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Everything posted by MOB

  1. Of course! Think of them as the heroquesting bits
  2. Exciting news - the 13th Age Glorantha Rulebook and the Glorantha Sourcebook were been released to Kickstarter backers earlier today! In the latest Kickstarter update, backers have been advised that their PDFs are ready to be downloaded from Backerkit. Both titles will be available for general purchase from Chaosium.com later this month: 13th Age Glorantha PDF (466pp) - $26.95 Glorantha Sourcebook PDF (226pp) - $19.95
  3. Please post any errors/typos spotted in the Glorantha Sourcebook to this thread. Please take care to note the page number where you've noticed something! We'll keep this tribal edit open until March 6th. We'll then review the thread and make any necessary changes to the files before sending to print. Please note there is a separate thread for the 13th Age Glorantha rule book here. Many thanks!
  4. Please post any errors/typos spotted in the 13th Age Glorantha Rulebook to this thread. Please take care to note the page number where you've noticed something. We'll keep this tribal edit open until March 6th. We'll then review the thread and make any necessary changes to the files before sending to print. Please note there is a separate thread for the Glorantha Sourcebook here. Many thanks!
  5. As Jeff says, there is a plain text B&W character sheet as well. Here's the same section as the colour image that was posted:
  6. MOB

    Geo's Bouncer

    I can confirm that's meant to be Geo's Bouncer on the front cover of issue #4, as capably drawn by fellow antipodean Mark Baldwin. It's based on David Hall's article in #3. BTW, just before Christmas last year I had lunch with Mark, catching up after some twenty-five years. Back then he was a medical student, and contact was made again when I suddenly noticed that was his name on the shingle of the medical rooms I go past every time I walk to the local shops. Mark now gets to express his creative side through being a leading plastic and reconstructive surgeon, (though he told me he'd recently bought a copy of Khan of Khans to play with his kids).
  7. Good news - layout for the RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha core book is underway! More news from Jason in the link: https://www.chaosium.com/blog/designing-the-new-runequest-part-21/
  8. The Chaosium team sends best wishes and felicitations for a happy 70th birthday to our company founder, chair of the board, and "grand shaman of gaming" - the Mythmaker himself, Greg Stafford. Happy Birthday Greg! Best wishes from Dustin, Nick, Mike, Rick, Jeff, Neil, MOB, Raja, Todd, Jason, Susan, Ian, James, Lillian, Lynne and Sandy @Chaosium
  9. Rob Heinsoo has just informed 13th Age Glorantha Kickstarter backers that we plan to start distributing the 13th Age Glorantha and the Glorantha Sourcebook PDFs next week! Right now, we're in the approvals phase rather than the production phase, and we're all thrilled! More details about next steps are in the most recent backer update, but as a preview of what's coming next week, here's a near-final version of the 13G front cover, as designed by Lee Moyer & Chris Huth:
  10. Product pages on Chaosium.com show where a particular item is available as follows. For example, this indicates the item is available from the Australian, USA and UK fulfilment warehouses: Whereas this item is only available in the US and UK: Note, some items are unavailable from the UK or Australian warehouses, particularly older stock. So if you order these, the cart will quote shipping from the US. There's more info about Global Fulfilment here: https://www.chaosium.com/global-fulfillment But if you think there's a particular problem about your order, please contact Dustin! Cheers, MOB
  11. Over on the Chaosium news blog: Uploading your original Call of Cthulhu creations to the MISKATONIC REPOSITORY on DriveThruRPG for fun and profit—a quick Q&A to show just how easy it is... https://www.chaosium.com/blog/uploading-to-the-miskatonic-repository-for-fun-and-profit-a-quick-qa Q&A reprised here without the accompanying images: Q: First off, so what is the Miskatonic Repository? A: The Miskatonic Repository is a new way for creators to publish and distribute their own original Call of Cthulhu content including scenarios, settings, spells and more! Q: Is the Miskatonic Repository for Call of Cthulhu similar to the DMs Guild for Dungeons & Dragons? A: Yes! The Miskatonic Repository follows same general rules and model for revenue split as the DMs Guild. Q: How does the Miskatonic Repository work? A: You create original content, format it to our design template, and then upload the PDF to the Miskatonic Repository on DriveThruRPG. People can view your creation there and can download it if they wish—just like any other DTRPG product. Q: What kind of products are welcome in the Miskatonic Repository? A: Original Call of Cthulhu scenarios, settings, spells, stats for monsters, background dossiers, and campaign handouts— more info here. Q: Who owns material in the Miskatonic Repository? A: You retain the copyright of any original IP you create for the Miskatonic Repository. Chaosium owns the IP it provides for use including rules, settings, characters, concepts, plots, storylines etc. Q: Can I sell my Call of Cthulhu creations through the Miskatonic Repository? A: You sure can! You can set a price, make your product "pay what you want", or even make it free—entirely up to you. Retail sales revenues are split between the creator (i.e. you), One Bookshelf (DTRPG's parent company) and Chaosium. Q: How much of the sale price do I keep as the creator? A: 50%. One Bookshelf (DTRPG) gets 30% and Chaosium gets 20%. (Note: this is the same revenue split as the DMs Guild, the community content program for D&D). Details on how revenue split and payment works here. Q: How do I format my Miskatonic Repository creation? A: Chaosium has created easy-to-use style templates, which you can download for free: MS Word, Adobe InDesign Q: My Miskatonic Repository scenario needs art - what do I do? A: Chaosium has created Art Packs specifically for the Miskatonic Repository. They come as zip files of images which you are licensed to use for FREE in content submitted to the Miskatonic Repository: Weapons & Relics Art Pack Phantasmagorical Art Pack Ill Omens Art Pack Rogues' Gallery Art Pack Curious Things Art Pack Mythos Monster Silhouettes Art Pack Q: Can I use my own art in the Miskatonic Repository? A: You are most welcome to create or source your own art and graphics. We have also helpful links to libraries of copyright free images here. Q: Can I create and sell content for previous editions of Call of Cthulhu? A: No, Miskatonic Repository content must be for Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition. If you have something for a previous edition, you must update it to 7th. Use our free conversion guide. Q: Where can I find out more information about submitting to the Miskatonic Repository? A: Check out the Guidelines here. And further information, including writing and art tips here. Q: What I really want is to be published by Chaosium itself one day; will participating here help? A: Indeed yes! We see the Miskatonic Repository as a launching site for writing talent and a place we'll be watching keenly for potential writers in our Call of Cthulhu line. We hope this information is helpful, and you consider contributing—Call of Cthulhu fans are super keen for new content, and we'd love to see your creations up there! In the meantime, do check out what's already available at the Miskatonic Repository!
  12. The crowdfunding campaign for the new Portuguese edition of Call of Cthulhu still has 24 hours remaining. At 176,000 Brazilian Reals (440% over target) it is already the highest amount raised for an RPG on the platform! . . . Pra caramba! https://www.catarse.me/chamado_de_cthulhu
  13. [MOB - wearing hat as mod, and original poster] As Rick has noted, this thread has diverged a l-o-n-g way from the original topic, which was the reprint of the Resurrecting RuneQuest article in Black Gate Magazine. As Rick also notes, Glorantha is full of groups of people who believe the exact opposite of what other groups think, and they are all right, and that can be the last word on that here. If anyone wishes to continue discussing the role of science/the scientific method in Glorantha, please start a new thread.
  14. Yes, the full piece runs over five pages and includes a section "BABY ‘TEPS - Call of Cthulhu line editor Mike Mason recalls his own introduction to Masks and offers some tips to those taking on the adventure for the first time". .
  15. Great news from our friends at A Sharp - Six Ages, the "spiritual successor" to the amazing King of Dragon Pass game, is now in Beta testing! So looking forward to new and wondrous interactive explorations of Glorantha! https://sixages.com/blog/index.php/2018/01/beta/
  16. In this month's Tabletop Gaming UK Magazine: "More than 30 years after it debuted, Call of Cthulhu's Masks of Nyarlathotep remains one of the greatest roleplaying adventures ever created. With the globetrotting horror tale returning to drive a new generation of players insane, we revisit a true classic." https://www.tabletopgaming.co.uk/board-games/store/back-issues/tabletop-gaming/tabletop-gaming-issue-15
  17. "For a quick, family style game, this is fantastic. …it packs into a box about the size of a hardback book, so it can easily be stuffed in a backpack or other bag and taken on travel. It doesn't take long to learn, and whether you with children or strangers at a convention, Khan of Khans is easily something you can break out for 30 minutes of entertainment… Do I Recommend? Yes! Emphatically, yes." —MWStephens.com "The Most Fun I've Had Stealing Cows"
  18. A forthcoming New York exhibition by a once little-known artist who got an early break illustrating Wyrm's Footprints... (HT Nick Eden)
  19. Catseye and Sunbright are among the rune spells that make Yelmalio adherents highly formidable troll fighters, effectively negating the advantages trolls get attacking in darkness.
  20. I watched the most amazingly bonkers Indian epic on the flight back to Melbourne from the US today—Baahubali! It's so Gloranthan, so RuneQuest (and so HQ and 13G too)! And as this enthusiastic Guardian review says, "The final 45 minutes roam a vast battlefield that, with its human shields and Boadicea-style murder chariots, makes Helms Deep resemble a punch-up in a chip shop." Catch it if you can, you won't be disappointed!
  21. Hazia is in Sun County, and also gets a mention in a scenario by fellow Australian Mark Holsworth in an early issue of Tales of the Reaching Moon (#4). Hazia was a recurring plot element in the RuneQuest Club Campaign at our university RPG club in the mid-1980s too—the setting was a precursor to some of what ended up in Sun County. But where the Gloranthan term comes from, I can't recall. The Earthsea books is a possibility for sure though.
  22. I have been working on art direction for the soon-to-be-released 13th Age Glorantha (with Rob Heinsoo). It's been a pleasure working with talented artists the likes of Michelle Lockamy, Caleb Cleveland, Andrey Fetisov, Simon Bray, Kalin Kadiev and others. Some of that stuff has been shared here. I also did the art direction for Khan of Khans, working with Ian O'Toole, and Andrey Fetisov's cover art for the RQ Quickstart (also worked with Andrey on Call of Cthuhu The Coloring Book). However, Jeff is the key driver of art direction for all things Gloranthan though, and is overseeing art direction for the new RuneQuest line. It's going to look amazing. We think 13G, the Glorantha Sourcebook and the new RuneQuest line are really going to raise the bar when it comes to the quality of the art!
  23. New on the Miskatonic Repository at DriveThruRPG! Collections of forms, images, play aids and documents from Chaosium. These make awesome props in your own Call of Cthulhu games, PLUS you are welcome to use these to spice up your own submissions to the Miskatonic Repository! Forms in the Miskatonic Collection were created by Dean Engelhardt. Maps by Stephanie McAlea. More details here: https://www.chaosium.com/blog/new-on-the-miskatonic-repository-the-miskatonic-collection
  24. You have 3 days, 20 hours and 35 minutes to celebrate the New Year with a New Game!
  25. "Just when you think Horror on the Orient Express is done, along comes one last carriage, and a bloody one at that..." On the Orient Express Writers blog today: the strange birth of Reign of Terror, the 20th scenario for Horror on the Orient Express. https://orientexpresswriters.wordpress.com/2018/01/16/reign-of-terror/
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