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Everything posted by dragonewt

  1. For when player characters are about to enter a large empty area, play the "Klendathu Drop" theme from the Starship Troopers movie. Whether anything is actually encountered is up to the deviousness of the GM. Alternatively, for similar impact, there is the http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0G6od81Uic.
  2. Will the contest involve opposed rolls or the resistance table?
  3. What about structural durability of the space-frame (STR)?
  4. Not as much as I would like, no. Although there are more choices of games that help encourage more "role" and less "roll", more thoughtful approaches, less naive assumptions, and more "thinking outside the box". However, human nature being what it is, not all players and GMs follow that lead.
  5. RQ always had the society, the tribe, the cult, the species, the rune, the god, etc... and saving the world (from many perspectives), as opposed to simplistic selfishness. "I fought, we won". Have a read of Cults of Prax. Those with the archetypical D&D background approached RQ with the expectations developed or amplified by that background, and did not see RQ's depths or subtitles. And, with all of its rules fixes and changes, RQ3 lost something by gaining something else. Petersen was the Mostali, compared to Stafford's Aldrya Shamanism. Maybe this is one of the drivers behind the move to develop HW/HQ. It took the world 30 years to grow out of hack and slash D&D'isms in general.
  6. I would say that it is more of the tone of play that differentiates HQ, in that it promotes the idea of "Some Mythic Capability" vs "Any Other Mythic Capability", with augmentation. We need to separate the mechanic from the tone to have a clearer view. I am sure you could play a game using BRP/RQ that has "huge cute kitty eyes" at x% vs "sword" at y% (with various modifiers, such as can be done with martial arts or cooperation). The difficulty with tone (using any mechanic) comes with determining effectiveness of one "skill/ability/aspect/follower" vs another. Cute "kitty eyes" might not work against "whirling thunder blade" in a 'typical' Wuxia themed game, but "panty flash" might work against "sword" in a semi-comical Anime inspired Wuxia game.
  7. For that cost, you could almost buy three Games Workshop miniatures.
  8. I don't always roll dice, but when I do, I prefer a D10,000 (eBay). Stay granular, my friends.
  9. Someone is getting a raging cluethulhu.
  10. Deep end of "normal" human scale (assumed 'default' fantasy)? Or entry level or middle of Super Hero or Mythic scale?
  11. And afterwards, our dad would come home and beat us to sleep with a broken bottle, and we were happy for it.
  12. So, what you are saying is; wait until the stars are right?
  13. Cults of Prax; and now Cult Compendium.
  14. This is where one can see the connection between SPAM and a DoS (Denial of Service) attack. SPAM is a DoS attack. If a DoS attack is illegal (YMMV), wouldn't that also make SPAM illegal. Food for thought.
  15. If it is fair (and considered playable) for a character to have below standard STR (or any other stat), then INT should be treated equally. Implications for INT could be caused by: 1) cultural or rank based dietary restrictions, whether as an adult or a growing child (lead in sweets or paint, lead goblets [cf: Roman Empire], Mrs Ploppy's sausages, alcoholic, the gas at Delphi) 2) disease that directly affects brain or cranial development (plenty to choose from, in addition to many types of general infection that indirectly affect the brain, as well as some parasites) 3) failed to perform any mental exercises, either from laziness, religious observation, tribal superstition, social convention and peer pressure, and so on (also sports, boxing) 4) hit by a bus, dropped as a baby 5) deep psychological impairment, psychosis, mental stress and breakdown Given that the core "playable nature" of characters is often based on their ability to reason and make choice as a mental conduit for the player (even when role-playing the fool or village idiot) then it almost makes sense to have a minimum INT for player characters (playing a paraplegic has greater potential than playing someone who is brain-dead [unless playing a psychic or POW-based game). Even so, any degree of disability would (in general) be equally debilitating when comparing stats. If I do use 2d6+6 for INT, the underlying reason differs in that it isn't for a smarter species average.
  16. dragonewt


    Here is the most recent incarnation of the Action! rules that I know of; combined with the OGL Anime SRD, and a few extras: Open Anime (stand-alone) Open Core Role Playing System Classic (stand-alone) Beyond Mortal Men (requires Action! core rules) The Mecha oriented work is MechASsemble SRD (v3). The download does not seem to exist anymore. Now to restore the balance and post BRP links on the Action! web site...
  17. Or Trolkin... - "I used to be a Yelmalion adventurer like you, then I took a spear in the knee" Hi Rurik.
  18. dragonewt


    I always wondered how well an Action! System conversion of CoC would fare from a marketing perspective. How would one order the words of the game title? That might be a FATAL combination.
  19. Obligatory reference: The Dead Body That Claims It Isn't: I'm not dead. The Dead Collector: 'Ere, he says he's not dead. Large Man with Dead Body: Yes he is. The Dead Body That Claims It Isn't: I'm not. The Dead Collector: He isn't. Large Man with Dead Body: Well, he will be soon, he's very ill. The Dead Body That Claims It Isn't: I'm getting better.
  20. How about using RQ2 Telmori (both the normal and cursed Hsunchen). See "Lycanthrope" in BaSIC Bestiary found here, or see "Werewolf" in the original RQ2 book. Telmori's Forest Glorantha Wiki - Telmori Cult of Telmor BTW: Here are some excellent covers for Skyrim.
  21. How much damage is done by an arrow to the knee?
  22. Please don't let the site be assimilated into the collective.
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