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Everything posted by Joerg

  1. Joerg


    For a mercenary, this either means his not purely human matters were very lucrative, or that his business model either sucked or had been way too successful in the past. Judging from Ethilrist's texts, probably the latter. Still, demon horses need to feed.
  2. Another similarity COVID bears to the Great Winter is the loss of opportunities for an entire batch of young people who lost their initiatory schedule, as in learning to be "normal humans" through interaction with the other initiees. Lokamayadon's actions during the breach of Compromise that was the Battle of Night and Day did a similar thing to the Heortlings in his time.
  3. IMG Hyalor was a man from Genert's Palace, a descendant of Yamsur who had neglected the welfare of his steed for too long to recover Hippogriff intact. When the Starlight Ancestors migrated eastward along the edge of the Glacier, Hyalor entered from the Redlands from the opposite direction. There is a slight possiblility that the Clawfoot tribe of Eirithans was actually a tribe of equine riders that committed a breach of a taboo (before Waha made breaking such a taboo obligatory).
  4. I'm afraid that this is closer to canon than a dumb theory has any rights to be. Jrustela is a remnant of greater Brithela, aka Danmalastan, the ancestral land(s) of the Vadeli. The island on the edge of the Neliomi Sea is only a portion of that mainland, although it still contains a number of significant features like Kala's Hills (the birthland of Dronar and/or Dromal, children of Kala and (an incarnation of) Malkion). More to the point, the Curustus Range is what remains of Magnetic Mountain, plus the western mass of the Spike foothills that escaped the implosion of the Spike through attraction to Magnetic Mountain. (Possibly including bits of the actual Spike, aka Truestone.) As far as I can discern, the island of Brithos somehow ended up on the Genertelan/Neliiomi side of the Breaking of the World, with the main rift aimed at the core lands of Endernef (and occupied/corrupted Zerendel, the Kadeniti homelands). Parts of Old Seshnela were considered Brithelan turf, too, like Neleoswal. The definition of Brithela varies a lot, and might be limited to the island of Brithos in Enrovali territory at other mentions.
  5. Sadly that's not the case either - the Clanking City head sorcerer Triumvirate is an amalgam of three sorcerers, and has six arms.
  6. Or it is the "Here I am" (as in Mother of Space)?
  7. Mythical bollocks doesn't mean this cannot happen, does it?
  8. Just because werewolves are tied to the 28 or so day cycle in our world doesn't have to mean that a Lunar connection was anywhere in the original gift by Nysalor or curse of Talor. While Talor may have had some beef with Croesia, the Blue Moon goddess of the city named after her, there is no link to the wolf people in its description at all. If the rise of the Red Moon yanked the Wildday date from the transformation, that would have been a momentous and memorable event in Telmori history, with huge mythical repercussions, and probably quite a bit of questing. Occam's Full Moon Razor should provide some stuff for adventuring. edit: and this was not meant as criticism of any kind, but as a suggestion to investigate the consequences of either possibility. Ideally in whacky gaming.
  9. transitory portions of the normal world that allow transition might be an alternative to portals, a gradual switch into the unreal/magical/holy.
  10. Unless you go with minimal benefits, usually you would want one Ernaldan per pregnancy, as the spell (and its rune points) won't be available again until delivery of the child(ren).
  11. Possibly the sweet variety rather than the highland variety. (The only potential highland in all of Glorantha - other than Inner Dorastor, the part hidden from the AAA map - would be the result of the Somelz project. And forests tend to be shadowy rather than sun-filled.)
  12. Pavis Box and GTA are the only meaningful sources, with W&E providing a more general overview. Old Pavisite definitions of food will be different from those of most New Pavisites, dating back to the troll occupation. Their ideas of vertical agriculture might still be in place, with possibly quite (un)savory preservation methods thad make garum a flavorless experience. Lunar experimental cuisine might have loved those ingredients. Oasis Folk produce (similar to elsewhere in Praxian oases) may have been on the upturn since the Dragonewts Dream event, unless the trolls copied the ways of the beast riders and had whichever Oasisi Folk producers in the Rubble continue to procure food for their overlords. Troll insects may figure in this kind of cuisine, whether as soft larva meat or out of the carapace, like six-legged "lobster". Agricultural produce like in Sartar will result from most of Pavis County, probably with less reliance on herds as keeping those in nomad territory can be tricky. There is a possibility for a greater proportion of legumes out there in the county. There is a possibility that our favorite villain Halcyon var Enkorth enforced maize crops during his tenure, with a steady flow of rebels to provide ample blood sacrifices. If so, that practice may have been continued by the farmers at least until the captured officials previously overseeing that would have been used up. (There might also have been a joint venture with some faction of the Rubble trolls, sending the worst of their food trollkin to bleed out for the crops before getting them returned butchered, along with some maize produce. This might be ongoing.) Praxian herd beast meat and possibly dairy covers a significant portion of the Pavis diet. River (and bog) produce will be important, too. Besides actual fish and other creepy-crawlies from the mud (amphibians, snails, crawfish, worms, insect larvae), there a vast array of water plants that are edible and quite likely part of the River Folk regular diet. Reed rhizomes would be a starch component. Mild or well-diluted venoms might take the role of hot spices. The Garden appears to be quite isolationist, but might provide certain types of bark or rhizomes for spices. Cumarine-rich cinnamon-like bark, for instance. Strange pseudocereals are a possibility, too.
  13. Most of the dinosaur handlers have been summoned to Jrustela these days. And Bamm-Bamm might be a herdman.
  14. I don't think this is true. The great mystics use mysticism. But hybrid traditions surely exist. There is a text about orthodox mysticism which has the aspiring mystic encounter and overcome (the limitations of) the other forms of standard magic before entering the soul-searing outer realms on their way to the Absolute. As such, I think Peter's statement is true for at least that stage of mystical development, and there is a good chance that aspiring sages get stuck on this stage, or possibly fail to progress beyond that entirely. Such intermediate stage folk could thus provide the charms that could be triggered by less insightful users.
  15. Sure, but prone to be blown away when the winds take up again. Which doesn't happen in the Windstop. Good point, but Iphara doesn't have Mobility, she is a still air phenomenon just like her half-sister Molanni, who was "active" in the Lokamayadon era windstop, too. Also, Iphara is half Sea tribe.
  16. While that is true, I am still waiting for some of the semi-sorcerous cult descriptions to make sense of how RQG intends to cover spells like Open Seas for non-sorcerers, or how the special magics of Pavis and Flintnail are supposed to work under that regime. Outside of RQG, there might be more room for "misapplied sorcery". Unless one makes use of the Open Seas precedent. RQG has the Meditation skill, which would be useful for oriental martial arts (other than the RQ3 "do double damage with natural weapons" interpretation). Effectively gifts and taboos, or gifts and geases. Charm-makers and charm-users is basically where I see eastern Gloranthan sorcery. Vormain has gained a little depth in Revealed Mythologies and the Guide compared to that dry statement, but there are certain parallels which still apply. Ninja's kami have become the Guide's joserui. Overall, I see Vormain not as a parallel to Japan, but as the highland refuge of Imperial Vithela after Govmeranen got drowned, a continuation of that solar empire. Whether it has a warrior caste with similar concepts of honor as the Tokugawa shogunate or earlier Samurai may remain open to debate. Ninja acknowledges its "this is how you take concepts from various eras in Japan's history for your alternate Japan roleplaying" approach, outlining some of the preceding conditions. Without much serious study of Japanese history in detail, I would let the excellent Land of Ninja box (or book, in the Games Workshop edition) linger as an option to pull some local color while trying to offer some keet and antigod weirdness as the main theme. If you say viridian, that's just fancy speak for green, similar to use of the greek terms for the elements (stygian, aeolian, chthonic...) is just fancy language, too. As far as I am concerned, Vormaino "color magic" is just a form of synesthesia when experiencing the magic, The colors lean on adjacent runes, so in the end we have a runic classification of Vormain magic hiding behind a rainbow. The question remains whether the Vormain archetypes who rule over the colors offer rune magic as per RQG cults or whether they offer some knowledge-based system of charms powered by something different than rune point pools. (Although the concepts of charms as animism, "something you have", is valid, too. Something between Battle Magic and Sorcery requiring pieces of hieroglyph calligraphy to activate. Putting variants of the Gloranthan runes and possibly sorcerous techniques together like Kanji might look cool. Ninja's ki skills: So some sallvaging Land of Ninja would be tolerable? The West being the lands of the Spike, possibly around it into Viymorni lands where people friendly to the Mostali lived. Alchemy as sorcery: is this one of the Three Worlds concepts to be ditched, or could there be some use for this in RQG? In HQG/QWG there is no reason not to have it. Other than the Path of Immanent Mastery (which seems to have served as an ersatz-Inhuman King while Godunya gathered his magic elsewhere) we have no clue about what magics the FDR used. "Imitations of native rites" is a heroquesting technique rather than sorcery. Valkaro and his converts practice a - possibly cleansed, de-God Leanered - form of western sorcery and society, i.e. something based on Hrestolism. Whether they denounce the Seshnegi (or Fronelan) brand of Hrestolism or not isn't specified. For all its apparent benevolence, this Valkarist experiment could be a long-term Vadeli project. We just don't know. IMO Martalak and his Sheradpara brothers and Vith's court are more relevant to Vormain than to the rest of the East Isles. Vormain retains a pan-insular imperial superstructure the other (powerful) island confederations lack. Or the Mostali at Magnetic Mountain, and what they may have received from Zzabur via the Viymorni. Or possibly the Waertagi in the Neliomi Sea. Martalak is one of the anti-gods, too, like Babadi (Octamonist Mostali). Eastern use of antigods is more pragmatic than say Praxian use of broos. Several are admirable to the Easterners if they acknowledge Vithelan civilized mores - Herespur, Kahar, Harantara, and others.
  17. For my little sandbox in the tidal zone I have schools of Ludoch managing human fisherfolk and schools keeping certain parts of the bay free from their fishing. The latter aren't really hostile unless someone comes poaching in their reserves. The latter wouldn't be of much help, and only the local fisherfolk can reliably make the distinction based on pod markings etc.
  18. The Mirrorsea doesn't normally freeze over, and did not in the Godtime (by virtue of having been dried up before the Great Winter arrived). The Rozgali current would not have been hampered by the Windstop, bringing decently warm water into the coastal areas. While not exactly a hot pool like on Iceland or in Japan, the water would emit mists or fog, which (without any wind) would have remained more or less stationary. The tidal areas might have been an exception, as those would cool down significantly at low tide and then reheated to above-zero (Celsius) as the warm(ish) tides ran in. The fisherfolk might remember this time as the reign of Iphara, possibly with some demonic infestation of the unmoving fog.
  19. This is all some corrolary my greater strange theory (on Mostal, the World Machine) that I inflicted on Ludo in our latest podcast episode (which should cover at least part of my recent whereabouts). So, the weird theory is that the World Machine really is a self-replicating engine seeding the Void with a universe, then growing up a set of daughter universes to see the Void elsewhere. Eight ancient castes for the primal matter (Rock), the first four undifferentiated elements (Darkness, Water, Earth, Sky with their respective metals lead, quicksilver, copper and tin) and the three differentiated forms from Sky (brass aka alloyed copper and tin, silver, gold). Somehow, the brass step was polluted with Disorder, allowing the Grower to override the replication protocol, diverting Creation from the Chaosium into the pregnancy of Earth, stunting the growth of the Cosmic Eggs (IMO eight distributed evenly around the Spike), and ending it entirely when the eruption of Storm sent the World Machine and its protocols akilter. Minor other problems cascaded out of control, too, resulting in the Greater Darkness and the Restart In Time. There are no records for the other seven pseudocosmic eggs, but the one found by the Feldichi got experimented with by the Second Council, and its programming overlapped with the re-written routines of the still functional parts of the World Machine and caused a short re-lapse into the Golden Age cyclical stasis until the new programming took over again. With the Young Elementals escaped from the egg, further replication of this World Machine seems unlikely.
  20. No. The cyclone is a rotating system, and over a set of full rotations the spiral will have touched everywhere on a radius from the eye with the same coverage if you accumulate the presence. Orlanth's Ring (a spiral on a spiralling path) might not quite be as balanced. The antics of the World Storm when the Doldrums suddenly restart in the center after having wandered off far into the West may have been caused by the Sunstop - the missing distance might be used to calculate how much the years were shortened by that transgression.
  21. I don't expect the Malkioni methods of spellcraft to be used in Eastern sorcery one-on-one. RQ3 Elder Secrets suggested using (the campaign and the extra rules of) RQ3 Land of Ninja for Vormain. While RQ3 sorcery has since been abandoned as a model for Glorantha (and despite attempts made with Arlaten and the Coders in Strangers of Prax, or perhaps because of Arlaten, with good cause), the Mandala-based sorcery for Land of Ninja might be salvaged a bit. (Not so sure about the Ki Skills as mystical abilities, but why not?)
  22. Not sure about the lines (those may have died out in the later stages of the Gbaji Wawrs) but IMG certainly the "textbooks".
  23. The name might date back before the Closing, when Teleos was a notorious pirate stronghold. Possibly a penal colony by the Middle Sea Empire? That would invite artifact hunts.
  24. As in Kralorela, knowledge-based magic should be prevalent in the East. When he still adamantly held on to the Three Different Worlds model, Greg pronounced that Martial Arts abilities might be modeled as sorcery. Manga-Daoist-like wards might be an option.
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