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Everything posted by MOB

  1. Yes, please take this discussion to that forum for now, Thanks
  2. The supplemental shaman character will be released when the RuneQuest Quickstart goes on out public released on July 1st.
  3. You're in the fortunate position of having a copy already, but the Quickstart Rules have not been publicly released yet, nor will they be until Free RPG Day (June 17). We can have a public discussion about the contents of the book then, when more people can meaningfully participate. In the mean time, please take any discussion of the Quickstart over to the password-protected Cult of Chaos thread. This was set up to assist the GMs running the Quickstart on Free RPG Day. They are receiving their PDF copy beforehand, by agreement with the Free RPG Day organizers, but have been asked not to publicly share it or any spoilers in keeping with the spirit of Free RPG Day.
  4. Yes. Because the Cult of Chaos is the OP program for all Chaosium games, we'll soon be creating a top-level Cult of Chaos forum, which will have Call of Cthulhu, RuneQuest and other Chaosium games as subforums inside it. But for now, this just resides where it does.
  5. We have already set up a password protected thread in the Cult of Chaos subforum for the RQ Quickstart adventure. This is for the GMs running the adventure on Free RPG Day. Todd will be sending them their PDFs in the next day or so. That is the place for discussion about the rules and scenario, where you can ask questions, share ideas, and generally support one another. Jeff, Jason, Todd, Rick and myself will be checking in regularly. With this being a private area, spoilers and secrets can be discussed without any players sneaking a peek. If you're already a member of the Cult of Chaos, you'll have the password and can participate. If not, feel free to join and you'll be given the password. Please do not give away spoilers in this public forum. If you do your posts will be hidden.
  6. Chaosium will be at Origins Game Fair next week (June 14-18), in Columbus Ohio. Come and say hi to Rick and Todd at the booth (#123), and buy the latest Chaosium products—including The Two Headed Serpent and Grand Grimoire.We'll also be demoing our forthcoming boardgames, Khan of Khans and Miskatonic U! Todd has arranged a great selection of Chaosium RPG sessions on offer at Origins too, including Call of Cthulhu events in the Cthulhu-thon, with our friends Petersen Games and Cubicle 7. There's still a few player slots left our Call of Cthulhu and RuneQuest games! Online registration has closed, but you can still browse programming at home and sign up onsite. Convention Scenarios for RuneQuest: Broken Honor (aka Stealing the Eye): Sent by your clan to steal a valuable jewel, your band hopes to be in and out before you are detected by the temple guards of Yara Aranis. You'll slip out like shadows before dawn once you've succeeded in stealing the jewel. If things go bad? You'll fight your way out! The Old Ruin (aka The Broken Tower) from the RuneQuest Quickstart: When the chieftain sends a small band out to find the tribe's stolen cattle, they find more than cattle theft afoot. In the badlands at the edges of their territory, their cattle are held in ancient ruins where something otherworldly seems to dwell. There's a mystery to solve and a herd to save, before it's too late. NB if you play in this session you'll get a copy of the RQ Quickstart to call your very own!
  7. Chaosium will be at Origins Game Fair next week (June 14-18), in Columbus Ohio. Come and say hi to Rick and Todd at the booth (#123), and buy the latest Chaosium products—including The Two Headed Serpent and Grand Grimoire.We'll also be demoing our forthcoming boardgames, Khan of Khans and Miskatonic U! Todd has arranged a great selection of Chaosium RPG sessions on offer at Origins too, including Call of Cthulhu events in the Cthulhu-thon, with our friends Petersen Games and Cubicle 7. There's still a few player slots left our Call of Cthulhu and RuneQuest games! Online registration has closed, but you can still browse programming at home and sign up onsite. Convention Scenarios for Call of Cthulhu: 1922 - Slot "Red" (aka Weekend in the Woods): A group of Boys Scouts from Arkham, Massachusetts have gone on a scout trip to the Green Mountains in New Hampshire to hone their skills. The woods hold more danger than mere bears --- and the Scouts are disappearing, one by one. What's in the Cellar?: In this 1930s mystery, investigators have been asked to clear the name of their friend Arthur Blackwood, who has been charged with his wife's murder after her disappearance. Will they find her body, or something else? Necropolis: 1930s Investigators exploring a tomb in the Valley of the Kings are trapped by the sudden shift of a stone slab. Soon discovering they're not alone, time is of the essence to escape alive. Cult of Chaos Contest Winner - Slot "Black" (aka Midnight Masquerade): In 1932, agents in the Bureau of Investigation's Department 29 assist in an unusual prohibition bust, where the money leads back to a cult leader. Can they survive a masquerade where danger hides in plain sight? Cult of Chaos Contest Winner - Slot "Argent" (aka The Kids are Alright): Montana. 1975. When a bus comes back from a field trip, three young women are missing. Their parents follow the trip leader back into the wild at the base of the Rockies, where an archaeological site and the very woods around them may hold untold horror. Camp Sunny: In the age of Instagram and Facebook, you and a group of friends set off on a spur of the moment vacation to the Great Lakes, leaving college, steady connectivity, and all your cares behind you. But if a group of college students scream in the woods, does anyone hear them?
  8. This private forum is for GMs running The Broken Tower, the scenario contained in the RuneQuest Quickstart Rules which will be released on Free RPG Day (June 17). Here's where you can ask questions, share ideas, and generally support one another. Jeff, Jason, Rick, MOB and Todd from the Chaosium team will be checking in regularly. With this being a private area, we can discuss spoilers and secrets without any players sneaking a peek. Welcome!
  9. Following our call for Game Masters, we're excited that over 60 people have volunteered. This means next weekend we'll have mythic adventures taking place in game stores all across the world, including the USA, Australia, Canada, England, Scotland, Wales, Germany, Sweden, Spain, France, Portugal and Puerto Rico. Todd will be sending the GMs the PDF of the RuneQuest Quickstart shortly, so they can get themselves ready. http://www.chaosium.com/blog/runequest-worldwide-for-free-rpg-day/
  10. The Two-Headed Serpent is available now in hardback, direct from Chaosium.com! (If you previously bought the PDF, you'll receive a discount coupon by email). http://www.chaosium.com/the-two-headed-serpent-hardcover/ Should add—Availability Notice: The Two-Headed Serpent will be arriving in Australia on or around June 24th. Australian orders received prior to its availability will be flagged as pre-orders. The Grand Grimoire will go on sale at Chaosium.com in the first week of July.
  11. Chaosium has launched a new set of fan-use and licensing policies, offering individuals, small publishers and commercial partners the opportunity to share their creations or to partner with us. We support and value the contributions of the wider Chaosium Tribe. If you're interested in contributing, please have a look at our new policy descriptions to see which would work best for you. There's also a Q&A for Answers to some commonly-asked questions we receive about fan-use and licensing.
  12. "In academia, the politics are so vicious because the stakes are so low". We had fun putting the prototype of our new Miskatonic University board game through its paces at the Chaosium booth at UK Games Expo last weekend. Highly positive reactions all round ("very Call of Cthulhu" was the unanimous consensus), and some useful feedback—our board games editor Susan is now working through some tweaks with Call of Cthulhu line editor Mike, and the designer himself Reiner Knizia. We'll be Kickstarting this game later in the year
  13. MOB

    Glorantha Quickstart

    Please note what was said in the original post - this is an excerpt of a work-in-progress. When finished, the whole pic will be three times larger than the screen grab here. BTW I see two women in the excerpt, and the one at Orlanth's side is wearing the same armour as the warrior on the cover of the RuneQuest Quickstart, because she is the same person. And that armour is a direct homage to Luise Perrine's wonderful cover art for the original Chaosium editions of the game.
  14. The Glorantha Quickstart will be 48 pages, like the RQ Quickstart. Also like the RQ Quickstart it will be available free in PDF and at a very reasonable cost for print. We haven't got a firm release date yet, but it will be out before the core rules are.
  15. It's a scene from the Humakt the Champion HeroQuest.
  16. We are now doing a Glorantha Quickstart too! Our RQ Quickstart warrior graduates from fighting rock lizards to standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Orlanth himself on the cover!
  17. Something we announced at our RuneQuest panel at UK Games Expo on the weekend: we're bringing out a GLORANTHA QUICKSTART to go along with the RuneQuest Quickstart. It will be a user-friendly introduction to Greg Stafford's epic campaign world, ideal for newcomers to the wonders of Glorantha. This is an excerpt of the cover (still a work-in-progress). It's by the amazingly talented Andre Fetisov, who also did the RQ Quickstart cover. It depicts the storm god Orlanth and his thanes, an assemblage of heroes and heroquesters (our warrior on the right has graduated from killing rock lizards...)
  18. We have heard from the customs agent that the Two-Headed Serpent and Grand Grimoire will be delivered to our UK fulfilment warehouse mid-next week. So unfortunately we won't have copies for sale at UKGE. We do have two review copies at the booth to have a look at though.
  19. I nominate this as the single-greatest exchange ever on BRP Central.
  20. We've got our prototype finished of Reiner Knizia's new board game, just in time for UK Games Expo. We'll be doing some demos at the booth!
  21. Given the city is said to be the ruined capital of the great Monkey Empire, I asked Andre to get a bit of an Ozymandius element into the pic. This pic was commissioned for the 13th Age in Glorantha core rule book.
  22. Andrey's Monkey Ruins pic is shaping up beautifully! A few tweaks to be made to the foreground, but here's the top 1/4 of the piece:
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