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Everything posted by Tindalos

  1. Ahah! I'd felt the description on the Gods Wall suggested a similar role. Good to know, thank you.
  2. Assuming the reference to Warriors of the Fake Sun does refer to the Char-Un, then it probably is their Lunar Goddess worship, as Sedenya has been referred to as a false sun (GRoY 24)
  3. Tindalos


    Eh, it's less reductionist than "females in male roles," but I can understand the blurring of terms isn't always helpful. FIMR and MIFR along with MR and FR. Or Vingite and Nandanite to separate them from the cult membership.
  4. Tindalos


    That's an option although I'd not phrase it like that. Vingan can mean multiple things, just as Orlanthi can. You can be a member of the cult of Vinga while not being a member of the Vingan gender, and vice versa.
  5. Seredae still exist, and are what the default horse stats represent. (RQ:B 148) I'm not sure if they're still descended from those beasts that pulled Yelm's chariot however, and they're probably not the original breed of Nivorah. Rampant Speculation time:
  6. Tindalos


    It exists because sometimes Orlanth was a Woman, just as when Orlanth was a lover he was Niskis, when he was a Storm he was Umbrol, when he was a musician he was Drogarsi. When you need to use the power that was learned through this, you worship Vinga as a part of Orlanth. Just as when you need to use his storm powers, you call upon King Umbrol. And of course it's not like these have to be separate either. Vinga could be Nikis or Drogarsi or Vinga Desemborth. As for only having one spell, previous versions of Orlanth have also had subcults with just a single spell. Such as the Sandals of Darkness subcult, which has been folded into the main Adventurous subcult/aspect.
  7. Wangbiao/King Violent Wind is classed as an Antigod (GtG 284) and is worshipped by people who claim descent from Wind Children. (The name also suggests the West King Wind of Pent.) And of course Storm entities would be creatures of the Night. Look what their king did to the sun!
  8. I'd be tempted to use a Goldeneye as a base, and assume they're descended from Hippoi after Storm Bull ripped out her fangs/beak, and Maran Gor stole her talons, but before Zorak Zoran stole her wings. So they're a halfway point between Hippogriffs and Horses, rarer and more skittish than either (as they still bare the fear of being wounded, and have no mortal protectors, nor as much protection from others), but occasionally breedable from sacred horses using Hippoi's rites.
  9. Tindalos


    I'd say those myths really still exist.
  10. The Tunderbird. And if they could control themselves, they wouldn't be tricksters.
  11. To muddle things further, Gata was the main earth goddess of Dawn Age Ralios with the added note of her being the mother of the local Orlanth equivalent. I imagine that's the Zzaburite influenced view, with Nakala, Ga, etc. being the runes themselves, and Empress Earth, Sir Sea, etc. being the gods who embodied them as the cosmic court. (Especially as troll gods had the darkness genealogy chart copied from Zzabur's Blue Book)
  12. I'd emphasise the "magical, semi-divine" nature described in the spell. Throw in some magical abilities, something like the doubled strength of the Telmori at least. (Although different as the Odaylans have a spell that does that anyway)
  13. This isn't specific to tricksters. Shrines only provide one of the cult's special rune spells (RQ:G 284) it's just that, well... building a temple to the trickster is a bad idea. Learning spirit magic is usually done from a God-Talker or Rune Priest of your cult, and the Rune Priests of Eurmal (He doesn't seem to have God-Talkers) are required to maintain the local shrine. (295)
  14. If they keep the trait of other true dragons of basically becoming part of the terrain while sleeping, I could see a Dragonship still being docked there! People go to loot the remains of the docks, only to find there's a coral reef covering it, not realising that the reef is just the slumbering form of a dragon.
  15. Interestingly the map of Nochet has space for both of them. Elmal in Elmal's Town, Yelmalio in Little Vanntar, located very close together. Also mentioned as part of the Noble Brothers was Nolerianmar, a son of Elmal.
  16. There may be one around the Fish Market in the Helmata District of Nochet, where the Waertagi Docks once stood. There could also be one associated with the Temple of the Invisible God in Meldektown -- as the Capratis and duTumerines come from the Quinpolic League, they could be influenced by Navigationalism, which is likely tied in with the Debaldans for magic regarding ships.
  17. Yeah, the Waertagi mix the worship of the Invisible God (presumably in a similar way to the Brithini) with the worship of sea gods, without seeing any conflict. So some water sorcery and rune magic. (I imagine they may be the originators of the Debaldan School of wizardry, especially as that school's long been associated with Sog City.)
  18. I mean, you could class the Vadeli and Waertagi as subscribing to variants.
  19. The most tricksterish way I can explain it (and therefore best!) A heroquest ritual is all about tricking the universe into thinking that two events are the same event. By using ritual dress, the right items, doing it in the right place at the right time, you're saying that you are the entity who did the deed, and thereby getting some of the same reward/punishment for doing it. The more accurate things are, the more the universe is fooled, and so the closer things are. That dragon costume is at the same time a dragon, and things get hazy between the two because to the God Plane, they are both one thing. People watching it may just see the costumes, but the more powerful the quest, the more they see the god time influence.
  20. They're all little suns in their own way. The deities described as being variants even match up to the old ST and SKoH subcults of Elmal! (Antirius (and thus Yelm) to Anatyr, Kargzant to Beren/Hyalor, Elmal to Hearthguard, which just leaves the Yelmalio one separate. And maybe the Elven Halamalao one could be linked to Elmalhara.) I could also see other Little Sun gods functioning similarly.
  21. I personally favour the view that there are local gods everywhere which have similarities, and cultures since the dawn have associated with each other. So you have Karborn, Matu, Humat, Coalot, Umatum, and they're all local storm deities. The Theyalans and God Learners applied the name Orlanth to them, and each culture will accept that name, but treat anyone using it as an ignorant foreigner for using the inferior name. Each will have their own differences from the "main cult," because they all have different mythologies. Each Sacred Mountain of the Orlanthi culture indicates one particular home of these local gods, which either becomes the local home of Orlanth, or if they're different and useful enough to keep a separate role from Orlanth himself, become one of his kin. (Such as Urox and Kolat.) In game, well... it depends on the players I guess, if they're not particularly interested in the differences then I'd just go with Orlanth or whatever as a standard name, but if they find that level of detail neat, then I'll play up the local cultural differences.
  22. 1: Just because the old rulebooks aren't accurate doesn't mean they still can't be used. Anaxial's Roster's still one of my favourite Glorantha books and always will be. Thunder Rebels can still be used, it's just not as authoritative as RuneQuest Glorantha. 2: What's in the rulebook doesn't matter as much as what's at the table. You and your GM can agree on something that's different, or the same as an older piece of material, and that's great. I imagine very few games will have everything be exactly the same as in the rulebook as various things come up and GMs and players go "actually, that sounds good, let's go with that." 3: Depending on the interpretation of the sidebar on page 81, I'd say it's perfectly allowable to have biologically female, female gendered vingans as well as biologically female vingan vingans. Or biologically female helering vingans. Etc. (In My Glorantha, this would certainly be the case, and see point 2.) And of course this has no bearing on sexuality, as plenty of vingans will love men, plenty will love women, plenty will love both.
  23. No longer a useful source I'm afraid. Much better is to look at RuneQuest Glorantha, where vingan and nandan are separate genders and elsewhere summed up as "females in male roles" and "males in female roles."
  24. I'd say this is the best way to handle it. If you're up against one person in a debate, it doesn't help to have everyone talking over each other.
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