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Everything posted by Akhôrahil

  1. I would say so. He fits unusually well as one of the gods judged to be of the Truth in Carmania. When the Carmanians called on their gods in their Dark aspects at Four Arrows of Light, Humakt was one of them. Guide: "The most popular cults are those of Turos and Oria, Charmain, Bisos and Esus, Oronin, and the City Gods of Pelanda. Other deities include Yelm, Humakt, Orlanth, Urox, and the Red Goddess." Sourcebook (4AoL): "At last Humakt fought Yanafal, but they fought each other to a standstill, even though Yanafal was aided by his devoted warriors and Humakt was not." So maybe Humakt has become less popular since, but he still seems highly fitting. Perhaps especially with the conservatives?
  2. Magical is better than mundane.
  3. I did translation work for IBM; I definitely reacted to the phrase "some FRP:s are CRP:s" (Field Replaceable Parts; Customer Replaceable Parts). They not only used a lot of acronyms - some were even IBM-unique. I remember translating something and suddenly realizing "oh, they mean RAID, they just don't call it that". The military is just the worst, though. Just consider CINCLANTFLT.
  4. Yes, definitely hundreds of years. "In My Game".
  5. I don't think that's right. This Sun Dome Temple was lost to an alliance of trolls and Orlanthi, possibly in 1302 by a map in the Sourcebook. Guide: "Billiz: The inhabitants of these foothills below Soren Mountain are traditionalist Orlanthi who defend their sheep herds against a local tribe of Telmori and from trolls who raid from their dark queendom beyond the Rockwoods. There is an extinguished Sun Dome Temple in these hills, a casualty of an alliance between the Halikiv trolls and Orlanthi rebels."
  6. In earlier publications, you could have Elmal as the main men's cult in a clan (rarer by far, but still there). You can see this as late as in Red Cow, where one of the neighbouring clans is an Elmal clan. It would still have Ernalda/Esrola, and I believe Barntar can be worshiped as a subcult of Ernalda as well?
  7. You know you’re unpopular if your own Humakti bodyguard betray and murder you.
  8. Putting the “lay” into “lay member”?
  9. I think this is key, though. Yinkin worshipers combine independence with intense sociability.
  10. Just for last session, I made some modfications to the Taboos table for an newly hatched Orlanthi Daka Fal shaman, replacing some that I didn't feel fitted. It was things like "Never speak to or help Humakti in any way", "Always fight against Undead", and so on.
  11. "That horse had it coming."
  12. Nono - while 18 is nice in its way (and critical if you're looking for Priest or God-Talker - probably the most important part), for the long term otherwise, you want to maximize POW gain. 13 is a good spot for that.
  13. You can at least kite it to the right place and then KO it? 🙂
  14. Andrea: Unhappy is the land that breeds no hero. Galileo: No, Andrea: Unhappy is the land that needs a hero. —Bertolt Brecht, Life of Galileo
  15. Moana (most Gloranthan movie ever - it even has its own Closing!) Bahubaali (I can virtually never stand Bollywood, but I could live with the dancing here) The Spine of Night (vastly underrated) For tv, I enjoyed Barbarians (the Arminius one from Germany)
  16. I agree with this. CHA as a limit makes sense; having an easy workaround for it doesn’t.
  17. Variant solution: create a stealth rune spell for Yinkin (the fit should be obvious), then have Yinkin provide it to Odayla as associated cult. This avoids the conceptual issues with Dark Walk. Or just decide that you want to go with the function. It doesn’t seem like there was one original Shield, Divination, Heal Wound or Extension spell that was passed around the gods - it’s just effects that can be achieved by multiple cults. The same might be decided for Dark Walk - sure, trolls have a way to hide in shadows and darkness, but you know what, so do cats. It’s not like Yelmalio got Catseye from Yinkin or vice versa - it’s just a “see in the dark” spell, achieved in different ways. Dark Walk could potentially just be regarded as a “hide in the dark” spell, regardless of origin.
  18. My interpretation is that a lot of ”worship” goes on at holy sites out in the wilds. The hunters know about them, and you’re expected to help maintain them. They don’t rise even to the level of shrines, and a lot of the Worship is individual.
  19. My reading is that Odaylans are the, as HW would have it, "deep hunters", as well as antisocial individuals. A hunter worshiping Orlanth probably goes home to the hearth every day (or every other day at worst). The Odaylan might be out all season, returning with fur and meat only occasionally. This allows them to strike out much further, but also distances them from society (which is probably a feature and not a bug as far as most Odaylans are concerned). North American fur trappers and mountain men might be a good comparison.
  20. Is it just me, or does this seem like a much stronger and far more interesting way to keep track of your character's spiritual obligations than the "10 % of time and money" system? It's begging for a rules implementation!
  21. I’m thinking shadows or darkness, not changing colours. 🙂 Dark Walk would be good as far as the effects go, but not the lore and origins.
  22. My players have noticed that the Yinkin cult goes very easy on you. 🙂
  23. Although I do think a stealth spell would make a ton of sense for Yinkin.
  24. Hunter-Prey Link would be a good one too, and is a perfect mythical fit.
  25. I don’t think it’s wrong for any elemental diety to have an Elemental spell for that element. Dark Walk should work balance-wise - it’s a great spell, but Odayla isn’t exactly overpowered - but doesn’t have an obvious myth to explain it.
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