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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. I can't remember where we first heard about the White Bull, but the Bullocks were a unit in the Dragon Pass game. King of Sartar mentioned it a few times, as a way for Argrath to rise amongst the Praxians. Which is fair enough. Jeff is concentrating on the story of Argrath, and the White Bull is important to Argrath. Originally, the White Bull was a very rare Praxian Sacred Society. It had a handful of members in each Nation, and when the members met, their steeds turned white, identifying them as members of the White Bull Society. Argrath became a member and managed to show that the White Bull Society went across Praxian Nations. so he united the Praxians by showing that they were united through the White Bull Society. Now, Jeff's approach seems to be that Argrath founded the White Bull Society and is its leader, so he united Praxians by discovering the White Bull. This is a different approach to the traditional one, or rather my interpretation of the original one. I used this in my Agarnauts (Oasis Folk/River Voice) Campaign. One of the key points of the Campaign was that the Adventurers would be important to the Hero Wars, that was my aim from the start and I manipulated and beat the Players until they complied. So, in one encounter in the Wastes, the Adventurers caught sight of the White Bull Spirit and sacrificed POW to it. They each became a member of the White Bull Society, but just gained it as a patron. As they were members of the White Bull Society, their herd beasts turned white, even the Zebras, which caused the Zebra Rider some concern, as he was now riding what looked like a white horse. So, he tended to keep a distance away from the other Adventurers, to keep his riding beast a zebra. A little later, they met with a group of High Llama Praxians and one of their High Llamas turned white, identifying him as a member of the White Bull Society. He was surprised, as the PCs included a Bison Rider, Rhino Rider, Zebra Rider and a Baboon who also rode a Zebra. The High Llama realised that the White Bull Society was not just for High Llamas, but was known by other Praxians. This happened a couple of times, until the Adventurers had shown that the White Bull Society belonged to all Praxians, even Ostrich Riders. Then there was a battle between different Praxian Nations, The Adventurers wanted Peace, so they summoned the White Bull, clearly, loudly and by name, in front of the assembled Praxians. It appeared and the assembled Praxians donated POW to join the White Bull and all their beasts turned white. They then saw each others as brethren, for the White Bull commanded that members of the White Bull Society should not make war on each other. Finally, a group of Pentians performed the Black Net Ritual, but in reverse, so that they could reform the Pure Horse Tribe of Prax. The Praxians didn't want this, so raised an army against them. The Adventurers had gotten involved, for they wanted to ally the Pentians against the Lunars. As the two groups faced off, the Adventurers summoned the White Stallion, again very loudly and clearly and by name. The spirit appeared and the Grazelanders sacrificed POW to it, turning their horses white, but the Adventurers' Riding Beasts also turned white, as did the riding beasts of the various White Bull members among the Praxians. Thus, the Adventurers proved that the White Bull and the White Stallion were one and the same, that the White Bull Society existed among the Pentians as the White Stallion Society and that Pentians and Praxians were brethren. In my campaign, Argrath became a bitter man. The Adventurers once sought him out and found him in Gimpy's, crying into his ale and complaining to anyone who would listen that "I could have been someone, if it hadn't been for those pesky River Voices". He played no part in my White Bull story.
  2. That would be my take on it. The tricky bit is getting accepted, i.e. proving that you are a woman.
  3. Yes, to me, Jaldon Goldentooth is a nutter of the first order. Banished from Prax by the EWF, regarded as a holy prophet of the Praxians, fanatical leader of the Praxian Horde, he has Religious Maniac written all over him.
  4. Sure, he became a worshipper of Humakt, but did that break the Hrestoli Code? I don't know enough about it to say. In the olden days, when we thought that Malkioni only worshipped the Invisible God, that might have been true. It is looking increasingly less true now.
  5. Only the Brithini, and maybe the Vadeli, have that. Other Malkioni die even if they are true to their castes.
  6. Probably, I don't see why not.
  7. But still fun, which, to me, is what's important.
  8. I know it isn't in the rules, but is it gone from the setting altogether? If you like it, give it as a Passion to those Resurrected lots of times. I never liked the idea, personally.
  9. If Babeester Gor has accepted as a worshipper someone who appears to be male, then Babeester Gor knows something about that person. Are you going to argue with Babeester Gor? Turning that on its head, a man who wants to join Babeester Gor needs to do something special to prove that he is female. There was a lovely cult of Kanak Gor in an old supplement, Cults of Light & Magic, that allowed men to worship a form of Babeester Gor when they castrated themselves in a fit of religious ecstasy.
  10. These are also in the Christmas in July Sale at DTRPG, so if you buy them you get both the Sale offer plus the Voucher.
  11. These are also in the Christmas in July Sale at DTRPG, so if you buy them you get both the Sale offer plus the Voucher.
  12. Some GMs love to put obstacles in the way of Adventurers, just by extrapolating the rules. Personally, I have many other ways of tormenting Players. So, I let Heal ignore Shield and Countermagic, and allow it to work without a POW vs POW roll, as the Adventurer knows what kind of spell it is. Is it logical? No. Does it mean that all spells are treated the same way? No. Is it MGF? Yes.
  13. It's a tool, not a weapon, so is fine. Of course there are. I have a Tatar knife at home that has a delightful curve, although I wouldn't butter bread with it.
  14. I mean, I can see it, but I wish rules for this would have been provided. What does Odayla-as-subcult give you, and how is it less than full Odayla worship? If you need rules, that aren't in official supplements, just give worshippers of Odayla within Orlanth an additional Runespell that might depend on the Temple worshipped at. So, Orlanthi in that Subcult get 2 Odayla Runespells, on from the Subcult and one as an Associate Cult.
  15. The sort of person who asks their Priest this kind of question is noted down as a potential troublemaker.
  16. Any Lodril Temp[le would have been built on the holy site after the Sky Spear was hurled at Krarsht, not before. Otherwise we are in "Luckily the asteroid strike just missed the nearby gift shop" territory.
  17. Well, Arkat was an Illuminate who famously broke the caste rules and, by and large, got away with it. Sure, the Brithini kicked him out, but that was m ore about overtly breaking the rules. He retained his Sorcery when he joined the cult of Humakt, so his Illumination probably prevented the loss of magic knowledge.
  18. It is probably uncommon. The Ernalda Temple is an essential part of the fabric of Sartarite Tribes/Clans, so I would expect Temples to be within the clan strongholds. Maybe there is a reason the Colymar Earth Temple is outside the walls?
  19. Just Odayla. When you initiate into a Cult, you usually get access to the Associate Cult Spells given to your cult. Some restrict access to the spells to certain levels, though. To get other Orlanth Runemagic, for example, you need to Initiate to Orlanth.
  20. Stormspearia's Secrets of Dorastor, Book of Doom and Holiday Dorastor: Seven Hills have been tantalisingly close to new medal statuses for a good while now, creeping up to the next medal threshold like Rilldick's War Slug climbing a Wall of Salt with Slow cast. To help speed things along, I am having a limited offer: For the rest of July 2022 and all of August 2022, if you buy copies of two of these supplements and email me the DTRPG Invoice, I will send you back a DTRPG $5 Gift Voucher. If you buy three of these, I'll send you a DTRPG Gift Voucher of $8. Think about what Stormspearia's supplements you could put that towards! Alternatively, you could put it towards other Jonstown Compendium supplements, or even official Chaosium supplements. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/318512/Secrets-of-Dorastor?affiliate_id=66807 https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/343046/Book-of-Doom?affiliate_id=66807 https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/381173/Holiday-Dorastor-Seven-Hills?affiliate_id=66807 Q&A: Q: If I buy two supplements and get my $5 Voucher, then buy the third, do I get the $8 Voucher? A: No, but I will send you a $3 Voucher, so you effectively get $8 worth of Vouchers for buying all three. Q: If I buy all three supplements as PDF and POD, do I get two $8 Vouchers? A: Yes, and I would love you forever. Q: I have just bought the supplements, but before the offer, do I get a Voucher? A: Unfortunately, no. This is how offers work, and I have resisted them in the past for exactly that reason. However, as above, I would love you forever. Q: What if I buy the supplements, get the Voucher, then return the supplements? A: Then you have proven yourself far clever than me. However, all the forces of Dorastor will conspire against you forever. Just saying ... Q: What's your email address? A: soltakss AT yahoo DOT com (It's in a secret God Learner code, so you might have to HeroQuest to work it out. If you do, may I recommend Secrets of HeroQuesting to help you along)
  21. Stormspearia's Secrets of Dorastor, Book of Doom and Holiday Dorastor: Seven Hills have been tantalisingly close to new medal statuses for a good while now, creeping up to the next medal threshold like Rilldick's War Slug climbing a Wall of Salt with Slow cast. To help speed things along, I am having a limited offer: For the rest of July 2022 and all of August 2022, if you buy copies of two of these supplements and email me the DTRPG Invoice, I will send you back a DTRPG $5 Gift Voucher. If you buy three of these, I'll send you a DTRPG Gift Voucher of $8. Think about what Stormspearia's supplements you could put that towards! Alternatively, you could put it towards other Jonstown Compendium supplements, or even official Chaosium supplements. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/318512/Secrets-of-Dorastor?affiliate_id=66807 https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/343046/Book-of-Doom?affiliate_id=66807 https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/381173/Holiday-Dorastor-Seven-Hills?affiliate_id=66807 Q&A: Q: If I buy two supplements and get my $5 Voucher, then buy the third, do I get the $8 Voucher? A: No, but I will send you a $3 Voucher, so you effectively get $8 worth of Vouchers for buying all three. Q: If I buy all three supplements as PDF and POD, do I get two $8 Vouchers? A: Yes, and I would love you forever. Q: I have just bought the supplements, but before the offer, do I get a Voucher? A: Unfortunately, no. This is how offers work, and I have resisted them in the past for exactly that reason. However, as above, I would love you forever. Q: What if I buy the supplements, get the Voucher, then return the supplements? A: Then you have proven yourself far clever than me. However, all the forces of Dorastor will conspire against you forever. Just saying ... Q: What's your email address? A: soltakss AT yahoo DOT com (It's in a secret God Learner code, so you might have to HeroQuest to work it out. If you do, may I recommend Secrets of HeroQuesting to help you along)
  22. Like Peter, I assumed the High Temple was for Lodril and the Low Temple was for Caladra & Aurelian. The Low Fires would also have shrines, or even small Temples, in the Low Temple. They might be present in the High Temple, but not for common worship. I see the High Temple as being for high-ups in the cult. It is the place for mysteries, as it has access to the lava pool. It is the place for sacrifices, throwing them into the lava. Caladra might also have a Shrine in the High Temple, being the Volcano's Fire, whereas Aurelian is more likely to be important in the Low temple, being the Body of the Volcano. Every Volcano is a Holy Place to Lodril and would have a Temple of some sort. Similarly, Caladra & Aurelian would have temples at most Volcanoes. Beneath the Shadow Plateau is another Holy Place for the Lodril Cult, and the Trolls would have a Temple to Lodril the Servant, or Lodril in Chains, but it probably isn't a Great Temple. The Footprint is another Holy Place to Lodril, being where the Sky Spear thrust itself into Krarsht. I doubt if there is a Temple there, though. Isn't that just the old name of Caladraland?
  23. I have no problem with giving Piety as a Pasion for Malkioni. It won't be the same as our idea of Piety, though, except as the deep respect. Two different Malkioni might regard themselves as Pious and behave in totally different ways. In fact, they could view the other's Piety as Heresy.
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