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Everything posted by MOB

  1. Here's what we're going to do going forward: Cult of Chaos Forum (password protected) - Discussion, questions, post mortems about "The Broken Tower" scenario in the RuneQuest Quickstart. RuneQuest Forum - Discussion about the RQG rules themselves, and the rules as presented in the RuneQuest Quickstart. No discussion or spoilers about "The Broken Tower" please. Please note the Tribal Edit thread for the QS book is in the Cult of Chaos forum now.
  2. Here's what we're going to do going forward: Cult of Chaos Forum (password protected) - Discussion, questions, post mortems about "The Broken Tower" scenario in the RuneQuest Quickstart. RuneQuest Forum - Discussion about the RQG rules themselves, and the rules as presented in the RuneQuest Quickstart. No discussion or spoilers about "The Broken Tower" please. Carry on...
  3. Here's what we're going to do going forward: Cult of Chaos Forum (password protected) - Discussion, questions, post mortems about "The Broken Tower" scenario in the RuneQuest Quickstart. RuneQuest Forum - Discussion about the RQG rules themselves, and the rules as presented in the RuneQuest Quickstart. No discussion or spoilers about "The Broken Tower" please. Carry on...
  4. Here's what we're going to do going forward: Cult of Chaos Forum (password protected) - Discussion, questions, post mortems about "The Broken Tower" scenario in the RuneQuest Quickstart. RuneQuest Forum - Discussion about the RQG rules themselves, and the rules as presented in the RuneQuest Quickstart. No discussion or spoilers about "The Broken Tower" please. Carry on...
  5. Here's what we're going to do going forward: Cult of Chaos Forum (password protected) - Discussion, questions, post mortems about "The Broken Tower" scenario in the RuneQuest Quickstart. RuneQuest Forum - Discussion about the RQG rules themselves, and the rules as presented in the RuneQuest Quickstart. No discussion or spoilers about "The Broken Tower" please. Carry on...
  6. Here's what we're going to do going forward: Cult of Chaos Forum (password protected) - Discussion, questions, post mortems about "The Broken Tower" scenario in the RuneQuest Quickstart. RuneQuest Forum - Discussion about the RQG rules themselves, and the rules as presented in the RuneQuest Quickstart. No discussion or spoilers about "The Broken Tower" please. Carry on...
  7. Here's what we're going to do going forward: Cult of Chaos Forum (password protected) - Discussion, questions, post mortems about "The Broken Tower" scenario in the RuneQuest Quickstart. RuneQuest Forum - Discussion about the RQG rules themselves, and the rules as presented in the RuneQuest Quickstart. No discussion or spoilers about "The Broken Tower" please. But the Tribal Edit thread stays here, for now.
  8. Here's what we're going to do going forward: Cult of Chaos Forum (password protected) - Discussion, questions, post mortems about "The Broken Tower" scenario in the RuneQuest Quickstart. RuneQuest Forum - Discussion about the RQG rules themselves, and the rules as presented in the RuneQuest Quickstart. No discussion or spoilers about "The Broken Tower" please.
  9. Here's what we're going to do going forward: Cult of Chaos Forum (password protected) - Discussion, questions, post mortems about "The Broken Tower" scenario in the RuneQuest Quickstart. RuneQuest Forum - Discussion about the RQG rules themselves, and the rules as presented in the RuneQuest Quickstart. No discussion or spoilers about "The Broken Tower" please.
  10. Here's what we're going to do going forward: Cult of Chaos Forum (password protected) - Discussion, questions, post mortems about "The Broken Tower" scenario in the RuneQuest Quickstart. RuneQuest Forum - Discussion about the RQG rules themselves, and the rules as presented in the RuneQuest Quickstart. No discussion or spoilers about "The Broken Tower" please.
  11. Here's what we're going to do: Cult of Chaos Forum (password protected) - Discussion, questions, post mortems about "The Broken Tower" scenario in the RuneQuest Quickstart. RuneQuest Forum - Discussion about the RQG rules themselves, and the rules as presented in the RuneQuest Quickstart. No discussion or spoilers about "The Broken Tower" please.
  12. And Free RPG Day 2017 is now done! If you missed out on a copy of the RuneQuest Quickstart, it will be available from Chaosium.com from July 1st, more details at the link: http://www.chaosium.com/blog/free-rpg-day-is-over-heres-how-to-get-your-copy-of-the-rq-quickstart-if-you-missed-out/
  13. The day is dawning across North America and it's Free RPG Day at last! Head down to your participating FLGS and pick up a free copy of our RuneQuest Quickstart Rules & Adventure, along with other cool stuff. 10 copies in each retailer pack—get one if you can! If you can't make it to a participating store, or they've run out, never fear: it will be available as a free download on July 1st from Chaosium.com. Or you can buy a print copy then for USD$9.95.
  14. We decided there's already a lot to take in with the Quickstart as it is, especially for GMs and players who are new to d100, RuneQuest and Glorantha. The extra character will be released as a bonus download on July 1st.
  15. Not officially coming out until we release the PDF and physical book to the world on July 1st.
  16. We hope everyone enjoys running their sessions tomorrow - please share photos of people having fun playing RQ on social media if you get the opportunity! Jeff and Jason have complied the following Errata for the RuneQuest Quickstart. RUNEQUEST QUICKSTART ERRATA Page 5, bottom of page: - Vasana should have the Truth Rune ( y ) instead of the Moon Rune ( / ). Page 8, Movement: - Change “1 meter” to “3 meters” Page 22, Rune spell table: - Earthpower should have D at the end - Leap should be V, not 1 - Mist Cloud should be V, not 1 - Multispell should be Self, not R - Teleport price should be 3+ Page 29, Carthalo: - Carthalo’s left leg hit location should be 05-08 Page 32, Rock Lizard - Hit points in right hind leg are 4, not 6 Page 35, Varanik: - Varanik’s left leg hit location should be 05-08 Page 37, Danakos: - Danakos’ left leg hit location should be 05-08 - Ignore the extra “Upper Left Arm” and “Head” hit locations - His Medium Shield damage should be 1D4+1D4, with SR 7 Page 42, Vasana: - Vasana’s left leg hit location should be 05-08 - Vasana should have the Truth Rune ( y ) instead of the Moon Rune ( / ). Page 43, Yanioth: - Yanioth’s left leg hit location should be 05-08 Page 44, Vostor: - Vostor’s left leg hit location should be 05-08 Page 45, Sorala: - Sorala’s left leg hit location should be 05-08 Page 46, Harmast: - Harmast’s left leg hit location should be 05-08 - Harmast’s SR for his broadsword should be 5 - Harmast is missing a % after his Search skill - Harmast’s zebras... remove “not” from the 1st sentence _______________________________________________________ Optional Downloadable Adventurer, Vishi Dunn: - Vishi’s left leg hit location should be 05-08 - Vishi should have “Speak Spiritspeech 50%” in his languages section. - Vishi should have 19 magic points, not 16
  17. The latest trailer for Call of Cthulhu—The Official Video Game from our friends Focus Home Interactive. They've really got the "razor-thin line" between sanity and madness going here...
  18. The baboons of the Monkey Ruins say the fallen ape-head statue in the background is of the great Apeymandius, King of Kings, look on my works ye Mighty, and despair, etc... Others (Philip Robin Hibbs) claim the Monkey King's name was actually Ozymandrill...
  19. We just posted the full finished pic in the latest update over on the 13th Age in Glorantha Kickstarter, so here are the Monkey Ruins in all their glory:
  20. The forthcoming 13th Age in Glorantha will feature stats for the Demon Steeds of Sir Ethilrist's Black Horse Troop: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/416625372/13th-age-in-glorantha/posts/1891931
  21. Interestingly, in both times I've been involved in a playtest, the player characters did fight Idrima, or at least started or provoked a fight and then very rapidly decided this was a bad idea and switched gears to negotiate. One group had several people who were Call of Cthulhu players, so they were especially jumpy. At the end, both groups commented that it was interesting and different that Idrima turned out to not to be "evil" per se.
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