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Richard S.

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Everything posted by Richard S.

  1. I think that's stretching things a bit too far. It's a game that allows you to create characters and roleplay their interactions with the world around them, from seducing the local barmaid to gambling with the count to slaying the dragon. It's certainly a different type of roleplaying game than what RQG tries to be, but it certainly deserves the title. Question: how many people on here even have experience outside of B/AD&D? Considering the majority of posters seem to be RQ grognards of a sort I'm curious as to how many of you actually realize how far D&D has come from its wargaming roots.
  2. *Real world physics Which, as has been said several times, don't apply to published Glorantha. Your GMV though.
  3. Eh, I would say it's less because GG & co didn't know how to design games, and more that they were trying to convert a wargame into something entirely different. Also it was the first ever RPG so I think they should be cut some slack.
  4. Made this as there was some discussion about it in another thread that was kinda going off-topic. So here, now there's somewhere to discuss differences and advantages/disadvantages to each without derailing other threads.
  5. Rune magic has always been primarily the domain of priests, lords have been optional for cults from RQ3 onwards (and some cults even had lords with no priests), and it's only with this edition that they can even compete with the priests magically.
  6. Ay, thanks! I've been looking for one of these.
  7. I get that, I was just commenting that there are groups who will sometimes pull stuff like an all-chaos campaign, or have a secret chaos cultist in the party, or something. It's just like how D&D players have always wanted to play monsters, only it's far easier to do with RQ. Edit: I'm not encouraging playing a completely messed-up cult like Thed, just saying that sometimes it can be interesting to explore some of the Glorantha's dark side of your group is okay with it.
  8. Alright, exceptions will be noted in the cults themselves, that's good. And I see you've never run into some of the crazy groups that I have.
  9. Will that be clarified in the GoG or a later book? It's not a huge problem, but it could confuse some people, with the core book saying it as if it applies to all cults.
  10. Ooh, I'm excited, Modiphius has done a good job with their current licenses.
  11. I think enough pressure may be able to break shields but I'm not sure. If not option b would probably be more likely unless the giant was moving really slowly which would just give the warrior time to run away.
  12. Could be a special form of slow pellet gun (I think that's what they called the projectiles in the book). Shields are calibrated to stop anything moving above a certain speed, which makes traditional firearms useless, but offers no protection against slower strikes and lasguns (which have the unfortunate side-effect of causing a nuclear explosion on contact with a shield).
  13. I think increasing PC CHA would be best. You still need to be strong-willed to be a good war leader, so I don't think removing the RL's CHA requirement would work all too well.
  14. The RQG Bestiary has a few sea creatures along with Triolini and Blue Elves
  15. His point was that at the time of writing, Tolkien wasn't making a generic fantasy book.
  16. Well, July's at its end now... Any more news?
  17. Well Jason just said a few posts ago that there's going to be a single core book so that's not an option. I don't see any way around the "fantasy Earth" name.
  18. Are we going to be getting free downloadable reference sheets like RQ2 had? Those were infinitely useful in my campaign.
  19. While there hasn't been much effort to make official TTRPGs out of video games, the homebrew scene has a thriving video game adaptation crowd who've made some excellent material (UESRPG is my personal favorite). Though, with the new Witcher TTRPG getting some press, maybe some other companies will try and do something like it if it's successful. I could definitely see BRP being used for something like Warcraft, Starcraft, or the Elder Scrolls series (heck BRP's what they ES games were based on to begin with).
  20. Personally, I feel a big part of Dune was its treatment of religion and philosophy, and how important those elements were to basically everyone, whether they believe in something or not. The characters and originations were also very unique and distinctive too IMO, as well as how well Herbert made everything fit together so it felt like a believable galaxy rather than a hodgepodge of conflicting ideas.
  21. Oh, oops, I meant Frank Herbert. I'll edit that real quick.
  22. It died basically as soon as it started because WotC bought the company and then Hasbro told them to stop making licensed properties so it was scrapped after the initial print run. I've seen it and the game actually seems pretty good though, as well as being true to most of Frank Herbert's ideas. It didn't die because of unpopularity though.
  23. I don't care that we didn't get illustrations for a lot of creatures, I'm just happy because THE DRAGONEWTS AND DWARVES LOOK AMAZING, THANK YOU CHAOSIUM FOR ANSWERING MY PRAYERS (even if there still aren't rules or at least suggestions for playing even outlaw dragonewts, ah well).
  24. You fool, that's the exact mystic explanation
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