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Everything posted by AndreJarosch

  1. Laut Auskunft der Druckerei von Gestern wird M-SPACE in 1 1/2 Wochen fertig sein (Lederausgaben dauern länger... wer etwas so Exklusives haben möchte muss ein klein wenig mehr Geduld aufbringen). Was bedeutet, dass wir in zwei Wochen mit dem Eingang der Palette rechnen und umgehend mit dem Versand beginnen können. Ende erster Mai-Woche klingt doch gut oder?
  2. There is no product "BRP Space", and never was. BRP Space was the working title of what became M-Space.
  3. Make a list with all the spells the individual PCs know. That will help them as well as yourself. Granted NPCs, especial powerful ones with lots of magic ad hand, need more time to familiarize yourself with. But nobody expects that the GM has memorized every detail of every Spirit Magic and Rune Magic spell. That is why "The Red Book of Magic" is so useful.
  4. IMHO it is irrelevant if Shield and Protection/Countermagic can be cast together or not. Decide for your gaming table which ones can be used together and which ones cancel each other out. It doesn´t matter as long at it is the same rule for ANYBODY on your gaming table (including NPCs).
  5. If i would punch you, it is an incoming hit. If you would punch yourself, i it not an incoming hit. If you would drive your car into mine, it is an incoming hit. If you would drive your car into a wall, it is not an incoming hit. Same with spells.
  6. I own the PDFs version, and bought two copies of the boxed set. Now, that the 2nd printrun is on its way: How can i tell the two printruns apart? If i see one of the shelf on a game store, how an i am able to tell which printrun it is? Has Chaosium made a tiny difference, so we can tell without comparing the booklets?
  7. While sharing the news of the upcoming "Regency Cthulhu" book by Chaosium we had a nice little chat yesterday evening at a Discord channel, and figured something out: For Chaosium purists: Run "Reign of Terror" (Guillotine time in France, about 1789). The surviving Investigators flee to England, where they (or their children) encounter "Regency Cthulhu" (1810er). Their grandchildren have to investigate "Cthulhy by Gaslight" (or imigrate to the USA and get involved in "Down Darker Trails", Western-Cthulhu). If you stay in europe then "No Mans Land" (WW I) follows. The survivors (or their children or junger siblings) can get into a classic „Call of Cthulhu“ 1920s campaign... ...and continue with "Pulp Cthulhu" (1930s). If you also use third party cthuloid material: Run "Reign of Terror" (Guillotine time in France, about 1789). The survivors go to Australia and get into "Convicts & Cthulhu" (australian prison camp, 1795-1810; published by Cthulhu Reborn --> to get at almost no costs at DrivethruRPG). The surviving Investigators go back to europe, but to england, where they (or their children) encounter "Regency Cthulhu" (1810er). Their children can play "Five Points” (England 1850; published by Mystical Throne Entertainment fort he Renaissance RPG). Their Children or grandchildren have to investigate "Cthulhy by Gaslight" (or imigrate tot he USA and get involved in "Down Darker Trails", Western-Cthulhu). If you stay in europe then "No Mans Land" (WW I.) follows. The survivors (or their children or junger siblings) can get into a classic „Call of Cthulhu“ 1920s campaign... ...and continue with "Pulp Cthulhu" (1930s). If you want you can continue with: Encounter the problems of "Atomic Age Cthulhu" (1950s) by Chaosium. And from thre it is not soo much time until "Cthulhu Now" (IMHO Now is 1980-today). A well prepared Gamemaster can destroy the Sanity and health of GENERATIONS of a familiy. Two sidenotes which came up late in the discussion: 1. With playing generations of the same familiy all these Last Wills and inheritaces and legacys some CoC adventures come up with, will finally make sense! 2. You could make the Investigators reincarnations of their deceased predecessors (makes only sense if the first one was born after the second died). On his 25th birthday the character gets strange dreams and remembers parts of his last incarnation: And the hunt for cthuloid horrors continues!
  8. You have not waited! You wrote and published your own HeroQuesting rules! 🙂
  9. I am aware that it is also in use with SPHERES, but most people will use it when talking about CIRCLES. I don´t know if the original writers of the spell had circles or also spheres in mind when they created the Rath Watch spell.
  10. Does Patch Watch on land extrends upward? If yes: It should also extend downward.
  11. I don´t prorize art. I just found myself more pleased with the RQG rulebook, and the Starter Set, etc. with the art attached to the text. The one good thing with the fact that the books take much longer when waiting for art is that the authors can come back to the manuscript and add and edit little things after readinf what they wrote half a year earlier. So WE get a more refined text as well.
  12. I rather have happily waited a year more to get an illustrated cults book. So: Our "needs" seem to differ. 🙂
  13. At that time it was one book with 50 cults (and no art yet). Now it will be two volumumes with 100 cults + a prosperida.
  14. 2022! It is the second in line to be published (after the "Dragon Pass Gazetteer").
  15. Jasons statement on Facebook was the most likely sequence of the next three publications: Dragon Pass Gazetteer (a booklet intended for the "Sartar Set", but "branched out", according to Jason). Cults of Glorantha + Prosopaedia Gamemaster Sourcebook Lets hope all three will get published THIS year. 😉
  16. Gods of Glorantha / Gods & Goddesses of Glorantha / Cults of Glorantha They are one and the same. The title was not pinned down.
  17. I am well aware of most of these woman. I am playing CoC since 1988, so i did my research. And i don´t present you my "fun", as i play with about 40% female players, and characters, at my gaming table. And i think that is good as it is. I just point out that if cthuloid investigations had to be made under simultanistic 1920s background conditions these would most likely less women. Which i find myself nothing that should be followed. 1920s Call of Cthulhu is more liberal for women, then the real 1920s were.
  18. I am totally with you, but in 1920s CALL OF CTHULHU a female PC will have more problems in society, even in western countries, than their male counterparts. So a lot of the investigators, played in a historical correct representation of the 1920s, would be male to get the job done.
  19. M-SPACE ist beim Drucker! Wir haben es geschafft: Heute gingen "M-SPACE - Das Science-Fiction-Rollenspiel", "Flucht auf Mosek Uhn" und "Mythras Feuerwaffen" zum Drucker. Für die Unterstützer, die auch PDFs unterstützt haben bedeutet dies: Ihr solltet soeben je Produkt eine Email von Drivethru mit eurem Downloadlink der jeweiligen PDF-Version erhalten haben. Nun können wir nur darauf warten, dass der Drucker seine Arbeit macht (Der Druck kann normalerweise zwischen 4 und 6 Wochen dauern. Aber wer weiß das schon so genau in diesen Zeiten... ). In vier Wochen geben wir HIER ein Update zum Druckstatus. In der Zwischenzeit wünscht die 100 Questen Gesellschaft e.V. viel Spaß beim Lesen der PDFs.
  20. In the 1980s, when less than 10% of all gamers were female it wasn´t a problem that NPCs were 90% male as well. * Today with about 60/40 division in between male and female players the player characters will most likely also be about 60/40 male/female. IMHO it is a good descision to recognise this in the NPCs as well. Otherwise it would feel odd, that the PCs have a higher female to male ratio than the "rest of the world " (aka NPCs). If you want to play your Cthulhu 1920s-Real-World-correct then you will need to change most NPCs to male... and force female players to play male characters most of the time. You can do so, but that seems unfair to the female players to me. * I don´t get into the people who recognise themselves as diverse. I will stick to male/female here, to keep thinks simple, not because i don´t recognise anything outsode of the male/female range.
  21. This is NOT spam, and NOT unrelated content. After seeing (and loving) the Bahubali movie(s) i was eager to see the new movie from the same author/director duo. It is a film set in 1920s india. Two rebels against the british ocupators. The heroes are larger than life. It is a bromance, but also includes two little romances. There is a lot of over the top action, and very well made CGI effects. There is some singing and dancing, but never inappropriate, it all is fitting to the film. There is drama, betrayel, HEROISM, and more. The film has no fantasy elements what so ever (except the larger than live heroes deeds, heroic poses, etc.). After watching just the trailer i thought at first, that apart from watching this movie i could use some of the ideas in the film for Call of Cthulhu. It is set in the 1920s in india! Add some cthuloid elements and motivations, and the british could be Cthulhu worshippers, trying to enslave the indian population to feed their god! Or the indians worship an ancient Great Old One, and the british investigators have to stop the savages! Whatever... I was WRONG! This movie is not one i see as adapting ideas from for Cthulhu, but for Glorantha (RQG or QW)! The british occupation is the Lunar occupation. The two heroes (main characters) are from two different indian regions, and have their own motivations, and try to do it their individual ways. One of them (Bheem) is to me an Odayla hunter/protector of his community. I can´t decide what the other one (Ram) is... It is not easy to hide your true loyalty for a long time in Glorantha... My advice: Go and watch this movie. It is excellent! I saw this movie an hour ago at the cinma in Telugo with english subtitles. The british actors speak english (and are also subtitled in english), the indian actors speak Telugu (and are subtitled in english), on rare coccasions some indian actors speak a few sentences in english (which also also subtitled in english). Attached the trailer in Telugu, but you can add english subtitles on Youtube.
  22. Item is no longer available. Sorry!
  23. Me thinks to counter Storm Bull cultists Chaos most of the time has only two ressolution to beat them: Chaos Features / Chaos Gifts and (more importantly) numbers! A dozen Scorpionman or two dozen Broo will get a Storm Bull Initiate down. The chaotic answer to being wiped out is: nasty special abilities, and breeding/multiplying fast (hmmmm... sounds like Covid to me...).
  24. EDIT: April, April! / April Fools! DER GROSSE BRUDER SIEHT DICH Nachdem George Orwell vor über 70 Jahren von uns gegangen ist, sind seine Werke 2021 gemeinfrei geworden. Die 100 Questen Gesellschaft e.V. präsentiert euch „1984 – Abenteuer im Überwachungsstaat“. Erlebt die bedrückende Situation eines totalitären Regimes. Versucht euch mit den anderen Charakteren zu vernetzen, ohne dass ihr auffliegt und entkommt der Gehirnwäsche… Eine Flucht aufs Land wäre das Beste, oder? Wenn ihr da nicht gerade auf der Farm landen würdet, die von tyrannischen Kommunisten-Schweinen geführt wird… KRIEG IST FRIEDEN FREIHEIT IST SKLAVEREI UNWISSENHEIT IST STAERKE Erlebt Abenteuer in einer Welt wie sie fast nicht schlimmer sein könnte! 104 Seiten Hintergrund und 104 Seiten Abenteuer in einem stabilen Hardcover-Buch, vollständig in Neusprech verfasst. 1984 – Abenteuer im Überwachungsstaat ART.-NR: 100QG 2103 von April F. Owls EAN: 97839508154711 DIN A 4, Hardcover, 208 Seiten € 34,95 Vorbestellungen werden ab Samstag entgegengenommen.
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