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Everything posted by Joerg

  1. In Glorantha, the sun and the seas appear to ignore one another a lot, otherwise the colder winter sun which has a lowered Sunpath (according to a model presented by Nick Brooke, explaining the shortened day by having the hoop of the sun's path pulled downwards into Hell, would cause higher tides on winter days if proximity is the main factor for the strength of attraction, while the summer pun's path is higher, resulting in longer diurnal upward pull despite greater distance. Incidentally, the path of Lightfore experiences the opposite variation over the year, while the other Sunpath planets (Mastakos/Uleria, Dendara/Moskalf, Lokarnos) don't appear to have any seasonal variation of their path length or height. Since these planets are always eclipsed by the sun and not vice versa, I would assume that even the highest path of the sun (or Lightfore) still is a little lower than the path of those three planets. If the sun exerts a pull on the waters (mytholgically, it might as well be a push), chances are that the planets do, too. Whether or how much this is measurable is another question. Moons we have two, one with a measurable effect on the non-weekly swelling and quick release caused by the Blue Streak, the other only mirrored in the south-facing moon as reflects the greatest expansion of the Chaos Void which coincides with the red side of the moon facing that way, and the lowest weekly tide while the black side faces south (or slightly southeasterly towards Magasta's Pool, if you want to be pedantic). The Roving Searchlight theory of the moon makes a direct attraction between the red side and the seas unlikely, otherwise the Thunder Delta would experience the weekly tides about half a week delayed. The climb of the Blue Moon follows the course of the Celestial River, starting in the constellation of Lorion, and thus has a 24 hour rotation which might lead to a slight circular modulation of the waters of the world towards the Lorion constellation, possibly the most strongly observable when the blue moon is about halfway up. I wonder whether Annilla's rise has an influence on the intensity of the Skyfall?
  2. Reddish brown, with white stripes along the head and a few other parts: the quagga. Apparently quaggas were "tamed" by the natives of their range as watch-geese, sounding off an alarm when disturbed.
  3. IMO this reads "Gollanth's Home". Gollanth was a son of Heort and Ivarne, and king of the Heortlings during the Silver Age (but died before the Dawn), following his father. No idea why he would have a home this far away from his royal seat at Korolstead, on the outermost edge of Heortling territory. Unlike his adventurous brother Desaventus (who killed a terrible, flame-breathing boar at Monros) we don't know any details about his reign or deeds. Aventus, the Larnsti king who formalized the presence of non-Hendriki people in the Hendriki lands, claimed descent from Desaventus, so there seems to have been some presence of King Heort and/or his silver deer kinfolk on the plateau.
  4. Entekos has been known as the faithless daughter of Vadrus, Molanni, mother of Daga, since the days of Wyrm's Footnotes. While Entekos claims a different origin, she clearly is the still air that prevents the Orlanth Storm from reaching his birthplace. Greg planted an easter egg in the Book of Heortling Mythology introducing Serenha, the sister or daughter of Umath. When did the primal storm begin to diversify? As soon as dad Sky had been lifted off the Spike, and mom Ga had been pushed down a bit onto that Spike (raising the "foothills" and "high valleys" on the slope of the Spike as that cone gave some resistance to Umath's unbridled power)? There is another goddess of still air, the goddess of the Eye of the Storm, the Doldrums, Brastalos. There is astonishingly little "canonical" information on her, or her relationship with the rest of the Storm Tribe. Like Molanni or Dendara, she is the wife of a rival elemental tribe. Brastalos might be the best candidate for a Storm Moon Goddess. Like Teelo Estara Sedenya, she leapt into the Void of Chaos, and survived the experience. She is right on the pulse of the weekly (Wildday) tides as the encapsulated Void expands before being pushed back again. She rotates while siting still, in the center of the Storm.
  5. "I am Brian, and so is my wife!" Arcane Lore toys with the concept of pluripresence of magical entities, of being active in two or more places at a time, possibly at different tasks. A deity will have more than one way to interact with the world. A deity's Godtime feats (from wuch their Rune Magics are derived) may be jost a reflection or repeat (in a different cycle) of an archetypical event. Vadrus slaying Enkoshons, Orlanth ripping apart Aroka, Barntar completing the Banishment of Daga all share the same mythic meme while remaining both distinct individuals and sharing a mask. A player character becoming Orlanth when casting a Thunderbolt is a weak analogy of that. When it comes to claims that "deity X is just a mask of deity Y because they both have the same myths A, B and C except for local color" is a bit harder to place. Sharing a planet or star means at the very least that different entities share a mask, and some associated myth. Having different birthplaces is possible. The Theyalans know that Orlanth was born on and to Kero Fin, which gives Orlanth siblingship with Inora, Quivin, Yinkin, and others, but Top of the World is just as valid as his birthplace, possibly with different siblings. But where does this leave Mt.Aerlit between Tanisor and Old Seshnela? Is the storm ancestor of the Malkioni yet another mask of Orlanth? Using the RuneQuest Sight, if the runes and enough of the feats match, there is little reason not to transfer one expressions myth to another. If this associates feats from another expression of these runes with an entity previously not associated with that feat, so much the better! That's what the Lightbringer missionaries did.
  6. Multimissile doesn't, either - the missiles possess force and penetration, but cannot impale because they don't possess mass or matter. Unlike Disruption, the missiles interact with armor and skin like the original missile. What likely happens is that the momentum of the enspelled missile is copied into ghostly clones, and its penetration properties, too. I don't think you could actively parry anything but the original missile (not impossible for javelins or thrown knives or axes). Slingstones or arrows cannot be parried under RuneQuest rules, anyway, although heroic feats might grant such an ability. Second Sight etc. would show the cloned missiles more clearly during flight, I suppose.
  7. Eacj üass of proof reading comes with its own focus. Once you concentrate on the number of times the ball is caught, you will miss the gorilla. Having multiple error hunts by different people could refine a document, but only if you pass on the corrected document for each cycle, otherwise the same "obvious" mistakes left in will distract from those not yet caught.
  8. Summons of Evil requires the summoners to face that evil. Leaving the evil unattended will have dire consequences for their community.
  9. Artia the Bat is a southpath planet, with ties to both the Rinliddi death deity and the Pujaleg ancestress. AFAIK the Crimson Bat used to be a darker, more bluish hue in the Dawn Age until Arkat overcame and flayed it. No idea at which occasion, though, or what happened to that skin. The bat went to Hell, where it was re-discovered by that patchwork goddess incarnated in Teelo Norri's body. BTW, no idea whether the Bat was already (as) chaotic in the Gbaji Wars as it was when the Red Goddess brought it back from her goddess-quest which culminated in her whole-heartedly embracing Chaos. The monster appearing at the First Battle of Chaos might have been (further) corrupted by the Goddess. Artia is not commonly counted among the Lunar bodies in the sky, although there are (old) mostly unpublished texts that mention her as a moon. Chaos can occupy a branch of such a genealogy with the rest of the genealogy refraining from cutting their ties with the unfortunate chaotics. The Cave Trolls are such a case. The Telmori don't quite count because they acquired Chaos only within Time, during the Gbaji Wars, but the same might be true about the Bat. And one of the four Rebel Gods who collectively caused the death of the Emperor and the downfall of Brighteye. While active cooperation between Orlanth and Jagrekriand (Shargash) seems unlikely, the same might be said about the siblings Verithurusa and Shargash. The Bat would only have become a Death God through her association with the killing of the Emperor and the dismemberment of Yelm, as there was only one earlier recorded Death, that of gramps Morty, with a very limited audience of four - Eurmal, Humakt, Nontraya, and Flesh Man. (Although there may be a different First Death in each pantheon. An irreversible change in Age of the World, aka Green Age moment, might be a wave-front rather than a singular event.) I had the impression that at the time of the rebellion against Yelm and slaying of the Emperor, it was Natha or Verithurusa who took part in that coup - possibly a late come-back for Yelm Brightface stealing sovereignty from the cyclical White Goddess(es). The Vampire Bat pujalegs are dabbling in Chaos much like the Greater Darkness Artmali were, and they seem to be the power behind the Pujaleg Empire. There is a bat goddess of the Blue Moon Plateau, and Greg's idea of the Blue Moon trolls about 20 years ago included two different types and tribes of bat-winged trolls descended of and worshipping the Bat Goddess, one with their arms adapted as wings much like bats are, the other "balrog-shaped" and thus six-limbed. Whether it received a special gift from Gbaji or not, if Arkat slew it there is a possibility that he cursed the flayed almost-carcass with Chaos as he tossed it into the lowest Hell. Chaotic Dorastor was created by Arkat. Nysalor's Dorastor had Chaos, but not yet the verdant land, only its sapient inhabitants desperately fighting Arkat. The Red Goddess is the third possible culprit. Like Arkat, she might have been shedding some of her chaotic nature on the Bat. The bat trolls of the Blue Moon Plateau might have one or two other paths to deal with the corruption and its perpretators. There might be a portion of Hell dominated by bat entities, connected to the Rinliddi demon and possibly the Blue Moon Plateau trolls, and with vents unknown and impassable to non-Hellbats.
  10. Over in the Vinga in Pavis thread: This made me wonder what happened with the wives or lovers he took? Founding the White Bull society and creating a pan-tribal following (no Morokanth, though, for whatever reason), shouldn't he have a treaty wife or similar from each major tribe? That's in addition to the (possibly slightly mis-dated) Garhound harvest queen, and possibly other ritual flings as a wind lord or priest in both New and Old Pavis? Debarking from the Cradle, I would be surprised if the Circumnavigation didn't create a few "heroic post-adventure encounters" all around the Homeward Ocean. In Jeff's HQG campaign, Samastina had his twins. Then, shortly after Sword Hill and lighting the Flame of Sartar without really proving his ancestry, he gets to marry the FHQ. I would be shocked if his visit to Leika to prove a Colymar ancestry hardly any Colymar was familiar with (unlike that of the orphan boy who was initiated in the Orlmarth clan, and exiled shortly afterwards) left him without female company at night. All of this could build up a cadre of promising lads or gals ready to either quest secretly for greatness or to join his court/warband getting a name for themselves there. And possibly (if not probably) tragedy like that of the Harmastsons.
  11. Most of the rest Daka Fal, to distribute the tribes of Prax across the three major tribal deities in Nomad Gods - Founder, Protectress, Ancestors. What you are overlooking here is that Praxians including the followers of Waha and Eiritha are highly likely to belong to a few spirit cults or a spirit society, with the tribal cults sort of a nod towards their identity and the spirit cults a measure of practical use and availability. Ancestor worshippers mostly, which doesn't mean shamans but still people in contact with (and possibly carrying) spirits of specific ancestors, and certainly some of their magics. Other than Waha the khan-candidate, there is the important role of Waha the Butcher, the ones actually taking the lives of their animal kin to feed the clan/tribe. While Foundchild has similar rites, those are for non-kin prey. Only if you treat those as full-time specialists. Yelmalio (or Sun Daughter) among the Impala folk and other tribes is not an outsider, and the Twin Stars in the Sable Tribe are Founders replacing the Storm Bull and his sons from that role. A lot of the Orlanthi magics are magics used by the ancestors in the Dawn Age. You don't have to initiate to Waha to marry an Eirithan. It smacks of a huge Oedipal complex anyways... 😉 Nor do you have to be an Eirithan initiate to own a herd, even though her magic makes managing a herd all that easier. All Beast Riders worship Eiritha and Waha, with every meal. Eiritha is also the Protectress, a rather powerful military resource of the tribes. The Paps has the Snake Women as magical guardians with physical manifestation. Babeester is welcome as protector of Ernalda, but Eiritha has husband protectors. Waha and Babeester share a lot of myth - born from the sleeping/hiding earth mother underground, during the Darkness, emerging as protector.
  12. THis makes me wonder whether lighting Kallyr's piyre with normal wood inside the brazier was somewhat sacrilegious.
  13. That is supposed to be Sh'Harkarzeel, the Mover of Heavens, beheaded by Orlanth at the foot of Kero Fin (and the only dragon claimed that Thanatari way, to my knowledge). He may have been seen as a Earth Shaker, in life as much as in death. There is further color confusion on one of the covers in the Starter Set where the green light from the Dreagon's Head in the ring taints the Brown Dragon with a green halo... The Green Dragon of the Skyreach Mountains is a recent returnee, about 200 years after the Dragonkill. I suspect it may be the former Inhuman King who underwent the bloodiest of all utumas in 1042.
  14. The purple softcover edition didn't help with its obfuscation of dates, and the hardcover re-release just added more confusion in the Fazzur section. Jalk's book (which makes the circuitous Karandoli claim rather than the obvious Orlmarth origin) acts out after the victory of Sword Hill. Without that achievement, Argrath from the Orlmarth clan still is the person who was exiled mere weeks after his initiation, and claiming that identity is not the best way to make a positive entry. At the time of his visit with Leika, Argrath already has the approval of the Stormwalkers (and possibly of Londra of Londros). Not as a tribal warband, as far as I can tell. Individual veterans from Pennel Ford who had drifted off to Pavis, certainly yes.
  15. King of Sartar offers the answer "all of them".
  16. Or they set up the way for a third one, to get things right. IMG this has little do do with whether the air it falls through is dead or not. The real question is whether that last bit of non-moving air has a greater cooling effect than the vast amount of Middle Air it falls through before. How much Fire/Heat does the Celestial River possess, anyway? While we have Tanian as the god of burning water, Lorion's invasion into the Sky Dome caused the flame color to change - although to blue, which (at least in the real world) is an indication of hotter temperature. The original rush of the Creekstream River happened during the Great Darkness, at a period when Chaos had broken Valind's power apart, and cold wasn't a consideration for the general situation of misery. That has been my WTF about the Whitewall-induced winter since I first heard about it... Annual floodings distributing fertile soil from uphill: The Nile draws its silt from the Sahara, an area of dry erosion and little fertility (if only for lack of water). Dragon Pass on the other hand has Loess soil, the blessing already delivered, by Orlanth, but usually held in place by vegetation, unless you mis-manage it like in Oklahoma with its black storms. Was there any such black storm incident when the agriculturalists returned to the Pass? May that have been one reason why agriculture did not take off as much in the Grazelands as in the rest of the former Grazer territory covering all of Tarsh and Sartar and neutral places? While I see spring floods along all of the rivers, I still don't see much of a positive effect on the lands, but the Seas as profiting, the rivers returning to their original purpose, bringing back the lost surface fertility into the seas. The Oslir and Zola Fel may be different, but neither the Lyksos nor the Esrolian Mesopotamia upriver from Rhigos has such conditions. IMG Esrolia remains fertile despite this erosion, not because of it. Water is retained for irrigation, a process which usually captures the silt - see Assuan or the changes in the Yellow River due to hydroelectric dams. The Rightarm Isles shifted their allegiance to the Waertagi friends of the Ludoch early on in History, increasing the benefits to be had from worshipping the deeper seas. The Pelaskites spreading out from Karse remianed under Kitori regulation, though. I like to point out the stubbornness of coastal fisherfolk to stick to their ways separate from the overland merchants and farmers in the hinterland in many a coastal situation, with Friesland a possible exception as land reclamation requires farmers with an affinity to the seas. Some of that may be my desire to have more in the way of Ertebølle or coastal Sami fisherfolk subsistence than total cultural assimilation. After all, the weeders in Peloria managed to retain their cultural identity over the same period.
  17. Still the ancestral White Bear and the brown, black and blue bears of the Fronelan Rathori received a generational step, probably in order to excuse their ongoing ability to take their totemic shape, while losing only their ability to avoid hibernation. Otherwise they would have been in a situation similar to the Praxian Basmoli, whose beast ancestor was slain and skinned, too, although by an outsider rather than by a descendant.
  18. King of Sartar mentions one of the Bad Dogs by the name "slinks like a cat". There are no dog Hsunchen, but there apparently are Hsunchen dogs, descended from pups Telmor had to give up. No idea whether Brother Dog in Balazar or Prax has anything to do with that origin myth, though, or where the Jajalarings got their canine affinity from. In the patreon-like project that led to Greg's novel (stump) Ten Women Well Loved, Harmast has a dog-loving companion for his travel to Nochet where his mutating Berennethelli tattoo freaked out the Grandmothers, who recognized the royal tattoo of the Kodigvari. His doggy friend helped him hide, IIRC. Other than that, the Genert hyena may have been created by Genert as agent of his self-dismemberment. IIRC there are hyenas on the Pamaltelan veldt, no doubt with a very different origin myth.
  19. Funny how Blue Dragon Woman Sshorga had her spine broken by the Dragonspine, from Orlanth beheading Sh'Har'karzeel (place interpunctation as you see fit). The Lead Hills are the Spine of the Nightdragon attacking Belintar across the Dragon River, again severing much of the river's spine, although the underground river through Styx Grotto provides a lot more continuity than the severing of Sshorga (creating the Oslir) provided. The draconification of natural features and local deities was rather rampant under the Third Council. Orgorvalte Summer was one of those victims. Delecti escapes the 1042 mass utuma, indicating that he either already had started his corpse-hopping career, or (IMG more likely) that he was a Jrusteli-taught sorcerer rather than a draconic mystic who just used the Proximate Holy Realm of the Third Council's version of the Dragon Dream for his own magical experiments and research. The collapse of the Proximate Holy Realm by the 1042 assassination of all dragonspeakers above a certain degree caused the draconic crops and herds to fail badly, depopulating Dragon Pass to an extent similar to the Irish Potato famine. The Carmanian/Dara Happan/Sairdite raid of 1042 into the leaderless pass exacerbated the famine, and probably the death toll, with the exodus into the south swelling the cities of Esrolia and the lands and cities of the Hendriki. Those who remained in the Pass would be faced by further raids both from the north and from Prax before 78 years later the Invincible Golden Horde triggered the Dragonkill and the Inhuman Occupation. Urban centers like Orin Jisteel (nowadays better known as Delecti's Ruin) may have been hit harder than rural areas, with all the stuff in the granary decomposing into a noxious slime, so Delecti may have take over a ghost town with a rich amount of fresh corpses for his demesne away from Remakerela. His previous research in chimeras had run out of magical juice, but he found the Zorak Zoran magic that powers his zombification instead, possibly already avaliable after the Mass Utuma. He might even have defended the place against the Carmanians etc. with the dead bodies of the former Third Council leaders. His transformation of the Lakes seems to be linked to what he did to that dryad. But I don't see any possible link to Korang the Slayer, who was a nigh unstoppable warrior with a more than deadly spear rather than another Nontraya leading the walking dead from the Underworld against the Living. The self-sacrifice of Hard Earth coincides with the beginning of the Creek-Stream River, with his corpse not hindering Engizi's run to aid Magasta with the Void in the center of the world. Engizi does seem to claim the previous course of the Blue Dragon River through Ernaldela for his run towards the Homeward Sea which was just forming. It was his river who revived Choralinthor, not the contact with Rozgali or the revived Solkathi who emerged from the Doom Current taking Sshorg's path from the east before curving into the Maelstrom. As Engizi met the dormant tributaries of Sshorg's River, these awakened, most of them sending down Heler's waters down to join Engizi's run into the Maelstrom, except for the Syphon which felt the greater pull from the Footprint, carrying deeper briny water up into the void left by Krarsht and the poisoned ichor of Larnste's foot wound. It was Engizi connecting them back to the primal Deep that revived those rivers, initially not necessarily through his destination in the Maelstrom but through the new torrent raining down from Lorion's celestial river that was (and is) fed from the heart of the seas (and continues to run up the sky dome in order to reach the Maelstrom). I wonder what human riverfolk there would have been in Kethaela and Kerofinela prior to Korang's rampage. With Faralinhor's sea reduced to a salt lake by Vadrus, Flesiska's newtlings and the Pelaskites were reduced to watching over saline puddles and mud in the Choralinthor basin, fed by Heler's rains but evaporated by Orlanth's unruly kin. At the Dawn, the southernmost riverfolk in Dragon Pass and Saird are the Nogatendings, whose Black Eel River is part of the Oslir river system connected to the White Sea, re-awakened somewhat from Valind's enforced cold sleep and captivity under Manarlarvus's dome by the chaos horde advancing to the Unity Battle. The human boat people of Choralinthor did spread into the rivers, as did the newtlings. If there were durulz in the region prior to the efforts of Remakerela, the same would go for them, but I haven't seen any FIrst or Second Age source mentioning them other than by Mongoose. (Keets on the other hand have an undoubted continuous presence in the East Isles.) (While the Luatha spell transformed the human population into beastfolk similar to that of Remakerela in 1049, I haven't seen any mention or evidence of durulz in Kanthor's Isles. No idea why not.) The newtlings of Choralinthor Bay (and probably of breeding ponds elsewhere) appear to have a long-standing agreement of indenture with the dragonewts in exchange for dragon magics to bring back to their breeding ponds. They may have continued to ply some riverine trade from Karse with the Pass region even after the Dragonkill. Pelaskites from Karse or beyond also had annual expeditions up the Stream, at least according to the HQ Dragon Pass: Land of Thunder, A Gazetteer to Kerofinela. (Which apparently confused Poverri for Pelaskos, then decided to stand with the mix-up for additional game fun, which resonates nicely with Enjossi's salmon quest nonetheless. Unless those annual quests are the Pelaskite ongoing contribution to have salmon re-entering Choralinthor Bay.) Belintar's aid sending the accumulating waters in the Dammed Marsh to aid Magasta's Pool again. @jajagappa's pbf Nochet campaign on RPGGeek has the Aqueducts of Panaxles and Sestarto taking up some of the core waters of the river, leading these through the connecte baths and then the sewers into the Bay away from the Lyksos estuary, following the much older bed of the Lyksos in the sewer tunnels. Renaming the former River estuary the Marzeel estuary is overstating the contribution of this rather minor tributary to the waters flowing through Suchara Vale, but might have been part of Belintar's price for sending the Skyfall waters on towards Magasta's Pool. The first documented mention of ducks is as survivors of the Dragonkill, remaining in Kerofinela. They get to expand their horticulture into the farmlands abandoned by the humans who fled the Golden Horde or got eaten or incinerated by the dragons, quite high up into the foothills of the Quivin Mountains. As far as I can tell the Upland Marsh was significantly smaller during the Inhuman Occupation, and the course of the Creekstream River may have been little hindered compared to its prior slowing in the Lakes. What interest would the durulz have had to present themselves as tasty snacks to the Shadow Plateau trolls just to reach Karse? If there was a population in need of traveling up and down the River, it would have been the Newtling Bachelors on their way to/from serving the dragonewts for their magic to protect their breeding ponds from the trolls. Only if you assume annual floodings of the Lyksos valley that were previously too high above the river. All that lovely land on the river bottom in that valley now has become a permanent bed for the much expanded river, the rather high Sea Season floodings prior to the completion of the New River have become the new low water normal. In my opinion, the raising of the water levels caused lots of fertile North Esrolian river valley soil to be transported into Choralinthor Bay, initially to the detriment of the benthic organisms (like mussle banks or corals) and their cultivators/predators in the northwestern Choralinthor Bay, although giving rise to an increased fertiity in the longer run. The Dammed Marsh continues to be a sedimentation trap even during the annual floodings of the river, not that the Upland Marsh allows much sediment from the Creek or the Upper River to go past Duck Valley. The magical vegetation spread by the Dancers in Darkness continues to silt up the basins of the former Lakes, and might incessantly raise the "water level" of the Marsh. Based on Harald's Nochet map, I would expect the Lyksos River to have been a fixture in Nochet since at least the Silver Age, when the aqueducts and cisterns of the western and southern district were connected to its waters. Belintar redirecting the River into this water-course may have been the initall impulse for his Fish Road project which connected the Great Exchange below Loon Island with the heart of the seas neyond Deeper and the Troll Strait. If this assumption bears out, Belintar could have reached Magasta's Pool long before the Opening. The Syphon River branch of the Fish Roads into the Underworld may have become a significant bypass for the bllocked stairwell of the Obsidian Palace basements, too. Makes me wonder what Krarsht made of this intrusion into the heart of her children's tunnels... The Marzeel estuary and Suchara Vale received the inverse effect of the raising of the water levels in the Lyksos Valley. With the remaining current seeping out of the Backwind Marsh and carried down by the Marzeel amounting to maybe a forth or a third of the previous current, quite a bit of the old riverbed would have fallen dry, or at least drier. While the river bottom would consist mainly of bigger or heavier detritus, without the stronger current a strip of wetland would be able to form on the shores, possibly retaining what sediments the Marzeel floodings contributed to the flow in Sea Season. At the very least, littoral life forms would get the chance to expand, leading to an increase of benthic life, water fowl, and probably other hunting targets. IMG the Marzeel has seasonal lumber rafting to Karse and beyond, fueling the boat- and ship-building industry of eastern Kethaela, and possibly some of that in Nochet as well. The appearance of the Lead Hills would have changed the rafting, and probably make it slightly harder in the tidal portion of the estuary, where the tidal influence would now be more noticable in Suchara Vale than before when the current of the River surpassed all other effects on the waters. Crabtown and the surrounding marshes are separated from the river draining Snake Pipe Hollow by something resembling the Niagara Falls. Due to the marshy nature of the lands around Skyfall Lake, rather little sediment makes it down into the Hollow, keeping the ledge creating the falls rather stable against erosion by chafing debris. While I can see heroic boaters finding a way to surf the vertical drop, I doubt that there would be anything resembling even occasional water traffic through the Hollow. If the trolls want to reach the Mirrorsea by boat, the Creek might be the more practicable proposal. They still would have to cross the Upland Marsh and the Dammed Marsh... At least IMG there are cave harbors below the Shadow Plateau, with huge slabs of obsidian able to glide or roll to the side when the time comes to let those black galleys sail again. No idea whether the trolls of Jrustela originated in the Obsidian Palace, but if they did, they might have brought the OOO's boating tradition with them. Otherwise, Kogag's beetle carapace coracles might just as well travel down the Zola Fel at night. Maybe from the edge of the Redwood, maybe from the Rubble.
  20. Different kinds of hunger, IMO. All of Darkness has Eating as a passion or drive, munching on something is the natural state of being for creatures of Darkness, or preparing to do so by hunting tastier prey. Troll hunger is also their expression of curiosity, similar to that of sharks who will try to take a bite out of just about anything that registers to them as of potential interest. Darkness hunger can be appeased by gorging oneself into a pleasant stupor. I doubt that Krarsht is able to find this fleeting satisfaction with her PreDark form of Hunger, the need to take in Creation to appease the non-Creation inside her. Maybe Darkness hunger is the desire to fill up an internal space, and Chaos hunger is the desire to feed an internal non-space.
  21. There are various other felines in Glorantha. There are Sakkars or sabretooth tigers which you may have encountered if you played through the GM Screen booklet, there are bobcats who are definitely not shadowcats, even though the words lynx and alynx look almost the same. THere are cloud leopards and tigers beyond the Wastes, there are pumas (also called panthers, due to American misappication of old world beast names for new world ones, like "buffalo" for bison, or buzzard for vultures), and leopards are about to be returned to Tarsh or Saird within the next generation. Hykimi genealogy sometimes follows real world taxonomy closely, sometimes less closely. There are quite a few ancestral animals that are hard to place in the genealogy. We know of a Mother Mammal, All (hsunchen-related) bears are descended from Rator, but there are sons of Rathor who are the ancestors for brown, black and blue bears, and others outside of northern Fronela. The antlered beasts have a common antlered ancestor, with the entities after which the various Hsunchen folk are named being called siblings. We have Fralar, the father of carnivores, who has canine, ursine, mustelid, and feline offspring without many such umbrella ancestors. Rathor became one such. The canines obviously are closer related to one another than to any other of the carnivores, the wolverines and the badgers and otters and probably weasels etc. do cry out to have an umbrella ancestor of their own, the cats are closer to each other than to the canines or bears, but there is no intermediate father entity to provide that grouping. And is the Hyena one of the Bad dogs? Are foxes related to Telmor? There are species from three real world feline lineages - the New World sabertooth cats, the large cats (genus panthera has lions, tigers, leopards, panthers, and jaguars, but also includes lynxes) and small cats (housecats and wild cats, but also pumas and cheetahs), and there are the unparalleled shadowcats who may be somewhere between the large and the small ones. How far does Fralar's paternity extend? Is he the father of the andrewsarchus (an artiodactyl, related to the whales) or the terror pig? Or whales, wheher balene or toothed? Did he father carnivorous reptules or birds, too? (the latter probably not, so no horses who can claim to be cousins of Yinkin.) Was there only one Fralar, or were there several generations or incarnations of Fralar siring the different types of carnivores, so we can have real world taxonomy somewhat mirrored in Gloranthan taxoomy? Things get worse when you add the elemental parentage of so many beasts to the picture. Earth has the mothers of the herd beasts, but also of reptiles and snakes, and some ground-dwelling birds, and even water fowl. But there is also Tholaina, mother of all beasts dwelling in water all or part of the time, whether diving birds like gannets or pelicans, mammals like sea otters, whales, pinnipeds, or manatees (and other sirens), reptiles like crocodiles, plesiosaurs, sea snakes, sea serpents, sea turtles, and all manner of non-chordate entities. Oh, and regular fish. And that is without the Three Different Worlds complication that plagues Anaxial's Roster. (Don't ask if this is news to you.) There are many different ancestries of what you would perceive as more or less one species or at least family. Many horses have solar ancestry, but the amount of beaks and claws the ancestress lost varies. Galin's horse doesn't seem to have any feathers or beaks The resulting shape does determine interoperability despite the ancestty. Galana ponies, Western Daron and Dariti horses, Pelorian Seredae or the Hyals from Genert's Garden can all interbreed, producing fertile offspring, unlike when they interbreed with the morphologically similar donkeys or zebras. It is unclear whether the great cats (tigers, lions, leopards) can interbreed in Glorantha producing infertile or even fertile crossbreeds. Given Yinkin's amorous adventures, I wouldn't be surprised if he managed to father offspring on a lioness or a female sakkar as a dare. (If Neep Trollkiller found Dark Troll females willing to mate with him, why not the divine shadowcat in Godtime?) We know that Yinkin fathered the cloud cats on Heler (conventionally in female shape), much like Orlanth fathered the Cloud Hawks flying even higher. Possibly taking turns. Could Yinkin have sired non-shadow cats, like felis sylvestris, or housecats? Who would have been the mothers? Who were the partners Yinkin fathered his full alynx children on? Demigod cousins descended from Fralar, local nymphs, other beast and/or elemental deities of less defined shape? Who other than Lhankor Mhy genealogists or hostile magicians would care? Alynxes are at best cousins of house cats, some of which have been described even in Dragon Pass context. The wild cat (felis sylvestris) might well be endemic, but is not a child of Yinkin. The leopoard, beloved by the future hero Enjeem, isn't either.
  22. Moonson is the Yelmic emperor, and heads the lesser Yelmic priesthood conducting all the religious services for the rural population, even those of Lodril and Oria. (Holy people from those cults are involved in the rites, but Yelmic priests conduct them.) There may be some rabidly patriarchalic lesser Yelmite families whose ancestors did not join Jannisor's rebellion or sided with Sheng Seleris's Dara Happa on Horse, but without a firm outward stance supporting the Red Emperor and his Lunar empire, it is unlikely that they would have kept their lands in the aftermaths of those conflicts. The Dart Competitions don't require Lunar magic to succeed, but straight-laced Yelmic magic only is not going to win a Dart Competition against a house drawing on the magical expertise of the Imperial College of Magic. There are some alternative sources of powerful magic useful in Dart Competitions, but none of those are Yelmic - say the mysteries of Surenslib or the Spolite ways both studied and suppressed by the Imperial College. When Sheng Seleris will be returned, there will be Yelmic families joining his cause again. Possibly because they don't want to join the then openly and badly chaotic ways of some of his Lunar opposition. Sheng at least looks somewhat like a human, unlike Ralzakark.
  23. The best (and almost only) place to do so is the Guide to Glorantha, mainly the last chapter of Volume 1. It is a place where a culture of civilized Orlanthi descended from a horse god have been ruled by the Stygian Empire, adopting Malkioni ways to varying degrees, were conquered by the God Learners and then rose against them when Halwal the dissident God Learner sorcerer re-awakened as many Arkati secrets as he could. It is a place of city-states around a sizeable lake, with fleets of warships and merchant ships plying the lake and the two main rivers feeding it. The western half of Safelster is being conquered by the Kingdom of Tanisor / Seshnela, with a Rokari holy war mission to stamp out heretical (i.e. different from theirs) Malkioni ways. North and east are less civilized Orlanthi doing their thing, with the Chariot of Lightning cult, a Henotheistic movement combining Arkati Hrestolism with Orlanthi theism dominating the northern part, also expanding into eastern Safelster, and a Nightmare sorcerer in the middle distracted by possession, but possibly dealing with that any day now, and then able to turn his attention on his neighbors. In other words, a mess of religious and political intrigue, a hotbed of mercenary companies switching allegiance and religious zealots running amok. A fun place to adventure.
  24. What happened to Elmalvo, the north Esrolian city roughly at the site of New Crystal City from which some of the Adjustment Wars flooded into Esrolia? Was it flooded by the re-directed River, with New Crystal City being Belintar's resettlement offer?
  25. I agree that both ther Runnel and the non-tidal portion of the Lyksos river beds have been totally overwhelmed by the re-direction of the River, leading to heavy erosion and a permanent state of "worst floodiing of the century" turned up to eleven. However, let's take a look at some of those "once a century floodings" we have seen so many times in the last few years. The rivers escape their beds, claiming an area often a hundred times wider than the usual width of the river, but slowing the torrential whitewater into a "Rhine below Stahleck" or Danube between Weltenburg monastery and Kelheim situation, and that's what I think would have happened to most of the Lyksos and Runnel valley taking in that extra water. This admittedly still leaves the cascades of the original Runnel river, a quite secondary waterway draining parts of the southern Grazelands, probably almost seasonal in nature. We don't have any detail maps of this river prior to the formation of the Lead Hills with isohypses (height lines) or a typical river bed. A river draining the foothills of a place with seasonal large amounts of water tends to have an outer bed inside which you will find the detritus too heavy to be carried off by the seasonal floodings and an inner water course into which the river retreats outside of the annual floodings. Let's switch to a river that used to be proverbial for its floodings,at least until the Assuan reservoir was built: the Nile. For much of its length, it runs through a rather broad canyon of its own making, most of the time restricted to the rather broad basin in the middle, with rather level farmland on either side slightly sloping up towards the steeper slopes of the canion walls, with side valleys formed by wadis. The Zola Fel has such a structure too. The Nile floodings were famous for the massive sedimentation of fertile mud (easily carried off sediment) during the floodings, indicating the loss of speed and turbulence where it escaped its regular bed. Outside of river gorges where there is no room to flood low-lying area left and right of the river, i.e. the cataracts, the speed of the current away from the deep channel will be a lot lower. Navigating such flooded area carries other hazards, as it is basically the same as crossing a wadden sea or a stretch of shifting sand bars in a river, but the nature of the durulz and newtling reed boats is actually ideally suited to deal with these. What remains are the passages where the flooding river has to pass through a narrow. Every once in a few years, the baroque monastery Weltenburg, just upriver of that meteor impact crater the Danube drilled its way through on its way to Kelheim, enters the news as its Unesco world inheritance substance is threatened by the flooding Danube again. The monastery sits about five meters above the regular bed of the Danube. When the upper Danube floods, it swells to a huge, mostly stagnant pool upriver of the gorge, which then has a situation similar to the tidal Saltstraumen near Bodø. What happens there twice daily at low tide is that you get a height difference between the Atlantic and the more than 50 miles of Saltfjorden behind the narrows north and south of a rocky island blocking the exit of the Fjord of several meters, and the phenomenon I described earlier with a massive elevated current in the center of the canal and a slope towards the edges of the waterway with eddies and even localized counter-currents (that not even an Olympic white water kayak would be able to use). (As a tidal current, the reverse situation also happens twice a day. making observations about sedimentation moot. Not that there is any in the section with the tidal currents.) I have seen a standing wave of almost a meter on a much smaller fjord with a narrow opening to a larger one, at Skutvik in Hamarøy, Norway. The kind of obstacle that I associate with the Doom Currents or the Bezarngay Boil in the East Isles, a slope in the water.
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