of Healer.
  13. I had the chief snake as a wyter and a part of Genert that could be recovered as part of the process of resurrecting him. In my Glorantha, the Oasis Folk do not know of Genert. They do know of Earth King, Allfather, Snake Lord and so on, with each Oasis having their own version of a long-lost king of the earth.
  14. In that particular example, Orlanth, as a force of change, challenged the Evil Emperor, who represented stifling stasis, and killed him, thus rebelling against him and overthrowing him. Yelm cultists see this as foul murder that broke the Divine Harmony of the Golden Age. Orlanth cultists see it as a valid act of rebellion. Which is right? They both are, when looked at through the lens of each side. A completely impartial observer might say that Orlanth murdered Yelm using the new power of Death and thus broke the world, so that is bad. The Orlanthi might say that not killing the Emperor might have been worse. Who can say? In my opinion, absolute moralities don't work in Glorantha.
  15. All I can say is what happened in our campaign. Yes he did, as he was the Earth King. They didn't like it at all. They were pushed out of the Oasis Folk completely, and were given a vastly reduced position in the Paps. Pavis allowed both Genert and Ernaldan worship and they competed against each other. We reconciled it so that Ernalda was Queen of the Earth Deities and Genert was King of the Earth Deities, and they sort-of got on, thanks to the intervention of the Adventurers. Orlanth was fine, as he was still King of the Gods and Ernalda was still Queen of the Gods, just that Genert was Earth King in the same way that Yelm was Emperor. It definitely caused some problems and shifting allegiances. For example, the primal Land Goddesses are all daughters of Genert but were pretty much subservient to the Grain Goddesses and to Ernalda, that changed and most of them came back under Genert's sway. Because it is really difficult. The people at the Growing Ground have been trying for centuries. The difference was that the Adventurers brought in new ideas and techniques. I am sure that the Ernalda cult actively sabotaged attempts to resurrect Genert.
  16. In my campaign, there were factions from the Lunar Empire who were working with Ogres and Broos to actively bring Wakboth back. They were going to replicate the Thousand Souls Ritual at the Block to enliven Wakboth. Fortunately, a Dragon had wrapped itself around the Block to guard it, so all they needed to do was to get it to pull the Block down, give Wakboth back his soul and bring it back. Unfortunately, the campaign ended before that could happen.
  17. Gloranthans know that there is an afterlife, they go there in Holy Day Ceremonies. They can summon their Ancestors or speak to them on special days. So, they have no fears of the Afterlife not existing. However, bad cultists might end up in a place of punishment instead, so they can worry about that. They could end up bound as a ghost, or consumed by Chaos, both of which are bad, so they could fret about that instead. I find that is a great strength of Gloranthan cults, that your deity provides a model for you to live by.
  18. That isn't really crowdfunding, though, it is more like a loan to a publisher to commission artwork. So, for example, I could send someone a DTRPG Gift Certificate for, say, $500 for artwork, they accept it and it just becomes their credit, then they could get a payout, convert it to PayPal and pay an artist. It would be paid back in the same way, DTRPG Royalties sent back to me as a DTRPG Gift Certificate. It is something that I have been thinking about, but I need more in my DTRPG Account to make it feasible.
  19. It is a different way of looking at the cults. Personally. I prefer that they are both Subcults of Orlanth and, occasionally, are worshipped as cults of their own. When they are worshipped as cults in their own right, I give them one or two extra spells, but they are minor cults so nothing like the spells in the HW books. Jeff has a different view and he will write Glorantha the way that he sees it, and that is absolutely fine with me. If I need to do something differently then I will do, for my own games. The trouble is that some of those deities are just Orlanth using a different name. I can't remember if Finovan comes under that category but he may well do. That just makes him Orlanth the Raider, part of Orlanth Adventurous.
  20. I don't think so, maybe 10% of Initiates are Rune Levels (God-Talkers, Rune Lords or Rune Priests).
  21. I don't see that it went wrong at all. I really don't see that at all, except where Chaos is concerned and that only really applies to Wind Lords, Storm khans and Death Lords. Zorak Zoran, Shargash and Babeester Gor are fanatical religions, they are also ultra-violent religions. They are by no means typical Gloranthan Cults. I really don't see where you are getting this from. Do you have any examples of these apparent viewpoints? I get that some people think that Orlanth, and Ernalda, are the only cults for Adventurers and all others must bow down to them, but it isn't really the case. Personally, I don't like how Orlanth was presented in RuneQuest Glorantha, as one cult where it should have been 4 cults (Adventurous, Thunderous, Rex and Lightbringer). This seemed to be an attempt to make Orlanth the Allfather and Lawgiver, following the example of the Norse/Germanic Odin/Woden, It didn't really work for me. This is written from a Heortling Orlanthi point of view. Of cause they would say that Orlanth is the vital, motive force of the universe, after all Orlanth is Umath's son. He killed Yelm, he broke the world in so many ways, then he fixed it again. The idea of Orlanth (man) being active and Ernalda (Woman) being passive was an attempt to analyse Orlanth Myths vs Ernalda Myths. The Orlanth myths tended to be active ones, with Orlanth going out and doing things, but the Ernalda Myths tended to be more passive, with people coming to Ernalda for advice or assistance. It is a flawed approach but holds some truth. As for all Orlanthi worshippers being men and all men worshipping Orlanth, that is just hyperbole. Don't forget that Orlanthi "All" means 85%, or 1 in 7. It also means "In an Orlanthi Clan". So, "all Orlanth worshippers are men" means that "85% of Orlanth worshippers in an Orlanthi clan are men", and "all men worship Orlanth" means "85% of men in an Orlanthi Clan worship Orlanth". Don't forget that the Hero Wars books introduced Vinga as a cult of women worshipping Orlanth. This is more true. Orlanth is sometimes worshipped as Lawgiver. He does provide virtues for people to follow. He did take responsibility for his actions, after killing Yelm and almost causing the end of the world, he too responsibility and performed the LightBringer Quest to save the world. For Orlanthi, Orlanth did bring the laws that govern people and societies, but they forget that not everyone is an Orlanthi. Other cultures and people do not accept Orlanth's Laws. Although Prax is peripherally Storm-based, as Storm Bull and Waha belong to the Storm Cults, they don't follow Orlanth's Laws, instead they follow Waha's Laws. Dara Happa and Pent follow different versions of Yelm's Laws. Lunars follow the Red Goddess's Laws. Westerners follow Malkion's Laws. But, the Hero Wars supplements were definitely about Orlanthi, so made them the centre of the world. I don't think it is a joke. Orlanthi virtues are things like Honour, Loyalty and Loving your family. There is nothing wrong with those. So, is that where you are coming from? You don't like Gloranthan Cults being used as exemplars showing cultists how to behave? For me, that is the beauty of Gloranthan Cults. If you want to behave honourably, then join a cult that praises honour. If you want to be a bandit then join Gagarth or Kentyl. If you want to be a kind healer then join Chalana Arroy, Xiola Umbar or the Seven Mothers. They then show you how to act.
  22. Yes, basically the Adventurers sped up the process a lot by using some of those techniques. Rather than fetching individual Hyenas they contacted Grandfather Hyena and so attracted all Hyenas, for example. They brought new ways of looking at things, instead of using the tried and tested ways. I used visions and so on. I can't remember if they had something that pointed to the nearest piece but that makes a lot of sense and makes it easier to find the pieces. One of the pieces was in the Rainbow Mounds but the Adventurers didn't realise it until they got close to the original River Voices and had Sense Genert. It was very much like a scavenger hunt across Prax, the Wastes and nearby areas. The Campaign had two main parts, being River Voices and being Earth Children, sometimes the two overlapped a lot. The Adventurers cleansed Genert's Throne, on the Plateau of Statues, and brought him back in Genert's Hall, also on the Plateau of Statues. I love the idea of remaking Genert in a kiln. I am not sure if Genert forms part of the Mostali World Machine, but he could do quite easily. Of course, that is exactly what the Adventurers did. They investigated, found and opened up lots of Hidden Greens, planted a Seed of Flamal in each one to enliven it further, then went to the Green Age and brought Lord Pavis back. Once they had done that they did something similar to bring back Tada, then used the findings from both events to bring back Genert. Now, some people might think that doing all that was a bit munchinny, but the Campaign was a weekly one that lasted, what, 15 real years or so. They didn't start off intending to resurrect Genert, they started off as members of the Firestarters street gang in Pavis and things progressed from there. They had to be really careful to avoid the mummy Genert, as that would have been really bad. Yes,. the Eternal Battle is effectively a Short World that links the Mundane Plane to the Mythical God Time event. Going there is bad. The Adventurers needed to go into it to find something. It was bad. Yes, and that was a danger. The Adventurers had to go into a Chaos Void and bring back part of Genert that had been taken. They built up to it, of course, and used some of the techniques they had developed for the Green Age, plus being able to see into Chaos Voids helped. They built up powers over many years.
  23. They need to be members of Orlanth Rex, or Vinga Rex. No, they do not need to be Rune Levels, they could just be Lay Members, in theory. Look at the section in the Cult Compendium p323 (Also Cults of Terror) So, Oddi the Keen was a Storm Bull cultist, a Storm Khan, but he joined Orlanth, presumably, when he became King of the Bilini, but was clearly not a Rune Level. Now, this is Bilini, which is a long way away from Sartar, but I think the principle still stands.
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