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Richard S.

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Everything posted by Richard S.

  1. And this is why my homebrew Glorantha wargame isn't done yet.
  2. So what you're saying is that they only use their left brain? Interesting.
  3. If you were a shaman with a lenient GM I would say you could make a matrix and then have several spirits powering it, enough so that one would have time to recover MP's while the others keep the matrix running. Of course, that would require a butt load of spirits and there are probably more efficient, practical, and broken ways of doing it that I don't know about.
  4. Well Gloranthan bronze isn't actually real bronze anyways, that's just an easy way to identity it.
  5. I would speak on this topic as one of the few younger gamers around here, in favor of plain sheets, but I guess RQ2 was still my first system and that could make me more biased. The new character sheets certainly look nice, will we ever get stuff like this for classic?
  6. Wait, so Mongoose wasn't allowed to release MRQ1 as OGL content?
  7. So, I just suddenly found myself caught up in a game of Heroquest Glorantha and am looking for info on the cult of Yanafal Tarnils for my character, an lunar-supporting Esrolian bodyguard. To be specific, I'm not looking for info on the Seven Mothers subcult, I need information on the cult dedicated solely to Yanafal because I'm pretty sure the Hero Wars writeup of him is outdated. So far what I know is that he's basically a Lunar version of Humakt, though with some focus on the military rather than just being about individual fighters, is followed by most Lunar commanders and infantry, and that he has access to some sorcery.
  8. Um, are you taking about HQ1? HQ2/G got rid of concentrating magic and the common magic rating, though most of your advice is still good.
  9. This new Yelmalio/Elmal relationship contradicts what I understood from S:KoH.
  10. I played a Yelmalian mystic in an extremely short lived HQ game on the Chaosium discord. The cult does work very well for a mystic, what with the focus on light and truth and all that.
  11. I mean, considering that each successive age is less fantastical than the last, and Stafford's comment on how he thinks the 4th age looks (he just pointed out a window apparently), I think it's a safe assumption that the fourth age would start off like our medieval/renaissance period, and eventually stabilize and start to focus more on colonizing and exploring new lands. I could also see the white moon sparking some religion akin to Christianity, probably closer to the protestant variety.
  12. Like I said. From the perspective of the CANON it doesn't follow your ideas, which doesn't say crap about your Glorantha, but if you're saying that this only applies to your interpretation then please stop bringing it up in discussions about a Glorantha that doesn't follow that model, AKA the one presented in the guide. We're talking here about the designers' Glorantha, not yours. Your deviations are fine as long as you stop trying to force them on the rest of us. I'm fine if the mods ban me or something for continuing the argument, I just don't see your point in continuing it too. Now can we please all shut up about this?
  13. We already did In perfect honesty, even if the end results are the same, it has been said multiple times by the creators and owners of the world that the reasons for this are not the same as in our world, at least from the 100% canonical standpoint. Yes, things fall, die, decompose, and all that other stuff, but the reasons as to why are rooted in the gods' deeds during the godtime, not to laws of physics or biology. And really, if this form needs to debate this topic again, can you at least make a separate topic for it and clearly lay it your entire argument there cuz I'm a little confused as to your point now.
  14. Maybe that's because in Glorantha the physical science that we know and use don't exist? YGMV, but if you're going to discuss something here just know that pretty much no one else plays Glorantha like that.
  15. Babeester Gor in Aldryami society is more along the lines of a Gardener than a goddess of vengeance. She protects the forest from invasive species (a la trolls, bugs, and unwanted plants) and trims the overgrown parts to make room for new life.
  16. I think having the man rune just means you're descended from grandfather mortal.
  17. It's not that they don't have runes, it's that they're trying to suppress them so they are no longer tied to the world. However, any interaction with the world encourages the development of runic connections, including the use of magic. Maybe once they achieve transcendence they lose their connection to the runes entirely until their minds descend from Ouroboros to animate the illusory byproduct of their achievement, which is their dragon body. It is these bodies which are tied to the runes, not the true draconic consciousness which dwells beyond the world.
  18. You're the guy who has a dragon magic system for rq3 on your site, right? I really like this idea too, though the reason I went with my approach was partly because there's not a middle space between the rune pairs where I could put right action percentiles. And if the RQ runes do function like Pendragon personality pairs then 50/50 does imply pretty solid control over your emotions.
  19. Well dragon magic isn't quite rune magic. As the entire point is to seperate from reality I would think that the ability to use it an entirely seperate skill. Any imbalance between powers both impairs the ability to cast and increases the risk of devolution, providing even more motivation to act extremely in an attempt to balance. That's an interesting paradox: to become balanced one must be Imbalanced.
  20. Now I know that for posting this I'm probably going to be instantly shot down by people far more educated about Glorantha than me, as that is the nature of this community, but considering barely anyone seems willing to try and write anything about Dragonewts I figured my theory was worth a shot. So in the new RQ, we have a power rune tree similar to the personality pairs of Pendragon, correct? And if I'm remembering the Quickstart correctly, invoking a rune entails a potential bonus to it, correct? So, my theory is, based on the new RQ rules and a few articles on Dragonewts from the old Issaries site, that one -note I say one reason, not the only reason - of the reasons they behave so erratic and strangely is because every time one of their power runes is used and increases they are obligated by their religion to do everything in their power to rebalance it, to perform Right Action. And because dragonewts without spiritual balance are constantly trying to invoke runes their personality actually tend to be much more extreme than your average human's, resulting in extremely self-contradictory actions and unpredictable behavior patterns.
  21. Q2 of 2018 is when it's coming out as of their latest statement I believe.
  22. I wrote some stuff for dragon magic a while ago, maybe this will help?
  23. Would the Waertagi count? Considering they practice sorcery but have also adopted various water traditions and cults. Or do you mean combined as in combined in one cult/school?
  24. I've seen patterns like this between the ages and used it to develop my ideas for the fourth age, making it a mirror if the second age like the third one is a mirror of the first.
  25. I think what @Ufnal is trying to say is that in world there is a distinct difference between having a spirit bound in a charm who you must keep appeased if you want to use their powers, and having your soul attuned to your god giving you power directly from them, rather than through a lesser entity. Regardless of how similar or not game mechanics are, the two types of magic are most likely going to feel at least slightly different in-world.
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