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Everything posted by MOB

  1. Andrew Logan Montgomery's Otherworlds of Fiction, Magic, and Gaming blog recently reviewed two new Chaosium releases with considerable depth, insight and perspicacity (in his own words, Andrew's reviews "run deep"). The books he covered are 13th Age Glorantha and The Glorantha Sourcebook, both currently available from Chaosium in PDF (hardbacks coming later in the year). So, as Andrew invites you, "Grab a cup of coffee, pour a glass of wine, and settle in for the latest dive into one of gaming's most extraordinary and influential worlds." https://www.chaosium.com/blogunnatural-selections-recent-chaosium-reviews-of-note-2/
  2. "...vividly told, beautifully illustrated, and inspirational... Drawing on long out-of-print sources, and including new materials, this belongs in the collection of new Glorantha fans and old timers alike." —Andrew Logan Montgomery's review of THE GLORANTHA SOURCEBOOK is well worth a read... ...and while you're over there, check out his equally insightful review of the recently released 13th AGE GLORANTHA. Both titles are currently available in PDF from Chaosium.com and DTRPG. Buy now from Chaosium.com, and get the full price of the PDF back when the hardback versions come out.
  3. Here's your opportunity to "get killed by Sandy Petersen"... Chaosium's newest Call of Cthulhu release PETERSEN'S ABOMINATIONS is out now in hardback! Available now from Chaosium: we have stocks in our US, UK and Australian warehouses. Full-color hardcover, comes with the PDF included! https://www.chaosium.com/petersens-abominations-hardcover
  4. Seems George RR Martin also got in too deep with Call of Cthulhu too, lamenting "it almost destroyed my life and career":
  5. Starfarer 2250 was produced under license from Chaosium, based on a commitment made by Chaosium from long ago. The creator has a special one-off exception to incorporate the BRP Quickstart rules into the text.
  6. Our friends at Darker Hues Studios have just informed us that their licensed Call of Cthulhu supplement HARLEM UNBOUND has been acquired for the library collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Smithsonian Institution Anacostia Community Museum and The Newark Museum. These acquisitions are an acknowledgement of book's "artistic, scholarly and educational value". How cool is that? A further cool and somewhat Lovecraftian factor is that you must go to a special collections area to request the book and have a librarian bring you a tome to read there. (We're sure they'd want a copy for the Restricted Collection at the Orne Library at Miskatonic University too...) Harlem Unbound is available at DriveThruRPG.
  7. Following a successfully fulfilled Kickstarter, Weird 8's SUN SPOTS is now available at DriveThruRPG in various formats, including soft and hardcover books. We're pleased that Weird 8 did a great job with the Kickstarter fulfilment and think Keith "Doc" Herber would be happy to see Sun Spots now out in public release!
  8. And here's Mike Mason, the guest on the latest episode of the MU Podcast. Mike's talking about the Miskatonic Repository - what it's all about and how you can get involved. http://www.mu-podcast.com/mup-140-mike-mason-midnight-shambler
  9. When we launched the Miskatonic Repository community content program late last year we stipulated that, for the time being, all content had to be in English. This was just while we found our feet with the program, and had a chance to talk to all the various Call of Cthulhu foreign language licencees about the new resource. However, we are now happy to announce that the Miskatonic Repository is now open to Call of Cthulhu submissions in any language! We will update the Content Guidelines to reflect this shortly, but no need to delay if you have something you'd like to share. Please note all the other terms and conditions remain the same. (Please note our German friends Pegasus-Spiele, publishers of the German edition of Call of Cthulhu, have advised they will be launching a similar community content program exclusively for Deutsch language content later this year). https://www.chaosium.com/blogmiskatonic-monday-the-madness-extends-to-other-languages
  10. Congratulations to the winners, and many thanks to everyone who participated. Look out for the winning scenarios at conventions in 2018-19! https://www.chaosium.com/bloghere-are-the-cult-of-chaos-scenario-writing-contest-winners-for-2018/ More details about this in the Cult of Chaos subforum.
  11. 32 years ago, Chaosium published HAWKMOON, the first RPG whose lead designer was a woman—Kerie Campbell-Robson. Chaosium appreciates the many talented and creative female designers, artists, authors, editors, playtesters and more who've been part of our games and fiction since we started in 1975. #IWD2018 #InternationalWomensDay
  12. "13G gets an enthusiastic thumbs up... It is clear the authors love Glorantha, and their giddy enthusiasm is on every page", says long-time Glorantha devotee Andrew Logan Montgomery in his comprehensive review of 13th Age Glorantha. https://andrewloganmontgomery.blogspot.com.au/2018/03/13th-age-glorantha-review.html He poses the question, why bother with 13G?: "For 13th Age fans the answer is simple. If you love that game, there is every chance that you will love Glorantha, given the fact that both Rob Heinsoo and Jonathan Tweet do. Glorantha's influence on the Dragon Empire, for example, is evident in the mythic extravagance of that world. Places like Starport, beings like the Koru Behemoths, even the Icons themselves show Gloranthan inspiration. How could you not be curious after reading Heinsoo's dedication? But seriously, this is one of the most storied and significant settings in fantasy gaming, and 13G serves it up for a game you already love. Now is your chance to see what 40 years of fuss has been about." (He goes on to answer why RuneQuest and HeroQuest fans might like 13G too...)
  13. The very special Temple Edition was the ultimate backer reward for the Call of Cthulhu 7th Ed Kickstarter. Matt Sanderson of the Good Friends of Jackson Elias podcast, and one of the only 25 people to receive these hubbed-spined goat-skinned tomes, shows off what he says is now the "crowning jewel" of his Call of Cthulhu collection: http://blasphemoustomes.com/2018/03/05/temple-edition-landed
  14. Chaosium congratulates our favourite director of atmospheric horror, Guillermo del Toro, and his team for the incredible success of The Shape of Water at this year's Academy Awards (13 nominations; WINS for Best Film, Best Director, Best Production Design, Best Score)! Here's hoping this Oscars triumph means he'll now have the Hollywood clout to make his long-stalled passion project after all—his adaption of HPL's At the Mountains of Madness... https://oneroomwithaview.com/2016/02/18/best-films-never-made-30-guillermo-del-toros-at-the-mountains-of-madness
  15. Happy to see our family game KHAN OF KHANS is one of the top games in the Japanese Blue Cat's Nest 2017 Game of the Year awards (and the "card game played most often last year"). Also that they are excited a Japanese version is in the works! 蒼猫の巣ゲームオブザイヤー2017発表! http://horikenfc2.blog133.fc2.com/blog-entry-99.html
  16. Our good friends, The Good Friends of Jackson Elias, were also deservedly nominated for Best RPG podcast in the Golden Geeks. Their podcast is all about things Call of Cthulhu, so please show it your support! (And while you're visiting the Golden Geek ballot box, please send a vote Chaosium's way for The Grand Grimoire of Cthulhu Mythos Magic—it's up for Best RPG Supplement...) Voting ends at 23:59 PST on March 8
  17. We're delighted to be nominated in this year's Golden Geek Awards—Call of Cthulhu's GRAND GRIMOIRE OF CTHULHU MYTHOS MAGIC nominated for Best Supplement! Cast your votes here! Congrats to Mike Mason and Matt Sanderson, and all the team who worked on the book.
  18. Ron Edwards, influential game design theorist, Diana Jones award winner, co-founder of The Forge (and recent emigrant to Sweden) is currently running an on line RuneQuest Classic game, posting the videos of the sessions and writing up his thoughts. Three sessions in, Ron describes RuneQuest as "one of the Great Games, a defining thing for our hobby, and still one of its most ambitious on a number of levels". You can see more about these sessions at Ron's site, Adept Play. (Ian Cooper, Chaosium's line editor for HeroQuest, is one of the players.) http://adeptplay.com/games/runequest Another good quote from Ron: "Cults of Terror is a not merely a landmark in role-playing history, it's a giant. Coupled with the rules it was written to support, RuneQuest 1980, and the supplement that immediately preceded it, Cults of Prax, it established a new-and-different bar for play which defined "I play RuneQuest" into almost its own sector and subculture to the present day."
  19. Robin Laws has tweeted to say he estimates the forthcoming Six Ages is the equivalent of "nine novels or four RPG corebooks worth of writing" (nearly half a million words), all set in the magical world of Glorantha!
  20. The Cthulhu Masters returns to UK Games Expo, 1-3 June, Birmingham UK! Bring your sharpest wit and your luckiest dice! The surviving winner receives a (quote) "horrid trophy of Deep One origin", so there's everything to play for and only SAN to lose... Proudly sponsored by Chaosium. More details here.
  21. We are delighted Reviews from Rl'yeh (the blog "dedicated to reviews of RPGs and their supplements, with an emphasis on Call of Cthulhu and other Lovecraftian inspired games") has decided to take a look at Misktatonic Repository creations... https://www.chaosium.com/blog/miskatonic-monday-whats-new-in-the-miskatonic-repository/
  22. We've got rules for running or playing Heroes as PCs in the new RQG: "...Heroes gain an increasing presence in the otherworld, which becomes a tremendous source of power, but also requires that the hero be worshiped to maintain it (that worship can be regular or propitiatory). A hero can return from the dead, and can gain other abilities such as unaging as a result of heroquest gifts. Heroes no longer need to be "super-skilled" - their "Hero Soul" and heroquest gifts enables them to do remarkable things, even if their actual skills are in the range of a Rune Lord or Priest." https://www.chaosium.com/blog/designing-the-new-runequest-part-10
  23. Fantasy Flight Game's Masks of Nyarlathotep Expansion for Eldritch Horror is now out in general release! And there's a flyer in the box about the forthcoming new edition of Masks for Call of Cthulhu, with a link to this landing page: https://www.chaosium.com/masks. When Chaosium's new edition of Masks is released, it will feature a similar shout-out to the FFG board game. This is all part of a closer collaboration between Chaosium and Fantasy Flight Games.
  24. 13th Age Glorantha authors Jonathan Tweet and Rob Heinsoo talk about their processes, design choices and influences for 13th Age RPG and recently-released 13th Age Glorantha in this Tableplay Podcast interview. They also recount their abiding interest in Glorantha and how that started for them both, and give their "elevator pitches" for 13G (that starts 1.06)... A brief excerpt from the 13G elevator pitches: RH: "...Dragon Pass is a central area in Glorantha that actually literally exists between—though not everyone really knows it—the bodies of four living giant dragons." JT: "W-h-a-t??" RH: "And in between them you have this amazing vibrant area where all these cultures that are connected to different runes collide..." http://www.tableplaypodcast.com/episode051/
  25. With the imminent release of Fantasy Flight Games' Masks of Nyarlathotep Expansion for Eldritch Horror, Chaosium's Mike Mason and Nick Nacario update us on progress of the new edition of Masks for Call of Cthulhu... https://www.chaosium.com/blog/masks-of-nyarlathotep-the-darkness-is-near Nick says, "Layout for Masks of Nyarlathotep is well underway! I am working through the England chapter, and I aim to have a finished PDF ready in a few weeks time... These are the most beautiful set of books that I have ever worked on, and I cannot wait for everyone to see them!"
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