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Everything posted by jajagappa

  1. While I certainly see the earth rune, I don't see Gerendetho having the death rune. In the Guide we get: (p.676) "the Raiser of Hills, the Father of Mountains, the Long Runner, the Father of Kostaddi, the Spear Shaper, and the Old Hunter." Lots of 'father' aspects as well as 'spear shaper' suggesting Life or Earth. Maybe 'Old Hunter', but while I can see working to a Waha equivalence, I'm not sure it's required.
  2. Ok, so still canonical after all! (Should have confirmed first in the Guide, I guess.)
  3. The best references to the Firefall are in the Guide on p.642 and 691. Also the Nargan Desert reference on p.696. Very different story in Genertela though regarding the Sky Dome's rocking. There it was Umath crashing into and breaking the North Pillar which set the dome rocking north, and then it got shoved back to the south.
  4. Xamalk is mentioned in Book of Drastic Resolutions: Vol. Chaos, however in that case it was the Lord of Terror that attempted to invade Luathela and was defeated by the Luathelans. Given it's a non-canonical source, I'd ignore it. I like the association that Martin makes much better.
  5. The inside covers were blank. But what you should have along with the book are these items: 24 page GM reference pullout (for easy photocopying) including all the NPC stats, 'scrolls', What the Broo Shaman Said, What the Ogre Talon Says, and What My Father Told Me (Yelmalion culture) GM's map of Black Rock Village & environs - separate page/sheet with environs on one side, Black Rock Village on the other (standard 8.5 x 11 size) Map of Dyskund Caverns - separate sheet printed single sided showing Dyskund Caverns (8.5 x 22.5 size, folded twice to 5.5 x 8 3/8 size) Map of High Holes Caves - separate sheet printed single sided showing caves and cutaway views (8.5 x 22.5 size, folded twice to 5.5 x 8 3/8 size)
  6. I often considered that, but I'm inclined to think not because otherwise there should be myths of Gerendetho having been killed, destroyed, torn apart, etc. whereas he appears to be the 'living' father of the goats/Zarkosites.
  7. I don't know the specifics of Different Worlds and Wyrm's Footnotes, but the others you note were all fanzines, and I believe in most cases copyright to articles was retained by the original authors not Chaosium or the fanzine publisher.
  8. Book 1: Barbarian Adventures is fairly basic intro to Orlanthi culture. I think Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes + Sartar Companion do a much better job getting into a campaign. The upcoming Red Cows set will also be a much better intro into day-to-day, year-to-year campaign in Sartar. You can certainly work the scenarios: A Year of Chaos, Blood Feud, and These Women Need Help into any Sartar campaign. Book 2: Orlanth is Dead marks a very specific event. It certainly fits into a campaign that straddles 1621 ST. I'd recommend getting HQ:G though for the outline there that plays out an example of running the Battle of Aurochs Hills. Book 3: Gathering Thunder, as Peter noted, is something of a mixed bag. The New Breathers; Sheep, Clouds, & Thunder; Final Days at Skullpoint; and Orane's Spindle can generally be woven into any Sartarite campaign. The Other Side of the Dragon fits as a prequel to the Sky Ship, or could be done standalone. The Sky Ship is a very incomplete scenario/quest, in my mind. You can get a sense of that reading Mike Dawson's recent discussion on the G+ Glorantha site. There's a lot more that really should be done to beef it up. So while Book 3 doesn't 'complete' the campaign, there's stuff you can cycle into a Sartar based campaign.
  9. jajagappa


    The Guide to Glorantha has the most current/complete/canonical information. HeroQuest:Glorantha provides a good short overview. This statement from the Guide (p.75) summarizes them best though: "Dragonewt behavior is extremely perplexing to outsiders. They are unpredictable and often seem irrational. Even the same dragonewt met twice is likely to look and act as two different creatures."
  10. I would guess that Gerendetho of Kostaddi is one of his sons, though I don't think there is anything that states Gerendetho's parentage.
  11. Veskarthan's runes are Fire, Life, and Disorder.
  12. I think Dragonrise info is more likely in the upcoming Glorantha Sourcebook at whatever point the 13th Age Glorantha content is released rather than the Red Cow books. See reference: http://www.glorantha.com/tales-of-mythic-adventure-podcast-episode-7-season-1/ "There are also world-spanning events affecting all parts of Glorantha. One example of this is the Dragonrise, that happens in 1625. The dragon is several miles long, creates a canyon when it rises, eats most of the local Lunar army, destroys the Temple of the Reaching Moon, and then flies away. Remembering that Glorantha is a flat world, this sight would be visible from far shores. With The Guide mapping this out, you can now develop reactions across Glorantha."
  13. While browsing through some older archives, I came across a summary Jeff put together a few years ago on the look-and-feel of the western cultures that makes a nice quick reference: http://www.glorantha.com/docs/quick-summary-gloranthan-cultures-part-two-westerners
  14. Yes, I read the "All Humakti have ..." clause as "All Humakti starting heroes get ...".
  15. I read it this way: As a Humakti, I get the Sword Fighting ability as an independent ability. However, because it derives from my Death Rune, it starts at the same level as my Death Rune keyword. Henceforth, it improves separately. And because it is independent, it can be augmented by the Death Rune (i.e. magic).
  16. There's obviously two pre-quests or early stations to this quest: 1) You need to get the runt of Mralot's litter 2) You need to find the donkey a tail
  17. Don't forget the Little Black Raincloud Feat.
  18. I agree on Steve's browsing point. Having a quick view to whether anyone has posted recently for either Glorantha or HQ is useful.
  19. It may depend a bit on what you're expecting to find. Are you looking for swash-buckling female hero? aka Gunda the Guilty, companion of Harrek the Berserk, or Queen Leika of the Colymar who fought beside Kallyr and was later one of Argrath's companions. Mystical power who walks the heroplanes, killed the God-king Belintar, and is an incarnation of the Red Moon Goddess? aka Jar-eel (and don't necessarily think that her subsequent 'death' at the hands of Harrek is an 'end' for her). Magical power? Cragspider the Firewitch. Powerful queens? In the past, Queen Bruvala of Esrolia, possibly young Queen Samastina of Nochet, as well as Egajia Chewer-of-Flesh from Prax and the Feathered Horse Queen of Dragon Pass who will marry Argrath. From the Orlanthi mythos alone, yes, Ernalda is the Earth Mother. And these are some of her titles: Great Goddess, Green Woman, Great Ernalda, Creatrix, Queen of the Universe, Great Womb, Power, Queen, Earth Queen, Weaver, Grandmother, Great Mother, Mother of the Gods, Bountiful Mother, Healer, Great Lady of Magic, Mistress of Ceremonies, Beloved, the Blessing Goddess, Mistress of the Words of Power, Giver of Customs, Spinner, Allmother, Wife of Great Orlanth, Binder, Orendana, Earthmother, Keeper of Mysteries, Ernalda of the Many-Treasures, the Giver, the Sustainer, Mother of All Life, Mother of Vengeance, Peacemaker, Ceremonialist, the Shrouded One, Snake Goddess, Harvest Queen, Source of Bounty, Flower of Life, Sevalda, Denravala, Forensela, Ir, Irkingillia, Benebalsalka, Arachne Solara and the Maker of Kings. Each of these titles has myths and powers wrapped up in it (you can find many of these in the Book of Heortling Mythology - the Guide doesn't necessarily go into this level of detail). She commands elementals of the earth, serpents, casts blessings and curses, raises and destroys kings, keeps and gives treasures and knowledge, and brought the Lightbringers to the Underworld to force Orlanth and Yelm to reconcile and restore the world. The uz/trolls revere their Mother Kyger Litor (dark mother) above all else and the powers of darkness have strong female connections (Jakaleel amongst the Lunars, the Spolite Queens). And there are plenty more examples across all the pantheons. But, again, maybe you are searching for something specific???
  20. jajagappa


    I put together this grimoire for my Esrolian/Esvulari warlock. Grimoire: Earnalda's Calendar of Magicks This grimoire contains spells pertaining to the earth and earth cycle. Spells include: ○ Plough through Earth (earth, movement) ○ Shatter Bones of Earth (earth, disorder) ○ Mend Body with Earth (earth, harmony) ○ Hide Treasure in Earth (earth, fate) ○ Draw Endurance from Earth (earth, stasis)
  21. You might add David Dunham's sequel to KoDP, called Six Ages, IIRC
  22. I've always used the aspiration after the L in Lhankor. Khordavu, etc. as in Scottish loch. I say h'SUHN-chen.
  23. Kalin's art is fantastic and the story really captures a whole different aspect of life in Glorantha. I've really enjoyed the distinct views of Gloranthan culture that it's provided.
  24. don't worry Joerg - we'll keep an eye out to make sure you behave!
  25. I'm expecting this to be the place for HQ specific questions - mechanics, play examples, etc. Should include HQ2 and HQ:G, and I suppose HQ1/HW if someone wants to discuss those.
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