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Darius West

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Everything posted by Darius West

  1. Well I've never subscribed to that way of thinking. Art imitates life imo. In any case, demoralize works on animals in the rules last time I checked, only befuddle doesn't.
  2. Actually while that is how the saying goes, records will demonstrate that the defeated are just as likely to write history as the victors, presuming they are still alive. As to breaking the Compromise, it constitutes a police action imo. As to what counts as a god, well, the gods only know, but it likely has to do with amassing a certain quantity of runes, but especially the infinity rune, as that is what links gods in to the infinite POW they enjoy (at a guess).
  3. The Inhuman King is the only dragonewt who is not functionally sexless, and it lays literally all the eggs as if it were some sort of hive queen. The IK should definitely be an IQ.
  4. Any Aldryami can become a fire elf when doused with the correct accelerant. They also become initiates of Brother Dog, as they all go "woof".
  5. I would have dumped this in Ralios myself. Reworked the names to fit.
  6. Trust me, Demoralize is about fear and few things are more easily spooked than a horse. Their answer to life's problems is to run away from them.
  7. Well isn't that just BLOODY TYPICAL ! ! ! 🤬😉😆
  8. You just realized that a financial institution gave a credit card to a parrot with a Facebook profile huh Bill? 🤭
  9. This matter is somewhat up for grabs. The fact is, many of the numbers that are used are based on urban populations not the agricultural carrying capacity of the land. People lived in rural areas, which were often pretty densely populated, as rural households liked to have plenty of children to work the fields for free. Remember also that Pendragon also represents a multi generational period of enormous prosperity for ordinary folk whose populations grow large until the whole Grail problem destroys the fertility of the land. This is mirrored by the fact that Arthur and Guinevere are childless. In terms of logistics, also remember that the Khanate was able to put enormous numbers in the field by way of provisioning them by a moving herd that was basically a larder of meat on the hoof. Recon considers places for the herd to feed and water as it rampages while also considering the disposition of the enemy. In Britain, with its long coast and many waterways, boats become an obvious way to provision and perhaps even move armies.
  10. The King can still have you exiled or killed. You are there on the Tribe and Clan's sufferance. You'd better show some loyalty and good will, doubly so if you are an outsider, as you will be the first suspect if there is any sabotage or subterfuge. If you are an outsider with power, or even an insider with power, you will always have rivals who will plot to displace you. The greater the loyalty you display the greater the freedom you will likely reap in the longer term. Trust is always earned.
  11. The Lhankor Mhy detect spells can be quite specific. Why learn detect book when you can learn detect parchment or detect ink, and why learn either of them when you can learn detect script. As for Detect Silver and Detect Gold, they can act as a good way of finding people who don't know your their enemy yet, as the silver or gold that moves is likely being carried. Sorry, unintelligent beasts can't be befuddled last time I checked. Oh, as to the One Ring, our Trickster ate it. Swallow! Is it destroyed? *shrug*
  12. Given that Brother Dog and Foundchild are worshipped in both Prax and Balazar, and I don't think they are proper hsunchen. I would suggest that Waha may have even been raised in Balazar by Helpwoman, while a little godling refugee from the chaos wars raging over the Rockwoods in Generts Lands. If the Balazarings are hsunchen, they would probably be Dog hsunchen, but dogs are domesticated, not wild, so they have no shapeshifting powers. Ever hear of a chicken or sheep hsunchen? I don't think so. Domesticated animals lose the power to make humans want to be them, and instead become objectified creatures that human magic manipulates. The fact that the Balazarings name themselves after local animals is likely due to the clan shamans forming some sort of pact with local spirit animals. This is not the same as being Hsunchen, but means that the clan and the animal type won't attack each other and may help each other on occasion, much as it is when Sartarite clans call themselves things like "blue fox", or "muledeer". That's my take on the matter, anyhow. YGWV.
  13. My first character is Barry Leslie McKnockater an Australian Male psychiatric nurse from Queensland whose parents both became abusive alcoholics after returning from Desert Storm. He and his siblings were not so much raised as dragged up, just so they could be kicked down again. Both of Barry's older siblings eventually fled the coop, and Barry being the youngest was only saved by his teenage growth spurt. It was a growth spurt that kept on giving, and Barry made the most of it by pumping iron like his life depended on it, because it did. Barry could soon pass for someone many years his senior and looked utterly out of place in the tech school he attended. Barry took up shearing for a while, illegally due to being underage, and eventually when his parents tried to beat him, he was easily able to wrestle them to submission and then he reasoned with them, eventually convincing them to go into rehab. Barry was a regular visitor to the rehab center, and began helping the staff. Given he could easily wrestle an obstreperous sheep, or anyone else for that matter, problem patients proved no problem for Barry in his volunteer role. The director of the rehab center took a liking to Barry for his work ethic and his unpretentious and compassionate manner, and pulled some strings to find him a nursing scholarship so they could get him on staff. Barry had some trouble with the more academic side of his studies but people intervened to coach him over his difficulties while he was volunteering for nightshift. Eventually he was poached by a London hiring firm, and has been living in London for a year now. Barry is what the Cockneys call a "Unit". Despite being a huge and brutal looking fellow, he is very humane and personable, and has a strange serene look to him. Barry is largely unflappable, and is very practical in a crisis. He is also extremely decent and compassionate. He is also very clean living. Barry is not scared of having a drink, but avoids drinking to excess, as he doesn't want to go down the same path as his parents. He is only 23 years old but looks about 37. Advantages: Steadfast (His home life was so awful that most situations just don't register as a problem), Natural Toughness (same goes for beatings).
  14. At a guess I think "Gor" relates to the Dark Earth rune and chthonic worship that incorporates human sacrifice. The mysteries of blooding the soil as a source of fertility. "How come the only girls who make passes at me all turn out to be serial killers?" - Oshkosh the Odorous.
  15. Actually he is as Greg made him, and the same goes for the other deities. Barthes is dead to me.
  16. Both claim the Middle Air. Also Rufelza is a chaos deity.
  17. I think this is a great idea. I once had players who rolled identical stats in RQ so we had them become identical twins. It was fun.
  18. I hope it is updated to include all the new things we know now. Glorantha has changed a lot.
  19. I seem to recall that the writers of Trollpak reached a similar conclusion as we did. The writers of Broos and Tusk Riders, not so much. Except that the RQG rules specifically tell us that CHA is not about attractiveness, so there in fact is no Attractiveness stat. According to the present rules Hon-Eel the Artess can only have a strong will and ability to lead. She may well have a face like a robber's dog according to RQG. As to beauty being an individual choice, nothing in Anthropology bears this out. Beauty standards are remarkably consistent across cultures, with the notable exception that the Middle Easterners used to be "chubby chasers" prior to 1900. And before anyone says anything, please remember that Kink Shaming is my kink.
  20. That depends largely on your definition of "better".
  21. As it is soon after release, now is the time for new players to tell us who their first characters are. This is always interesting as a survey of how people are choosing to play the game and may give other people ideas for NPCs or spins on characters that they might want to play. I will put in my own character after a few other people have done theirs.
  22. Presently the only criticisim I have of the Rivers of London RPG is that it is clearly built for people starting the hobby, and from reading "between the lines" in the magic system I can tell that it was originally a lot more complex and was toned down and simplified. Some of us like complexity however, and are not new to RPGs, and would love the opportunity to tinker with Newtonian magic using the Rivers of London as a setting. Is this in the offing guv?
  23. 1. The fall of Pavis (either for the Pavis survivors or the Praxians under Jaldon, perhaps even for Trolls?) 2. Arkat's Campaign. (Or at least one portion of it, before Arkat jettisons them for a new fighting force) 3. The last years of Tarsh (Can the player characters change history?) 4. Balazar goes into the Elder Wilds. (A Yelmalio campaign) 5. The Rise of Carmania
  24. This is a fair question. Frankly there is this hang over from D&D that Charisma is somehow attractiveness when in fact it is a measure of leadership and strength of personality. This makes charisma sound more like a Willpower stat. RQG Page 52 goes on to say that it should not be mistaken for mere attractiveness. Now, to be fair, perhaps we need to create a derived attractiveness stat? I would suggest that we divide each of CON (healthiness is a fundamental of attractiveness, if you aren't healthy you are not at your best, and wan looking droopy sorts are not in fashion during the Hero Wars), DEX (human beauty standards across all cultures tend to favor the gracile look which is indicated by high dexterity), and finally CHA (personal magnetism matters). Divide each by 3, rounding up each fraction, and add them together, then halve if you aren't human or at least human-like in facial appearance. Arguably there is no reason why a tusk rider or troll might have less leadership and strength of personality than a human. The fact that their charisma is low is purely a result of bad writing imo as it reflects only that they're ugly, which is exactly what the rules say should not be the case for assigning CHA.
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