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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. If you read my post properly, you will notice I never said they were. Sorry, but you asked a question, or questions, and I answered them. Were they meant to be rhetorical, or sarcastic, or were you trying to make a subtle/clever point? It is hard to tell sometimes. Q: Does Yelmalio, the Golden Sky Dome, have the Sky Rune? A: No, he has Light. Q: Is Yelmalio a Sky God? A: Definitiely. So, why not Lodril?
  2. OK, we get that Yelmalio is a rubbish fighter cult, you have pointed this out on many occasions. Sure, we could give Yelmalio better spells, but that would change its very nature.
  3. I am also on Windows 11, maybe that's the issue.
  4. For me, Yelorna is a good Hunting goddess, as she has magic that assists Missile Weapons and to help with tracking at night.
  5. That's crazy talk! 🙂
  6. As a Rune spell - yes. Not as a skill or ability. But, once you gain the Spirit Magic spell it is there for good, unless you trade it away. So, Etyries cultists have access to more Spirit Magic than most people.
  7. Probably, I'd expect them to be part of the Star Witches among the Sable Riders.
  8. It was probably a HeroQuest but was not the first one. Orlanth had followed one of Vadrus's myths when he fought the Blue Dragon and freed Heler, for example. So, there are examples of deities following the paths of others way before the Lightbringers Quest.
  9. Molanni is a Storm Goddess. She is not Brastalos. Molanni is the goddess of bad, stale, still, dead air. Hers is the dead air, stilled by the Emperor. Brastalos is the goddess of good, dynamic, centred air. Hers is the secret air, the stillness at the heart of movement. Lodril is the Sky Spear. He is the son of Aether Primolt. In both these aspects, Lodril is a Fire-Sky deity. Yelm is a god of the Underworld, the same as Lodril, but Yelm is considered a Sky Deity, so why isn't Lodril? When the Three Brothers took on their realms, Yelm was originally given the Underworld and Surface World, but he didn't like it, so swapped with Lodril. That is when the Sky deities divided the world between themselves. Lodril brought the Sky back to the earth.
  10. That's odd, I still see the @ symbol. Ah well, you will have to export the PDF and send it to me when we are done.
  11. Thanks for the file. Unfortunately, the @ still shows as an @ on my laptop. It must be something to do with how I have installed the fonts, even though I have uninstalled and reinstalled them. Ah well, never mind, I'll just have to use an image for the Combine Rune.
  12. Not usually. Yelmalio blesses his worshippers with powerful abilities. Humakt allows his worshippers to choose their gift.
  13. Yes, as far as I can tell.
  14. If you are out of Rune Points then you rely on Spirit Magic. If the only Spirit Magic you have is Cult Spirit Magic, then war cults are useful in combat. However, does everything have to be about combat? Lanbril has a spell that makes him unrecognisable, excellent for sneaking and thieving. Water cultists have a spell that makes it easier to see things in or out of water. Aldrya cultists have a spell that makes the spirits of the plants that they harvest happy. So, it all depends on what you are trying to do.
  15. @David ScottWould you be able to upload a sample Word Document with the glyphs, please? That way, I can copy and paste the Combine technique into my Word Document, thanks.
  16. Interesting, I can get all but Combine, which comes out as an @. Here is me going along the top line of the keyboard and then using the punctuation keys. When I use Insert/Symbol/More Symbols and choose the Subset, I get Basic Latin and General Punctuation, but not the Glyphs.
  17. I have downloaded it, but cannot access the symbols in Word. Do you have any idea how to access these in Word?
  18. It was one of the events of the Sunstop. As a bloated spider appeared and repaired the web, ending the Sunstop, Arachne Solara was probably freed from the web and able to act. Again, that was probably a HeroQuest of some sort.
  19. Yelornan Unicorn Riders get Kuschile archery, as least they did, so it is not just horses. Balazaring Yelmalians also accessed Hawk Archery, which works on their Giant Hawks. That is how I have always used it.
  20. Unless they are cursed, or unlucky. Not every infertility is due to having a high Death Rune. Maran Gor, for example, had a Runespell that made the target infertile. That does not give them a high Death Rune. The Foundchild myth could be seen as the result of Exposure, i.e. infants left to die in the wilds, a form of infanticide that was known to the ancients. Trolls kill and eat trollkin, which is a form of infanticide, although they are often older. Orlanthi have a prohibition against kinstrife. If infants are treated as kin, and it might be that they are not until they participate in the clan initiation, then infanticide might not be an Orlanthi thing to do. I read about a woman in Sicily, I think, who was the last of the Baby Killers, although there was a specific term for it. Her job was to go to houses where someone had given birth to a baby that was ill, deformed, or that the family could not afford to raise, and she would then smother the baby, or kill it in another way. It was a commonly held belief that such people were necessary in poor areas. Glorantha could have the equivalent, perhaps worshipping an subcult of Ernalda. The Waha Khan and Eiritha High Priestess are normally husband and wife. Orlanth Rex and Ernalda Priestesses are often married. Yelmalian Priests can only marry Ernalda Priestesses. So, ritual marriages are common and expected. Apple Lane shows that it is commonplace, so not just confined to big cities. The Uleria cult is all about sharing love, in its various forms. Having sex in a Ulerian Temple is a sacred act that shares love, as is being a shoulder to cry on, or a circle of people talking through their problems. Other cults support prostitutes and courtesans, but their emphasis is not about sharing love. A temp-le-child's parentage might be common knowledge, or the subject of gossip, but once the child has been committed to the temple, it belongs to the temple and parentage is not longer important. Of course, one, or other, parent might claim the child later on. In my opinion, children born to polygamous parents might know who their birth mother is, or they might just be raised as being children of the family. Similarly, children born to polyandrous families might know who their father is, but also might just have several fathers. It depends on the kind of family and the rites. A child born to an Ernaldan who takes a Yelmalian husband, while her Orlanthi husband is away, might know that they were conceived while the Orlanthi was away, so has the Yelmalian as a father. They might also take after one of the fathers, so parentage might be obvious. However, that might not actually matter, they might be seen as the child of two fathers. Incest is normally taboo, so breaking that taboo causes problems with offspring. However, certain bloodlines might benefit from incest, as it means the sacred powers in the bloodline are not diluted. I don't think that follows, really. Orlanthi, in particular, know their bloodlines very well. They know who their parents are and where they came from. They often also know who their aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins and siblings are. Even though they come from other bloodlines, or clans, there is still a knowledge that they are closely related and therefor taboo. In a family that is both polygamous and polyandrous, sharing multiple mothers and fathers, two siblings might not be genetically related, as they don't share a mother or father, but sex between them would still be taboo. Don't forget that Lords of Terror has a Chaos Deity of incest, so, from that point of view, incest is seen as Chaotic. Having said that, many of the ancestral lines of deities is incestuous. The Water deities married their siblings. Gata bore Genert, who fathered the Land Goddesses on his mother and the Grain Goddesses on his daughters. Gata was Aether's mother and wife, she was also grandmother to Orlanth and Ernalda, so they were first cousins. So, incest among the deities was commonplace and acceptable. In my opinion, Voria is the virgin, the innocent one, the girl who has not yet had sex, Ernalda is the mother and Asrelia is the grandmother, the crone, who is past childbearing age. Although there is a natural progression from Voria to Ernalda to Asrelia, I don't think there is a similar natural progression from Babeester Gor to Maran Gor to Ty Kora Tek. Instead, there is a progression from Voria to Babeester Gor, Ernalda to Maran Gor and Asrelia to Ty Kora Tek, none of which really involves sex.
  21. Kargzant, the Little Sun, is Yelmalio, and Yu-Kargzant, the Big Sun, is Yelm, in my Glorantha. Why would Grazelanders worship Yelmalio when they already have Kargzant, who is the Little Son? Alternatively, Kargzant is just another name for Yelmalio, emphasising his horse-rider aspect. Kuschile is probably available to more than just Yelmalio. Yelorna gains his blessing as well, for example. As Kuschile is, probably, Pentian in origin, I'd expect the Grazelanders to have access to him. Or, they could access Golden Bow, which might give similar benefits. I, along with many people, ignore the Horse Archer skill and allow members of the Kuschile subcult to use their full bow skill while on horseback. It saves having to maintain multiple skills. Kuschile archery is useless to foot soldiers.It is good for cavalry, though. Yelornans also get the blessings of Kuschile, so their Unicorn Riders and other riders get access to it. Kuschile archery is not just for footsoldiers. The Grazelanders worship the stars, as they have the same myths of the Star Captains who came and helped them. So, Pole Star is not a foreign god to them.
  22. I have always played that Kuschile archery works with zebras and unicorns, as well as horses, which makes it useful in Prax. Similarly with Mindspeech with Horses, I play that it includes zebras, unicorns, mules and so on. Of course, I find that Yelmalio sucks to be really funny, so I have no problem with it sucking. I played a Yelmalian Centaur who embraced the suckiness.
  23. I don't agree. Your Passions are what is important to you. If you don't particularly care about Honour/Dishonour then you shouldn't have it in your character sheet. If you behave particularly honourably or dishonourably, the GM might give you a Passion but you shouldn't always have such a Passion. Honour/Dishonour could be tracked in the same way as Power Runes, so increasing one decreases the other, but that isn't how the normal RuneQuest Glorantha rules work, at the moment.
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