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Richard S.

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Everything posted by Richard S.

  1. Technically it was actually the literal God of middle earth (Eru Illuvatar caused Gollum to trip) and not luck but Frodo still accomplished his purpose of getting the ring to the mountain.
  2. As far as I know the dragon's aren't held by the compromise at all, and are much of the time the best representation we have of gods walking the mortal world.
  3. We actually had a joke rule that if you rolled a 69 ( on the attack against a male opponent they were incapacitated for the rest of the turn.
  4. I've always heard it was either dragonnewts or dragonnewts and blue moon assassins working together.
  5. Wait that's what they were for? Never knew that, neat.
  6. Okay. That must've been added in 3 cuz I don't see it in the spell description in 2. My bad, carry on.
  7. Going from the RQ2 rules at least (never had or read RQ3) you do have to be able to see the focus to cast the spell without an SR penalty, and other people can use it considering all it is is a little symbol that helps focus your mind,you butu're right on everything else. It's matrixes that have spells implanted in them, but those don't have limits on who can use them or where they can be either.
  8. Are you taking about spell foci? The only benefit they gave was that if you didn't have one on hand for the spell you were casting it took an extra 5 SR to cast.
  9. Well I'm sorry but there's not much anyone can do about that and complaining about it definitely ain't gonna change the facts.
  10. The quickstart is designed to introduce people into the game via the introductory adventure and premade adventurers, not to be a complete ruleset, and is in fact perfectly usable for what it was intended for, which is playing the adventure within. The release date has been kept vague on purpose as they actually don't know exactly when they'll be ready to release it. Last year they said it would be released first by Gen Con and then by Christmas, both of which never happened and caused a lot of upset, a situation Chaosium wants to avoid so they aren't telling us exactly when it will release.
  11. Well there was the whole Yelmalio/Elmal controversy.
  12. Judging from some of the terminology I'd assume it's only for D&D stuff but I actually think some of this could be fun in RQ.
  13. If you're looking for more battle magic I'd suggest checking out the cult compendium. It has cult write-ups for all those cults you just mentioned.
  14. Maybe they were just added on to by the EWF?
  15. Richard S.

    Other Runes

    Maybe you could provide pictures as I don't have that don't installed so can't see the runes. I'd assume they're probably HW or HQ1 runes.
  16. Nah. I believe @Jeff said in another thread that rune direction doesn't matter.
  17. Quick question: how often and how soon will we be getting some of the early access art and stuff?
  18. Ah, okay. I was going by what I've heard and my own assumptions. Thanks for clearing that up.
  19. I doubt RQ really gave other games, or at least D&D, "a run for their money", though it was definitely popular for a short time. I wasn't even alive at that time but I'd hazard a guess that RQ was probably successful due to its novelty (a focus on skills and a d100-based core system mainly) and the fact that there were so few rpgs on the market at the time compared to today's bloat. Nowadays RQ has faded into obscurity somewhat, surpassed by its little brother CoC and with the fantasy RPG market filled to the brim with far more streamlined and probably objectively better systems. Not saying that RQ isn't a solid game, but the mechanics that Chaosium is hearkening back to in RQG are quite frankly a bit outdated in my opinion, doing away with several of what I see as improvements made by Mongoose and TDM. Apologies to the RQ elitists out there.
  20. 2, It's the only version I own. And there weren't that many cult options available to us anyways because we only had the core book.
  21. None of my players ever joined cults except for my brother. They did come up with something called the BoB though, the Bank of Boldhome, which for some reason had a branch in every single town in Sartar.
  22. I hope prices are more reasonable in RQG. Now don't get me wrong, I love RQ2, but when it gets to a point where my character literally cannot carry all of his money needed to buy just a few 5% increases and a spell and still walk properly, we got a problem. And then there was the time when we sold my dragonnewt character's skin for a grand total of enough Lunars to learn healing 2.
  23. Well from what I've seen and heard RQG is the baby of RQ2 and RQ3 with HQG as the midwife.
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