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Everything posted by Joerg

  1. Any such underground structure need to take into account the thrid dimension. Dwarf tunnels may include endless stairwells or ladders. As you pointed out, the Underground holds hostile volume occupied by Krarsht aad her get, and by the trolls, and there are realms of enclosed liquid fire or enclosed water to avoid, too. While you're underground, you might as well take a loan from Jules Verne or Hollow World theories and insert lost world bubbles, either refuges from the Gods War, or bits of the Surface World that "fell down" during the Gods War and now are encysted below. There is also a possibility that lomg-distance Mostali tunnels may disobey topography and distances. The tunnel to the lost workroom beneath Curustus was of this nature, and evidently ignored the consequences of the Breakinf of the World. Looking at the routes suggested above, I don't see why the God Learner fortress Ironfort in the Rightarm Isles should be connected to any dwarfen network, unless there was a dwarf assault at some time. And given the troll assault on the God Learner city of Lylket from tunnels below the city, how ignorant could the God Learners have been? It isn't even funny after the first time, which makes "Trickster made them do it" a weak excuse. Build a temple on a sleeping dragon once is inexperience. Not checking for sleeping dragons under similar structures afterwards is criminal negligence.
  2. Outside of using spirit magic, wearing an Absorption or Reflection rune spell, or (just maybe) Castback or Drain Soul, a sorcerer never has to overcome a target's POW with his own POW. It is always the MP in the spell attacking the target that need to overcome the target POW (or MP), minus those for Range, Duration and (rarely) boosting past magical defence. That renders the reference rather useless, too.
  3. The way I understand this active/passive nature of the spell is that it is active while you drain a volume of air of its magic, but the magic acquired that way will remain without the magician needing to concentrate on the spell for the rest of the duration. I would rule that once concentration is lost (or given up), the draining ends. The magic points remain available without having to use any storage while the spell lasts. No idea what happens to the magic points if the spell gets (temporarily) neutralized, other than that the Tapper cannot access the MP. Do the MP disperse? While the spell description doesn't say so, I am inclined to limit the maximum amount of MP that can be held by the caster in excess of his personal MP max from this spell to the magnitude of the spell. And while we don't have any rules for that yet, I would treat "Worship Invisible God" similarly, with the officiating wizard using the spell that directs the sacrificed MP in the rite to the Invisible God, perhaps via the next instance of his school, is allowed to syphon off ("tap") that energy to the magnitude and duration of the spell the wizard applies. There might be wyters involved in collecting and forwarding those MP, too.
  4. If there is one place for penguins in Glorantha, it is the sewers of Glamour. Somewhere near the hunting grounds of the Bat Man.
  5. So? The blade already tells me he is quite likely from the Lunar Empire, which isn't as big on tattoos as the Orlanthi. Ernalda's "Bless Champion" is not limited to Orlanth, or to other husband or Earth protectors, and Earth Shield is a typical blessing. This guy might be a Steel Sword Legion fighter seeking to make a name for himself, with a cast of supporters not with him for this duel. Possibly a Yanafali, giving access to a number of sword magics that may overcome the Jolanti defenses.
  6. Thankfully he is no longer depicted in orange...
  7. The difference is as hard to tell with the Sea People as it was with the Saxons or their cousins few centuries apart, the Vikings. Or (if you are honest) with the Etruskans, Greeks and Phoenicians colonizing the western Mediterranean. The one major difference that makes historians take their accounts for truth is that these peoples were literate.
  8. Ramses delivered us their names as understood and writable by the Egyptians, which is probably about as authentic as Munich (München), Cologne (Köln, or in local dialect Kölle), Copenhagen (København, or earlier even Kjøbenhavn), Bombay (Mumbai), or Peking (Beijing). The depictions of his foes shows different tribal costumes, so why would anybody assume that they were homogenous? Any mass of "barbarian" immigrants cannot help but be a conglomerate of plenty different tribes. Probably goes for the Medes and Persians interacting with the Mesopotamian city states just as much as for the Mongols, and any mass of city states can be as tribal in nature. The Greek city-states were united only in "cultural superiority" versus their Macedonian and later Roman conquerors. For our purposes, we will probably accept that a vow of the suitors for the daughter of Zeus led to 10,000 ships launched for a single face, but how unified would the Mycenaean warlords in their quite separate citadels ever have been? All had similar claims to divine ancestry and the divinity of their office. Compare that to the lords of the Heuneburg and similar Fürstensitze, and the Celtic horde that overran the Etruskans after two or more generations of migration, under a single (possibly wartime only) king Brennus against the Romans.
  9. Rather low, I suppose. He would have undergone the Ernaldan Bless Champion rite so many times that his "Love <Earth Priestess>", even distributed among plenty different individuals, probably is through the roof.
  10. For my taste, the reliance on the Mycenean and Kretan (Minoan) edifices in the uplands of Dragon Pass is problematic, and the "reconstruction" of the roofs is just plain fantasy as none of those roof terrace structures survived in the archaeological record. This isn't just upland Cyprus, and while the Bronze Age lasted there, the temperatures were higher on average, if not peaking as extremely as they do now under anthropogenic global warming. IMO calling Greek history after the Dark Age or the "publication" of Homer Bronze Age is a mis-application of the term. By the time international trade took up again, iron was available as the metal for tools and weapons throughout the region. Further north, in the Carpathian basin and beyond, the "global" shortage of tin trade did not apply as the local providers never really broke down or were replaced, which is why e.g. Central Europe retained a Bronze Age material culture into the beginning of the Hallstatt culture and the Nordic Bronze Age lasted all the way to 500 BCE before iron technology entered as a wide-spread source of tools and weaponry, with most of the advances the 1000 years of development on Cyprus and elsewhere in the Fertile Crescent had achieved. One culture in particular, the Etruskans, brought their iron technology from the northern Aegaean islands such as Lesbos to northwestern Italy, their departure obscured in the shrouds of the Dark Age following the Sea People migrations. Alexander is post-Iron Age, really, if you apply Iron Age to the Chiefdoms of barbarians and a multitude of city states. Alexander marks the turning points between the Greek City States and bigger empires created by upstart newcomers. The Roman period in Scandinavia is known as Roman Iron Age, for instance, rather than the classical period, which in Greece started about 500 years after the Sea Peoples arrival. The Sea Peoples are comparable to the Vikings and Saracen pirates plaguing the Germanic successor states in western Roman territory. Comparing sea-based migrations with those on horse-back or otherwise overland always creates problems, as does transfer of coastal trading into inlands without convenient rivers. While the Venetian sea-based trade network was an extension of the Silk Road, the rules of that trade were different from those in central Asia, and the bulk trade carried by Hanseatic era traders on waterways (including the main rivers into central Europe) was rarely realized in overland transport, not even on Roman highways.
  11. While the army probably tells people not to be a hero, our genre is all about idiots challenging overpowering odds against them. The fact that our game systems have experience systems shows some similar optimism on the side of the designers. (Even Call of Cthulhu retains the RQ experience system.) But we are digressing from the nice image. Nobody yet asked "where in Glorantha", but my guess would be in the forested south of Aggar, where the aldryami-gifted Jolanti from Gonn Orta's raid on Nida roam. No other dwarfen construct would allow itself to be overgrown like that,
  12. The amount of damage such an opponent can deal will take out a limb often even at minimal damage, which makes an unencumbered dodging approach sensible, The shield would make sense with Earthshield, again obviating any use of armor. There is a risk that the opponent has magic or lesser minions, but a few points of shield will work nicely.
  13. Since the victim was the god of communication and trade, I wonder whether Syndics Ban really is a ban of the syndicated trade, communication, and diplomacy, rather than telling who caused it. Thus, the banned syndics could have been the practitioners of the cult of the God of the Silver Feet. As a side effect, this might have neutered the talar caste ancestral abilities in Malkioni Fronela, possibly making a meritocratic advancement scheme necessary.
  14. Typically, another entity will cast Earthpower on you? Storm Bull received the magic from Eiritha, as he was incapacitated. Unless he simultaneously activated the mystical second breath all storm deities have. Participating in worship on a single MP will be rather difficult (but possible, e.g. if you trade for Absorption and your friends cast a few Disrupts at you in preparation for your MP sacrifice), but with the Sacred Time POW gain you might be a little better.
  15. Am illlusionary substance missile would still need to be fired separately, but it would be able to impale, and if retrieved, it coulld be fired again (e.g. back) while the duration lasts. The duration of the spirit spell is the amount of time that can go by between putting that spell onto a missile and its actual release as part of the missile swarm. Once released, the extra missiles are in effect only for the time of flight, i.e. the same melee round. The extras in a multimissile spells don't cause magical damage, and aren't affected by Countermagic unless somebody cast the Countermagic onto the missile itself.
  16. That is a theory I haven't seen described like this before. All dragonewts (including the Inhuman King) are neotenic dragons, not fully formed dragons retaining embryonic features. This doesn't need to mean that they lack organs for sexual reproduction. Dragons being mystical beings, these needn't be gross physical appendages or cavities worn on the body dreamt up by or projected the dragon egg containing the next life-cycle of the individual 'newt. There is a possibility that the dragonewts participating in reproduction do so by performing utuma, returning to their eggs, or maybe rather than returning to (or from) their eggs joining up to reform the body of their immature but sexually active draconic ancestress. Maybe an Inhuman King ascending leaves behind bunches of new dragonewt eggs? While there is such a gimmick as a dragonewt armor (first presented in Griffin Mountain), the utuma ritual doesn't have the prevention of skin appropriation as a consideration. Utuma is a dragon rite inherited by the 'newts. Utuma may be self-inflicted, or it may be assisted, by witting or unwitting accomplices. And an utuma might be imperfect. An utuma doesn't quite seem to clear the slate, or to remove all attachments. I suspect that the dragontooth warriors might be a reversal of a EWF community achieving an identity as a draconic entity - maybe not (yet) a true dragon, but a draconic entity sufficiently advanced to escape the collective utuma of 1042 of the "lesser" dragonfriends ("lesser" including all the Great Dragon enabled leaders sitting on the Third Council). (Who knows whether all of those dragonfriends ended up dead, or whether they were among the supporting cast of wyrms and/or wyverns flying with the dragons in the Dragonkill?)
  17. My inner Eurmali lawspeaker just bursts to ask: "Does this prove that people of Vingan gender need to profess female gender when applying for Vingan cult membership?"
  18. Not all rivers or creeks need to be old enough to have crept uphill in Godtime. The Footprint myth is rather old, possibly from before the arrival of Sshorga the Blue Dragon and her children. This watercourse might be a former glacier gliding down from those peaks, it could be a minor river previously arriving from the Praxian side, possibly blocked by some Gods War activity among those peaks, or it could have fomed after Engizi leapt down from the sky.
  19. Joerg

    Godtime Prax

    Godtime Prax was different from modern Prax, even different from the Sacred Place around the Paps, the most lush place in all of Prax (except for Orani's Mistake=. There was no need for oases in Golden Age Prax, but there were sacred pools or headwaters of the Praxian waters there, with Tada-shi-built temple cities and gardening happening around these, benefitting from the additional fertility caused by the waters. The lands in between had a sparse distribution of Redwood copses and possibly lone Redwoods sheltering a wide variety of edible plants below their canopy,growing densely but not so dense to make the plains impassable from all the vegetation. When the son of Storm Bull brought their two-and four-legged offspring into the region, food was there for the picking, with migration possible fueled by the desire to taste a different area's different offerings rather than fear of overgrazing. Other children of Eiritha roamed the garden without two-legged partners, such as the zebras. After the Death of the Evil Emperor, the idyllic life continued, but where previously the victims of carnivores returned "the next morning" when the proper dances were sung or mooed, now the spirits of the slain could only return through re-birth as iinfants. New carnivores arrived, like the Basmoli lions, but at least this new threat was ably dealt with by Tada who afterwards wore the skin of the lion god as an accoutrement. At some point, Nontraya and his horde of the Dead entered the land, but Tada buried Eiritha under her hills, and the thwarted Underworld horde went elsewhere on their search for the Earth Mother. The Flood claimed all the lands south of the great escarpment, and then a huge wave covered much of western Prax, IMO rising on top of the escarpment roughly at where the Waertagi would later establish their dry-docks that we know yet later as Sog's Ruins. The southern part of Tada's Kingdom was lost, and the area between the western edge of the Sacred Ground and the western edge of the Dead Place would have been covered by the bulge of the Arkoa Sea, which also covered central Dagori Inkarth (not yet a troll land), the Rockwood Mountains east of Greatway, parts of Balazar south of the Elf Sea and the entire area of the Arcos Valley. both the central and norther thirds of Genert's Garden remained without water cover, but the southern third where Sshorga had entered eons ago were flooded, too. While the floods were still invading, the western branch was led by Solkathi, an ongoing tsunami reachig all the way to the arey claimed by the Neliiomi sea (from that earlier expansion contemporary to Sshorga's arrival), but was boiled away as Zzabur re-awakened the quenched fires of Ladaral or Lodrilela, north of Jrustela, and poiled away the forward momentum of this eastern sea. Meanwhile, Orlanth and his many sons had prevented the waters from covering Kethaela, Kerofinela and Saird, parting their approach into the eastern branch (the Aroka Sea) and a westen branch (unimportat for the history of Prax). What was important is that the thwarted seas gathered all their remaining momentum (minus that lost by Solkathi) to give birth to Worcha, the Raging sea, whose three massive assaults caused the escarpment that runs along the southern coast of eastern Genertela between Heortland and the Fever Trees. Modern Heortland (just beyond the Storm Mountains) is where the Storm Gods of Kerofinela and surroundings fought off and slew Worcha. The standing waves arching over the Rockwood Mountains persisted a little longer, but were wittled away by the Storm gods. In the North, Valind froze their substance in his ever expanding glacier, in the south, Orlanth and his kin blew the water cover over many a drowned land dry. Thryk may have started out as an eastern Rockwoods hero overcoming the Aroka Sea by freezing its substance together with Inora. The waters covering the southern parts of Genert's Garden and Tada's kingdom receded, but the land had been robbed of much of its fertility, and the beaten seas left salt on their retreats. It isn't quite clear whether and how much Zola Fel and Seolinthur contributed to the Flood, or whether they remained true to their vows to Genert and Tada and remained in their valleys if not in their beds. In Western Prax, I assume that the remnants of the Oslira sea found refuge in the wester Oases (Cam's Well, Day's Rest, and most prominently Moonbroth) and hid inside the body of Eiritha. North of the Rockwood Mountains, the Elf sea was formed out of the remains of the Aroka Sea. The Oslir Sea retreated northward, but was eaten up by the Glacier much like the White Sea. IMG Valind's Glacier never reached much further south than Vanch and Sylila, but his son Thryk gathered the children of Inora and led lesser glaciers supported by ice storm giants and Hollri into the foothills of the Rockwoods, the Indigo Mountains, the Quivin Mountains, and the Storm Mountains, beaten back by their kin among the Storm Brothers and the sons of Storm Bull. (Another yet mostly untold epic of the Gods War.) But much of that happened on the eve of the invasion of the Unholy Trio, which shattered Valind's Glacier and stole much of the momentum of Thryk's followers after their leader had succumbed to Orlanth. Following the Flood, the Vingkotling tribes were founded, including many of the northern (Sairdite) and central (Kethaelan) Durevings. The Tada-shi who had survived the Flood reclaimed the lands above the Escarpment, and so did the Animal Nomad tribes, establishing many of their "ancestral grazings" in the area retrieved from the Aroka Sea, becomeing "Praxians" only now after having roamed all of Genert's Garden before. (Quite .possibly other animal nomad tribes remained east of the Zola Fel, but even their memory has been forgotten, although there may be a few inexplicable artistic representation in the deeper caves of the Paps. Thus it is possible that there was a Godtime Zebra tribe of animal nomads, but if that was the case, there wasn't enough memory of them to figure greatly in Joraz Kyrem's Zebra Founder quest.) Fertility in Prax and the Garden deteriorated throughout the Storm Age. The weakening of the sun by Orlanth slaying the Emperor was the first factor. The Redwoods persisted, and some of the fauna below did, too, but the Tada-shi had to work harder on their gardening, and the two- and four-legged herds of the animal nomads now had to migrate to gather or browse/graze their food comfortably. Being nomads, that did not mean any hardship to them. As Thryk and his followers brought forth their lesser glaciers, temperatures dropped further, and fewer plants coped with that. Also around this time, the migration of Gash and Gore ended in Dagori Inkarth. If Tada previously had any claims over that highland region, it was now wrestled from him. The Tada-shi and the animal nomads coped with the changes, as did the Aldryami in Genert's Garden, some taking the route of the Vronkali (green elves) fighting the changes using Death, the others retreating into the long sleep, becoming the more pacifist Mreli (brown elves). who took on the experience of the Underworld. And not just the man rune plants, but their trees as well. The Redwood Forest of Dagori Inkarth and Prax chose the Mreli way, fighting the changes of the Surface World rather than retreating below, following Lightfore. They received the Torch from Lightfore for their assistance against Gash and Gore, keeping the trolls in check. The Unity Battle prevented Wakbot's Chaos Horde to invade Prax from the west on their first approach south, after the Battle of Stormfall, with the Dagori Inkarth trolls conrtibuting greatly, and possibly Tada and the Praxian animal nomads contributing a little, too. But that success led to the disaster of the Battle of Earthfall, which resulted in the death of Genert and most of his allies, except for the mortals he sent away covered by the Copper Sands. One such group may have been the Men-and-a-Half. These refugees - mostly non-combatants - swelled the ranks of the Tada-shi when sustenance became harder, despite the efforts of Eiritha buried beneath her hills, Tada roaming the lands, and the spirits of the Paps doing likewise. And while the core of the Glacier had been shattered, the cold did not go away. The freezing Tada-shi summoned Oakfed for warmth, and the Wildfire provided, as long as he found fuel. The greatest part of the Redwood Forest got burnt up by this, only north of the Torch did the aldryami finally manage to bind Oakfed, possibly into the fire of the Torch. Only the hardiest of the plants made it through the ashes with the aid of Tada and Eiritha. Then Chaos invaded again, and Tada was slain by Ragnaglar, and even though Storm Bull avenged him, Tada's fertility was lost, too, and only a little bit provided by Eiritha remained for both Tada-shi and the animal nomads. The animal nomads (and possibly the Oasis Folk Tada-shi too) had to kill others for their food. The less gruesome consequence of this was the adoption of Foundchild the Hunter by the nomads, the less palatable consequence was the inception of the Cannibal Cult. (At least IMG for this sequence of events, there may other stories with different timelines.) The Tada-shi erected a huge tumulus as the cairn of their slain hero and ancestor, and IMG then joined him in indeterminate slumber in the Sleeping City at the foot of that monument, except for those few required to keep the Altars of Prax (now the oases) active despite all the devastation. The arrival of Wakboth and his fight with the Storm Bull followed then, creating the Eternal Battle (moving around Prax and the Wastes), the Block and its depression later known as the Devils's Marsh (not yet a wetland), and the Dead Place. Next Waha was born (not at, but near the Paps) and rescued the Protectresses, dug the Good Canal, and held the lottery or contest for Waha's Covenant of the Eaters of the Eaten. And a couple of generations later, the Dawn came, and yet another generation later the Lightbringer missionaries shared their ways of worship and magic with the animal nomads and presumably the Oasis Folk and the Priestesshood at the Paps. The first centuries saw the extinction of three of the smallest animal nomad tribes - plains elk, long-noses, nose-horns. It also saw Sable Rider and Bison Rider mercenaries go native in the Oslir Valley (modern Sylila and Kostaddi), fighting further away in the Janube Valley, and bringing back plunder and riches from the west, without any need or urge to brave the desolated wastes of the former Garden of Genert. After the Gbaji Wars had been decided, the inhabitants of Dragon Pass took exception at the Praxians still carrying home plunder from the west and north (both of which were now controlled by the Theyalans), and as a measure against such raids they established the Pure Horse Folk, refugees from tribal conflicts in the Redlands, on their border, pushing the Praxian beast riders out of most of their ancestral grazings and into the unexplored Wastes. This resulted in the discovery of the Waha Trails, and the peoples of Boshan in Kralorela and Thoskal and Matkondo in Teshnos to learn to fear and loathe the beast riders. The history of Robcradle, the construction, partial destruction, reconstruction, greater partial destruction and finally troll conquest of Old Pavis is well known, along the Battle of Alavan Argay in 1250 which created the situation in Prax faced by Derik Pol Joni about 200 years later, resulting in yet another horse-riding invader tribe occupying the western part of Prax. Dorasar founding New Pavis and the Lunars conquering that finally led to the Prax we all know from the RQ2 era campaign books and the RQ3 Renaissance books building on those. But the Prax shaped by Jaldon is very different from Godtime Prax, and somewhat different from Waha's Prax until the arrival of the Pure Horse Folk.
  20. There is a limit to how much contradiction can be permanent, and where transient reality aka Lie and Illusion take over. Ptolemaeus, Kopernikus, Kepler and Galilei found their observations to lead to one conclusion. The observable sky mechanics of Glorantha do lead to one conclusion, too, and that isn't heliocentric. It was you who wanted disciples of the Truth by absence of falsification aka science in Glorantha, and then to prove a heliocentric world model, then that model only works through lies and illusion if you want to avoid to be caught by falsification. (And there was a period when Illusions were real. In Vithela, the reign of Avanapdur had many transient things, a few of these beneficial, but most of them nightmarish - it was the Greater Darkness, after all. But the lands under this influence - including the least accessible part of the Errinoru jungle - failed to notice an absence of the Sun. Was that Eastern sun real, or was it just another illusion? Was it a magically empowered shard of Lightfore?) It is a bit like the proof of the "rounded down whole nnumebr Pi" machine by Bloody Stupid Johnson in Pratchett's Going Postal - if you warp the world, or even just the perception of the world, it is bound to be ripped apart in interesting and very fatal ways. Rather similar to this (exceptionally safe for work) Oglaf comic strip: https://www.oglaf.com/collider/ It is not like the Gloranthan's cannot imagine life on a sphere - for most of the Third Age, they can look up to the Red Moon to witness it. (It is less clear whether the original Blue Moon of Annilla and/or Veldara was a sphere or some other shape - possibly a disk or a crescent shaped, wide-bellied boat? And if it was a boat, did it float on the visible Lorion River in the Sky, with the deck facing towards the Surface World, or did it soar through the Upper Air by its own levitating powers?) The numerous deities claiming the stellar bodies of the sun(s), moons and planets are a case where such contradictory "it's all mine" statements don't worry me.
  21. IMG the rivers of Kethaela underwent quite a few hardships. The first drastic change happened when Orlanth broke the back of the Sshorga River as he slew SH'Harkarzeel, whose spine fell across Dragon Pass and blocked Sshorga's bed. By that time progress of the Monomyth, the blue serpent river had already joined the White Sea at the Thunder Delta, from which the Arcos River had advanced into the Redlands and the Elder Wilds, and possibly a precursor of the Listor river advancing towards Peloria. As the story of the rivers will show, there are ways for later, more dominant rivers to overpower previous weaker rivers and take over their beds. The Book of Heortling Mythology offers a map of the Sshorga period, p.62.. This is the Golden Age, with the lands between the Spike and Kerofin completely shown, the Rockwood Mointains certainly seeded but possibly not yet risen to their future height. (Kerofin was there, so Larnste must have finished his seeding.) The Umath Mountains in the East are the Shanshan range extending south all the way to Teleos, separating the eastern realm of Vith from the rest of the world. The map extends even south of the Spike, and that Sshorg Sea contains Thinobutu... Orlanth's slaying of Sh'harkarzeel mentions the dragon's blood: This means that while the back of the Oslir was broken, some liquid ran off downhill, some of it in the Oslir bed north, the rest against the Sshorg River flow south, past its children still continuing uphill. That revenge would come with the Great Flood. If you look at the maps of the Flood in the Guide and the Book of Heortling Mythology, you will notice that Kethaela, Kerofinela and Saird remained dry during the Flood, when the Seas started a second onslaught onto the dry lands after the initial arrival of the waters. This time, the bulgiing bodies of waters were huge standing waves, covering two wide swaths of land east and west of Kethaela, Kerofinela and Saird, the western branch (the Mandadan Sea) parts of the Caladraland chain, Ditaliland, parts of the Mislari Mountains and Arstola Forest, Corolaland, parts of Dorastor, Talastar, and western Aggar, and pracically all of Darjiin and Doblian which may yet have been undivided by the Yolp range of volcanoes. The eastern branch aka the Aroka Sea would have run across western Prax, central Dagori Inkarth, the eastern Rockwoods east of Greatway, central Balazar, the Elf Sea, and all of the Arcos Valley as the Oslir Sea. There are maps in the Guide (p.684) and the Book of Heortling Mythology (p.74). the latter giving us the name of the five mothers of Worcha: (Clockwise from the north-east): Oslira, Aroka, Slarelos, Hancheros, Mandadan. Both maps skimp on detail about the mountains framing the Pass, but IMG the mountains of Aedin's Wall remained unaffected, for mythical reasons. That would mean that easternmost Arstola (according to the Shannon Appelcline interview the oldest part of the forest), Doktados Mountain, most of Halikiv and Aggar east of Mt Soren would have remained dry (the rough region of Thrinbarri, I think). Modern Heortland (just beyond the Storm Mountains) is where the Storm Gods of Kerofinela and surroundings fought off and slew Worcha. The standing waves arching over the Rockwood Mountains persisted a little longer, but were wittled away by the Storm gods. In the North, Valind froze their substance in his ever expanding glacier, in the south, Orlanth and his kin blew the water cover over many a drowned land dry. Thryk may have started out as an eastern Rockwoods hero overcoming the Aroka Sea by freezing its substance together with Inora. The waters covering the southern parts of Genert's Garden and Tada's kingdom receded, but the land had been robbed of much of its fertility, and the beaten seas left salt on their retreats. It isn't quite clear whether and how much Zola Fel and Seolinthur contributed to the Flood, or whether they remained true to their vows to Genert and Tada and remained in their valleys if not in their beds. In Western Prax, I assume that the remnants of the Oslira sea found refuge in the wester Oases (Cam's Well, Day's Rest, and most prominently Moonbroth) and hid inside the body of Eiritha. North of the Rockwood Mountains, the Elf sea was formed out of the remains of the Aroka Sea. The Oslir Sea retreated northward, but was eaten up by the Glacier much like the White Sea. IMG Valind's Glacier never reached much further south than Vanch and Sylila, but his son Thryk gathered the children of Inora and led lesser glaciers supported by ice storm giants and Hollri into the foothills of the Rockwoods, the Indigo Mountains, the Quivin Mountains, and the Storm Mountains, beaten back by their kin among the Storm Brothers and the sons of Storm Bull. (Another yet mostly untold epic of the Gods War.) But much of that happened on the eve of the invasion of the Unholy Trio, which shattered Valind's Glacier and stole much of the momentum of Thryk's followers after their leader had succumbed to Orlanth. What does this mean for the rivers of Kethaela? Those of Heortland are completly inside the dry area defended by Orlanth, and those rivers with their headwaters in the Skyreach Mountains or east of those should be fine, too. Northern Heortland and Sartar did not yet have the Engizi river, the Creek, or the Stream, but that doesn't mean that their beds weren't already occupied by lesser rivers later overwritten by the three celestial river brothers. The Creek would have been the shared bed of the Chorms River and the Nymie river, invading the western foothills of the Quivin Peaks and the northern Storm Mountains, respectively, at least until the former path of the Sshorga River threatened to become a sea. Much of the Creek river bed would have belonged to the Arfritha River that probed into the Quivin Foothills from the north, and the lesser rivers that probed into the Indigo Mountain foothills from the south. THe upper course of the River, above the Lakes, might be the work of Engizi alone, although the Guide and AAA shows three minor rivers running down from the Aldachur region joining the River bed. However, these might have been tributaries of the Donalf Creek before the cave-in/wash-out of Snake Pipe Hollow and the upper River valley. The Choralinthor Bay was part of the Faralinthor Sea after the Flood, which probably means that the Troll Strait as the former approach of Sshorga was at least temporarily flooded in the conflict, and that the Kethaelan rivers may have been robbed off their source by Worcha's birth. After Worcha had been slain by Orlanth, the areas of the Hancheros and Slarelos seas were claimed by Faralinthor, the lover and protector of Esrola during the Flood Wars, hence left in peace by Orlanth afterwards, and able to take over the parentage of the Kethaelan and Kerofinelan rivers connected to that body of water. But peace with Orlanth did not mean safety from Vadrus - Faralinthor was slain during Valind's Ice Age, and his former sea basin became a salt desert, and Choralinthor bay a group of muddy puddles. After the demise of Faralinthor all the Kerofinelan and Kethaelan rivers would have fallen dormant, leaving wadis behind. The Ice Age damaged the rivers north of the Rockwoods and the Dragonspine by freezing up their sources. The Oslir was further isolated by Manarlarvus's Dome that hid Dara Happa and their fragment of the Sun Disk from the Glacier. Up in the Rockwoods, the lesser glaciers of Thryk and Inora collected what water they could from the rivers, too. South of the Rockwoods, the Faralinthor Sea kept feeding the rivers, who were bled by the demands of the ice. On the Praxian side, Zola Fel and Seolinthur might have maintained their connection with the Sshorg Sea and Togaro, remaining active even before the Breaking of the World. The Vingkotling lands would have had to rely on Heler for watery fertility. The Unity Battle towards the end of the Ice Age, after Stormfall, would have been fought without any rivers participating, while Earthfall saw the (in the end futile) efforts of Seolinthur to defend Genert's Garden. The Breaking of the World paradoxically was a big boon for Kethaela and its rivers. While initially not enough to re-awaken Choralinthor, a meagre connection to the heart of the seas became possible as the western seas fed by Neliomi and Hudaro rushed into the X-shaped gaps in the Earth Cube, re-connecting the Troll Strait tentatively to the Heart of the Seas, although now from the west. (Not that that mattered for long, as Magasta formed the hitherto unknown Homeward Ocean in the center of the world). Soon afterwards, the battle between Korang the Slayer and Sky RIver Titan and his nine companions changed the rivers of the world forever. IMO the river beds of the Kethaelan and Kerofinelan rivers were just being reclaimed when Engizi and his brothers leapt down to their headwaters at Skyfall Lake, in the Indigo mountains and the Quivin mountains, greatly enhancing the local rivers. The Syphon followed the command of Engizi as well. rushing down into the Chaos Void, but this river had a Chaos Void at its headwaters, and continued to pull water from the Heart of the Seas. The other local rivers sought and found the isolated waters hiding in the upper crust of the Earth Cube or dropped by Heler, and called those to follow them into the Maelstrom. While they sacrificed volume from bulging over their beds, their currents swelled with these waters. The initial rush cost the rivers most of their sea nature, which was replaced by the gift of Heler, aka sweetwater. With Choralinthor re-awakened by Engizi, the young sea god took up the responsibility of his father to connect the rivers to the Heart of the Sea, even though the currents now run against that direction, the regained unity of the waters strenghened the river deities again. For a while, the sea front became less harsh than it had been throughout the Ice Age, but as the Chaos Age went on, these regained lives faltered again, until the mortal (or lesser) species fougt the I Fought We Won battle and initiated the Silver Age. The rivers of Esrolia were definitely back in business in the Silver Age, when Vogarth Strongman dammed up the river at Koravaka (the Esrolian Necropolis) to keep the Dead limited to their city, now on an island, except for their special day out once in a year. And the Syphon presumably kept at washing away the Poisonblood, much like the re-directed Sounders River kept at washing away the miasma emerging from below the Block. North of the Dragonspine, the Oslir and Black Eel Rivers and their tributaries took up their work again, too. draining the land to the north. We know this because the Nogatending weeder folk of the Black Eel traveled that river in their living bird boats.
  22. Rather similar to becoming the "chief priest of a wyter". The King is the head of the Orlanth Rex cult, which may have a few more members like e.g. the City Rex office holders. You cannot have an Orlanthi kingdom without some sort of wyter, which may be regarded as an Orlanth Rex cult spirit allied to the office holder. Crown tests and coronations establish that link, and the access to the Rex subcult special magics. Rex and Lightbringer aren't regular subcults (or aspects) like Adventurous and Thunderous are. They are bigger than the HQ1 concept of Rune Spells as Storm Brother subcults which has been reduced to useful "chrome" for pedants and/or heroquesting but little more in practice even in HQ2/HQG and presumably any (hopefully) forthcoming official word on Questworlds Glorantha. Vinga is a portion of Orlanth Adventurous that receives an extra feat/rune soell (and possibly some easy to acquire heroquesting boons like "run across treetops" or "one mile javelin" as found in Storm Tribe/Thunder Rebels) which has a biological and/or gender prerequisite. There are many things in Thunder Rebels and Storm Tribe which can be used for scenarios and heroquests by authors and GMs willing to dive deep into obscure lore. For some of us, that is considered a fun activity. The Book of Heortling Mythology in the Stafford Library is a bit of a salvage effort to bring these into the HQ2 era. The upcoming Cults Book with its "back to RQ2" approach of keeping Gloranthan publications light to medium in mythological depth is unlikely to pick any such stuff up. For details about which rune point pool these spells might be coming from, ask on the RuneQuest side of the forum, or hope that the Cults books will answer this question "next year".
  23. I wasn't talking about the Gloranthans but about the great this world pioneer of Glorantha celestialogy, Nick Brooke, father of the Gloranthan Ephemeris, originally programmed in Visual Basic, using the celestial maps from an early version of the Fortunate Succession to make sense of the actual celestial happenings. That software plotted the nightly journeys of Lightfore across the constellations, with surprising stories about young Yelm resulting from that. Here's a link to the Reddit location of Nick's later illustration on the Sky Dome tilt and the height of the Sunpath (scroll down for the second set of graphics for that): https://www.reddit.com/r/Glorantha/comments/k4d3uy/sky_dome_and_sunpath_crosssections_through_the/ (displayed as a link since the pictures didn't show) Unlike our planet, there is no way to map the celestial movements of Glorantha to a heliocentric model with a rotating (cubical) planet. The Sun Path behaves like you are looking up from our planet's equator while the constellations work like you are looking up from one of the Poles of our planet (and I have only a 50% chance to get it right if you ask me which of the two poles, as one has the firmament apparently turning clockwise and the other has it turning counter-clockwise, but that's due to observer bias and easy to get wrong as east on the left in firmament maps because you are looking up, not down.) The Gloranthan heliocentrist round world "theories" fail to match the observations, and thus are philosophically and scientifically unsound. They are a lot easier to falsify than our world's Flat Earth or Inside of a Hollow Earth theories.
  24. The reason probably is that the specimen were collected before Germany became a single state, with each of its constituent princes running universities collecting all manner of cultural artifacts and interesting specimen of exotic beasts separately, unlike the unified nations of Switzerland, France, or Great Britain all of which were satiified with a single stuffed specimen. By the time the German colony in Namibia was established the Quagga already was extinct, so that was not a contributing factor. There was a genetic study using material from thirteen preserved specimen that determined that the weirdly colored South African zebra was a variant of the plains zebra (which sort of inherited the name of the extinct southern variant).
  25. Storm Bull might want new initiates after those outbreaks have been resolved. At the time of the outbreak, they will happily use non-Storm Bull initiates to bolster their numbers, steadied by castings of Face Chaos. The Aeolians as described by Jeff don't proselytize, but they might preach mathematically predicted doom or something similar. Other entries: Wolf Pirates (after1605) or other pirates/slave-catchers like Vadeli or Fonritians on the shores. - possible variations include "guards hired", "refugees enter the plateau" or "raids deep into the hinterland cause trouble" Kitori or troll-related encounters - traders, tribute-takers, raiders, mercenaries seeking employment, hungry trollkin, mistress race on the way to/from Casino Town Request for ransom of captured locals issued Lunar assassins look for members of the house of Sartar (ends 1613) Heroquest starts/passes through/ends/seeks supporters Tournament of the Masters of Luck and Death (rare, last in 1617) Magical hunt opportunity (e.g. metal deer, blue foxes/wolves) / divine or monstrous beast on the loose (e.g. bloodbirds) Godtime intrudes (see also magical hunt) Magical crops available for a short time Wind Children visit (various options of varying frequency) - seek help, seek trade, seek revenge, hunt, seek or offer magical aid Sky Bulls visit, threaten crops Krarshtkids emerge, or leave holes Malia strikes / healers pre-empt Malian strike Extreme weather (flood, drought, hailstorm, blizzard, tornados, hurricane, rain of fish/frogs/scorpionman hatchlings) WIldfire Forest activity - a march of war-trees, aldryami scouts, nasty pixy swarms, weird weeds and vines, guards recruited, revenge exacted Puppeteer Troupe visits Belintar Day festival (varies from incarnation to incarnation, anniversary of their return from the Tournament) Haymaking or harvest ongoing New official intoduced by King Orngerin Outlaws - hunt, raid, hiding in need of aid, trading/ransoming
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